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Hey, since we all try just about anything, I can feel comfortable here to say

what's coming up and also ask stupid questions.

Well, my son has been going for acupuncture as part of his therapy to balance

out his body, esp. the bowels. It's really too early to say if it's making an

impact or if it's just the Enzymes with some Chinese herbs and/or increased

pro-biotics ... but we are seeing improvements.

The Chinese doc is really well known in this area and wants to send my son to a

somewhat famous doctor who is an M.D. but does all he can to shy away from drugs

.... kind of holistic. The Chinese doc says he wants him to order bloodwork.

So, what kinds of things should he be looking for? Who is/are the best companies

to do a complete work-up for blood, stools, etc.?? If he won't do all of the

tests, then which ones should I really push hard to have done?

Also, this one is really interesting. Came across some stuff about Neurofeedback

to resolve a lot of issues with Aspergers, ADD, and many other brain issues.

It's like Biofeedback. It rewires the brain and creates/strengthens missing/weak

connections and also, if a child has ADD, will train their brain to stay at the

right beta or alpha or whatever level. I happened across this because I bought a

product (lights-and-sound machine) that TOTALLY eliminated my son's need for

Melatonin. Not kidding! And, he LOVES the thing. It REALLY works and there's

science behind it. I'll let you google the unit and read up on it (the Proteus

lights-and-sound machine. I got mine from mindmodulations . com, but it's

available on other websites, too.).

Anyway, I noticed that the Proteus has an option to plug into the computer and

do Biofeedback. Started google-ing stuff and found some really interesting

reading on how Neurofeedback/Biofeedback can cure or nearly cure ASD symptoms.

Hard to believe, right? Well, I haven't had it done on my son yet, but am really

going to look into it. Apparently, it's in the top 10 of great things that

happened in this past year as rated by Autism Speaks. You can read more about it

here (and ask me for other links if you are interested):


and here are the claims to being able to make positive effects with Aspergers

and other things (see middle of page):


Anyone tried or thought of trying neurofeedback?? I am seriously interested. The

more I read about it, the more I think it's got to be part of the plan for my


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