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New to the group - Introduction

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Hi Jessie and welcome from another PNW'r . . . Can I ask where you are? We

are in Snohomish, but other list members spread all around Puget Sound.

We've been discussing organizing a gathering of list members, most likely in

Seattle sometime in January. What type of still are you using? Pineapple

sage sounds delightful - did you msgc it and what is it similar to

chemically? Great to have another member from the great northwest.


Be well,

Marcia Elston

Samara Botane/Nature Intelligence, est. 1988

http://www.wingedseed.com Online 3/95

http://www.aromaconnection.org Group Blog 2/07

" Historically, the most terrible things - war, genocide and slavery - have

resulted from obedience, not disobedience. "


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Hi Marcia,

I'm here in Portland Oregon distilling in 7.5 gallon capacity copper

tabletop unit. I just finished my first year of

distillation/experimentation and really love it. While I have

dabbled in essential oils over the last decade I am still fairly new

to the field of natural perfume. I have to admit I am elated to find

such a huge amount of info and answers in one spot. I couldn't

sleep last night after I mixed cottonwood oil with the quince

hydrosol and it smelled like honey, pears, pineapples, dry wood, and

over-ripe apples. Quince is in the rose family and I think it would

actually blend beautifully with a nice rose hydrosol. Info on quince

is hard to find, I think most people have forgotten about them

because they are not commonly eaten though they used to be jellied

and preserved. I believe almost all of the oil is int he skin I

remembered seeing quince hydrosol on a price list somewhere (Liberty

Natural maybe?) and decided to try it. Distilling fruit for hydrosol

is a treat. I will source out as many forgotten/abandoned quince

trees as I can this year.

Thank you for such a warm welcome Marcia, a gathering in Seattle

sounds great to me. What do you distill in? What local fragrances

bring you the most joy?


Jess Ring

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<snipped for brevity>

> ...quince hydrosol ... Info on quince is hard to find, ...I believe

> almost all of the oil is int he skin. I remembered seeing quince

> hydrosol on a price list somewhere (Liberty Natural maybe?) and

> decided to try it.


> Cheers,

> Jess Ring


Hullo Jess and welcome from another Northwesterner, up here on Vashon

Island in Puget Sound. I've been wondering about doing something

perfumey with my quince as well. I planted a hedge of it six or seven

years ago, but haven't gotten around to doing anything with the fruit

yet; in my neglect the deer have gotten to eat them. There's also a

huge mature hedge of them up-island from me. I might be able to beg

some of the fruits off the owners If I don't get enough fruit from

mine next year... Have you thought about dehydrating them and then

doing a still run with dried fruit instead?

I also have a tabletop still. Mine's only a 5-liter setup, but that's

plenty big for me just now. That's about all the weight I can work

with currently.



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mother_ring wrote:

> Hello everyone

> My name is Jessie Ring and I am distilling essential oils and mixing

> up a line of pacific northwest based fragrances. I have started a

> small business with a focus on local distribution of clean, organic

> products.

Hi , welcome to the group, and welcome to all the other newcomers.

We're having about 20 folks a week flow in -- guess it must be our good

looks or our good karma, lol :-)

We lost a few mods last week due to illness and some other boogie men,

so we may be slow in getting messages through, or providing a real

welcome to everyone individually, but I know we have a lot of great

members that will step in and help us mods.

Jessie, please post more about your distillation adventures. It seems

more and more members are expressing a real desire to start to " make

your own " , more than I've ever seen in the five years here. We have

distillation maven Jeanne Rose on board, and I hope she can comment on

some of this. Don't forget to check out her APP

http://www.aromaticplantproject.com/ and there's Sandy at

http://rivendell.com, etc.


Sincerely, Anya

Anya's Garden of Natural Perfume http://AnyasGarden.com - rare and exotic

aromatics and artisan perfumes,

perfumery classes and consultation

Natural Perfumers Guild http://NaturalPerfumersGuild.com

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> .... after I mixed cottonwood oil with the quince hydrosol and it

> smelled like honey, pears, pineapples, dry wood, and

> over-ripe apples. Info on quince is hard to find, I think most

people > have forgotten about them because they are not commonly

eaten though they used to be jellied and preserved.

