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No need to despair, usually hepatoma does not set in so early. It is

likely that his cirrhosis has been progressing and he need to take

treatment for it. If there is a mass, it first needs to be biopsied to

come to any conclusion regarding therapy and outcome.

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No need to despair, usually hepatoma does not set in so early. It is

likely that his cirrhosis has been progressing and he need to take

treatment for it. If there is a mass, it first needs to be biopsied to

come to any conclusion regarding therapy and outcome.

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  • 5 years later...
Guest guest

Hi Miri,

>>>I have non-systemic candida and have been on the diet about 2

months.> I started cycling about 1 month ago but started adding

things back> into my diet too soon. The result is that I feel fit

and healthy but there's no improvement with the candida. I plan on

going on a strict diet next week but how do I know when I can start

adding foods back in? The only sign of candida that I have is a white

tongue and if I don't take care how I eat then gas and bloating.

==>Did you also take antifungals and probiotics? How long have you

had candida? Did you do the diet I recommend, or some other one?

That may be an important difference.

>When it's time to add foods back in is it okay to start with these

foods-green apples,> grapefruit, carrots and beet kvass? I also plan

on starting with > bowel cleansing. How long do I do that for? Till

I'm completely > healed?

==>I do not recommend bowel cleansing. Coffee, antifungal and

probiotic enemas are much better - see the " Enema " Folder in our

Files. Before adding any foods you should be free of all symptoms

for at least 6 weeks. When you add foods back in do them one at a

time in small amounts, i.e. 1/2 grapefruit, for 5 days in a row to

see how you do on it before introducing others. Then gradually add

each one in the same manner. The foods you want to add are okay,

providing you do okay when you add them. As soon as you get

symptoms, stop them and stay and the diet longer, then try again. In

any case, not even healthy people should eat more than one fruit in a

day, and definitely not without " good " fats such as butter, coconut

oil, high butterfat cream, etc. You be better off introducing higher

carb veggies first, before adding fruits, or even safe grains, i.e.

properly soaked buckwheat, quinoa or brown rice, or even nuts (soaked

of course).

> Also I believe my 14 year old son also has non-systemic candida. I

> need ideas to know what he can take to eat at school. And once a

> week he has 3 hours of gymnastics. I need to think of food that

will > strengthen him and give him quick energy. I was giving him

fruit > smoothies. Will he also have to go through bowel cleansing?

==> " Good " fats provide the best most efficient energy source for the

body, along with proteins, esp. good animal meats, low carbs and no

processed foods. The body needs priming for increasing " good fats "

such as butter, coconut oil, etc., esp. coconut oil because it also

is antifungal and will cause " die-off " symptoms if too much is

introduced; start with 1 teaspoon 3 times a day and gradually

increase it to 5 tablespoons per day.

==>Your son should start with a good breakfast that contains good

fats and proteins, with low carbs (any foods that are not protein or

fat), i.e. free-range certified organic eggs and bacon (free of

nitrates or additives, available at health stores), along with

coconut oil. If he's on the run he can have a raw egg drink made

with coconut oil, boiling water, cinnamon and sweetened with Stevia -

see Recipe Files. I have at 6-8 raw eggs in this drink per day -

it's so healthful and delicious!

==>Fruit smoothies do not provide energy, and the fruits feed

candida. Some people with candida do okay on raw unpasteurized

dairy, with high butterfat content (the higher the butterfat, the

easier it is to digest and the lower the lactose, or sugar content).

The best forms of dairy to have, if he is okay on it, are homemade

yogurt and kefir - see our Files for more information - but it must

be fermented long enough to remove most of the lactose. Dairy is

also a great source of protein and other necessary fats and oil

soluble vitamins necessary for protein and fat digestions.

==>At school he should have some animal meat protein (or lots of raw

unpasteurized dairy if he can have it), coconut oil, and low carb

veggies; no grains, no starches, no sugars, no processed foods, etc.

==>It is very important to eliminate all soy products, grains,

sugars, fruits, and " bad " oils (all vegetable oils except extra

virgin olive oil).


> I also read in one of your articles that kefir will help to get rid

> of H Pylori. I suspect that I have that. I have been making my own

> kefir and eat it when it's very sour and fizzy. Would that be

enough > to kill it off completely. I also have a lot of other sour

drinks > such as molkosan, lemon juice, rejuvelac etc. Would that

also help > against H Pylori?

==>Do ferment kefir long enough to remove as much lactose as

possible, and if possible use raw unpasteurized milk to make it. I'm

not familiar with molkosan, but lemon juice and rejuvelac are good,

but they may not be enough to get rid of h. pylori. I recommend

lemon juice and ocean sea salt in water (juice of 1/2 lemon & 1/4

tsp. sea salt in 6 ounces of water), 6 times a day, three of them

with meals, to increase stomach acid. You may not do as well on some

rejuvelacs, depending upon the source, but cabbage rejuvelac is the

best and safest for candida, which plants good probiotics in the

stomach and gut. Protein also increases stomach acid, which should be

eaten at every meal. Good fats also improve digestion, and are used

by the liver to make bile for digestion.

