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---Hello New Member,

This is my 6 & 1/2 year old's doctor!!!I posted about 2 weeks ago

how we have just learned she is in remission after over 5 years on

his treatment.She had a cancerous brain tumor diagnosed when she was

10 & 1/2 months old!! His name is spelled Burzynski,and he has a site

that describes his treatment,it's cancermed.com

there is also a seperate site where you'll find stories of many

patients' experiences,it's burzynskipatientgroup.org

you'll see 'our stories' at the top,click here to see list of names

with what type of cancer they have/had.Click on the name to view

story.What's amazing is that most of the stories here are of kids

with brain tumors.....kids given no hope,like my child who was given

2-6 months to live.....in 1996!!

So,do you live in Houston? I'm curious about the local news

coverage.Was it a recent piece,or different ones over the years?

Please tell us more.I'd be glad to answer any questions members may

have.I see a reply here from someone whos friend's child is raising

funds to go to his clinic.It seems expensive,but I thought it is

$14,000 a month,not $16 or 18 as he said....unless,like everything

else in our economy,the cost may have risen recently....even

so.....it's worth every penny!!Please tell your friend not to give up

on getting the treatment covered by insurance....we didn't take no

for an answer,and our daughter has been fully covered!!!My nick-name

has become 'Squeaky-Wheel-,and I get squeakier everyday!!


*S.W.* G.

In @y..., " biggestfan2002 " <biggestfan2002@y...> wrote:

> I'm so glad I found this group!

> I really admire the intro at the top of the home page

> " we must take resposiblity for our health " it's so ture.

> And yes there are alternatives to medicine.

> See there is so much going on that those of us who

> are sick don't know about.

> For starters you would think with all the money

> that is raised for Cancer, Md, Ms, Lupus, Aids

> there would be a cure. But you know what the

> money is in the illness not the cure.

> That is so sad so many lives could be saved

> if the medical community and our government would

> would just use what God has put here in Earth.

> Like foods , herbs, teas. The were given to us for

> us to use , not ruin them with pestisides.

> It is a known fact that Cancer is a product of

> a suppressed immune, when the immune is suppressed

> some of our cells start to act different, becoming

> masses. All this could probobly be reversed if we

> boost the immune. But instead they give Chemo and

> radiation what does that do? It sets the person back.

> Sometimes the treatment is so strong that the individule

> does not make it.

> What's wrong with this picture?

> It scares me.

> It sadens me to know that doctors are more movitavated

> by money than by a human being.


> There is a doctor is Houston who has used foods and

> herbs , minerals , to cure cancer. The man came up with

> a formula combining all these things. He is curing Cancer

> as we speak, however it came with a price. This great

> doctor was brought up on charges for his cure, yes for

> his cure. The FDA shut him down for a few weeks while

> he went to trial. The FDA did'nt approve of his cure.

> Can you believe it ? The FDA said he was braking the law

> curing people. The put local police at the entrance of his

> practice 24 -7 so that while on trial he could not reach

> his most desprate patients. What a waste of human life.

> In the end the FDA still brought him up on charges,

> He went back to his practice where he is only allowed to

> see something like 10 patients a day.

> I'm not sure if he is suppose to serve time or not.

> All I want to know is , if it's real to cure cancer

> why wont they let him use his system?

> Could it be because the rich doctors could be out of

> income? Hey if I could help people do away with cancer

> the last thing I would care about would be the money .

> I'm not sure if this is how his name is spelled

> Dr. Brazinski, I think is how you say it for those

> of you who might be interested.

> Also you may go to abc13.com , and contact the webmaster

> he might be able to refer you to archives so you may read

> this doctor's story.

> If you want to call the tv station that was involved with

> this story , it's KTRK channel 13 in Houston.

> I'm not sure what the phone number is.

> They will know the stroy you are asking about.

> God Bless You All!

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Hi! It's so wonderful to hear about your daughter!!

This Doctor is a blessing to us all.

To answer your question about the charges that

were brought up to this poor man, yes the media

followed him everywhere. This went on for a few

months. Our city just did'nt understand why the FDA

wanted his treatment for cancer and other illnesses

stopped. He seems to be the only one in the world

who is using common sense to treat cancer.

As for me , I found I have Lupus.

Unlike so many people , I will not be using

" regular medications " to be honest they just

kill you . They prolong your illness and hardships

so that the doctors can make more money.

I will be starting homeopathic theraphy for my

lupus, and I am using natural and whole foods to

cure it . Which by the way I won't have this lupus

much longer than a few months. I know I sound like i'm

too big headed or know too much . But it's true

that's what all these fruits and vegatables , and herbs

were put here for. I know this first hand , a few yrs ago

I was becoming diabetic, hey I was not going to give my self

shots . I started researching the illness and came up with

an answer to rid my body from it. I am not diabetic today

I used foods to regulate my pancreas. Trust me while I was

doing this I craved the hamburgers and junk food to no end.

I minimized my junk food comsumption slowing , then I got

used to not having it.