> Cheers,

> Jess Ring

Welcome, Jess,

I was very interested to read about your work distilling various

unusual plants. Your quince hydrosol sounds wonderful! A friend of

mine grows quince and gave me a gift of jelly last year that was

delicious. I'd like to try planting some quince.

Did you distill cottonwood e.O.? If so, what part of the tree is it

from? The spicy-smelling flower bracts (or whatever they are)that

fall to the ground in spring are one of my favorite smells.


Another member from Pacific Northwest-on Olympic Peninsula

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> I'm here in Portland Oregon distilling in 7.5 gallon capacity copper

> tabletop unit.

Hi, Jess,

I forgot to ask, what type of still do you have? I'd love to get a

still some day. I've become very fond of hydrosols.

Also, you mentioned that your last distillation was a " pinapple

sage/pinapple quince hydrosol " . Is this pineapple quince different than

a regular quince?



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> I forgot to ask, what type of still do you have? I'd love to get a

> still some day. I've become very fond of hydrosols.


> Also, you mentioned that your last distillation was a " pinapple

> sage/pinapple quince hydrosol " . Is this pineapple quince different


> a regular quince?


> Thanks,

> Autumn


Hey Autumn!

Nice to hear fromyet another PNWester. I bought my still fromt he

Essential Oil company, but I am building my second - collecting

copper to weld together. I am also looking for a very small glass

still to produce some concentrated tinctures/absolutes with.

Cottonwood is my alltime favorite fragrance. It's interesting that

you smell " spice " in it. You must have a good noce and be detecting

someof the cinnamonic (pretty sure this is spelled incorrectly)

components. Archtander refers to Poplar buds briefly in his work and

decribes an absolute that carries that real spicy fragrance. I have

been working with Cottonwood much longer than any other plant. I

have a vegetable oil infusion from 14 years ago, that I collected

when I was 16 that is still good. The whole buds may be infused, or

you can collect the sticky leaf hoods when they fall in early early

spring. I will be using cottonwood as a basein many of my products

because it has a gently but pervasive fixative effect and lends an

awesome powdery vanilla/honey note that carries all the way through

the fragrance layers. That is, it seems to be like ylang ylang in

the sense that it stands alone well with its own base, middle, and

top notes. It has amazing antiinflammatory/antioxidant qualities

that make it excellent in deep tissue massage. Because cottonwood is

in the willow family, it chould be avoided if one has aspirin

allergies (about 1%.) However, the salicic acid is a mild analgesic

and another added bonus in massage. Anyway, I love it, I'll stop

rambling now. Good to hear from you!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, Do I say "Welcome to the group" Glad you found a place to vent. You will find lots of other groups on that will be your lifeline. Look for special education, IEP guide, your State comply list...there is a lot. I have gone through the same exact thing as your son. Hard to potty train, then was potty trained until 1st grade when soiling his pants started...It's called "encopresis" (constipation with soiling or leaking) Son also had feces phobia leaving me to clean him up after his bowl movements. That was ok until he reached 9 years old and started getting pubic hair. Then I knew something needed to be done because I couldn't do this when he's a teenager. Got our family doctor to refer an evaluation at the Children's Hospital (Child Development And Rehabilitative Services) He was

put on a routine of: With prescription: Mira-Lax, mineral oil, lots of water. And was to sit on the toilet once daily for five minutes. We choose to do twice a day for five minutes. We had him play a game or read books while he sat. We got plastic gloves and baby wipes. A diaper pail for the soiled undies, and a diaper genie for the used baby wipes instead of disposing them in the toilet because they WILL clog...even if they are the flushable. We purchased lots of undies so there was always a clean pair. Don't was the undies with other clothes because you won't get the smell out. Soak the undies...drain the water...then wash and if needed rinse twice. Put plastic mattress cover on the bed to save the mattress. Purchase extra sheets so you always have clean ones on hand. I didn't even care if the sheets were fitted or

not. Get your son involved in the routine...get a kitchen timer (the kids love this) set it for the 5 minutes. Have them help you keep an inventory of supplies baby wipes, clean undies and sheets, plastic gloves...they can help with clean up...helping you get the soiled clothing and taking it to the washing machine then to the dryer. The more my son became involved in the whole routine the easier it became to get it under control. I have to say....Today, my son soils occasionally but not everyday as it was. He can wipe himself and lets me know when he is running low on supplies. I never have to clean the bed anymore. He still gets constipated and his poop is HUGE where I have to cut it up in order to flush. But I noticed when he eats popcorn he has an easier time passing. Don't know why. Lots and Lots of