==>Some people need to take extra digestive enzymes, i.e. Betaine HCl

with pepsin to have enough stomach acid to kill of the h. pylori.

See the Digestion Folder in our files for how to test your stomach


==>I had h. pylori many times, and the last time I took a combination

of herbs to kill it off, but I do not know which ones they were

because they came from my naturopaths office. But garlic also kills

h. pylori - raw crushed certified organic - take 1 clove with each


> I haven't had any success with doctors so I do appreciate your

> feedback.

==>You are welcome. But do read my article through carefully and

tweak you and your son's diet accordingly. Even healthy people

shouldn't eat certain things, and must include enough protein and

good fats in their diet to stay healthy and fit. It will set you and

your son up for life!

The best in health,


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Bee, I recieve my emails directly into my mailbox. How do I access your files??

Also, how does one know if they have systemic yeast or nonsystemic yeast?

Thanks so much,

Rose Marie

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  • 1 year later...

Your daughter's experience sounds like mine. 's pauci jra started in

one knee (at 17 mos). Naprosyn didn't get the inflammation down. She had a

joint injection which worked wonders for a yea!. The inflammation returned in

other joints also. We moved to methotrexate, which took about six weeks to

start working, but she ultimately ended up in a remission which has been

ongoing for a few years now! has been very fortunate with her arthritis.

However, while her arthritis has resolved for now, she's had huge problems

with iritis.

Please feel free to email me.

Diane (, 7, pauci in remission, iritis)

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Hi ,

Welcome to the group. I am sorry to hear that Sara is having the

knee problems and that you are having to look at different options.

Others here have experience with joint injections so hopefully they

will chime in.

My daughter took prednisone for a couple of months on two different

occasions. It worked wonders at making her feel better but it also

came with plenty of side effects, (at least for her). She had

insomnia, and terrible mood swings while on it...Kind of a bummer to

have her feel great physically but to be an emotional wreck.

Steroids are usually just used as a temporiary measure until other

medications are given time to work.

My guess is if they simply add the oral steroids they would also

need to add something different than the naproxyn or you will just

end up in the same boat once they taper the pred.

Joint injections on the other hand may give her longer lasting

results and could be quite beneficial since she has swelling and its

contained to just her right knee.

How old is your daughter?

Wish I could be more helpful with information, but you have come to

a good place and I am sure that others will share their

experiences. Another option would be to search the archives of this

list and type in joint injection. You might find some useful

threads to read thru.


(Aundrea 11 systemic jra/gerd)


> Hi. My name is and I am new to this listing. My


> Sara, was diagnosed with Pauciarticular JRA in July of 2004.


> that time we have had her on Naprosin and now that is beginning to

> not work. We see Dr. Lawrence Jung in Omaha, NE. Thankfully the

> arthritis affects only her right knee and although it is swollen


> does not complain of much pain.


> During our appointment today, Dr Jung has basically said he feels

> the naprosin is not doing a good enough of job and wee need to


> at other options. He talked about oral steroids and steroids

> injected right into the affected joint.


> So I'm looking for other's experiences in the choices they have


> for their child's care. I am really feeling like I have no good

> options and the whole disease makes me feel helpless. I am trying


> remain positive as I know there are many of your children that are

> much worse off, but am still having a hard time dealing with all


> the worry and emotions that go with having a child with this



> Thank God for the internet so I have the opportunity to " meet "

> others sharing the same experiences.


> Thanks in advance for your all your help and information.


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Hi ,

You will probably get lots of advice about steroids-they have a place but they

have many side effects. Out of the two options I would go for the steroid

injection directly into the joint. It is a quick procedure and depending on the

age of your child, ability to handle needles etc, it can be done in office with

no sedation necessary for one joint. Or if sedation is needed it is not a full

general anesthetic but what they call conscious sedation. Does it work? For

many, this puts that affected joint into remission and quiets everything down.

Now, for the oral steroids. They are a bandaid treatment. They are good for

putting out fires but not so good for long term. So, then what are your options?

Well, I would recommend going for the injection. The doctor will probably

recommend you keep your daughter down for about 24 to 48 hours. Then if this

does not effectively keep the swelling away, it is time for a DMARD (disease

modifying anti-rheumatic drug) such as methotrexate. It can be given orally or

by injection once a week. The naprosyn and steroids can help with symptoms but

not stop joint damage (see below)

Hope this helps. And please don't ever feel that you can't post because your

child is not having as many difficulties as others, anytime a child/teen/adult

is faced with this disease is too much. No matter how severe the symptoms it

changes your ideas for your child, you worry as a mom, you mourn and cry and

this is so normal. Please keep posting and asking.

e, mom to joe 19 poly + lupus



" Health care providers may prescribe one or more medicines, including

analgesics, NSAIDs, DMARDs, and/or glucocorticoids for patients with rheumatoid

arthritis (RA). For example, RA treatment often begins with a NSAID to reduce

joint pain and swelling while improving joint function. In addition, use of

glucocorticoids in low-dose oral forms or as local injections are effective for

relieving the symptoms of RA. Because NSAIDs and glucocorticoids may improve

symptoms without protecting against joint damage, the ACR guidelines suggest

that DMARD therapy be considered for all patients with RA.

