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Help please!

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> Hi all,

> We started our first round of chelating DMSA yesterday, my son

(46lbs) became very hyperactive this morning, then in the afternoon he

was very angry and argumentative.

Consider yeast overgrowth or mineral deficiency.


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> Hi all,

> We started our first round of chelating DMSA yesterday, my son

(46lbs) became very hyperactive this morning, then in the afternoon he

was very angry and argumentative. His OT who sees him every Saturday,

also notice he is very different. He just could not stop moving. We

know this is because of DMSA. but is it normal to have this kind of



> Also, this sounds silly but we did start with 100mg/8 hour protocol

and after 2 dose, change to 25mg/4 hour protocol

The 100 mg/8h was giving him way too much DMSA at once and

redistribution was happening after every dose. What you should have

done is stopped and let him recover before chelating again. The

dosage range for Andy's protocol is 1/8 to 1/2 mg/lb. 25 mg is at the

high end of the range for your son. Always start at the low end,

which would be about 6.25 mg for your son.

It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with Andy's protocol

before starting up again. See his two books, the FAQ of this list and

Moria's web pages.


as my friend says it is much safer to do the latter. Could I doing

something wrong?

> I am very worried!

> Any help will be greatly appreciated.


> Larice







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Yes, it is much safer. Stay with the second dose.


[ ] Help please!

Hi all,

We started our first round of chelating DMSA yesterday, my son (46lbs) became

very hyperactive this morning, then in the afternoon he was very angry and

argumentative. His OT who sees him every Saturday, also notice he is very

different. He just could not stop moving. We know this is because of DMSA. but

is it normal to have this kind of reaction?

Also, this sounds silly but we did start with 100mg/8 hour protocol and after

2 dose, change to 25mg/4 hour protocol as my friend says it is much safer to do

the latter. Could I doing something wrong?

I am very worried!

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

We had to stop all the suppliments for 3 days,that our Dan Dr has our

child on,in order to test his stool,we now need to get him back on his

suppliments,the question is how do we do it,and how fast do we go

without causing him to have a bad reaction.

He is on 9 suppliments.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest


> Okay guys I posted this to another board but things seem to be getting worse.

I have been on TRT since last October. I turned 40 years old in February. I

apply 2 tubes of Testim every day. Here is a list of the recurring problems I'm

having. I believe that Phil is familiar with this from another board but I want

as many opinions as possible and I believe Phil to be right but I need to figure

out how to approach it with my doc.


> 1. What the hell am I supposed to feel like after turning 40? I mean I feel

worse now than ever. I have NO interest in sex AT ALL! I mean I still notice

attractive women and have morning erections but when it comes to sex I could

take it or leave it and would rather leave it. I'm experiencing ED, very slow to

ejaculate and almost no intensity at all in my orgasms. Because of the loss of

pleasure I don't even care anymore!! I should add that none of this started

until I started TRT. Before starting TRT my sex drive was low but NOT this low

and my orgasms were normal and I could have orgasms within just a few minutes of

initiating sex and they were intense and forceful but not anymore.


> 2. I understand that as a guy ages things slow down but I also know it isn't a

plunge off a cliff slowing down. It is gradual and almost unnoticeable. I should

also add that any of the PDE5 drugs don't seem to help much with the erection

quality nor the ability to achieve an orgasm before I am just too worn out to

continue sexual activity.


> So that's about it. I'm gonna consult with two docs. The last time I had a T

test the Total T levels had dropped from 617 to 327. That is having the blood

drawn after not applying the gel for 24 hours. I'm fairly certain the problem is

E2 being way too high even though LabCorps ultra-sensitive assay showed me at



> So I don't know what to do. Phil has told me that LabCorps test is no longer

accurate and that I should get a test through Quest. I don't know what to do and

all of these problems are seriously making me consider going off TRT altogether

and trying to talk the doc into letting me try a cycle of Clomid to see if I can

get my T up and my E2 down my modulating the receptor. I just don't know what to

do and have never been so frustrated in my life!! Any opinions are greatly



What was your original total T and LH/FSH levels before you started TRT. Where

you primary/secondary hypogonadism. I too have a low T 170. I had used propecia

and I think this might have permanently affected my pituitary axis as both my

LH/FSH are also low. I just started the same TRT 5g gel as you yesterday. I was

having so many symptoms moodiness, depression, loss of libido. I had to try

something. I am 49 years old. Hearing your story about the TRT treatment not

working doesn't make me encouraged. I needed to start TRT to help me with the

above symptoms. I too would like to know if there is anything to jump start the

pituitary to get LH/FSH up. I am scheduled for MRI make sure no tumor.

