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Hurrah for any of us who have found a treatment that helps, be it drugs, diet or

standing on our heads! It just confirms the wonderful diversity of humanity.

The whole mind & body works together in every thing so any event, whether

disease or a happy occurrence, affects us mentally and physically. I think the

medical profession and the religious community are just beginning to explore

this. And as we all get better educated we can only benefit.

My personal experience was to take the MTX offered rather than wanting to die

from the constant, intense, all over pain. I chose to have any kind of life now

because the future was so bleak for me, any side effects or long term effects

were minor considerations. After about 8 weeks the MTX kicked in and I had a

life back.

Five years later the PA has reared its ugly head again. The increased MTX after

8 wks has not helped like it originally did. While I have joint pain in various

areas, the most debilitating problem for me has always been with the tendons. I

think once they've been attacked and damaged, regardless of the MTX, they are

weakened and will probably never be the same. (I'll find out if my suspicions

are true Thurs when I see the rheumie).

However the MTX has always controlled the skin psoriasis. While I did not have

much of the cracking and bleeding many of you have described, I did have lesions

all over my body ( and I do mean everywhere imaginable). They went away years

ago and except for a small place on one elbow that never healed I have not had

any problems since then. From what I've read from most of you the MTX does

seem to control the skin but doesn't work as effectively (especially long term)

on the arthritis.

Also, I believe I am developing heel spurs. Do any of you have any experience

with this? What do you do? How do you cope?

Finally, how many of us who have moderate to severe pain hold down jobs outside

the home? So many of you comment on being out of commission at least 2 days a

week because of drug reactions I am beginning to think its impossible to work

full time. Those who do work full time outside the home, how are you handling

this, what kind of jobs are you tackling? What are your secrets? I have so

little energy, I'm not sure I can work full time anymore.

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