Guest guest Posted October 18, 2000 Report Share Posted October 18, 2000 Read this!!!!!!! exercise/ > you said a critical mouthful that is bound to be ignored where > it is most needed. Good on ya - brought me straight up to attention, > I tell ya! > Kay Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 1, 2001 Report Share Posted March 1, 2001 eia, the enema is better for getting the plaque out of the colon , but the best thing you can do i start on colonics, with a professional colon hydrotherapist if there is one near you. fred Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 1, 2001 Report Share Posted March 1, 2001 Fred, That's my biggest problem...I live in a little farm town. If I told my MD what I was planning on doing, he would have a FIT! He wants me to change my diet and lifestyle but this would drive him CRAZY! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 1, 2001 Report Share Posted March 1, 2001 You could also try benotine clay...but you have to drink ALOT of water with it. I just found some here and plan on starting it this weekend. Barbara > I have read through so many posts here and I think that I may be > better off than I thought! I simply feel " clogged up " . Does that > make any sense? I have been constipated all of my life...but lately, > I feel clogged up to the point of lethargy. > > I have been reading up that when I do my first cleanse that there > will be plaque from the colon walls...will laxative tea remove this? > Or is the salt water internal enema better? > > Eia Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 5, 2002 Report Share Posted February 5, 2002 Bert! I was fixing me something to eat but i missed you all so i got back in here! :) Were do you get all those jokes! I love them! tony Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2002 Report Share Posted February 7, 2002 No computer nerd, Bert! Just been too busy to write much at all.....trying to unwind after the day at school and then trying to take care of Mom. This is a three day weekend, so I plan to get some things done! debby [ ] WOW! I don't believe it! I walk away from computerfor a short while, and come back to find NO-e-mails!! Whats up guys/gals!!I guess I am a computer nerd! LOL!HUGS.....Bert. : ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 10, 2002 Report Share Posted December 10, 2002 Hi, are you in the UK? There is a good thyroid message board for the UK, I think you can find it at There are other drugs besides T4 only which work better IMO. Gracia > There are definite advantages in joining a large group! I've already > learned alot of stuff just by reading a few posts. I missed the > definition of " leaky gut " . Can someone explain that one to me? > > I'm a 45 year old mother of three boys and was diagnosed with > Hashimoto's just after my oldest was born in 1984. I was given > Synthroid in 1986, changed to Eltroxin a few years later, back on > lower dose of Synthroid early this year and back on higher dose > Eltroxin in September. I think I have (but cannot prove) Fibromyalgia. > My doctor is reluctant to agree. I also have wide-spread Vitilago, > which began as small spots on my wrists when I was about 13 years old. > I am now almost completely white. > > Considering I've had this for so long, I know very little about how to > make myself feel better. I do know (and sometimes ignore) that I > cannot eat any processed meats (bacon, lunch meat, canned ham flakes, > etc.) I'm afraid you are going to tell me that many of my favorite > foods are no-no's, but, if it's going to make me feel better, I'll try. > > -Grey Jay- > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 10, 2002 Report Share Posted December 10, 2002 Oops! Forgot to say where I'm from. I live in Calgary, Alberta. -Grey Jay- > > Hi, are you in the UK? There is a good thyroid message board for the UK, I > think you can find it at > There are other drugs besides T4 only which work better IMO. > Gracia > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 24, 2006 Report Share Posted May 24, 2006 Actually I wrote a lengthy note and then I mailed it to myself ROFLOL DANG! Hate the brain fog. I only noticed it when I saw your note also labeled WOW and I thought you were responding to mine but I see mine never got there. SO....... here it is again. Sorry about that! [ ] Digest Number 1650 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 24, 2006 Report Share Posted May 24, 2006 Pam, first of all i must congratulate you for doing such a wonderful worl at the ahe of 65 with hep-c. I t is unbelieveable. TonS OF INFORMATION HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY YOU AND YOU REALY HELPED A LOT of peple and we are thankful to you. You have also provided me reference of Dr. Cecil. I sent him my reports and for your reference and comments i am posting you at the last of this post. You might have read my post titled " biopsy is not mandatory" this was extract of recomendation of 2003/04 conference, perhaps on the basis of docs on this part of the world do not in favour of Biopsy. IN FACT ALL THE PEOPLE DOING RESEARCH ON INTERNET ARE EDUCATED AND HAVE CONSULTED THEIR