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The only men that can jump start the pituitary are men doing steroids there

Testosterone levels were good before starting on the steroids so they cycle the

steroids on and off to keep there HPTA working using Clomid, Nolvadex or HCG to

Jump start there HPTA again. But most of the men doing this end up with low

testosterone and need to go on TRT.

If your Estradiol levels are good they I would say you are secondary meaning

your pituitary is not working right here is a good link about this a FAQ's we

did some time ago. In this link you will find a lot of FAQ's about problems we

get when we are Secondary.

http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=12 & t=256

I don't know of any case where a man with low testosterone do to a pituitary

problem that could jump start there HPTA it's in most cases damaged do to a

tumor or head injury.

Now that you started on the low dose of gel 5 grams do get tested in 2 weeks to

make sure it's getting through your skin. Some men starting on this low dose

feel better in the first week and a half then fall back. What happens is the

brain sees the gels testosterone added in to the blood and slows down the LH and

FSH even more so you can get left with only a level of what the gel is doing.

Look at this this way say your started with a level of 300 and the gel kicks it

up to 500 your brain sees this and slows down the LH and FSH messages so now

your left with the 200 the gel is doing.

On gels when you go to do a lab test shower real good first thing in the morning

and try to get the blood taken first then put on the gel after so you don't

spike your test.

Most me do better on 10 grams of gel every morning later when you are leveled

and your Total and Free Testosterone levels are up into the upper 1/3 of your

labs range and your Estradiol is down to about 20 to 30 pg/ml and you are

leveled good then add in some HCG to your gels doing a 250 IU shot every 3 days

this acts like LH and will make your testis make Testosterone so they keep

working and your LH cells keep working.



> From: hedgesclinic1 <hedgesclinic1@...>

> Subject: Re: Help Please!


> Date: Friday, July 3, 2009, 10:01 AM


> >

> > Okay guys I posted this to another board but things

> seem to be getting worse. I have been on TRT since last

> October. I turned 40 years old in February. I apply 2 tubes

> of Testim every day. Here is a list of the recurring

> problems I'm having. I believe that Phil is familiar with

> this from another board but I want as many opinions as

> possible and I believe Phil to be right but I need to figure

> out how to approach it with my doc.

> >

> > 1. What the hell am I supposed to feel like after

> turning 40? I mean I feel worse now than ever. I have NO

> interest in sex AT ALL! I mean I still notice attractive

> women and have morning erections but when it comes to sex I

> could take it or leave it and would rather leave it. I'm

> experiencing ED, very slow to ejaculate and almost no

> intensity at all in my orgasms. Because of the loss of

> pleasure I don't even care anymore!! I should add that none

> of this started until I started TRT. Before starting TRT my

> sex drive was low but NOT this low and my orgasms were

> normal and I could have orgasms within just a few minutes of

> initiating sex and they were intense and forceful but not

> anymore.

> >

> > 2. I understand that as a guy ages things slow down

> but I also know it isn't a plunge off a cliff slowing down.

> It is gradual and almost unnoticeable. I should also add

> that any of the PDE5 drugs don't seem to help much with the

> erection quality nor the ability to achieve an orgasm before

> I am just too worn out to continue sexual activity.

> >

> > So that's about it. I'm gonna consult with two docs.

> The last time I had a T test the Total T levels had dropped

> from 617 to 327. That is having the blood drawn after not

> applying the gel for 24 hours. I'm fairly certain the

> problem is E2 being way too high even though LabCorps

> ultra-sensitive assay showed me at 25pg/ml.

> >

> > So I don't know what to do. Phil has told me that

> LabCorps test is no longer accurate and that I should get a

> test through Quest. I don't know what to do and all of these

> problems are seriously making me consider going off TRT

> altogether and trying to talk the doc into letting me try a

> cycle of Clomid to see if I can get my T up and my E2 down

> my modulating the receptor. I just don't know what to do and

> have never been so frustrated in my life!! Any opinions are

> greatly appreciated.