In addition, treatment with a single DMARD is not always successful; therefore,

the ACR guidelines suggest that some patients may benefit from use of more than

one DMARD. For example, researchers have found that patients with a partial

response to Rheumatrex® (methotrexate) had improvement with the addition of an

anti-TNF agent. The area of combined DMARD use continues to improve how RA is

managed. "

custom_books <custom_books@...> wrote:

Hi. My name is and I am new to this listing. My daughter,

Sara, was diagnosed with Pauciarticular JRA in July of 2004. Since

that time we have had her on Naprosin and now that is beginning to

not work. We see Dr. Lawrence Jung in Omaha, NE. Thankfully the

arthritis affects only her right knee and although it is swollen she

does not complain of much pain.

During our appointment today, Dr Jung has basically said he feels

the naprosin is not doing a good enough of job and wee need to look

at other options. He talked about oral steroids and steroids

injected right into the affected joint.

So I'm looking for other's experiences in the choices they have made

for their child's care. I am really feeling like I have no good

options and the whole disease makes me feel helpless. I am trying to

remain positive as I know there are many of your children that are

much worse off, but am still having a hard time dealing with all of

the worry and emotions that go with having a child with this disease.

Thank God for the internet so I have the opportunity to " meet "

others sharing the same experiences.

Thanks in advance for your all your help and information.


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That's exactly our situation, except it's only been one year, but our daughter

is almost 3 and has had a swollen right knee and pain for 8 months. We didn't

need an injection until 2 months ago. She has pauci- as well. I was on a

rollercoaster too until i found support like this and others who've been there

or still may be. Take courage and hope. Our kids our resilient and wonderful

troopers. Get good care, be informed and try to relax. I know it's very hard,

especially when they are very young. I'd be happy to email you more privately

too. -- (with , 2, pauci-articular JRA in right knee)

Lots of questions

Hi. My name is and I am new to this listing. My daughter,

Sara, was diagnosed with Pauciarticular JRA in July of 2004. Since

that time we have had her on Naprosin and now that is beginning to

not work. We see Dr. Lawrence Jung in Omaha, NE. Thankfully the

arthritis affects only her right knee and although it is swollen she

does not complain of much pain.

During our appointment today, Dr Jung has basically said he feels

the naprosin is not doing a good enough of job and wee need to look

at other options. He talked about oral steroids and steroids

injected right into the affected joint.

So I'm looking for other's experiences in the choices they have made

for their child's care. I am really feeling like I have no good

options and the whole disease makes me feel helpless. I am trying to

remain positive as I know there are many of your children that are

much worse off, but am still having a hard time dealing with all of

the worry and emotions that go with having a child with this disease.

Thank God for the internet so I have the opportunity to " meet "

others sharing the same experiences.

Thanks in advance for your all your help and information.


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--Hi ,

Welcome to the group.

I would suggest staying away from oral steriods if you can possibly

avoid going that route. Oral prednisone is usually just a band-aid,

used in conjuction with a slower acting DMARD. It is used to control

symptoms while the DMARD takes effect. The problem is once you start

on prednisone it can sometimes be very hard to get off of it and it

does have some very nasty side effects.

My son was started on prednisone in Feb 2004 and we just finally got

off of them 2 weeks ago. I hope and pray we never have to use them


I think most pauci's have had wonderful results from injections

directly into the joint, although we have never had any experience

with this so I cannot comment.

again welcome :o)

hugs Helen and (9,systemic)

- In , " custom_books " <custom_books@...>



> Hi. My name is and I am new to this listing. My


> Sara, was diagnosed with Pauciarticular JRA in July of 2004.


> that time we have had her on Naprosin and now that is beginning to

> not work. We see Dr. Lawrence Jung in Omaha, NE. Thankfully the

> arthritis affects only her right knee and although it is swollen


> does not complain of much pain.


> During our appointment today, Dr Jung has basically said he feels

> the naprosin is not doing a good enough of job and wee need to


> at other options. He talked about oral steroids and steroids

> injected right into the affected joint.


> So I'm looking for other's experiences in the choices they have


> for their child's care. I am really feeling like I have no good

> options and the whole disease makes me feel helpless. I am trying


> remain positive as I know there are many of your children that are

> much worse off, but am still having a hard time dealing with all


> the worry and emotions that go with having a child with this



> Thank God for the internet so I have the opportunity to " meet "

> others sharing the same experiences.


> Thanks in advance for your all your help and information.


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Hi .

If at all possible I would recommend the joint injection first. Caroline has

had joint injections twice (on both her knees) and they did WONDERS for her.