WATER...can't stress that enough. All in all...get him checked at "Children's Hospital" Good Luck (I use a little man's body spray deodorant on his waistband to mask the smell) It works pretty much of the time. I use AXE scented TOUCH. It's a nice fragrance. I also had it put in his IEP that he is allowed to use the bathroom at any time he requests. Hope your holidays are happy. mary <frazzled_one@...> wrote: I am new to the group and just had to say hello. I was reading through some of the posts last night and sat here with tears running down my face! We have just found out that our 8 year old may have aspergers, and my husband and I have been feeling very alone. My son also has bathroom issues, and still goes poop in his pants. We've just started getting through some nights when he doesn't potty the bed. We have had doctors tell us we are just lazy parents and we need to be more firm with him, I've had friends tell me he needs spanked, yada yada yada....I just couldn't get anyone to understand. He suffers from constipation alot. It has taken years to actually find help for him, the last pediatrician we took him to said it was our fault because we aren't parenting the correct way! I finally was able to get help from his school, and they are continuing to work with us, and have referred us to a local doctor that deals

with this kind of thing. We had never heard of aspergers, and it feels so good to know we aren't alone! OK, I'm rattling on...sorry, it's just nice to know we aren't alone any longer. Keep informed, Keep posting, Keep trying.

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my heart goes out to you and your hubby and of course your 8 yr old son

we all know what its like to be told we are awful parents and if we only disciplined our kids ..YADA YADA YADA...or there is nothing wrong with our kids , its us , the parents ....

I hope you now feel vindicated !!!!!!!!!!!!! Grab on to that feeling and then have HOPE because there is much help out there for your son , this is the beginning of a journey but from this day forward you are no longer alone , you have all of us.



Wags! Wags! Wags!


"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."

Author Ben

Autism and Aspergers Treatment From: frazzled_one@...Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 22:49:07 +0000Subject: New to the group - Introduction

I am new to the group and just had to say hello. I was reading through some of the posts last night and sat here with tears running down my face! We have just found out that our 8 year old may have aspergers, and my husband and I have been feeling very alone. My son also has bathroom issues, and still goes poop in his pants. We've just started getting through some nights when he doesn't potty the bed. We have had doctors tell us we are just lazy parents and we need to be more firm with him, I've had friends tell me he needs spanked, yada yada yada....I just couldn't get anyone to understand. He suffers from constipation alot. It has taken years to actually find help for him, the last pediatrician we took him to said it was our fault because we aren't parenting the correct way! I finally was able to get help from his school, and they are continuing to work with us, and have referred us to a local doctor that deals with this kind of thing. We had never heard of aspergers, and it feels so good to know we aren't alone! OK, I'm rattling on...sorry, it's just nice to know we aren't alone any longer. Books, DVD's, gadgets, music and more. Shop online with Sympatico / MSN Shopping today!

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BRAVO to you for not giving up when we as parents know we are trying our very best and to finally get a dx. it makes alot more sense with all their little quirks dont give up things will get better now that you have a dxmary <frazzled_one@...> wrote: I am new to the group and just had to say hello. I was reading through some of the posts last night and sat here with tears running down my face! We have just found out that our 8 year old may have aspergers, and my husband and I have been feeling very alone. My son also has bathroom

