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From: Generation Rescue <info2@...>

Subject: June e-Newsletter


Date: Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 2:43 PM

[GR Logo]

www.GenerationRescue.org Newsletter June 2009 Generation

Rescue Announces Rescue Family Grant Program

We are proud to announce our Rescue Family Grant program! Generation

Rescue is offering a grant program for first time biomedical autism

treatments that may not otherwise be covered privately or by other

third-party funding sources such as school districts, county programs,

insurance, and/or other grant making entities.

We are now accepting our first round of 250 applications for our Rescue

Family program; applications must be received by July 15, 2009.

Applicants who meet the grant program criteria and complete the grant

application will be considered for a Rescue Family grant. Rescue Family

grants are based on economic need within the applicants specific

geographic area.

Generation Rescue's Rescue Family grants are designed to provide support

to individuals and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders. Each

grant recipient will receive two doctor visits with a specially trained

physician who treats individualized medical conditions associated with

autism. Grants also include a 90 day supply of vitamins, minerals and

supplements, a Generation Rescue-Rescue Mentor and information on

dietary interventions. We are currently in the process of negotiating

some laboratory testing as well and hope to have some additional

announcements in the next few weeks.

Applicants must complete and mail the grant application by July 15th in

order to be considered for the Rescue Family program.

The application and complete application guidelines are on our website

at www.generationrescue.org.

<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkM-hR4zxl_\



Thank you to our New Generation Medical Doctors and our partners at


<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkOPcDyLXoQ\


W0BCzf0OpqVHk6NNbqMX8u_c2xg==> , Nordic Naturals

<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkMEftKek4j\


k-GygMBSeOncO0Y197yeAXneiU88Q_A5DG05i> , Bio Ray

<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkOC5AjaUvM\


d2_bc5N0a7Hc_Cd0YD54xM8zcNzLK5DHF8nJD> , and ReVitaPop

<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkPKzeHgEL3\


SnAYyLpZNc42mkjQ=> for helping us provide early biomedical intervention

to families in need.

Hot Autism Topics & New Information

1.) Generation Rescue launches new technology for the Rescue

Community.Update your Rescue Angel profile

<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkN7CF5klZA\



to include pictures or simply share a recovery story or share a vaccine

injury story.

2.) The " Is it Autism?

<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkNalYfx9Wt\


aTSsQpmmslDE1JQSioKuxNrD3t0tAVF-NUMu8-WOXaK9BG4W9hR2l-fwOPw==> " link

leads you to the CARD Autism Symptoms Questionaire which was developed

by the Center for Autism and Related Disorders

<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkPFbrQU3p3\


-qBNFRZUbZYkSRV96SUhzcC9lcfDPhCOEg5YU> , and automated by Generation

Rescue. It uses a simple to understand questions that relate to the DSM

IV criteria for Autism, Apergers and PDD-NOS. This is not a substitute

for a formal diagnosis by a professional, but it is a free and accurate

way of determining if a diagnosis is likely.

3.) Why Good Parents Believe Myths About Autism and Vaccines

<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkMzKniCB02\


Ypt-Pwn3W9O_-xOkU6FvlUTCKCw==> by J.B. Handley

4.) We have been informed that Merck says the company plans to resume

production of the separate M-M-R component vaccines. They anticipate

these becoming available in 2011 (no actual month specified).

5.) Do you need immediate financial assistance for biomedical

interventions? Micro loans are available from Lend4Health

<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkOy2RpZc7P\


8TRqzeD7bWUooHgYnT5npgXDJAQfHGo8ctkuZ> . Lend4Health facilitates

community-funded, interest-free micro-loans as a creative funding option

for individuals and groups seeking optimal health. Currently,

Lend4Health is facilitating loans for the " biomedical " treatment of

children and adults with autism spectrum and related disorders.

USAAA - July 9 - 12, 2009

Generation Rescue is exhibiting at USAAA

Stop by our booth to get the latest information on our programs and

services. Ask questions about our Rescue Family program, get a doctor

referral list or find a Rescue Angel in your area.

President, Stan Kurtz is a presenter at this year's conference.

Outreach and Advocacy, Obradovic will be presenting a review of

the vaccine medical literature organized on FourteenStudies.org

For full conference schedule and details log on to USAAA

<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkP5XWFlYg0\



4fookOggNP1G4bhTL0sZ1QfJkVhxl> .