It was truly amazing how quickly they worked. Unfortunately for her, her

arthritis spread to numerous joints and we were forced to go to the oral

Prednisone. That was almost three years ago and Caroline is still on 7.5mg daily



I am certainly no expert, but I would suggest trying the injections first.

If they fail then you can try the oral's.

Alia and Caroline, age 4, poly and uveitis

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Welcome, . You have lots of company in this group...my 2

year old daughter Abby was also diagnosed in July of this year with

pauci JRA in her right knee. Her rheumy has been upping the naproxen

every month or two to give her greater relief; it works for a while,

and then she starts to experience stiffness (so stiff at times that

she crawls instead of walks). She is scheduled to have the steroid

injection on the 30th if her symptoms don't improve over the next

few weeks with one last increase in the naproxen (I have my doubts

about the naproxen coming through for us since it hasn't worked thus

far for very long)...our rheumy explained it was better to inject it

directly into the joint affected since she only had one area of

inflammation; this gives the treatment right where it is needed and

also lessens the undesired side effects (like interfering with

growth, etc.). I also found this website very helpful; it makes you

feel less alone to have other moms to lean on and vent with as well

as celebrate with! It can be very frightening to face alone. You

are welcome to email me offline any time you need to talk...

Christie (poly JRA in remission(?) since childhood)

mom to Abby, 2 (active pauci JRA in right knee)


> That's exactly our situation, except it's only been one year, but

our daughter is almost 3 and has had a swollen right knee and pain

for 8 months. We didn't need an injection until 2 months ago. She

has pauci- as well. I was on a rollercoaster too until i found

support like this and others who've been there or still may be. Take

courage and hope. Our kids our resilient and wonderful troopers. Get

good care, be informed and try to relax. I know it's very hard,

especially when they are very young. I'd be happy to email you more

privately too. -- (with , 2, pauci-articular JRA in right



> Lots of questions














> Hi. My name is and I am new to this listing.

My daughter,


> Sara, was diagnosed with Pauciarticular JRA in July of 2004.



> that time we have had her on Naprosin and now that is beginning to


> not work. We see Dr. Lawrence Jung in Omaha, NE. Thankfully the


> arthritis affects only her right knee and although it is swollen



> does not complain of much pain.




> During our appointment today, Dr Jung has basically said he feels


> the naprosin is not doing a good enough of job and wee need to



> at other options. He talked about oral steroids and steroids


> injected right into the affected joint.




> So I'm looking for other's experiences in the choices they have



> for their child's care. I am really feeling like I have no good


> options and the whole disease makes me feel helpless. I am trying



> remain positive as I know there are many of your children that are


> much worse off, but am still having a hard time dealing with all



> the worry and emotions that go with having a child with this





> Thank God for the internet so I have the opportunity to " meet "


> others sharing the same experiences.




> Thanks in advance for your all your help and information.















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  • 2 months later...


> Hello! I have three questions.

> How long do you feel its best to go before adding?

==>Hi . What was your question here? " Before adding " what?

>I've had Candida for about 1 year and I'm 22. I do want to be on the

safe side. I feel like this is something I should stick with my

whole life.

==>It is most likely you have had candida longer than a year; most

people nowadays have had it since conception. You've never been sick

prior to 1 year, i.e. colds, flu, ear infection, stomach aches, etc.?

> But I'm curious as to how easily it can come back. Does it take

months of eating poorly after a year of recovering?

==>You do need to have a good diet with the nutrients your body

requires in order to not have candida return and to maintain your

health throughout life. The key is " nutrients " and avoiding toxins.

It could only take a month of eating poorly for it to return,

depending upon how stressed you are and how many toxins you get in

foods and your environment.

> Also, is a full recovery likely?

==>Yes, I had full recovery.

> And finally, if I cheat like crazy after a month of being

consistent. Has it most likely all grown back?

==>It's not a matter of " it growing back " - it's a matter of getting

your immune system up to normal so it can keep candida in check the

way nature intended it to be. One day of cheating may not cause hugh

problems however.

>My BF broke up with me yesterday and I didn't care what I put in my

body. I feel sick but not terrible. Just a little hung-over like.

==>Since candida puts out mostly alcohol as a toxin it would cause

you to feel hung-over.

> Speaking of hung-over... when is it okay to drink again and what

type of alcohol is best when I do resume social drinking?

==>Alcohol is a toxin so it is not wise to have more than a couple of

drinks at any time. It depresses the immune system, dehydrates the

body and causes a lot of damage. So it depends upon what you mean by

social drinking, i.e. how much?


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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

I have been in the group for a few weeks now and I have some questions. I have a

12 year old son who was diagnosed with aspergers 3 years ago. He was only

diagnosed with ADHD when he was 6 and then when he was 9 it was moved up to


1. Is it true when a child has aspergers they get more sexually intersted then

most kids? My son was suspended from school a few months ago for sexual

harrasment and was told it was because kids with aspergers get more sexually

intersted at a younger age is that true?

2. We have worked and worked with him on his handwritting in and he writes like

my 6 year old. Is there anything else I can try to help him with it?