> >

> What was your original total T and LH/FSH levels before you

> started TRT. Where you primary/secondary hypogonadism. I too

> have a low T 170. I had used propecia and I think this might

> have permanently affected my pituitary axis as both my

> LH/FSH are also low. I just started the same TRT 5g gel as

> you yesterday. I was having so many symptoms moodiness,

> depression, loss of libido. I had to try something. I am 49

> years old. Hearing your story about the TRT treatment not

> working doesn't make me encouraged. I needed to start TRT to

> help me with the above symptoms. I too would like to know if

> there is anything to jump start the pituitary to get LH/FSH

> up. I am scheduled for MRI make sure no tumor.




> ------------------------------------



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I went 20 some yrs being told I am Primary and I found out I am Secondary one

thing you can do to see if your Secondary without stopping TRT is to go on HCG

doing 500 IU's 3x's a week on top of your TRT. I did this and did labs before

going on HCG then after the 15th shot tested again and my Total T doubled going

from 500 to 1000. If you try this and your levels shoot way up then you have a

pituitary problem and would need an MRI on it to rule out a tumor. If you have

one the treatment is still the same and this tumor is rare to be cancer.

I used Norarel HCG I know it works get it from my CVS Caremark mail order drug

plain if you try this make sure you Dr. says this HCG is for low testosterone so

your drug plain will pay for it.

I went off TRT 7 times when I was sent to see an Endo doing this only made me

crash so bad I was off work on sick leave each time Endo's are not good Dr.'s

for low T no good Dr. will take a men off TRT when he has been on it for a long

time. You will crash and there is no chance you will go back to the levels you

were at before TRT. It can take a good yr. from your brain to go back to

working the way it did before going on TRT I have been off TRT 6 months and my

levels never came back to my first base line test of 120 I was dam sick doing

this and will never let it happen again. I dam near died having heart sugary

because the Heart Dr. took me off TRT.



> From: royalblue02@... <royalblue02@...>

> Subject: Re: Help Please!


> Date: Friday, July 3, 2009, 10:32 AM

> Well you see now that's part of where

> I believe the mistake in my treatment lies. My FSH/LH levels

> were never checked so there was never any diagnosis as to

> why I was low. This was all before I even knew about

> hypogonadism and trying to find out why you're low. I had

> dumb doctors and I myself was ignorant to things. My total T

> before beginning treatment was 230 and then dropped within

> two months to around 200. It was then I was sent to another

> doctor who immediately tested only my prolactin levels and

> then initiated TRT. You see this is the reason why I'm not

> sure if I should just stop for awhile, allow things to

> " maybe " return to normal and then get all the tests I should

> have gotten in the first place to see what could be causing

> it assuming that can even be done now.


> With all that said I will say that for a few months after

> starting Testim I felt GREAT and better than I had in a very

> long time, but this eventually waned and now I am where I

> am. I wouldn't count out treatment for yourself and use my

> experience to deter or discourage you. The correct protocols

> weren't followed in my case so I need to look elsewhere for

> the cause of the problem. I think stress plays a very big

> role in the suppression of natural T production through the

> generation of cortisol, etc. In your case, from what I've

> read from you, things are quite different than in my

> situation. Don't give up hope on the Testim, although I will

> say that gels have been known to fail. Sometimes your body

> stops absorbing enough of the medication and many men

> eventually end up on injections after being on gels for

> quite some time. This is not true in all cases but it is for

> more than half I would say. Thank you for your response and

> I wish you the best in getting your life back to the way it

> should be. A man of any age should not have a precipitous

> decrease in sex drive and if and when he does it NEEDS to be

> looked into since low T can cause ALL KINDS of health

> problems and low libido is just the tip of the iceberg.




> > >

> > > Okay guys I posted this to another board but

> things seem to be getting worse. I have been on TRT since

> last October. I turned 40 years old in February. I apply 2

> tubes of Testim every day. Here is a list of the recurring

> problems I'm having. I believe that Phil is familiar with

> this from another board but I want as many opinions as

> possible and I believe Phil to be right but I need to figure

> out how to approach it with my doc.