DOCS. THE PURPOSE IS TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES AND GET MAX INFORMATION. HERE OUR DOCS OPINION AFTER CLINICAL EXAMINATION IS CLOSE TO ACCURACY. THEY HAVE TO RELY ON THEIR CLINICAL EXAMINATION BECAUSE AT MOST OF THE PLACES, TESTS AND BIOPSY TYPE FACILITIES ARE NOT AVAILABLE. YOU WILL BE AMAZED THAT HERE HERBAL DOCS CAN TELL THE NATURE OF DISEASE QUITE ACCURATE. THEY EVEN DID NOT ALLOW THE PATIENT TO SPEAK ABOUT THEIR DISEASE BEFORE THEIR DIAGONOSIS. tHIS IS AN ART. WHAT THEY TELL, THERE IS STUDY OF 27 TYPES ABOUT PULSE WHICH HELP THEM TO ASCERTAIN THE DISEASE. hOWEVER THIS WAS JUST FOR INFORMATION. I AM UNDER TREATMENT OF HEPATOLOGIST OF INTT FAME BUT DUE TO MY DEPRESION I AM NOT TAKING INTRFERON THERAPY. i AM HAPPY THAT THIS ISSUE WAS DISCUSSED IN DETAIL. I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU THAT DECISION OF THE TREATMENT HAS TO BE TAKEN BY THE PATIENT, HIS FAMILY MEMBERS AND DOC. WHAT THEY FEEL GOOD, THEY SHOULD PROCEED WITH THAT. I ONCE AGAIN THANKFUL TO YOU FOR YOUR GOOD WORK. i SALUTE YOU, YOU ARE REALY WONDERFUL. SALEEM Ben Cecil, MD On Apr 25, 2006, at 2:07 PM, saleem chaudhary wrote: DR.BENNET CECIL. ADVICE REQUIRED ON THE FOLLOWING POINTS 1. Should I go for Interferon therapy immediately? Can I wait for a year or two? 2. What is the category and status of my liver? You would need a biopsy or a test from LabCorp Called HCV fibrosure to see how much fibrosis is present. The fact that your spleen is not enlarged is good. 3. Can I use Inj. Interferon or I shall go for Pentigron state a way. The difference in the cost of both the injections is quite high. 4. HCV is called a salient killer, what do think how much time it will take to damage the liver. It is damaging it now. I cannot tell how much fibrosis is there now from your tests. 5. I am HCV+ and Genotype is 3a. Can I waite for interferon therapy for a year or two. 6. You have liver damage and I hope that you will live at least another 30 years. With genotype 3 you have a 70-80% chance of responding and a good chance of cure with 24 weeks of treatment. If you are cured your liver will get better and better instead of worse and worse. I would pick out a time to do the treatment and I would do it in the next 6-12 months. The pegylated interferon is a little better, but if it is a financial hardship, you could take daily doses of interferon instead. We normally use 800 mg of ribavirin daily. Your depression could get worse and your dose of anti depressant may need to be higher. You need to talk with your doctor and your wife and decide when the best time is for the treatment. I am very happy that you have genotype 3. That is much easier to treat than genotype 1. Ben Cecil, MD PeachStatePam <figment@...> wrote: Actually I wrote a lengthy note and then I mailed it to myself ROFLOL DANG! Hate the brain fog. I only noticed it when I saw your note also labeled WOW and I thought you were responding to mine but I see mine never got there. SO....... here it is again. Sorry about that! [ ] Digest Number 1650 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 29, 2006 Report Share Posted May 29, 2006 Pam, Thanks for all the in deapth info, these experiences are encouraging to hear about. I agree with you on the "don't believe everything you hear on the internet. Hep C not being a "virus" theory seems to be pretty "far out there" to me. I did the distilled water thing, like you, and now I'm just filtering water when I can and drinking bottled water as much as I can. I have heard so many vastly different experiences/stories about treatment, like you have said they range greatly. The important thing, I think is that people are able to communicate about these experiences on the internet, so we can hear frist hand from people what they go through (good and bad), we can form our own opinions and with the help of medical advise we can shape the program right for ourselves. Feedback and hearing from others is so helpful. It was so nice to get a good discussion going. [ ] Digest Number 1650 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 14, 2006 Report Share Posted August 14, 2006 Thanks Phil and Elliot for the " Happy Birthday " wish. I did have a nice one. My daughter had me over for a wonderful dinner. Lots of veggies on a stick (can't spell the name) Ha! Large thick pork chops, large green beans and potatoes, all done on their outside barbecue. And my favorite cake, Chocolate cream pie that has ice cream in it, Wow goodie. Oh yes hot rolls too, and ice tea.. Thanks again guys! Blessings, Roy ELLIOT BAKER <elliotbkr@...> wrote: Happy birthday also Sir. philip georgian <pmgamer18@...> wrote: Roy Happy Birthday your Big Dog you. Phil Roy wrote: Hey Guys, I have been telling you guys I was 83 for some time, well I was closer to 83 than 82. Today is my birthday, never thought I would be this old. Ha! 1923 was a good wine year, think I will open a bottle of it today and celebrate ! I have three of them so who knows? Thanks for a wonderful group of guys for support here, the best ! Blessings, Roy --------------------------------- Do you ? Next-gen email? Have it all with the all-new Beta. