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Pat & Allayne,

A bone scan " lights up " diseased or inflamed joints / bones. You are

given an injection of radioisotope about 3 hours prior to the scan. It

settles in areas that are inflamed or diseased and then the scan will

highlight those areas. It will also show fractures that might not be visable

on an xray.

As far as FCE's (functional capacity exams) are concerned, the point

is to measure your maximal abilities, which would normally be with the meds

you are on that allow you to do the best you can. (You should confirm this

with the testing facility well prior to the test) It is very imprortant to

give 100% effort during tghe test because sub maximal efforts will show up

by inconsistent measurements. If the results indicate that, the chance of

getting SSI benefits are greatly decreased.

in Wisconsin

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks Bob! You make perfect sense, I wonder why SS can't explain it so a

person can understand it? It has been almost 2 years of unrelenting

paperwork for me also, the most ridiculous questionnaires and busy work.

Some of my Doctors had to send copies of my medical records four times. The

file was at least 5-6 inches thick, I can't imagine how SS gets anything done

with all of the busy work they require. I am so thankful that I was not

destitute while they took their old sweet time with this. Did you have to

appeal the decision before a Judge? I was scared and hired an attorney to

help but, the hearing was a breeze since SS brought in a retired internist to

review the medical record as an expert witness. He wasn't sure it wasn't

rheumatoid even thought I have had no positive blood tests for it. He was

able to interpret the 19 other drugs I'm on and the impact of the asthma,

aspirin, NSAIDS, and other drug allergies I have. Do you know what the rating

they give is or what it means? They rated me 1.02 and added up other

percentages to get there. It was all over my head. After the ruling how

long does it take them to get the paperwork together so I can start receiving

the benefits? The decision was made on November 8, 2000. I see they also

have the right to review the case for 60 days after the hearing and deny it

again, do you know if they ever do that? If I finally receive Medicare am I

eligible to get Medicare supplemental even though I am not actually a senior

(48)? I would add for those of you who may be considering disability, if you

are 50 and over it is much easier, since you are only judged on the ability

to do the jobs for which you have training. If you are under 50 you are

judged on the ability to do ANY type of gainful employment. Which includes

watching a security camera where you can get up move around at will,

everything but lay down to make yourself comfortable. So, if you are

considering this and have the leeway to wait until you are 50 it is easier.

Also, if you are off work too long your quarters of eligibility run out, I

think you have to have earned 20 credits in the past 10 years. So, if you

have been to sick to work very long you may be considered ineligible, my

eligibility ran out in December 1999, so this was my only shot at it. I hope

the only thing left is to wait for them to complete the paperwork because, it

depressed me terribly every time they sent reams of questionnaires to me. I

can rest easier knowing that when my health insurance reaches its maximum

(I'm sure before I'm 62) I'll have something other than bankruptcy to fall

back on.


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So where does all this leave us youngins who quit working a couple years

ago because " it hurt " but we didn't know why it hurt, but wanted to

avoid a diagnosis because of insufficient insurance?

I did data entry a couple years ago and quit because of the pain in my

hands. I just figured it was the repetitive stress and that I should

quit before it did permanent damage. (self-diagnosis, the start of many

evils...) " Working for free " at home taking care of the books for my

hubby's businesses since then has allowed us to afford only major

medical -- nothing that covers prescriptions or even office visits.

Soooooo I've been avoiding a diagnosis until either we can afford the

prescriptions or better insurance to cover the prescriptions.

So under the heading of, " Have I missed the diasability boat? " :

1) Should I have kept working until a doctor diagnosed the problem and

told me to quit?

2) How disabled do you have to be before SSI decides you're eligible?

3) Do I prolong my ineligibility by not getting an actual diagnosis

and/or by not starting meds?

Argh and double argh,


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I made a mistake in my reply dated 12/1/00. I had the dates correct as to my situation, but not the time period for Medicare as in the para noted here:

"Your medical coverage, Medicare, starts one year after the disability payments date set by the Social Security folks.  Again in my case that was March 1998.  So in March 2000 I started Medicare hospital, part A and medical insurance, part B."

Medicare starts two years after disability payments begin, not one year. So my dates are correct but I tried to shorten the wait by a year! SSI is all about waiting. 

Yes, I had to go through the entire process including the hearing judge. Not sure about the rating but they will tell you that you are in one of three categories. I am in "improvement not expected" which means that SS will review the situation every five to seven years. I am told that what really is happening is a review at seven years for those in this category. All other categories have reviews at three years and six to eighteen months depending on category. My SSI decision was made on 25 August 1999 and I got the back payments the first week of October 1999 and the "regular" monthly SSI payment the last week of October. Don't know if anyone told you, but the SSI payment is the same amount as you would get from normal Social Security retirement at age 65. The 60 day review is normal, and it seems that for folks like us it seldom causes any change. Maybe you will get a nice surprise around the middle of January, lets hope so.

As to the Medicare, yes you can get supplemental insurance, age is not a factor as long as you are covered with Medicare A & B. I was 54 when I started the paper work and just passed 58 and had no problem with supplemental coverage. I was also fortunate to have extended medical coverage from my employment, so the end of one coverage came about the same time I started the other. Just luck to have a company with excellent benefits.