> > >

> > > 1. What the hell am I supposed to feel like after

> turning 40? I mean I feel worse now than ever. I have NO

> interest in sex AT ALL! I mean I still notice attractive

> women and have morning erections but when it comes to sex I

> could take it or leave it and would rather leave it. I'm

> experiencing ED, very slow to ejaculate and almost no

> intensity at all in my orgasms. Because of the loss of

> pleasure I don't even care anymore!! I should add that none

> of this started until I started TRT. Before starting TRT my

> sex drive was low but NOT this low and my orgasms were

> normal and I could have orgasms within just a few minutes of

> initiating sex and they were intense and forceful but not

> anymore.

> > >

> > > 2. I understand that as a guy ages things slow

> down but I also know it isn't a plunge off a cliff slowing

> down. It is gradual and almost unnoticeable. I should also

> add that any of the PDE5 drugs don't seem to help much with

> the erection quality nor the ability to achieve an orgasm

> before I am just too worn out to continue sexual activity.

> > >

> > > So that's about it. I'm gonna consult with two

> docs. The last time I had a T test the Total T levels had

> dropped from 617 to 327. That is having the blood drawn

> after not applying the gel for 24 hours. I'm fairly certain

> the problem is E2 being way too high even though LabCorps

> ultra-sensitive assay showed me at 25pg/ml.

> > >

> > > So I don't know what to do. Phil has told me that

> LabCorps test is no longer accurate and that I should get a

> test through Quest. I don't know what to do and all of these

> problems are seriously making me consider going off TRT

> altogether and trying to talk the doc into letting me try a

> cycle of Clomid to see if I can get my T up and my E2 down

> my modulating the receptor. I just don't know what to do and

> have never been so frustrated in my life!! Any opinions are

> greatly appreciated.

> > >

> > What was your original total T and LH/FSH levels

> before you started TRT. Where you primary/secondary

> hypogonadism. I too have a low T 170. I had used propecia

> and I think this might have permanently affected my

> pituitary axis as both my LH/FSH are also low. I just

> started the same TRT 5g gel as you yesterday. I was having

> so many symptoms moodiness, depression, loss of libido. I

> had to try something. I am 49 years old. Hearing your story

> about the TRT treatment not working doesn't make me

> encouraged. I needed to start TRT to help me with the above

> symptoms. I too would like to know if there is anything to

> jump start the pituitary to get LH/FSH up. I am scheduled

> for MRI make sure no tumor.

> >





> ------------------------------------



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So Phil, in reading your always excellent advice how would you suggest I

approach this with my doc. Clearly another Total T and free T test is needed

after the shower, etc and possibly another E2 test. So my question is how in the

world would I convince my doc to put me on HCG? I want to go back in there armed

with as much information as possible. It could be that I may have to bite the

bullet, after the tests, and go see Dr. . I'm just so confused how I should

approach this. I really feel like I need a supply of Arimidex on hand just in

case and also HCG as needed. It could also be my T is again very low cause the

Testim as stopped getting in and I may need to do injections, which would be

fine with me since they are much cheaper. I really need to know how to approach


A couple of questions for you since you are older. How is your libido? When did

you notice that your libido was back to the way it was, let's say, when you were

in your late twenties or early 30's? I'm just curious to compare my feelings to

someone else who's been through the ringer as well. Also I'd like to say it is

DAMN good to see you posting again and I'm sure glad you recovered from the

heart surgery.

> > > >

> > > > Okay guys I posted this to another board but

> > things seem to be getting worse. I have been on TRT since

> > last October. I turned 40 years old in February. I apply 2

> > tubes of Testim every day. Here is a list of the recurring

> > problems I'm having. I believe that Phil is familiar with

> > this from another board but I want as many opinions as

> > possible and I believe Phil to be right but I need to figure

> > out how to approach it with my doc.

> > > >

> > > > 1. What the hell am I supposed to feel like after

> > turning 40? I mean I feel worse now than ever. I have NO

> > interest in sex AT ALL! I mean I still notice attractive

> > women and have morning erections but when it comes to sex I

> > could take it or leave it and would rather leave it. I'm

> > experiencing ED, very slow to ejaculate and almost no

> > intensity at all in my orgasms. Because of the loss of

> > pleasure I don't even care anymore!! I should add that none

> > of this started until I started TRT. Before starting TRT my

> > sex drive was low but NOT this low and my orgasms were

> > normal and I could have orgasms within just a few minutes of

> > initiating sex and they were intense and forceful but not

> > anymore.