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 16, 2009 Report Share Posted December 16, 2009 Cam... The limitations (or lack thereof) were definitely just each surgeon's beliefs. How could they possibly know for certain what might hurt? My surgeon told me that while I wouldn't have any absolute restrictions, I should avoid anything that put a lot of stress on the discs above and below the fusion. I don't think I've ever talked to anyone who had definitive proof of a traumatic injury to a long fusion. (Although, I did hear from one woman who was certain that something her soon-to-be ex-husband had done had broken her rods.) Regards, > > Val, > > Yeah....I am mad about the cancer risks too. I think somewhere along the way I read an abstract about the amount of radiation the average scoli case was exposed to. I should go back and try to find that. I recollect that it was for primary surgery...but of course we have all gone on to have quite extensive additional imaging what of that? I would love to see if the incidence of cancer is greater in our population...although, so far, it would seem our group anyway, has not been out of the norm. Perhaps there are still enough days ahead to change that. I sincerely and deeply hope not. > > I wonder if all the different limitations we were told about were really just the surgeons personal beliefs? My surgeon was " no " to skiing and horseback, but when I moved east and was seen up at Boston Childrens for follow-up they were fine with both activites. Go figure. > Both offices were find with the idea of pregnancies. > > And please vent away whenever the urge strikes....thats why we do this! We get it!!! > > Take Care, Cam > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 17, 2009 Report Share Posted December 17, 2009 Hi Cam, I also was told not to ski or ride horseback. I was also told not to ice skate; meaning not to fall on ice. Bonnie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 28, 2009 Report Share Posted December 28, 2009 Okay, just when I think this school district can't possibly top themselves, they do it again. I feel so happy for us and so ANGRY that other places can't or won't. It doesn't make any sense. This district goes above and beyond anything I've experienced and anything anyone else has told me before. On 12/15/2009 - "We are happy to inform you that your child has been recommended to attend the new Language ABC class. This class will cover such topics as vocabulary building, complex direction following, social communication techniquies, and self-advocacy skills. This class will take place during the ABC block, insuring that your child does not miss any core classes." I think this is pretty cool! Miriam Mim Mimmom mimbanash@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 28, 2009 Report Share Posted December 28, 2009 Sounds fantasticCongrats! On Dec 28, 2009, at 2:52 PM, Miriam Banash <callis4773@...> wrote: Okay, just when I think this school district can't possibly top themselves, they do it again. I feel so happy for us and so ANGRY that other places can't or won't. It doesn't make any sense. This district goes above and beyond anything I've experienced and anything anyone else has told me before. On 12/15/2009 - "We are happy to inform you that your child has been recommended to attend the new Language ABC class. This class will cover such topics as vocabulary building, complex direction following, social communication techniquies, and self-advocacy skills. This class will take place during the ABC block, insuring that your child does not miss any core classes." I think this is pretty cool! Miriam Mim Mimmom mimbanash Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 29, 2009 Report Share Posted December 29, 2009 Yes, Vicki, this is exactly what it's like with my son's school. Last year he was still in " intermediate school " (5th and 6th grade). One day did something inappropriate. The school called me to ask me to come in. Of course I'd lost my cellphone and was searching frantically at all these stores I'd been to and I kept saying, " I know the school is calling me because it would just be my LUCK that they'd need me when I can't find my phone. " Sure enough, I found my phone where it had fallen into this weird little storage area in my car that I never use. I listened and they said they wanted me to come to the school. I just thought OMG he's hurt someone. When I arrived the sped teacher could see the panic in my face and realized sge worried me unnecessarily. " It's okay, it's nothing terrible, we just wanted to present a united front and ask you how we should handle the situation. " Then they told me about the situation. had drawn a penis on his desk. The REASON he did it was because someone misspelled Peninsula and wrote PENISula on the board. I'm sure EVERYONE was thinking exactly what drew. The sped teacher and principal wanted to help understand what the problem was without upsetting him. They were also highly amused and we all had a good giggle. But we didn't want to know how funny we thought it was. It WAS funny, though. Anyway, they asked what sort of consequence they should