issues, and still goes poop in his pants. We've just started getting through some nights when he doesn't potty the bed. We have had doctors tell us we are just lazy parents and we need to be more firm with him, I've had friends tell me he needs spanked, yada yada yada....I just couldn't get anyone to understand. He suffers from constipation alot. It has taken years to actually find help for him, the last pediatrician we took him to said it was our fault because we aren't parenting the correct way! I finally was able to get help from his school, and they are continuing to work with us, and have referred us to a local doctor that deals with this kind of thing. We had never heard of aspergers, and it feels so good to know we aren't alone! OK, I'm rattling on...sorry, it's just nice to know we aren't alone any longer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My nephew is 9yrs old and has aspies, we do discipline him when he needs it, but we understand why he does the things he does. You don't have to always spank, we do more talking to him, sometimes taking away privileges. People don't always understand, but it's our job to educate them. Just take it one day at a time. <jahbdh1968@...> wrote: BRAVO to you for not giving up when we as parents know we are trying our very best and to finally get a dx. it makes alot more sense with all their little quirks dont give up things will get better

now that you have a dxmary <frazzled_one > wrote: I am new to the group and just had to say hello. I was reading through some of the posts last night and sat here with tears running down my face! We have just found out that our 8 year old may have aspergers, and my husband and I have been feeling very alone. My son also has bathroom issues, and still goes poop in his pants. We've just started getting through some nights when he doesn't potty the bed. We have had doctors tell us we are just lazy parents and we need to be more firm with him, I've had friends tell me he needs spanked, yada yada yada....I just couldn't get anyone to understand. He suffers from constipation alot. It has taken years to actually find help for him, the last pediatrician we took him to said it was our fault because we

aren't parenting the correct way! I finally was able to get help from his school, and they are continuing to work with us, and have referred us to a local doctor that deals with this kind of thing. We had never heard of aspergers, and it feels so good to know we aren't alone! OK, I'm rattling on...sorry, it's just nice to know we aren't alone any longer. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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  • 1 year later...

Wow! How great to make your acquaintance...sort of ! Our family too loves raw milk (cow's milk) but the only place we know to get it is directly from Organic Pastures at the grocery store. Do you, by any stretch of the imagination know of anyone in or near our neck of the woods that has a cow share or sells their milk? Thanks much!!

Dawn Purcell

"....and the day came when the risk to remain closed tightly in the bud was greater than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin

To: RawDairy Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 2:34:27 PMSubject: New to the Group - Introduction

Hi all! I live in central CA and I'm a huge raw milk consumer! I am also a Weston Price chapter leader. I'm looking forward to all the information and knowledge from this group. I'm helping a friend become a 'Licensed' Raw Milk producer, so I'll soon be posting a few questions about this.~Marie Meredith

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Wow! How great to make your acquaintance...sort of ! Our family too loves raw milk (cow's milk) but the only place we know to get it is directly from Organic Pastures at the grocery store. Do you, by any stretch of the imagination know of anyone in or near our neck of the woods that has a cow share or sells their milk? Thanks much!!

Dawn Purcell

"....and the day came when the risk to remain closed tightly in the bud was greater than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin

To: RawDairy Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 2:34:27 PMSubject: New to the Group - Introduction

Hi all! I live in central CA and I'm a huge raw milk consumer! I am also a Weston Price chapter leader. I'm looking forward to all the information and knowledge from this group. I'm helping a friend become a 'Licensed' Raw Milk producer, so I'll soon be posting a few questions about this.~Marie Meredith

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Dear Dawn,


neck of the woods are you located in?



RawDairy [mailto:RawDairy ] On Behalf Of Dawn


Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:45 PM

To: RawDairy

Subject: Re: New to the Group - Introduction

Wow! How great to make your acquaintance...sort of

! Our family too loves raw milk (cow's milk) but the only place we know

to get it is directly from Organic Pastures at the grocery store. Do you,

by any stretch of the imagination know of anyone in or near our neck of the

woods that has a cow share or sells their milk? Thanks much!!



" ....and

the day came when the risk to remain closed tightly in the bud was greater than

the risk it took to blossom. " Anais Nin

From: wapfmercedcountychapterleader

To: RawDairy

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 2:34:27 PM

Subject: New to the Group - Introduction

Hi all! I live in central CA and I'm a huge raw

milk consumer! I am also a Weston Price chapter leader. I'm looking forward to

all the information and knowledge from this group. I'm helping a friend become

a 'Licensed' Raw Milk producer, so I'll soon be posting a few questions about


~Marie Meredith

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Dear Dawn,


neck of the woods are you located in?