I know I must sound anti-doctor, but think about they

have it all wrong doctors rely on chemicals, to maintain

a disease. They are so wrong, I mean some of the treatments

are so hard on the body that the person dies.

It should never happen that way.

I will be seeing Dr. Burzynski for his nutritional advice,

I can't wait to get started.

Yes I do live in Houston.

Praise God that this Dr. is here to help people !!

- In @y..., " scenicdr2001 " <jbreen75@a...> wrote:

> ---Hello New Member,

> This is my 6 & 1/2 year old's doctor!!!I posted about 2 weeks ago

> how we have just learned she is in remission after over 5 years on

> his treatment.She had a cancerous brain tumor diagnosed when she


> 10 & 1/2 months old!! His name is spelled Burzynski,and he has a


> that describes his treatment,it's cancermed.com

> there is also a seperate site where you'll find stories of many

> patients' experiences,it's burzynskipatientgroup.org

> you'll see 'our stories' at the top,click here to see list of names

> with what type of cancer they have/had.Click on the name to view

> story.What's amazing is that most of the stories here are of kids

> with brain tumors.....kids given no hope,like my child who was


> 2-6 months to live.....in 1996!!

> So,do you live in Houston? I'm curious about the local news

> coverage.Was it a recent piece,or different ones over the years?

> Please tell us more.I'd be glad to answer any questions members may

> have.I see a reply here from someone whos friend's child is raising

> funds to go to his clinic.It seems expensive,but I thought it is

> $14,000 a month,not $16 or 18 as he said....unless,like everything

> else in our economy,the cost may have risen recently....even

> so.....it's worth every penny!!Please tell your friend not to give


> on getting the treatment covered by insurance....we didn't take no

> for an answer,and our daughter has been fully covered!!!My nick-


> has become 'Squeaky-Wheel-,and I get squeakier everyday!!

> Signed,

> *S.W.* G.

> In @y..., " biggestfan2002 " <biggestfan2002@y...> wrote:

> > I'm so glad I found this group!

> > I really admire the intro at the top of the home page

> > " we must take resposiblity for our health " it's so ture.

> > And yes there are alternatives to medicine.

> > See there is so much going on that those of us who

> > are sick don't know about.

> > For starters you would think with all the money

> > that is raised for Cancer, Md, Ms, Lupus, Aids

> > there would be a cure. But you know what the

> > money is in the illness not the cure.

> > That is so sad so many lives could be saved

> > if the medical community and our government would

> > would just use what God has put here in Earth.

> > Like foods , herbs, teas. The were given to us for

> > us to use , not ruin them with pestisides.

> > It is a known fact that Cancer is a product of

> > a suppressed immune, when the immune is suppressed

> > some of our cells start to act different, becoming

> > masses. All this could probobly be reversed if we

> > boost the immune. But instead they give Chemo and

> > radiation what does that do? It sets the person back.

> > Sometimes the treatment is so strong that the individule

> > does not make it.

> > What's wrong with this picture?

> > It scares me.

> > It sadens me to know that doctors are more movitavated

> > by money than by a human being.

> >

> > There is a doctor is Houston who has used foods and

> > herbs , minerals , to cure cancer. The man came up with

> > a formula combining all these things. He is curing Cancer

> > as we speak, however it came with a price. This great

> > doctor was brought up on charges for his cure, yes for

> > his cure. The FDA shut him down for a few weeks while

> > he went to trial. The FDA did'nt approve of his cure.

> > Can you believe it ? The FDA said he was braking the law

> > curing people. The put local police at the entrance of his

> > practice 24 -7 so that while on trial he could not reach

> > his most desprate patients. What a waste of human life.

> > In the end the FDA still brought him up on charges,

> > He went back to his practice where he is only allowed to

> > see something like 10 patients a day.

> > I'm not sure if he is suppose to serve time or not.

> > All I want to know is , if it's real to cure cancer

> > why wont they let him use his system?

> > Could it be because the rich doctors could be out of

> > income? Hey if I could help people do away with cancer

> > the last thing I would care about would be the money .

> > I'm not sure if this is how his name is spelled

> > Dr. Brazinski, I think is how you say it for those

> > of you who might be interested.

> > Also you may go to abc13.com , and contact the webmaster

> > he might be able to refer you to archives so you may read

> > this doctor's story.

> > If you want to call the tv station that was involved with

> > this story , it's KTRK channel 13 in Houston.

> > I'm not sure what the phone number is.

> > They will know the stroy you are asking about.

> > God Bless You All!

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

It was good to see your post, welcome to the site. Have to admit I

am intrested to see the replys as we have a similar dx/prognosis. I

had spots in my liver that cleared as of my last scan. I am

continually finding credible data supporting the benefits of juicing

and beleive it plays a very significant part in healing, so keep up

the good work in that regards. Have you used any supplements? I

posted a link yesterday with not only trials and tribulations of

sorting through alternative health, hopefully a lil inspiration but

also a list that I think I finally have all the supplements listed on

and perhaps you may find that helpful. Only the best to you. Donna



> I was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer in Feb 2004. My breast

> cancer has spread to my bones and liver. I have undergone a year


> chemotherapy treatments and have just recently started a break from

> chemo.