use and suggested possibly having him stay in at recess to clean some desks. They had already cleaned up what he drew since leaving it for him to clean might have been way too disruptive. So the principal then brought in and we all talked to him about what he did and what was wrong. tried to say he really wasn't trying to draw a penis but we just smiled and moved on. The principal asked what HE thought the consequence should be and said, " clean off the desk " then the principal explained that the drawing had already been cleaned off but that he thought should stay in at recess to clean some other desks for the teacher. said with a smile, and completely calm demeanor, " Okay! " LOL. He never drew anything else on any desks, inappropriate or otherwise as far as anyone knew. I never got another call. The problem was solved with sensitivity and they worked to help ME feel okay as well as . Nobody makes change for PE. On PE days he wears his PE clothes and then he changes into street clothes afterwards sometimes but if he doesn't want to, nobody makes him. Miriam > > > > Okay, just when I think this school district can't possibly top themselves, they do it again. I feel so happy for us and so ANGRY that other places can't or won't. It doesn't make any sense. This district goes above and beyond anything I've experienced and anything anyone else has told me before. > >  > > On 12/15/2009 - " We are happy to inform you that your child has been recommended to attend the new Language ABC class. > >  > > This class will cover such topics as vocabulary building, complex direction following, social communication techniquies, and self-advocacy skills. > >  > > This class will take place during the ABC block, insuring that your child does not miss any core classes. " > >  > > I think this is pretty cool! > > > > > > Miriam > > Mim > > Mimmom > > mimbanash@ > >  > >  > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 8, 2010 Report Share Posted November 8, 2010 Barb, I am so glad that you have a nice clinic that you can go to. There is nothing like this in our area. These doctors do not take this thyroidism serious. Just hand you a prescription to take and then tell you that you are okay. In the first couple of years they did blood tests, etc. and followed up. Some days I feel horrible! Then some days are better. On the horrible days I just feel like flushing the levothyroxine down the toilet. I'm not sure if there is any drug out there that is going to make a difference. It has to be all done by diet I am sure. The foods that are so processed these days is doing a big bad number on all of us. From: H <macbarb0503@...> Subject: Re: Wow! hypothyroidism Date: Monday, November 8, 2010, 3:22 PM  Correction: The Mayo Clinic appointment is December 28th. I got it confused with the radioactive iodine uptake test and scan, which is scheduled for November 30th. Barb Wow! After faxing my medical records and a cover letter to the Mayo Clinic in ville, FL last Thursday, I received a call from them bright and early this morning! I was told my case had been reviewed, they had decided to accept me as a patient, and I have an appointment! It's not until December 30th, but at least it's set up so I can get a second opinion. That's if I ever get a first opinion here before then. LOL! Barb Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 9, 2010 Report Share Posted November 9, 2010 Congratulations! Glad you were able to be accepted.   <>Roni Immortality exists! It's called knowledge!  Just because something isn't seen doesn't mean it's not there<> From: H <macbarb0503@...> Subject: Wow! hypothyroidism , hypothyroidism Date: Monday, November 8, 2010, 12:11 PM After faxing my medical records and a cover letter to the Mayo Clinic in ville, FL last Thursday, I received a call from them bright and early this morning! I was told my case had been reviewed, they had decided to accept me as a patient, and I have an appointment! It's not until December 30th, but at least it's set up so I can get a second opinion. That's if I ever get a first opinion here before then. LOL! Barb Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 9, 2010 Report Share Posted November 9, 2010 They are supposed to be a very good hospital with really good doctors. <>Roni Immortality exists! It's called knowledge!  Just because something isn't seen doesn't mean it's not there<> From: H <macbarb0503@...> Subject: Wow! hypothyroidism , hypothyroidism Date: Monday, November 8, 2010, 12:11 PM After faxing my medical records and a cover letter to the Mayo Clinic in ville, FL last Thursday, I received a call from them bright and early this morning! I was told my case had been reviewed, they had decided to accept me as a patient, and I have an appointment! It's not until December 30th, but at least it's set up so I can get a second opinion. That's if I ever get a first opinion here before then. LOL! Barb Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 9, 2010 Report Share Posted November 9, 2010 That's good to know. There is no doubt they've got to be better than the ones I've been seeing. LOL! Wow! hypothyroidism , hypothyroidism Date: Monday, November 8, 2010, 12:11 PM After faxing my medical records and a cover letter to the Mayo Clinic in ville, FL last Thursday, I received a call from them bright and early this morning! I was told my case had been reviewed, they had decided to accept me as a patient, and I have an appointment! It's not until December 30th, but at least it's set up so I can get a second opinion. That's if I ever get a first opinion here before then. LOL! Barb Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 16, 2010 Report Share Posted November 16, 2010 Hi , Thanks. