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Holidays - Preteen Aspie girl

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I have an almost 13 yo aspie daughter. She became

EXTREMELY moody and irritable around your nieces age, hiding out in her room.

So I know what you mean. With the help of her medication, she

is more friendly.

Anyway, what my daughter does enjoy is video games. She

has a wii and a Nintendo ds. Animal crossing and harvest moon are two of

her favorites games to play and she also loves legend of Zelda. Her music

choices are influenced by the games she plays and the piano music she learns-rarely

does she follow whats popular at school. I don’t know what

your budget is, but if you could find out what her obsession is, that would be

a good present. For instance at 11, my daughter was obsessed with birds

and bird watching, so we gave her a field guide. If you niece has an mp3

player, you could purchase her a gift card for music to download. A subscription

to discovery girl magazine, any American girl activity book (care and keeping

of you was a favorite), drawing supplies (paper and special drawing pencils or

oils), journal for her thoughts are all things my daughter enjoys and still


Good luck, melody k.

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Does she like to read? My daughter is 11 and she is really into reading. Twilight.....and basically anything animals.

She is also really wanting a DSI. SO,,,,depending on the amount you'd be able to spend,,,,maybe a game system or a game for it.

also loves anything to do with nails. The little bottles of nail polish in all the different colors as well as the stuff you can apply to your nails afterwards.

Hope this helps.


From: bbrogoitti <bbrogoitti@...>Subject: ( ) Holidays - Preteen Aspie girl Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 12:18 PM

My son is possibly "on the spectrum" and my niece is being tested. I "get" my son.......my niece on the other hand - total mystery!She spends all of her time in her room and would prefer if nobody talked to her. She has no internal filters so you KNOW that you are bothering her if you try to interact with her.I have no idea what to get this child for christmas!!! She's nearly 11. What music does this age group listen to? What books are they reading? I only have boys and they are more social but narrow in their interests; and all the other nieces are either grown or still playing dress-up.I'm stumped!

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just a thought - My preteen aspie loves to stay in her room and would be a very

happy camper if she was an only child and didn't have to be bothered by a

younger sister!! She LOVES to read. One of her christmas presents this year

will be a gift certificate to a local book store. But i've noticed alot of

Aspie's are into video games, music etc, so you might even consider a gift card

to best buy or even wal-mart. My girls also love build-a-bear, I give gift

cards from build a bear and then take them to pick out their bears and get an

outfit to go with it.



> My son is possibly " on the spectrum " and my niece is being tested. I " get " my

son.......my niece on the other hand - total mystery!

> She spends all of her time in her room and would prefer if nobody talked to

her. She has no internal filters so you KNOW that you are bothering her if you

try to interact with her.


> I have no idea what to get this child for christmas!!! She's nearly 11. What

music does this age group listen to? What books are they reading? I only have

boys and they are more social but narrow in their interests; and all the other

nieces are either grown or still playing dress-up.


> I'm stumped!


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There are very good American Girl books on making and keeping friends,

and about there emotions (also American Girl). These are available

to toy and book stores.

My 12 year old likes webkids, there is a new doll called LIV dolls

available at Target for $17 and they can log onto the internet

to play games too.

You could get her tickets to a movie if there is one close

and she can tolerate the loudness and take your son with to see

Alvin and the Chipmunks it comes out 12/25. My sister

in law always gives out movie tickets as gifts.

Just a few ideas.



> My son is possibly " on the spectrum " and my niece is being tested. I " get " my

son.......my niece on the other hand - total mystery!

> She spends all of her time in her room and would prefer if nobody talked to

her. She has no internal filters so you KNOW that you are bothering her if you

try to interact with her.


> I have no idea what to get this child for christmas!!! She's nearly 11. What

music does this age group listen to? What books are they reading? I only have

boys and they are more social but narrow in their interests; and all the other

nieces are either grown or still playing dress-up.


> I'm stumped!


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