3. He seems to only care about video games we have put him in sports but he

doesnt want to do any sports we put him in. Is there something else I can try?

4. He does not respect me at all he always talks back and disrespects most

people he is around. For example this last week my kids went with my parents for

the weekend and he kept telling my mom she wrong and argued with her for about

an hour and she told him to stop and he wouldnt.

5. How else can I keep him on track with school work. He tried to hurry through

everything and then when he goes to school the next day he had to correct it

everytime. How can I keep him on track?

6. He is on adderall xr and it seems to do very well he is atually on 40 mgs due

to his size and weight we have tried the other drugs but does anyone know of

another drug that has recently come out they like better?

SOrry for all the questions but I dont know what else to do


Mindy Istas

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Hi Mindy,

I am new to this group too, as a matter fact I just joined today. I have a

similar situation with my son who is 10. He can be very sweet and kind, but I

know how you feel with the disrespect and arguments. He does that very often

with me but not my husband.

He also tends to gravtitate towards sexual interest. He has flashed kids at

school and doesn't realize how seriously wrong it is. He has also recently wet

the bed twice in the last month. We were taking him to wekkly appointments with

a psychologist who works on behavioral therapy. We are starting back on that

again next week. It is no doubt a very long road to get our children to

understand how to partcipate in social situations in an acceptable manner.

He also likes video games, but we limit that to 1 hour per day if he has a good

day at school. We do have him participate in a sport of his choosing. We have to

trade off an hour or two of physical acitvity for his one hour of video games.

Maybe that can be a condition you use as well. By letting him know for each hour

he spends playing video games he must be active. Also having him do the activity

before letting him play.

School work is not a problem. He is very intelligent and finishes very quickly.

We always have him finish homework before and video games. Keeping things

consistent and routine makes things go smoother for us. This could also be a

condition you use. Homework and physical activity before video games. If he

refuses then no video games. Tell him he has to earn them with good behavior.

I know its hard, I get tired and feel like I need a break sometimes too. Hang in



> I have been in the group for a few weeks now and I have some questions. I have

a 12 year old son who was diagnosed with aspergers 3 years ago. He was only

diagnosed with ADHD when he was 6 and then when he was 9 it was moved up to



> 1. Is it true when a child has aspergers they get more sexually intersted then

most kids? My son was suspended from school a few months ago for sexual

harrasment and was told it was because kids with aspergers get more sexually

intersted at a younger age is that true?


> 2. We have worked and worked with him on his handwritting in and he writes

like my 6 year old. Is there anything else I can try to help him with it?


> 3. He seems to only care about video games we have put him in sports but he

doesnt want to do any sports we put him in. Is there something else I can try?


> 4. He does not respect me at all he always talks back and disrespects most

people he is around. For example this last week my kids went with my parents for

the weekend and he kept telling my mom she wrong and argued with her for about

an hour and she told him to stop and he wouldnt.


> 5. How else can I keep him on track with school work. He tried to hurry

through everything and then when he goes to school the next day he had to

correct it everytime. How can I keep him on track?


> 6. He is on adderall xr and it seems to do very well he is atually on 40 mgs

due to his size and weight we have tried the other drugs but does anyone know of

another drug that has recently come out they like better?


> SOrry for all the questions but I dont know what else to do


> Thanks


> Mindy Istas


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Our sons are very similar. My son was dx with ADHD at 5 and over the years OCD, Tourette's, ODD and finally Asperger's were added. He is now 16. When he hit pre-puberty everything went downhill. He started harassing girls verbally and with his sensory issues he became fascinated with the feel and smell of hair and just the smell of girls in general. With his complete lack of social skills he started getting aggressive in his behavior and school became impossible. He was home-schooled, changed schools, we moved, removed from that new school, placed in an alternative school and then in August of 2007 he was placed in a residential treatment facility that specialized in sexual dysmorphic disorders and other sexualized behaviors. At that time he was so depressed he was suicidal. The first placement was a

terrible fit and after a year he was moved to another facility for 16 months. Just after Christmas he was moved to a group home much closer to home with the hopes that he was close to coming home. He has still had issues but he was able to complete everything required and we had hope for his future. Since going to the group home he has been attending public school and he is on the verge of being kicked out. He cannot keep his mouth shut and many girls have complained. He really does not get the fact that he could never be allowed to come home. I am devastated.

He too is obsessed with video games. Nothing else matters to him. He gets limited privileges at his group home and when he has had home visits that's all he will do. He also has terrible hand-writing but he does talk back or disrespect me. I have told him repeatedly that when talking to girls if he wouldn't say the comment to me, then he should never say it to them. It hasn't worked though.

I honestly don't know if the sexualized stuff is related to asperger's or not, just wanted to tell you a bit of story and that you aren't alone.

