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Hi Jeannine!

That was great advice about plateau breaking by going back to the stage one

diet for a few days! I am going to give it a try. You are just shrinking


Your friend,

Sandy B

Hays, KS

Re: okay, now I'm freaking out.......I'm gaining

> >weight

> >Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2003 03:40:36 -0000

> >

> >You are so right......before I looked like I was dying because I was

> >too thin. Even my doctor was worried. I was not able to eat

> >anything....now that I can just about eat anything I have gained the

> >15 pounds. Before I was at 112 lbs. I know what you are saying

> >about the head issue. I want to be 112 lbs, even though I know that

> >I looked like I had a terminal disease. I remember people looking at

> >me and looking very concerned. I guess because I had this surgery

> >and because I had gotten so large......I am afraid that my stomach

> >will be stretched and I will gain the weight back, if not

> >all.....than most of it. I was not allowing anything in my diet

> >before, no sugars, no starches, just very small amounts of protein,

> >not even enough fats....

> >I wonder if at three years out we automatically start gaining

> >weight.....do we plateau at a certain point then?

> >

> >Dee

> >

> >

> > > ,

> > >

> > > I am three years out as well. I have gained about 15 pounds as

> >well. I do

> > > know that I am not as careful about what I eat. If I am really

> >good some of

> > > that falls off. I know that I can eat things know that I could not

> >before and

> > > my exercise schedule is not as good as it was. If I do all the

> >things I did

> > > after the first year the weight comes back off. You need to

> >remember where you

> > > came from and that 15 pounds is nothing. Just keep track and do

> >not let it

> > > get out of hand and I am sure you will be O.K. Also be sure to take

> >those

> > > supplements! The ZMA makes an amazing difference for me. I looked

> >so gaunt and a

> > > bit ill before. I think may even look a bit better a little

> >heavier. I will

> > > not lie, I would still like to be 135 but I have to keep my head on

> >straight.

> > > Hope this helps.

> > >

> > > , Between Georgia 300/145

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Hi Sandy -- Yes, I am still losing weight but now the skin is starting to

get really loose. I remember you asking me if I thought I would ever have

plastic surgery and, at the time, I thought I would be OK but now, I'm not

so sure. I really need to start working out. I try to stay active but I

really think if I did weight training that my skin would shrink up some. I

remember it did in the past. I have been smaller than this and weighed about

2o-25 lbs more. It's worth a try anyway but I am a bad exerciser. I never

really liked it. I really don't want to be all flabby though. Well, I'll let

you know how it goes. Take care --Jeannine

>From: " Sandy Bangle " <dbangle@...>


>< >

>Subject: Re: Jeannine

>Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 13:43:27 -0500


>Hi Jeannine!


>That was great advice about plateau breaking by going back to the stage one

>diet for a few days! I am going to give it a try. You are just shrinking



>Your friend,


>Sandy B

>Hays, KS

> Re: okay, now I'm freaking out.......I'm gaining

> > >weight

> > >Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2003 03:40:36 -0000

> > >

> > >You are so right......before I looked like I was dying because I was

> > >too thin. Even my doctor was worried. I was not able to eat

> > >anything....now that I can just about eat anything I have gained the

> > >15 pounds. Before I was at 112 lbs. I know what you are saying

> > >about the head issue. I want to be 112 lbs, even though I know that

> > >I looked like I had a terminal disease. I remember people looking at

> > >me and looking very concerned. I guess because I had this surgery

> > >and because I had gotten so large......I am afraid that my stomach

> > >will be stretched and I will gain the weight back, if not

> > >all.....than most of it. I was not allowing anything in my diet

> > >before, no sugars, no starches, just very small amounts of protein,

> > >not even enough fats....

> > >I wonder if at three years out we automatically start gaining

> > >weight.....do we plateau at a certain point then?