Thoughts About Implementing the GFCF diet

by s

<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkOncdAQqnh\




It is pretty easy to substitute your child's favorite foods with

gluten-free options like GF waffles, GF pancakes, GF muffins, GF pasta

which all are readily available in stores. GFCF hotdogs and chicken

nuggets are also pretty close to the taste of the original gluten

containing versions, and easy to substitute. Breads are more difficult

to substitute, since gluten's texture makes bread more difficult to

duplicate with gluten-free flours. As you try different brands of GFCF

bread, consider making some of your own. Gluten-free breads, with and

without yeast, taste much better and have a fresher texture when made at


Some aspects of going casein-free are also easy to change: butter

substitutes such as ghee and coconut oil are delicious, healthy, and

available in most health food stores. Coconut yogurt (by So Delicious)

is dairy-free and soy-free, casein-free pudding and ice cream is also

nearly indistinguishable from the dairy versions. Milk can be slowly

diluted over time with dairy-free milk. Mac and cheese can be made

fairly easily without any cheese substitute at all. Melted cheese on GF

pizza is harder to mimic because of its gooey texture. Fortunately,

Galaxy Foods makes a Vegan Rice cheese that is free of casein and

caseinate, as well as soy-free, that can be used when you simply must

have pizza.

Here are some initial steps for implementing GFCF:

1. Experiment. Before removing anything, introduce GFCF alternatives

such as rice pasta, GF waffles, and other GFCF foods and snacks as this

will support the elimination strategy. Try some prepared foods and

mixes. Find options you child likes and that you can substitute later

during implementation.

2. Explore GFCF resources (books, cookbooks, videos, autism websites)

to become familiar with the diet and learn helpful ideas, what to

expect, and what foods are allowed. Watch instructional videos - many

are available at YouTube.

3. Create a meal plan-a list of gluten-free and casein-free foods,

meals, and snacks your child will eat or that you would like to make on


4. Shop for foods according to meal plan, as well as purchasing GFCF

flours, milks, and other cooking staples.

5. Then, begin eliminating one at a time:

* Start with the elimination of casein-for two weeks, then...

* Remove gluten and continue both (gluten-free and casein-free) for

three to six months

For 's full article and a list of how to implement the diet, a

sample menu, food sources to avoid and a list of foods your child can

eat on a GFCF diet go towww.generationrescue.org resource page

<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkOncdAQqnh\



quQ6P61OFS-uz1C7XLQ==> .

Local FUNdraisers!

[] You know you want to do something in your community to

raise funds and public awareness about autism, but deciding on what to

do can be confusing. At Generation Rescue our FUNdraising program is

geared to the individual. Do you have a great idea. . . a fashion show,

a baseball game, a bake sale. . . turn it into a fundraiser for autism.

FUNdraising is fun and easy to do. No idea is too large or too small.

Raise money for autism and awareness within your local community at the

same time. Get started today, contact Candace Mc

<http://us.mc831.mail./mc/compose?to=candacegenerationrescue (DOT) o\

rg> .

Upcoming Member Fundraisers


June 9 - Pros with a Purpose Celebrity Invitational

Hampton Hills Golf & Country Club

Westhampton Beach, NY

For further information contact Lawrence Citarelli



June 27 - Fish Fry for Generation Rescue presented by Montgomery


fort, Indiana

For further information contact Officer Hession



To start your own event today or for further details on any of the

events listed email Candace Mc


..org> .

Summer Items for the Family

Need something for your child to play with on a car ride, waiting for

the doctor or just at home? Try dokedo putty

<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkOFVC54FwE\



DBL_tQyI=> ! It's 100% non-toxic, gluten, casein, latex FREE putty

which will never dry out or crumble.

[Healing & Preventing Autism]


Support GR and wear your I'm tired bracelet

$5 from every sale benefits GR!!

<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkO8GQd34aE\



Get your Rescue Angel community t-shirt or Angel tank top. Be part of

the GR family too! Rescue Angel t-shirts designed by actor and comedian

Jim Carrey are available for men, women and children. Check out all our

GR gear

<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102600014293 & s=56541 & e=001s6HmHBBRMkOVHYjsr5O\


LpD748b3Zj0t4ZoiJhBTM70zbCTkh8CRdBv_dQDRyFMa_M1M6cUSfWMS_k3h9x3OPx9qY> .

[Rescue Angel White]

Best to you,

The Team at Generation Rescue


email: info2@...

<http://us.mc831.mail./mc/compose?to=info2generationrescue (DOT) org\


web: www.GenerationRescue.org

phone: 1.877.98Autism

Generation Rescue is an international movement of scientists and

physicians researching the causes and treatments for autism, ADHD and

chronic illness, while parent-volunteers mentor thousands of families in

recovering their children.

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