From: I <mindylynn98@...>Subject: ( ) Lots of questions Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2010, 9:13 AM

I have been in the group for a few weeks now and I have some questions. I have a 12 year old son who was diagnosed with aspergers 3 years ago. He was only diagnosed with ADHD when he was 6 and then when he was 9 it was moved up to aspergers. 1. Is it true when a child has aspergers they get more sexually intersted then most kids? My son was suspended from school a few months ago for sexual harrasment and was told it was because kids with aspergers get more sexually intersted at a younger age is that true?2. We have worked and worked with him on his handwritting in and he writes like my 6 year old. Is there anything else I can try to help him with it?3. He seems to only care about video games we have put him in sports but he doesnt want to do any sports we put him in. Is there something else I can try?4. He does not respect me at all he always talks back and disrespects most people he is around. For example this last

week my kids went with my parents for the weekend and he kept telling my mom she wrong and argued with her for about an hour and she told him to stop and he wouldnt. 5. How else can I keep him on track with school work. He tried to hurry through everything and then when he goes to school the next day he had to correct it everytime. How can I keep him on track?6. He is on adderall xr and it seems to do very well he is atually on 40 mgs due to his size and weight we have tried the other drugs but does anyone know of another drug that has recently come out they like better?SOrry for all the questions but I dont know what else to doThanksMindy Istas

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Hi Mindy,

My son is turning 14 on Friday and has been diagnosed Aspie with ADD

since he was 9. I think I can answer some of your very interesting

questions for you.

1. I don't know if it is true or not about the sex interest. I can

tell you that it goes back to boundaries, My son has to be reminded

" Hands to yourself " or " How would you feel if someone did that to

you " . He used to be quite bad about touching girls because he thought

it was ok just to hug one when he wanted to show that he liked him.

You can already imagine how that went over at school. He has gotten

better about this as he has gotten older, but he can still be lead

down that wrong path if a suggestions is made to him by someone he

thinks is trying to be his " friend "

2. Handwriting. His handwriting was better when he was 6 then now.

His printing is not good so I need to remind him to write in cursive.

Maybe that might work for you.

3. I just take my son and go do stuff. He is into video games also,

but does love to draw, watch movies, legos, Star Wars. I put up with

" I don't want to go " , but once we get there he enjoys himself. I know

it is a pain in the butt to keep trying new things, but you may

strike an interest in him that he did not know he had.

4. Welcome to Aspie land. We go to a behavior specialist. This works

with him. It reminds him to work on the social things and it reminds

me that I need to be a parent whether he is Aspie or not. That means

time outs, consequences for his actions and such. The incidents have

gotten less and he realizes that when I say no, I mean it.

5. You don't say if you have help for him at school. Once you have

the diagnose, your school district MUST provide the help that your

son needs. Mine is the same way. Always has to be first done, first

in line, first out the door when school is done, first on the bus.

Rushing threw work. His resource coordinator takes away assignments

they are given in class because DS tries to do them while they are

learning the next lesson. Comes back to that internal clock that is

always going in their head.

6. Adderall XR is the same thing that my DS is on along with Invega.

The Invega is to help with the appetite that the Adderall suppresses.

He was n Zoloft at one time, but he just slept threw everything.

Hang in there. I am not going to say it gets better. You will have

ups and downs. Please know you have a whole group of people hear that

understand both you and your son.

Janice in Wisconsin

On Mar 31, 2010, at 9:13 AM, I wrote:

> I have been in the group for a few weeks now and I have some

> questions. I have a 12 year old son who was diagnosed with

> aspergers 3 years ago. He was only diagnosed with ADHD when he was

> 6 and then when he was 9 it was moved up to aspergers.


> 1. Is it true when a child has aspergers they get more sexually

> interested then most kids? My son was suspended from school a few

> months ago for sexual harassment and was told it was because kids

> with aspergers get more sexually interested at a younger age is

> that true?


> 2. We have worked and worked with him on his handwriting in and he

> writes like my 6 year old. Is there anything else I can try to help

> him with it?


> 3. He seems to only care about video games we have put him in

> sports but he doesnt want to do any sports we put him in. Is there

> something else I can try?


> 4. He does not respect me at all he always talks back and

> disrespects most people he is around. For example this last week my

> kids went with my parents for the weekend and he kept telling my

> mom she wrong and argued with her for about an hour and she told

> him to stop and he wouldn't.


> 5. How else can I keep him on track with school work. He tried to

> hurry through everything and then when he goes to school the next

> day he had to correct it everytime. How can I keep him on track?


> 6. He is on adderall xr and it seems to do very well he is actually

> on 40 mgs due to his size and weight we have tried the other drugs

> but does anyone know of another drug that has recently come out

> they like better?


> SOrry for all the questions but I dont know what else to do


> Thanks


> Mindy Istas




> ------------------------------------



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1. No I have not read that at all about AS. I have read

though AS kids need to be taught to do private behaviors

privately. I have read that part of the diagnosis of Bipolar

is early sexual interest (it is part of the manic side). I read

this is the Bipolar Child Book and elsewhere.

2. You can advocate for more use of computer for writing.

3. Lots of people say AS kids like activities that

are individual like karate or biking, swimming.

