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Please help me recover my daughter joanna. She is very hard to live with

..Dunping stuff cereal,medicine anything not locked up .Puts non food items in

mouth. Defiant behavior . " Look I'm on the table. " It is not a -----. " She has to

say the opposite of whatever. OR what she says makes absulutely no sense. " The

fire hydrandant does not fit in the Buick. " She says meaningless stuff that is

not even true . Can not play. Bites. Does whatever she can to annoy. The

behaviorist say to ignore bad and praise good. Much of what she does is

destuctive or hurtful that is hard to annoy . When I sit to play with her she

will get up and walk away. Or else like the other day sitting in my lap playing

legos out of the blue " I'm going to bite you. " Eats all art activities glue

,paint.crayons shaving cream within 30  seconds after I bring them out.About

three out of six of the family are starting to hate her.My teenage daughters get

mad because if they leave dedorant out,

shampoo, a water cup ,makeup, it gets purposely dumped. I am honestly fearful

she is going to have to be institutionalized as she gets older. It is hard

because every once in a blue moon she wakes up and says something rational

like " You not get rid of Me? She heard the institution talk.But most of the time

she is so naughty or just out of it . The regional center said her IQ is 59 with

autism but two young to tell,But I swear when it comes to tormenting me her IQ

jumps to 100. Her whole brain is how can I torture you? I'm kicking you.I spill

the lotion. She was so smart before when she was young first word four months

-just heart breaking. Says she shakes things because she has autism. But more

than half the time language is echolalic except for NOT. I might say Look at the

tree. Not a tree.Not, Can't ,don' t, favorite words. The car is NOT red.Help!

Anything to make her more peaceful less defiant. Last night it was lotion dumped

while running over

large areas of carpet and my bed before I could catch her. Today was Milk of

Magnesia on carpet and someone elses bed. Well Thanks for listening.

From: tmykland <tmyklandprofile@...>

Subject: Re: P5P

Date: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 8:41 AM


P5P is kind of the " rocket fuel " form of vitamin B6, it's the

active form, so it is equivalent to giving 3-5 times as much of the other form,

pyridoxine, and some kids kind of bounce off the walls when starting it. It's

very useful, though, so don't give up.

I do not think that the below guideline is useful (i.e. 25 mg/day if

phenol/sulfur problems). From what I've seen, most kids can benefit from it,

but some need to start at very low doses. What you are seeing is what people

often see when kids take more p5p than they can use. Here's what I would


1. Stop the p5p

2. Introduce the magnesium, which can help to counteract the excitatory effects

of the p5p

3. Start p5p again, at 1/4 dose, then increase gradually, giving the body a

chance to get used to it over a week or two. You can add a little B6 too, and

play with doses to find out what works. p5p and B6 are two different forms of

the same vitamin.

Hope this is helpful.


btw, in case you're wondering, I have a 16yo son with autism who has taken p5p

since age 3, and I work for BrainChild Nutritionals, so that's how I learned a

lot about vitamins.

> >

> > Has anyone seen any adverse effects from giving P5P? We're supposed to

introduce P5P, then magnesium glycinate, then B6. But on giving the P5P, we've

noticed increased spaciness, crankiness, and vocal stims. So, not sure if we

should proceed to introduce the other supps and hope they balance each other

out; or stop the P5P. Would appreciate any comments,

> >

> > Daisy

> >


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