Bob in VA

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  • 8 years later...

We had our case manager with mental health help us apply, if you have a case manager from any of the services your child receives, they might be able to help you with this process. We live in Colorado and was approved the first time with the Aspergers dx. SSI will find the most awkward reason to deny someone, sometimes it could be how something is worded or you might have missed something on your application or need more information from your Dr or school. I wound encourage you to keep trying. I have an older son whom does not have Aspergers but other issues with learning and such. He was approved as a child and then when he graduated from high school they took him off and said he had to qualify under an adult, and of course he was denied. We have been working on his case for about two years, we have been in front of a judge and was also denied, now his case has gone up to the higher powers that be in the SSI system to see if he will qualify. I did find a lawyer that works with SSI denials only because we where going in front of a judge and I was a bit nervous to do this on my own. Having a lawyer has been helpful in navigating the SSI system. The lawyer will only receive money if my older son wins his case, and this amount is regulated by SSI. I hope I was able to give you some helpful information.



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Does any one have any experience with trying to obtain SSI for their child? We

live in Delaware, I've been denied twice and now I have a hearing before a

judge. Any suggestions?

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I thought this website had some great information about applying for SSEI


I have always been discouraged from even trying after hearing about such

difficulty! Good for you for sticking with it. Do you mind sharing some of the

reasons they use for denial? I have heard in Tennessee, you have to apply at

least three times. Let us know how it goes.

Sue in TN


> Does any one have any experience with trying to obtain SSI for their child? We

live in Delaware, I've been denied twice and now I have a hearing before a

judge. Any suggestions?


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Hi,I applied for SSI and I got it. I did not get the check ( I make too much money) but I got mass health for my childFirst you get all the medical records and hospitalization, etc.Mental records are hard to get but you need them. It is easy if you child goes to therapist often because you can get it for mental health.I got denied first and that made me mad, so I got all the information and I went in person for an interview with all the medical records, receipts, etc.I told them in the interview that the expenses were so high that I have been thinking to have the DSS to have custody of my daugther.They gave it to me this time...Also if the medical expenses are very high you can call the DSS have your child temporary placed with them.After they get ssi and all the services for you child you go to court for you child back and explain the judge the reasons you did that..that is a desperate situation but sometimes it is the only way to have your child treated...Then you get your child back with all the services.It is hard breaking but a lot of parents have done that because of lack of money or lack of mental services..In November of last year my girl got sick, the only way the hospital admitted her was for me to give her to the DSS. She had several panic attacks and needed medication, but to monitor the medication she needed to be hospitalized. It broke my heart to give her away, I was very closed to have a nerves breakdown myself...I cried for ever until I got her back and well enough to be homeI had my daugther back after she responded to the medicine (one week).Then I applied for SSI with all her records....I was incredible mad of the system and of everything.... ( ) Re: SSII thought this website had some great information about applying for SSEI http://www.disabilitysecrets.com/. I have always been discouraged from even trying after hearing about such difficulty! Good for you for sticking with it. Do you mind sharing some of the reasons they use for denial? I have heard in Tennessee, you have to apply at least three times. Let us know how it goes.Sue in TN>> Does any one have any experience with trying to obtain SSI for their child? We live in Delaware, I've been denied twice and now I have a hearing before a judge. Any suggestions?>

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Bring all your medical records, bring all the bills, explain the hardship that the system cause in your family. Explain that your situation can make you and you family made hard and sad choices that no parents should ever ever made...Food versus medical expenses..Explain that with that money you can afford help you child to get services...I got all my girl medical expenses covered and I still have to pay for uncover medical expenses. I need to get a bike for her and a big ball for to continue with exercising at home.Now that I have mass health for my girl she is getting physical therapist, occupational therapist and a lot of services that I never could afford...Good luck ( ) SSIDoes any one have any experience with trying to obtain SSI for their child? We live in Delaware, I've been denied twice and now I have a hearing before a judge. Any suggestions?

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my son got it first time but then they said we made to much money so he doesn't get anything now

From: "azucarmama68@..." <azucarmama68@...> Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 10:02:10 AMSubject: Re: ( ) SSI

We had our case manager with mental health help us apply, if you have a case manager from any of the services your child receives, they might be able to help you with this process. We live in Colorado and was approved the first time with the Aspergers dx. SSI will find the most awkward reason to deny someone, sometimes it could be how something is worded or you might have missed something on your application or need more information from your Dr or school. I wound encourage you to keep trying. I have an older son whom does not have Aspergers but other issues with learning and such. He was approved as a child and then when he graduated from high school they took him off and said he had to qualify under an adult, and of course he was denied. We have been working on his case for about two years, we have been in front of a judge and was also denied, now his case has gone up to the higher powers that be in the SSI system to see

if he will qualify. I did find a lawyer that works with SSI denials only because we where going in front of a judge and I was a bit nervous to do this on my own. Having a lawyer has been helpful in navigating the SSI system. The lawyer will only receive money if my older son wins his case, and this amount is regulated by SSI. I hope I was able to give you some helpful information.



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