4. This is a behavior issue that can be re-shaped.

I have a great deal of hope this is an issue you can change

within a few months of effort.

You will have to have him earn his computer time from now on

by being respectful. He can earn 15 min for being respectful in the

morning, then another 15 min after school for being respectful

until dinner time, so on. If he is disrespectful you don't

lecture you tell him, I can't give you your 15 min for this

part of the day. He may say " he doesn't care " or you

may think then he can keep talking back. But that is OK.

You are using small rewards to shape the behavior you want.

I do find this extra work but worth the effort. And I

notice unfortunately I have to keep this up. The behaviorist

said it can take a few years to really have behaviors

changed where you don't need the reinforcer in place.

5. You can use the same methods for shaping correct hw

give him points or minutes toward a reward for each page

with one or less wrong answers something like that.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

1. No, it isn't accurate that AS kids are more interested in sex than

other kids. A lot of times, they just don't know when to stop and/or

they don't realize the difference between things that they should and

should not say in polite company. This is a social skill deficit, not

a sexual problem. He needs help with a ST or counselor at school to

work on social skills and pragmatic language. Additionally, social

stories or cartoon drawings can sometimes help. A great idea is a

" social autopsy " where he can go over what happened and learn where he

went wrong and how to improve things. Here is a great link to read

more about it --> http://www.ricklavoie.com/competart.html

2. Many kids with AS have fine motor deficits and need OT to deal with

handwriting problems. Get an OT evaluation.

3. I don't know what he might be interested in. You can try swimming,

chess, walking the dog, etc. Just try to find something that he enjoys.

4. It would be hard to say because I don't know why he's talking back.

But if you can figure out what purpose it serves, you can figure out

how to stop it.

5. I think I would go over his homework with him in the evening to

check it over. Or teach him to self edit it - whenever he comes home

and has not had to correct so much of his paper, he can earn something

important to him (extra nintendo time? a trip to the video store? a

trip to DQ?)

6. We are using concerta for attention right now and it seems to work



Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.

( ) Lots of questions

I have been in the group for a few weeks now and I have some questions.

I have a 12 year old son who was diagnosed with aspergers 3 years ago.

He was only diagnosed with ADHD when he was 6 and then when he was 9 it

was moved up to aspergers.

1. Is it true when a child has aspergers they get more sexually

intersted then most kids? My son was suspended from school a few months

ago for sexual harrasment and was told it was because kids with

aspergers get more sexually intersted at a younger age is that true?

2. We have worked and worked with him on his handwritting in and he

writes like my 6 year old. Is there anything else I can try to help him

with it?

3. He seems to only care about video games we have put him in sports

but he doesnt want to do any sports we put him in. Is there something

else I can try?

4. He does not respect me at all he always talks back and disrespects

most people he is around. For example this last week my kids went with

my parents for the weekend and he kept telling my mom she wrong and

argued with her for about an hour and she told him to stop and he


5. How else can I keep him on track with school work. He tried to hurry

through everything and then when he goes to school the next day he had

to correct it everytime. How can I keep him on track?

6. He is on adderall xr and it seems to do very well he is atually on

40 mgs due to his size and weight we have tried the other drugs but

does anyone know of another drug that has recently come out they like


SOrry for all the questions but I dont know what else to do


Mindy Istas

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A lot of times, they just don't know when to stop and/or they don't realize the difference between things that they should and should not say in polite company. This is a social skill deficit, not My daughter to a "T". HOwever I have to admit I was a bit worried about this and thinking the same thing is this an obsession with sex. Glad you posted that info!! THANKS!!


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“Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” - Steve Jobs

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  • 8 months later...

Welcome Nichole~ It is advised that the best time to start is right after

your TOM but it's not a rule. However if you expect it in just a few days,

for best results, I'd wait until it's either over or just about over before

beginning. As for how long the HCG will be effective, it varies. how long

has it been mixed and what was it mixed with?

What kind of products are you looking for specifically? No need to spend a

lot of money on special products.

Terri Randall

Creature Comforts

Sheridan, WY.


APS List Owner

Lots of questions

Hello group. I adjust about ready to take the plunge and start the protocol,

but I have a few questions. 1. Is it better to start right after your TOM or

can you start before? 2. If I have to start after, how long will my premixed

hcg be effective? I have had it for 3 days now.

3. Does anyone have a list or know of a web site of approved products to

use while I am on the program? Thanks for your help.

Sent from Nichole's iPhone


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Thanks for getting back to me so quickly Terri. To be honest I do not know what it is mixed with. I got it from the doctor and I am going to do the injections. As for the products I am looking for lotions, deodorants and anything else that would make this transition easier. They gave me a lust of a few things and I was not sure if there were more options. Sent from Nichole's iPhoneOn Dec 23, 2010, at 5:57 PM, "Terri Randall" <randall@...> wrote:

Welcome Nichole~ It is advised that the best time to start is right after

your TOM but it's not a rule. However if you expect it in just a few days,

for best results, I'd wait until it's either over or just about over before

beginning. As for how long the HCG will be effective, it varies. how long

has it been mixed and what was it mixed with?

