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Re: Roller Coaster of Emotions

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When teachers point out problems and psychiatrists make a diagnosis, parents try to be strong and just accept it for what it is.  However, it is a huge life change!  Your " perfect " child has a problem and his life and yours will be changed forever.  Not good or bad, just changed.  There is a grief process most parents go through until they are able to accept that change and do what needs to be done.  Life isn't always fair, but we do what we have to do to make sure our kids live a full and happy life to the greatest extent possible.

Lindsey senhttp://5kidswdisabilities.wordpress.com

On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 9:21 PM, Lori <have_faith_2008@...> wrote:


Hey There... My 6 year old son just got diagnosed with AS. His teacher had alerted us that she thought something was up and we have been going through the school district having a whole battery of cognitive, speech and OT tests done. That will be done in another month or so. But we also took him to a psychiatrist (MD who specializes in autism) and yesterday we saw her and she officially diagnosed him with aspergers. It was odd, because I was so sure I had made peace with it last month when we first started seeing all the aspergers signs after the teacher brought it up to us. And yesterday I was fine with the doctor, but this morning I was just an emotional mess! Just wondering if anyone else can relate. On one hand, I truly have perspective that while this is a challenge, it is totally doable for us and I am so thankful for all the blessings we have and my son has... but some part of me I think has this pritective reaction, I just want everything to be fine for my son, for him to be able to have a good life and succeed and for nothing to be 'wrong' with him... But I know many kids with aspergers have very happy and successful lives and relationships... But I see also many struggle in many areas and I guess it breaks my heart in a way to see him go through that. Anyway, just thought I would put that out there... thank you all foir listening and sharing... (-:

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Hi Lori

I think we can all probably totally relate! My son is 7 and I

definitely can! I fought for almost 2 years to GET the diagnosis I believed

true and then when I actually did, I cried and cried. BUT the DX arms us with

the tools to move forward, make progress, and help our sons achieve success in


There are good days and there are bad days—good hours and bad

hours. Each day is its own. When he’s bad, it’s bad, but when he’s good, it’s

incredible! In our case, Prozac and Vyvanse are helping a lot, along with

routine and consistency!! (I have to fight the rest of the family for the

consistency, but when I GET it, it works)

Well I wish you the best! Welcome to the forum!

Lori L


[mailto: ] On

Behalf Of Lori

Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 7:21 PM

Subject: ( ) Roller Coaster of Emotions

Hey There... My 6 year old son just got

diagnosed with AS. His teacher had alerted us that she thought something was up

and we have been going through the school district having a whole battery of

cognitive, speech and OT tests done. That will be done in another month or so.

But we also took him to a psychiatrist (MD who specializes in autism) and

yesterday we saw her and she officially diagnosed him with aspergers. It was

odd, because I was so sure I had made peace with it last month when we first

started seeing all the aspergers signs after the teacher brought it up to us.

And yesterday I was fine with the doctor, but this morning I was just an

emotional mess! Just wondering if anyone else can relate. On one hand, I truly

have perspective that while this is a challenge, it is totally doable for us

and I am so thankful for all the blessings we have and my son has... but some

part of me I think has this pritective reaction, I just want everything to be

fine for my son, for him to be able to have a good life and succeed and for

nothing to be 'wrong' with him... But I know many kids with aspergers have very

happy and successful lives and relationships... But I see also many struggle in

many areas and I guess it breaks my heart in a way to see him go through that.

Anyway, just thought I would put that out there... thank you all foir listening

and sharing... (-:

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