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> Hi. Along the same lines as the NDSS conference... Is anyone going

to the

> NDSC conference? I live 2 hrs away from San Diego and left the


> to late for NDSS so I missed out... but I am thinking about going

to NDSC...

> Please let me know if anyone from this group is going...

and I hope to be there! We are still waiting to make sure he

can get it off work and to firm up plans for the kids, but...

Hope to see you there!

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We hope to attend.

Kelli, Joe and Austin


>--- :

> > Hi. Along the same lines as the NDSS conference... Is anyone going

>to the

> > NDSC conference? > > Please let me know if anyone from this group is



> and I hope to be there! We are still waiting to make sure he

>can get it off work and to firm up plans for the kids, but...


>Hope to see you there!




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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Yes, We are. Just put in our registration this week. Have had hotel

reservations for awhile. We'll have to figure out a way to recognize

members of the list.

This is our first one. Nicky (12 y.o) is going along, so we'll see how the

weekend goes. My hubby is also going, so we figure if nothing else we can

take turns sitting at the pool with Nick, and attending the conference.

Nick is also pretty good about sitting through meetings, as long as it's not

all day, so we can both attend some of the sessions.

Is your whole family attending?


mom of 3,

including Nicky, 12 y/o, DS, Hirschsprungs


> HI,


> Anyone going to the NDSC convention in Philly in August?


> mom to Bridget 10



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Yes, We are. Just put in our registration this week. Have had hotel

reservations for awhile. We'll have to figure out a way to recognize

members of the list.

This is our first one. Nicky (12 y.o) is going along, so we'll see how the

weekend goes. My hubby is also going, so we figure if nothing else we can

take turns sitting at the pool with Nick, and attending the conference.

Nick is also pretty good about sitting through meetings, as long as it's not

all day, so we can both attend some of the sessions.

Is your whole family attending?


mom of 3,

including Nicky, 12 y/o, DS, Hirschsprungs


> HI,


> Anyone going to the NDSC convention in Philly in August?


> mom to Bridget 10



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When is the conference again? I was seriously considering coming for just

the day on saturday if that is an option. a, if you can send me the

contact info, just one more time, id appreciate it!


~ Mom to 12 DS and Diabetes Type 1 and 9 NY

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Hi ,

The conference is August 22,23 and 24 at the Mark Hotel in Philly.

Here is the link for the National Down Syndrome Congress website:


It looks like the registration on the website is just for the whole

convention. I believe there is phone numbers where you can call for info

listed. I'd give them a call to see if there is a one day rate. Hope to

see you there.


mom of 3,

including Nicky, 12 y/o, DS, Hirschsprungs


> Hi,

> When is the conference again? I was seriously considering coming for just

> the day on saturday if that is an option. a, if you can send me


> contact info, just one more time, id appreciate it!


> Thanks,


> ~ Mom to 12 DS and Diabetes Type 1 and 9 NY

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Hi ! I am a regular reader here but haven't posted since my

daughter was a baby. I am planning to go to the convention....not

sure yet what sessions I will be able to attend. My husband is

unable to get away for the Friday sessions, so I will have to see. I

would love to meet up with other list members who will be there! (I

won't be staying overnight in any case as I am nearby in South



Mom to -17, -14, and Lizzy-4 w/Ds

> HI,


> Anyone going to the NDSC convention in Philly in August?


> mom to Bridget 10



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I really did want to go, but my son is having his tonsils out on aug 22- too

bad its soo close this year and I would have loved to hook up with some people

from the list!

maybe another time when its nearby on the east coast!

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  • 5 years later...
Guest guest


-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

March 20, 2009

2011 Leadership Conference: Key Points

Dear Community Leaders, To

further our common cause - promotion of equal rights and opportunities

for people with Down syndrome and creation of a national climate in

which all people recognize and embrace the value and dignity of people

with Down syndrome - the NDSC Board of Directors submits the following:

National Down Syndrome Congress

First, allow us to state who we are. We are you!! Before

we began our work with the NDSC, we were engaged with our local

organizations. Most of us remain deeply involved. The majority of

NDSC directors are affiliate executive directors or leaders, Buddy Walk

organizers, teen group organizers, parent support group facilitators

and so on. We are, however, part of something larger - the

national and, increasingly international, movement dedicated to

enhancing the lives of people with Down syndrome. We receive NO

compensation to travel to the two board meetings annually. We are

volunteers who work hard, locally and nationally, for our families and

children. We are "you" and have embarked on a journey over the past

three years to revamp and reinvigorate the NDSC to give affiliates what

they need. We have made extraordinary strides in a short time.

We expanded our center staff, increased the hours for our DC-based

political affairs consultant, launched the first national awareness

campaign created for affiliates, increased minority membership,

responded to national and international issues with a unified voice,

and created best-practices for physicians. It is just a

beginning - let us know what else you would like from the NDSC. As

stated by our Executive Director at the recent AIA conference, we are

in this together. By working together in a sincere spirit of

collaboration, we can attain a shared vision. We hear with frequency people refer to the "nationals" as if the two organizations to which they refer are alike.