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time, and feeling horrible on some days. I can kind of relate to how you're feeling, since I've been off the thyroid meds because of an upcoming test, and feel very low now. I understand what you're saying about the Levothyroxine also. It made me feel better when I was taking it, but the side effect of hair loss is too depressing. I have a friend who has been Hypothyroid for over 20 years. She takes 1/2 of an armour pill a day and feels great, so there must be hope. She didn't have any lumps on her neck of nodules though. Even diet wouldn't help correct the hormone imbalance would it? I know what we eat is important, but it seems like we'd have to find the right medication and the right foods to eat. I'm new to this though, so I could be wrong. I hope you're feeling better soon! Barb Wow! After faxing my medical records and a cover letter to the Mayo Clinic in ville, FL last Thursday, I received a call from them bright and early this morning! I was told my case had been reviewed, they had decided to accept me as a patient, and I have an appointment! It's not until December 30th, but at least it's set up so I can get a second opinion. That's if I ever get a first opinion here before then. LOL! Barb Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 16, 2010 Report Share Posted November 16, 2010 I have had hypothyroid for over 50 years. The thyroid med I was on never made me feel good. I didn't even connect how I felt to my thyroid or dreamed that I was undertreated. Last year when Armour changed it's formula I became very ill, and thought I was literally dying. Because of my Rheumatologist that I go to for Fibromyalgia, I was tested for everything under the sun including lastly Free T3, FreeT4, ReverseT3 and TSH. Lo and behold there it was in black and white. I was not converting the T4 into T3 mostly, rather into ReverseT3. Â My rheumy started me on T3 only, I take vitamins and minerals and my cardio added magnesium, Hawthorn and Nattokinase. I added vitamin K2, cranberry capsules, D3 and Policosanol. Â I no longer feel that I'm dying, and I thank that Rheumatologist every day that he had the will to look for what was wrong and helped me to correct it. <>Roni Immortality exists! It's called knowledge! Â Just because something isn't seen doesn't mean it's not there<> From: H <macbarb0503@...> Subject: Re: Wow! hypothyroidism Date: Monday, November 8, 2010, 3:22 PM Â Correction: The Mayo Clinic appointment is December 28th. I got it confused with the radioactive iodine uptake test and scan, which is scheduled for November 30th. Barb Wow! After faxing my medical records and a cover letter to the Mayo Clinic in ville, FL last Thursday, I received a call from them bright and early this morning! I was told my case had been reviewed, they had decided to accept me as a patient, and I have an appointment! It's not until December 30th, but at least it's set up so I can get a second opinion. That's if I ever get a first opinion here before then. LOL! Barb Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 16, 2010 Report Share Posted November 16, 2010 If our thyroid is not working right we need thyroid hormone in order for it to work correctly. The need for it never goes away, although the needed dose may change from time to time. I would suggest getting tested for FreeT3, FreeT4, ReverseT3 and TSH all at the same time after a 12 hour fast with no medication of any kind before the test. That should show you what is going on with your thyroid. You can post the results along with the ranges(make sure to get a copy of your lab sheet)and someone here will help you to interpret the tests. <>Roni Immortality exists! It's called knowledge! Â Just because something isn't seen doesn't mean it's not there<> From: H <macbarb0503@...> Subject: Re: Wow! hypothyroidism Date: Monday, November 8, 2010, 3:22 PM Â Correction: The Mayo Clinic appointment is December 28th. I got it confused with the radioactive iodine uptake test and scan, which is scheduled for November 30th. Barb Wow! After faxing my medical records and a cover letter to the Mayo Clinic in ville, FL last Thursday, I received a call from them bright and early this morning! I was told my case had been reviewed, they had decided to accept me as a patient, and I have an appointment! It's not until December 30th, but at least it's set up so I can get a second opinion. That's if I ever get a first opinion here before then. LOL! Barb Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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