> > >

> > >Dee

> > >

> > >

> > > > ,

> > > >

> > > > I am three years out as well. I have gained about 15 pounds as

> > >well. I do

> > > > know that I am not as careful about what I eat. If I am really

> > >good some of

> > > > that falls off. I know that I can eat things know that I could not

> > >before and

> > > > my exercise schedule is not as good as it was. If I do all the

> > >things I did

> > > > after the first year the weight comes back off. You need to

> > >remember where you

> > > > came from and that 15 pounds is nothing. Just keep track and do

> > >not let it

> > > > get out of hand and I am sure you will be O.K. Also be sure to take

> > >those

> > > > supplements! The ZMA makes an amazing difference for me. I looked

> > >so gaunt and a

> > > > bit ill before. I think may even look a bit better a little

> > >heavier. I will

> > > > not lie, I would still like to be 135 but I have to keep my head on

> > >straight.

> > > > Hope this helps.

> > > >

> > > > , Between Georgia 300/145

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest

Hi Jeannine

I work for Enzymedica's education department. Poor baby to have to go

through all that! :( As a couple of people suggested always go low

and slow when introducing a new product for him to take. Which kid's

digestive enzyme are you giving him?



> Here are the supplements that I started:




> Animal parade Multi-vitamin liquid


> Ultimate Probiotics 2 billion


> Zinc 25mg


> L-Lysine 500mg






> Vit C 500mg


> Kids Digestive Enzymes


> Super B-Vitamin ( 3 in one )




> Thanks for your input.. my e-mail is JM8031@...







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  • 1 month later...
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I'm so sorry to hear what your son is going through. Unfortunately it's not

unusual for the medical industry to throw up their hands when their arsenal

of drugs doesn't suppress symptoms long enough for them to declare a " cure. "

The symptoms aren't the problem. Your son's body is crying out saying

something is wrong. Suppressing the symptoms with drugs is NOT going to

lead to health. It will compound the problem as the body's disturbance gets

pushed deeper inward leading to stronger symptoms.

My son was on a similar tailspin when he was a baby/toddler. Starting at

age 6 months and for the next several years, he was on an antibiotic almost

monthly. He ran fevers up to 105, too. He was fully vaccinated during this

time as well.

Nothing broke the cycle of illness until we said enough was enough and

turned to homeopathy. He hasn't been on an antibiotic, Tylenol, or anything

in about 6 or 7 years now. We don't use conventional medicine at all

anymore. They did nothing but keep our family in a cycle of sickness.

Hang in there. There IS hope and true healing available, but it won't be

through conventional medicine.

All the best to you and your son.


Can anyone shed some light on this for me ?

I can not find a doctor who will take this seriously and help us figure out

what is wrong.

My son has constant fevers - Friday night it went to 105.3 and we went to

the ER - they ran every test imaginable and came up with nothing.

Sent us home with Tylenol

This is not the first time we've been to the ER with a high fever

He also is sick every single month - literally for the past 12 months he has

been sick and they have given him an antibiotic each time.

Croup, strep throat and sinus infections - he's been on 21 antibiotics total

now and he's is only 3 years old !!

Every single month I take him to the pediatrician 3 -4 times for fever and

cold symptoms and he either has strep, croup or sinus infection.

This weekend in the ER is was horrible, the IV was brutal and so traumatic -

he cried for 7 hours. I can't take this anymore - the doctors don't have

answers and we've seen 4 immunologists and the refuse to do the food

intolerance test because the regular food allergy test and skin test come

back normal but I asked for the intolerance test which shows delayed results

and they said it's a waste of my time - won't show anything - how do they

know that ?

He has a fever over 100 every single day - every single month - and they

keep telling me to just give Tylenol.


Can anyone help ???


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> I'm so sorry to hear what your son is going through.

Unfortunately it's not

> unusual for the medical industry to throw up their hands when

their arsenal

> of drugs doesn't suppress symptoms long enough for them to declare

a " cure. "


Since your son has been on so many antibiotics he more than likely

has no gut flora left which in turn causes ill health.

While you're waiting to find out which direction you're going to go

at least get this little one on a good probiotic and L-Glutamine

which is an amino acid and is a gut strengthener. You may also want

to consider some slippery elm bark given about 20 mintues prior to a

meal which will coat the intestinal tract which has got to be


Grains in the diet also cause inflammation. I know for some diary

may cause problems, whereas even though Kefir is diary it also has a

lot of good flora and fauna to help heal.

Good luck.

Jackie Noel



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