That is not true. The NDSC is a membership organization in which

all have an equal vote. We are about parents and their children

because we are parents, their children and the professionals who

support us. For four decades we have been single minded in dedication

to enhancing the lives of people with Down syndrome. The NDSC

is focused on positive communications with all audiences in order to

unify and further our Down syndrome movement. We will not engage in

conversations that disparage and remain committed to constructive

dialogue recognizing needs, obstacles and struggles, while seeking

effective problem solving and action steps. Important work remains to be done and we are moving toward its completion. Won't you join us?

A National 2011 Leadership Conference - for and by Affiliates


has been accomplished in three years through Affiliates In Action (AIA)

and we recognize that information sharing and collaboration is

essential to all of our organizations. The Down Syndrome Guild of

Greater Kansas City has done a fine job addressing those needs with AIA

and encouraging its evolving extensions. To their credit, it has grown

to the point that no one group should have to bear the ongoing

responsibility of producing the event.


few years ago, the NDSC Executive Director was asked if the Congress

might develop and launch what became AIA. The answer at that time was

appropriate: the NDSC did not then have the capacity to take it on. Now,

a reinvigorated NDSC, with our sharp focus on affiliated members'

needs, will develop, manage and promote a 2011 conference for community

leaders. We will take a hard look at adding this to our

national efforts and determine if it can be done within existing

resources, or by adding resources as appropriate. We will work

with the members of our Partnership Alliance and any other community

leaders who wish to participate, including all who served on the AIA

planning committee. The details of the conference will be determined

in an inclusive, transparent manner. All will have an equal voice,

regardless of the size of the affiliate. The members of the

Partnership Alliance are finalizing a governance structure that will

afford local and regional organizations a truly representative voice in

the NDSC and on national Down syndrome issues. The NDSC is

amending its bylaws to expand the board of directors and reserve two

directorships for members nominated by their Partnership Alliance

peers. That will become reality at our 2009 annual general meeting in

Sacramento. Involvement of the Partnership Alliance, other

affiliate leaders and the junction between the Alliance and the NDSC

will assure that the leadership conference will enjoy deep community

support, address crucial needs and have the backing of NDSC officers,

directors and staff. The NDSC is crafting a job description for

an Affiliate Relations position tasked with handling all aspects of

affiliate relations, and resources allowing, will move to add this

position to our staffing. We have 37 years of experience

producing successful conventions. Our convention coordinator will take

on the planning of the conference and our new full-time development

director is prepared to develop supplemental funding for the event. The

NDSC, however, can no more assume sole responsibility for conducting an

annual leadership conference than could the Kansas City Guild alone

shoulder the burden of a growing AIA event. Given our long

experience with large-scale events, we have a clear understanding of

the costs in both financial and human resources required to hold the

conference. After we have discussed the scope and objectives of the

2011 conference with community leaders, we will offer a proposal on

cost sharing for consideration by our entire community. Our hope is

that the cost to affiliates will be nominal and not much more than

travel and lodging costs to attend the conference. We will not

undertake this effort to generate revenue. Instead, we will conduct

the conference to break even financially as we do for the NDSC

convention. Finally, by assuming this role and working in a

positive, transparent, and collaborative manner with our affiliates, we

can make important strides toward uniting rather than further dividing

the Down syndrome community. Please join us in this effort to

unify the national Down syndrome movement and let us hear from you with

a reply to the President of the NDSC, or any other NDSC

Board Officer. Please reply with your comments by March 30, 2009

directly to info@.... Sincerely and on behalf of the National Down Syndrome Congress Board of Directors,F. President

National Down Syndrome Congress

1370 Center Drive

Suite 102

Atlanta, Georgia 30338

2011 National Leadership Conference Key Points


is need for organizations serving people with Down syndrome to meet,

share ideas, network and acquire management and administrative skills

and knowledge.

No one local or regional organization, however, should bear the responsibility for such an event.Proposal


the National Down Syndrome Congress, in collaboration with community

leaders, will develop, manage and promote a 2011 National Leadership


We will work with the NDSC Partnership Alliance and all

community leaders who wish to participate, including the members of the

AIA planning committee.

Involvement of the Partnership Alliance, other affiliate

leaders and the junction between the Alliance and the NDSC will assure

deep support for a conference that addresses crucial needs and has the

full backing of the NDSC.

Most importantly, we will respond to affiliates and

demonstrate national leadership on the critical challenge of unifying

our movement.


To ensure an effective conference, the NDSC offers: 37 years of experience producing successful conventions. The services of a professional event planner, the NDSC convention coordinator, to plan and manage the conference. The skills of the NDSC development director to secure sponsorships and supplemental funding.

Cost Sharing


the primary beneficiaries of the conference will be local and regional

Down syndrome organizations, a fair cost-sharing proposition must be

agreed upon by participants. Based on the NDSC's experience

with large-scale events, we have a clear understanding of the resources

required by this conference. After discussing the scope and

objectives of the 2011 conference with community leaders, the NDSC will

frame a cost-sharing proposal for community consideration. Our

objective will be to conduct the conference to break-even financially,

like the national convention.

Your thoughts?

Please reply by March 30, 2009 directly to F. , NDSC President at info@...

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National Down Syndrome Congress | 1370 Center Drive | Suite 102 | Atla

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