RawDairy [mailto:RawDairy ] On Behalf Of Dawn


Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:45 PM

To: RawDairy

Subject: Re: New to the Group - Introduction

Wow! How great to make your acquaintance...sort of

! Our family too loves raw milk (cow's milk) but the only place we know

to get it is directly from Organic Pastures at the grocery store. Do you,

by any stretch of the imagination know of anyone in or near our neck of the

woods that has a cow share or sells their milk? Thanks much!!



" ....and

the day came when the risk to remain closed tightly in the bud was greater than

the risk it took to blossom. " Anais Nin

From: wapfmercedcountychapterleader

To: RawDairy

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 2:34:27 PM

Subject: New to the Group - Introduction

Hi all! I live in central CA and I'm a huge raw

milk consumer! I am also a Weston Price chapter leader. I'm looking forward to

all the information and knowledge from this group. I'm helping a friend become

a 'Licensed' Raw Milk producer, so I'll soon be posting a few questions about


~Marie Meredith

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Hi Doug... We're in Sonora... and you?

Dawn Purcell

"....and the day came when the risk to remain closed tightly in the bud was greater than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin

To: RawDairy Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:59:03 PMSubject: RE: New to the Group - Introduction

Dear Dawn,

What neck of the woods are you located in?


From: RawDairy@yahoogroup s.com [mailto:RawDairy@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Dawn PurcellSent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:45 PMTo: RawDairy@yahoogroup s.comSubject: Re: New to the Group - Introduction

Wow! How great to make your acquaintance. ..sort of ! Our family too loves raw milk (cow's milk) but the only place we know to get it is directly from Organic Pastures at the grocery store. Do you, by any stretch of the imagination know of anyone in or near our neck of the woods that has a cow share or sells their milk? Thanks much!!

Dawn Purcell

"....and the day came when the risk to remain closed tightly in the bud was greater than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin

From: wapfmercedcountycha pterleader <mariemeredith@ hotmail.com>To: RawDairy@yahoogroup s.comSent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 2:34:27 PMSubject: New to the Group - Introduction

Hi all! I live in central CA and I'm a huge raw milk consumer! I am also a Weston Price chapter leader. I'm looking forward to all the information and knowledge from this group. I'm helping a friend become a 'Licensed' Raw Milk producer, so I'll soon be posting a few questions about this.~Marie Meredith

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Hi Doug... We're in Sonora... and you?

Dawn Purcell

"....and the day came when the risk to remain closed tightly in the bud was greater than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin

To: RawDairy Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:59:03 PMSubject: RE: New to the Group - Introduction

Dear Dawn,

What neck of the woods are you located in?


From: RawDairy@yahoogroup s.com [mailto:RawDairy@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Dawn PurcellSent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:45 PMTo: RawDairy@yahoogroup s.comSubject: Re: New to the Group - Introduction

Wow! How great to make your acquaintance. ..sort of ! Our family too loves raw milk (cow's milk) but the only place we know to get it is directly from Organic Pastures at the grocery store. Do you, by any stretch of the imagination know of anyone in or near our neck of the woods that has a cow share or sells their milk? Thanks much!!

Dawn Purcell

"....and the day came when the risk to remain closed tightly in the bud was greater than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin

From: wapfmercedcountycha pterleader <mariemeredith@ hotmail.com>To: RawDairy@yahoogroup s.comSent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 2:34:27 PMSubject: New to the Group - Introduction

Hi all! I live in central CA and I'm a huge raw milk consumer! I am also a Weston Price chapter leader. I'm looking forward to all the information and knowledge from this group. I'm helping a friend become a 'Licensed' Raw Milk producer, so I'll soon be posting a few questions about this.~Marie Meredith

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We are in Carmel Valley. Sometimes we ship overnight to

our shareholders, but it is pretty expensive.


RawDairy [mailto:RawDairy ] On Behalf Of Dawn


Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 8:17 PM

To: RawDairy

Subject: Re: New to the Group - Introduction

Hi Doug... We're in Sonora... and you?