What kind of products are you looking for specifically? No need to spend a

lot of money on special products.

Terri Randall

Creature Comforts

Sheridan, WY.


APS List Owner

Lots of questions

Hello group. I adjust about ready to take the plunge and start the protocol,

but I have a few questions. 1. Is it better to start right after your TOM or

can you start before? 2. If I have to start after, how long will my premixed

hcg be effective? I have had it for 3 days now.

3. Does anyone have a list or know of a web site of approved products to

use while I am on the program? Thanks for your help.

Sent from Nichole's iPhone


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Well in that case, really most normal products work just fine.

simply avoid those that would have nutritive oils in them that your body would

recognize as food, like olive oils, avacdo oil, coconut oil, fruit oils, etc.

If there's something in a spefici product that could be used a foodstuff, then

avoid that. Otherwise you should be fine with whatever you've got.

Best of luck to you Nichole!!!   I *hope* you're Dr.s

office gave you the proper food list and amounts as well? Unfortunately, I've

seen many people doing clinic or Dr. supervised programs that have the wrong

food list, larger amounts, OR places that advise their paying clients to take

too large of dose of HCG which leads to hunger issues.

We'll be here cheering for you! :0)

Terri Randall

Creature Comforts

Sheridan, WY.


APS List Owner


[mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Nichole

Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 5:27 PM

Subject: Re: Lots of questions

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly Terri. To be honest

I do not know what it is mixed with. I got it from the doctor and I am going to

do the injections. As for the products I am looking for lotions, deodorants and

anything else that would make this transition easier. They gave me a lust

of a few things and I was not sure if there were more options.

Sent from Nichole's iPhone

On Dec 23, 2010, at 5:57 PM, " Terri Randall " <randall@...> wrote:

Welcome Nichole~ It is advised that the best

time to start is right after

your TOM but it's not a rule. However if you expect it in just a few days,

for best results, I'd wait until it's either over or just about over before

beginning. As for how long the HCG will be effective, it varies. how long

has it been mixed and what was it mixed with?

What kind of products are you looking for specifically? No need to spend a

lot of money on special products.

Terri Randall

Creature Comforts

Sheridan, WY.


APS List Owner

Lots of questions

Hello group. I adjust about ready to take the plunge and start the protocol,

but I have a few questions. 1. Is it better to start right after your TOM or

can you start before? 2. If I have to start after, how long will my premixed

hcg be effective? I have had it for 3 days now.

3. Does anyone have a list or know of a web site of approved products to

use while I am on the program? Thanks for your help.

Sent from Nichole's iPhone


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I believe they gave me the proper food list since they got it from Pounds and inches. As far as the proper dosage they told me to put enough to .5 on the syringe. Does that sound about right? Do you know the answer to the question of how long my premixed hcg is effective for? I have had it for 3 days already. Sent from Nichole's iPhoneOn Dec 23, 2010, at 6:39 PM, "Terri Randall" <randall@...> wrote:

Well in that case, really most normal products work just fine.

simply avoid those that would have nutritive oils in them that your body would

recognize as food, like olive oils, avacdo oil, coconut oil, fruit oils, etc.

If there's something in a spefici product that could be used a foodstuff, then

avoid that. Otherwise you should be fine with whatever you've got.

Best of luck to you Nichole!!! I *hope* you're Dr.s

office gave you the proper food list and amounts as well? Unfortunately, I've

seen many people doing clinic or Dr. supervised programs that have the wrong

food list, larger amounts, OR places that advise their paying clients to take

too large of dose of HCG which leads to hunger issues.

We'll be here cheering for you! :0)

Terri Randall

Creature Comforts

Sheridan, WY.


APS List Owner


[mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Nichole

Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 5:27 PM

Subject: Re: Lots of questions

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly Terri. To be honest

I do not know what it is mixed with. I got it from the doctor and I am going to

do the injections. As for the products I am looking for lotions, deodorants and

anything else that would make this transition easier. They gave me a lust

of a few things and I was not sure if there were more options.

Sent from Nichole's iPhone

On Dec 23, 2010, at 5:57 PM, "Terri Randall" <randall@...> wrote:

Welcome Nichole~ It is advised that the best

time to start is right after

your TOM but it's not a rule. However if you expect it in just a few days,

for best results, I'd wait until it's either over or just about over before

beginning. As for how long the HCG will be effective, it varies. how long

has it been mixed and what was it mixed with?

What kind of products are you looking for specifically? No need to spend a

lot of money on special products.

Terri Randall

Creature Comforts

Sheridan, WY.


APS List Owner

Lots of questions

Hello group. I adjust about ready to take the plunge and start the protocol,

but I have a few questions. 1. Is it better to start right after your TOM or

can you start before? 2. If I have to start after, how long will my premixed

hcg be effective? I have had it for 3 days now.

3. Does anyone have a list or know of a web site of approved products to

use while I am on the program? Thanks for your help.

Sent from Nichole's iPhone


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