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Help with a serious problem - muscle weakness/inability to walk

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Hi all!!

I had taken a brief " vacation " from the list as I had an incredible

opportunity drop in my lap. Quickly, I was in Italy this summer

singing in an opera - - if you'd like details, I'll be glad to

explain at another time.

My husband is 39 years old and the PA sufferer. I believe he has a

particularly severe case, involving feet, knees, hips, sternum,

hands, one elbow, one shoulder, and worst in his neck. He had been

on MTX, injections weekly, and Feldene. He was having a P flare four

months ago when he went off the MTX (we had been planning to expand

our family upon my return), so has been managing with prednisone.

The P is now really bad - he has been managing it with " Bag Balm "

which keeps the drying and flaking away, but the redness is pretty

much everywhere except his face (I know, I know, he should be seeing

a dermatologist but hasn't, what can I do??).

Last Tues and Wed he was traveling for work, came home Wed. night and

was limping badly. I thought he had an arthritis flare from doing

too much, and so helped him to bed, got him some aspirin (all he

would take extra for the pain) and left him alone (the way he prefers

it). He cried out at night several times for help to roll over or

shift positions in bed, so in the morning, before he woke, I made and

appointment with the internist (his rheumy won't see anyone on an

emergency basis). He could hardly crawl down the stairs, and so I

got a wheelchair at the doctor's office - - he said it was the first

time he had been comfortable in 48 hours. The doctor immediately

admitted him, because the main problem seems to be a lack of muscle

tone in his thighs. He had very little control over them, and could

only lift his right foot 2 " off the ground. His left foot he

couldn't lift at all.

MRI, CT, and blood work are all normal, so the scariest stuff that I

know of is ruled out. He seemed to be getting better, and I thought

I was bringing him home today, but now he's worse. He's having dizzy

spells as well as the muscle weakness and some throbbing in the

affected joints. The internist wants to transfer him to a larger

hospital on Mon. to see a neurologist (none on staff in our small


Does anyone recognize these symptoms? He is at least accepting

Darvocet for the pain (and getting some relief!!) and they are

switching him to Vioxx. He has had some vascular problems in the

past, and when the pain is the worst his hands and feet turn blue

grey. He has also had some trembling in his hands.

I'd appreciate any ideas (or any prayers) you'd care to send along.

I hope all of you are doing well and have had great summers!!


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