> > > >

> > > > 2. I understand that as a guy ages things slow

> > down but I also know it isn't a plunge off a cliff slowing

> > down. It is gradual and almost unnoticeable. I should also

> > add that any of the PDE5 drugs don't seem to help much with

> > the erection quality nor the ability to achieve an orgasm

> > before I am just too worn out to continue sexual activity.

> > > >

> > > > So that's about it. I'm gonna consult with two

> > docs. The last time I had a T test the Total T levels had

> > dropped from 617 to 327. That is having the blood drawn

> > after not applying the gel for 24 hours. I'm fairly certain

> > the problem is E2 being way too high even though LabCorps

> > ultra-sensitive assay showed me at 25pg/ml.

> > > >

> > > > So I don't know what to do. Phil has told me that

> > LabCorps test is no longer accurate and that I should get a

> > test through Quest. I don't know what to do and all of these

> > problems are seriously making me consider going off TRT

> > altogether and trying to talk the doc into letting me try a

> > cycle of Clomid to see if I can get my T up and my E2 down

> > my modulating the receptor. I just don't know what to do and

> > have never been so frustrated in my life!! Any opinions are

> > greatly appreciated.

> > > >

> > > What was your original total T and LH/FSH levels

> > before you started TRT. Where you primary/secondary

> > hypogonadism. I too have a low T 170. I had used propecia

> > and I think this might have permanently affected my

> > pituitary axis as both my LH/FSH are also low. I just

> > started the same TRT 5g gel as you yesterday. I was having

> > so many symptoms moodiness, depression, loss of libido. I

> > had to try something. I am 49 years old. Hearing your story

> > about the TRT treatment not working doesn't make me

> > encouraged. I needed to start TRT to help me with the above

> > symptoms. I too would like to know if there is anything to

> > jump start the pituitary to get LH/FSH up. I am scheduled

> > for MRI make sure no tumor.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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First tell him you can't do gels any more your afraid you wife and kids are

getting on them from your skin and you don't want to do this anymore.

Show him this cut and paste Dr. sent to me to get my Dr. to let me try HCG

never do more then 500 IU's a day.


03-13-2005, 03:10 PM


Senior Member Join Date: Mar 2005

Posts: 7,017

Rep Power: 12

I am confused?


I have been on TRT for 21 yrs and I am Primary I read SWALE paper on adding HCG

to the mix. I asked my Dr. if it would help and he felt no. Because my Testis

don't work. SWALE is he right.



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#6 (permalink) 03-13-2005, 03:53 PM


Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Join Date: Dec 2003

Location: Lansing, MI

Posts: 2,243

Rep Power: 0


No. He probably feels that since you suffer primary hypogonadism (I am guessing)

there is no use in adding HCG to your protocol. There are several reasons why

this is not so. First, you have not lost all Leydig cells, so any HCG you take

will stimulate those who still function to produce endogenous testosterone.

This will support testicular size. We should not ignore this aesthetic


Next, if he reads my work, he will learn that HPTA-suppressed (as all TRT

patients are to some extent) also suffer decreased pregenenolone levels, which

is the first step after CHOL in all three hormonal pathways which begin with

CHOL. HCG increases pregnenolone production, and therefore restores a more

natural balance of our hormones.

Next, nearly all TRT patients who add in HCG to their regimens report an

increased sense of well-being and also libido. These are genuine quality of life


Finally, I just instinctively do not want all those LH receptors (including

those we have yet to discover and appreciate) unstimulated.


SWALE is Dr. also show him this link a study on the use of HCG.


Here are some links to get Arimidex.




Tell him BCBS pays for the use of Arimidex in men and dam near more men buy this

drug the women.

The dose for men when they get there E2 down is .25mgs every 2 to 3 days if your

levels are real high you can start with .5 mgs look for night time and morning

wood to come back keep an eye on this wood if it stops your going to low on the

higher dose of arimidex. So as soon as wood stops stop the arimidex until the

wood comes back. That do go back on it but take less so between gaging your wood

and labs you can keep in the best levels for Estradiol.



> From: royalblue02@... <royalblue02@...>

> Subject: Re: Help Please!