" ....and

the day came when the risk to remain closed tightly in the bud was greater than

the risk it took to blossom. " Anais Nin


To: RawDairy

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:59:03 PM

Subject: RE: New to the Group - Introduction

Dear Dawn,

What neck of the woods are you located in?



RawDairy@yahoogroup s.com

[mailto:RawDairy@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Dawn Purcell

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:45 PM

To: RawDairy@yahoogroup s.com

Subject: Re: New to the Group - Introduction


How great to make your acquaintance. ..sort of ! Our family too loves raw

milk (cow's milk) but the only place we know to get it is directly from Organic

Pastures at the grocery store. Do you, by any stretch of the imagination

know of anyone in or near our neck of the woods that has a cow share or sells their

milk? Thanks much!!

Dawn Purcell

" ....and the day came when the risk

to remain closed tightly in the bud was greater than the risk it took to

blossom. " Anais Nin


wapfmercedcountycha pterleader <mariemeredith@ hotmail.com>

To: RawDairy@yahoogroup s.com

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 2:34:27 PM

Subject: New to the Group - Introduction

Hi all! I live in central CA and I'm a huge raw milk consumer! I am also a

Weston Price chapter leader. I'm looking forward to all the information and

knowledge from this group. I'm helping a friend become a 'Licensed' Raw Milk

producer, so I'll soon be posting a few questions about this.

~Marie Meredith

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We are in Carmel Valley. Sometimes we ship overnight to

our shareholders, but it is pretty expensive.


RawDairy [mailto:RawDairy ] On Behalf Of Dawn


Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 8:17 PM

To: RawDairy

Subject: Re: New to the Group - Introduction

Hi Doug... We're in Sonora... and you?



" ....and

the day came when the risk to remain closed tightly in the bud was greater than

the risk it took to blossom. " Anais Nin


To: RawDairy

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:59:03 PM

Subject: RE: New to the Group - Introduction

Dear Dawn,

What neck of the woods are you located in?



RawDairy@yahoogroup s.com

[mailto:RawDairy@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Dawn Purcell

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:45 PM

To: RawDairy@yahoogroup s.com

Subject: Re: New to the Group - Introduction


How great to make your acquaintance. ..sort of ! Our family too loves raw

milk (cow's milk) but the only place we know to get it is directly from Organic

Pastures at the grocery store. Do you, by any stretch of the imagination

know of anyone in or near our neck of the woods that has a cow share or sells their

milk? Thanks much!!

Dawn Purcell

" ....and the day came when the risk

to remain closed tightly in the bud was greater than the risk it took to

blossom. " Anais Nin


wapfmercedcountycha pterleader <mariemeredith@ hotmail.com>

To: RawDairy@yahoogroup s.com

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 2:34:27 PM

Subject: New to the Group - Introduction

Hi all! I live in central CA and I'm a huge raw milk consumer! I am also a

Weston Price chapter leader. I'm looking forward to all the information and

knowledge from this group. I'm helping a friend become a 'Licensed' Raw Milk

producer, so I'll soon be posting a few questions about this.

~Marie Meredith

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  • 1 year later...

Hello everyone,

I am new to the group and have been just sort of watching, wondering how to introduce myself and then how to pose the concen I have. I am very excited to be part of this group and hope I can lend some helpful resources as well as glean lots for you all! My son carries a genetic condition which is clouding the ability to get a clear diagnosis. We know he is Aspergers and Mood Disorder, and Sensory Integration, but the Drs are reluctant (due to his age) to clearly give him Aspergers -- so they have settled on PDD with the idea that Aspergers will be given soon. (very frustrating)It's a daily struggle to "manage" life for my child and this makes me so sad. To see him have to struggle to enjoy life is one of the hardest things as a mom I have had to endure. I can take all the trouble, I can take all the arguing with his professionals for help, I can take all the fighting with the school system... but what hurts me so much and to see my son struggle to be happy. Thanks for listening and I am looking forward to getting to know you all! I am eager to post a question, so it is coming soon!


Blessed Mom to 5 year old Zachary

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