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Abnormal change in the blood supply to the parts of your brain that house the nerves and connective tissue that holds it all in place. Could be nothing. Could be from the meds... Don't freak out. Just do what you've been doing. Rest. I'd definitely call and ask about the Haldol though. From: "trudykinsey@..." <trudykinsey@...>" " < >Sent: Tue, September 14, 2010 2:25:03 PMSubject: Re: [ ] ???

No secrets from any ofyall; thx anyway. My written report fromradiologist of brain MRI said abnormal iscimic( sp) changes in white matter. Just wondering what to make of that-can't see nuerologist till Oct 4. He is only nuerologist for about 100 miles. I called to see if I could get in sooner. Nope.http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 " "A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae Westhttp://oktravels.wordpress.com http://allrecipes.com/cook/TrudyK/profile.aspx On Sep 14, 2010, at 2:04 PM, Teri Gottlieb <theresagottlieb@...> wrote:

Trudy,The word is ischemic and it means deficient blood supply. ischemic changes would be changes to the normal blood supply pattern. Where are you seeing this sweetie? What does the report you are reading say? If you want to message me offline, that's fine. Hugs,TeriFrom: "trudykinsey@..." <trudykinsey@...>Hcv < >Sent: Tue, September 14, 2010 11:55:40 AMSubject:

[ ] ???

Hey, Teri, what does " aschimic"(sp) mean? As in " aschemic changes..."

http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 "

"A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae West



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  • 1 month later...

Trudy, I know what your feeling.. you're not the first to have expressed this either.  Survivors guilt is a good term.  I live with it daily.  Funny feeling huh?   Just know that everyone, responders, non-responders and those on treatment are happy for you.  Each person that clears this virus gives hope to those who have not yet started treatment or who have not been able to clear.  Hopefully the new drugs will help those who are non-responders reach SVR status.  

Hang tough girlie!


TeriOn Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 1:35 PM, trudykinsey@... <trudykinsey@...> wrote:


Ok, guys, there is something that I need to share. Don, I know you sort of addressed this with me before. I am actually feeling guilty/ashamed that I reached " undetectable " after 5 weeks. My head knows I shouldn't but my heart aches for all of you that fought hard for 48 weeks and were non- responders. I find myself wondering why so quickly? Just moments after being told my results, the joy was lost because sp many of you are on my heart. I KNOW I shouldn't feel this way. In a perfect world no one would ever have to suffer this.

My friend, Becky, says it is " survivors guilt " , I quess maybe so...I just ache for each and every one of y'all.

http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 "

" A well- behaved woman never made history " ...Mae West



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TrudyPlease do not feel this way!! Yes, I am one of those people you speak about; but, I would never want someone else to feel bad about their own recovery.However, back in 2004/2005 when I did my first round, a viral count was not taken until week 12. That's when we had to show a certain log drop or our Medical Plan would not allow us to continue. I passed that test and just don't remember clearly what the numbers were; but, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that I would be SVR at the end. Now, mind you - that 12th week viral count was the only taken until 2 weeks after completion. That's when I had to learn that I was to be known as a non-responder. Three and a half years later,

the fact that I had initially responded allowed me to participate in the clinical trial.Personally, I would not wish treatment on my worst enemy and I did not suffer near as badly as some others. But, I still suffer for each and everyone that is having a hard time with tx. Then, I'm joyful as all get out, for those that make it to SVR!!So, please feel good about yourself. You deserve after all the sides that you've been suffering.Luv Gloria

Ok, guys, there is something that I need to share. Don, I know you sort of addressed this with me before. I am actually feeling guilty/ashamed that I reached " undetectable " after 5 weeks. My head knows I shouldn't but my heart aches for all of you that fought hard for 48 weeks and were non- responders. I find myself wondering why so quickly? Just moments after being told my results, the joy was lost because sp many of you are on my heart. I KNOW I shouldn't feel this way. In a perfect world no one would ever have to suffer this.

My friend, Becky, says it is " survivors guilt", I quess maybe so...I just ache for each and every one of y'all.

http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 "

"A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae West



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  • 2 months later...

Hi All, I have two questions to

ask. Has anyone ever tried to get their child on SSI ? Is there any type of Health Related Issues related to A..S. Thanks, Elinor mom to Maeci

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