> Date: Friday, July 3, 2009, 12:11 PM

> So Phil, in reading your always

> excellent advice how would you suggest I approach this with

> my doc. Clearly another Total T and free T test is needed

> after the shower, etc and possibly another E2 test. So my

> question is how in the world would I convince my doc to put

> me on HCG? I want to go back in there armed with as much

> information as possible. It could be that I may have to bite

> the bullet, after the tests, and go see Dr. . I'm just

> so confused how I should approach this. I really feel like I

> need a supply of Arimidex on hand just in case and also HCG

> as needed. It could also be my T is again very low cause the

> Testim as stopped getting in and I may need to do

> injections, which would be fine with me since they are much

> cheaper. I really need to know how to approach this.


> A couple of questions for you since you are older. How is

> your libido? When did you notice that your libido was back

> to the way it was, let's say, when you were in your late

> twenties or early 30's? I'm just curious to compare my

> feelings to someone else who's been through the ringer as

> well. Also I'd like to say it is DAMN good to see you

> posting again and I'm sure glad you recovered from the heart

> surgery.



> > > > >

> > > > > Okay guys I posted this to another

> board but

> > > things seem to be getting worse. I have been on

> TRT since

> > > last October. I turned 40 years old in February.

> I apply 2

> > > tubes of Testim every day. Here is a list of the

> recurring

> > > problems I'm having. I believe that Phil is

> familiar with

> > > this from another board but I want as many

> opinions as

> > > possible and I believe Phil to be right but I

> need to figure

> > > out how to approach it with my doc.

> > > > >

> > > > > 1. What the hell am I supposed to feel

> like after

> > > turning 40? I mean I feel worse now than ever. I

> have NO

> > > interest in sex AT ALL! I mean I still notice

> attractive

> > > women and have morning erections but when it

> comes to sex I

> > > could take it or leave it and would rather leave

> it. I'm

> > > experiencing ED, very slow to ejaculate and

> almost no

> > > intensity at all in my orgasms. Because of the

> loss of

> > > pleasure I don't even care anymore!! I should add

> that none

> > > of this started until I started TRT. Before

> starting TRT my

> > > sex drive was low but NOT this low and my orgasms

> were

> > > normal and I could have orgasms within just a few

> minutes of

> > > initiating sex and they were intense and forceful

> but not

> > > anymore.

> > > > >

> > > > > 2. I understand that as a guy ages

> things slow

> > > down but I also know it isn't a plunge off a

> cliff slowing

> > > down. It is gradual and almost unnoticeable. I

> should also

> > > add that any of the PDE5 drugs don't seem to help

> much with

> > > the erection quality nor the ability to achieve

> an orgasm

> > > before I am just too worn out to continue sexual

> activity.

> > > > >

> > > > > So that's about it. I'm gonna consult

> with two

> > > docs. The last time I had a T test the Total T

> levels had

> > > dropped from 617 to 327. That is having the blood

> drawn

> > > after not applying the gel for 24 hours. I'm

> fairly certain

> > > the problem is E2 being way too high even though

> LabCorps

> > > ultra-sensitive assay showed me at 25pg/ml.

> > > > >

> > > > > So I don't know what to do. Phil has

> told me that

> > > LabCorps test is no longer accurate and that I

> should get a

> > > test through Quest. I don't know what to do and

> all of these

> > > problems are seriously making me consider going

> off TRT

> > > altogether and trying to talk the doc into

> letting me try a

> > > cycle of Clomid to see if I can get my T up and

> my E2 down

> > > my modulating the receptor. I just don't know

> what to do and

> > > have never been so frustrated in my life!! Any

> opinions are

> > > greatly appreciated.

> > > > >

> > > > What was your original total T and LH/FSH

> levels

> > > before you started TRT. Where you

> primary/secondary

> > > hypogonadism. I too have a low T 170. I had used

> propecia

> > > and I think this might have permanently affected

> my

> > > pituitary axis as both my LH/FSH are also low. I

> just

> > > started the same TRT 5g gel as you yesterday. I

> was having

> > > so many symptoms moodiness, depression, loss of

> libido. I

> > > had to try something. I am 49 years old. Hearing

> your story

> > > about the TRT treatment not working doesn't make

> me

> > > encouraged. I needed to start TRT to help me with

> the above

> > > symptoms. I too would like to know if there is

> anything to

> > > jump start the pituitary to get LH/FSH up. I am

> scheduled

> > > for MRI make sure no tumor.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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