> I have been trying to eat very healthy for the previous year while


> chemo, already juicing, doing the coffee enemas, etc. I have


> very well so far. The metastases to my bones shows that it has


> and turned to scar tissue. Most of the lesions on my liver are



> However stage IV breast cancer with liver involvement has a

> historically very poor prognosis, with a survival rate of 18

months - 3

> years. I am trying to beat those odds. Since I am now off of

> chemotherapy, I am taking this as my starting point to start a


> alternative therapy program.


> Any input you may have will be appreciated!

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Hi and welcome. I am new here too. I was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer

a year ago new years eve. I have had 8 surgeries and 27 rounds of chemo. I only

have one chemo treatment left and then I'm finished with that forever! My family

threw a fit when I tried to stop chemo so I promised to stick with it through

this round. I am so tired of poisoning my body with that stuff but I love my

family dearly. I have my last chemo next Wednesday and then I'm going to start

detoxifying by juice fasting and using coffee enemas.

I am a sugar addict and this is by far my hardest hurdle. I have used sugar to

handle life and that's a lot of what has gotten me so sick. I am going on a

vegan diet (with a little yogurt and flax). I bought a water ionizer and am

looking into oxygen therapy. It is all so overwhelming. But I know whatever I do

I must get off sugar and all processed foods to survive. That's about the only

thing everyone seems to agree on.

Good luck and please keep us informed. I am learning so much.


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  • 4 years later...

Hi. I'm new on this group. I am 49 & only learned I have Asperger's 2 years ago.

Sometimes when I tell people this they don't believe me. I have a " standard

response " of " that's because we try so hard to act like we don't have it. " I'm

tired of that response though... any ideas? At first I wouldn't tell anyone &

didn't want to talk about it. Now I just wish when I did they'd even care to

understand it a little bit. Oh well. Thanks for being here.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi ,

Do you have money for doctor stuff? You can do anything you want, you just have

to pay for it out of pocket. And check to see if your insurance will pay a

percentage if you go to a doctor out-of-network.

Nodules can be common. But, a nodule can eat up your thyroid hormone so you

need more than you think.

You can try to find a thermography center near you and have some photos taken to

see if there is cancer going on. However, you will need to pay for that out of

pocket. For me, the first visit was $175, I believe.

You say you are hypothyroid, are you on meds? What are you taking? When was

the last time your levels were checked? What are your blood levels?

It doesn't matter if you have Hashi's or not, the treatment is exactly the same

as all other types of hypo. So, having that knowledge doesn't really gain you


The Gerson diet is difficult. How dedicated are you to it?

As far as I know, severe throat and lung dryness has nothing to do with being

hypo. But I don't know everything. Please check out a thyroid group to see if

others have that same symptom. I belong to alt.support.thyroid and it is a

great group. But you need a newsreader to get to the group as it is a usenet

group. You can call your service provider for info on how to do that. Or, you

can access the group through google groups. There are people on there who had

thyroid cancer to help answer some of your questions. There is also a thyca

group - I think it might be a group, and they all have had thyroid cancer

and can probably help answer your questions, too.

There's lots you can do, but not if you don't have money. I have yet to find a

way to deal with my cea - it's plagued me for 10 years and nothing works.

Fibro is a pain, but there are things you can do to help with that. First, make

sure you are taking enough thyroid hormone. And, clean up your diet.



> Hi. I am 42 years old and I have been going to U of M for years now with

various health problems. This past week I was told I have a nodule in my thyroid

and that it is most likely not cancer, but that they couldn't rule out that it

might be. I have lousy insurance and have to go to designated doctors. I thought

U of M would be great. They have proved to be otherwise.


> They have opted out of doing anything. They won't even preform a needlepoint

aspiration biopsy to check the nodule. They say it's probably not needed. The

nodule is over a centimeter round and they told me it's standard to aspirate

something that big in the thyroid, but they won't do it. So, I'm wondering, do I

jump on the Gerson's diet for this?


> I have other health issues. Hypothyroidism (I have a lot of dryness... a

hoarseness to my voice, need to drink water all the time, and use eye drops all

the time as well. I cough from the dryness as well and sometimes wake up in the

night having trouble inhaling due to severe throat and lung dryness. I thought I

may have Sjogren's Syndrome, but U of M says I don't. They also will not run a

simple test to find out if I have Hoshimotos Thyroiditis.


> I also have been told that I have Fibromyalgia and I have a positive ANA

level, and I also have cea.


> Can anyone recommend anything to me?


> Thank you,



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Hi ,

This is a great group and can and will answer many of your questions about

cancer but for thyroid issues you may also want to try the iodine group which is

full of advice about your thyroid issues. The iodine list owner also has a

website that will help you immensely.

Here are the addresses...



Wishing you the best,



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