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speech and language question

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I would like to know if some of the speech and language issues that I am seeing

in my seven-year-old son are familiar to anyone on this list. My son has

recently begun Speech Therapy for pronounciation of the letter " r, " as well as

social-pragmatic language issues. His speech diagnosis is " Speech Disorder NOS. "

DS is very socially withdrawn. Some of this is due to his high academic ability

and giftedness --- he cannot relate to most same-age peers. What the Speech

therapist is noticing is that my DS can talk happily about things that he knows

about and about facts that are interesting to him. Open-ended, social speech

situations completely baffle him, though. He tends not to respond to people at

all and often appears in a fog. He is at a loss for initiating play most of the


Although DS does not focus upon " special interests, " and has a fairly broad

range of interests, he does not seem to be able to do " small talk " at all. This

is proving to be challenging in making friends. Is this typical of Aspies, ADHD,

or is this something else (indeed, " NOS " )?

Does anyone have these issues with their AS children?

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