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Frustrated (vent)

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My husband works late. I've been sick for about 10 days. I was nearly over the

flu at the 1 week point. Then the cough got much worse suddenly and my fever

went back up. Secondary bacterial infection. Antibiotics. Coughing horribly

all the time. Still feverish even though I've been on antibiotics a couple of

days. Husband comes home late, plops down and watches TV.

Daughter takes 3 hours to do 40 minutes worth of homework (according to the

school it should only take 40). I can't work with both kids at the same time

because my son makes noises and my daughter can't stand that and screams about

it. I'm having trouble communicating because I cough when I talk. Son starts

his homework after dinner. He has extra homework because he " refused " to do

some of his work during school. Oh yeah, like I'm gonna make him do it? It's

THE SCHOOL'S job. I will not be doing it any longer. GRRRR.

Anyway, daughter was done homework in time to go to bed on time. Needs bath.

Takes too long in the bath and wants to spend some time with dad which means

watching TV. Dad says, " I'll get her to bed in 5 minutes " 40 minutes later

they're FINALLY going to bed.

My son who is my aspie is TOTALLY amazing. I was talking to him about dad

because my daughter said, " I don't feel like dad knows me " . I asked if he

thought dad knew him and he said, " About some things. " I told him Rayleigh felt

dad didn't know her and she didn't know him very well. I told him I was afraid

to say anything to dad because he would get annoyed with me. , my AMAZING

aspie 12 year old said, " Do you want me to talk to him? " I said, " You don't

have to but you can if you want to. " So he said, " Dad, I overheard Rayleigh say

she doesn't think you know her very well. Well, that's what mom told me. " Dad

is feeling quite bad about this but I'm glad he heard it from and he isn't

being nasty about it. If I brought it up to him he'd be shrieking at me. I

don't want to feel he has to take responsibility for talking to his dad,

but he's so GOOD at it.

A few days ago when I was really sick I said something to Mark and he got angry

with me for no particular reason. He's stressed because I'm sick and I'm not

doing ANYTHING. I need to get well and I expend ridiculous amounts of energy on

the homework in the evenings. Anyway, said, " Mom, I think it's really sad

that being sick has to come between two people in a relationship. " WOW, he's

just SOOO getting it these days I'm just floored. I told him he should tell

that to dad, too. He did. Amazing brave boy. He is aptly named.

which means Leader of Men or Defender of Mankind in Greek. Anyone who says

aspie people don't have empathy is full of CRAP. It's possible for them to

learn to deal with social things and now he's coaching his dad on social things

in a way that dad can get. I'm kind of torn about it because I don't want

to feel he HAS to do this. It's just that coming from me pretty much EVERYTHING

makes dad angry unless it's high praise. I'm so weary. I think I'll go check

myself into the hospital until this bronchial crap gets well. Then we'll see

how much he knows the kids. Rayleigh said, " It would be horrible here without

you and with just dad. " Sheesh, I hope I survive until the kids can take care

of themselves. The thought of not being there for them rips me to shreds. I

wish I could get over this stupid BUG!

I hate word problems in math. I hate sensory integration dysfunction. I hate

dealing with my daughter's issues without an IEP. I hate " flu like " viruses!!!!

Sorry, I'm venting. I'm glad you guys are here.



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