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Root Canal

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Hi Jerry,

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>From: " Jerry Mittelman " <jmittelman@...>


> " aaDr. Group " < >

>Subject: root canal

>Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 17:20:37 -0400


>Cavitations are infected areas in bone surrounding the roots of teeth.


>They usually come from infected matter in root canalled teeth.


>When a DDS does root canal therapy (RCT) s/he sterilizes and fills the

>vertical pulp canal - about an inch long - and leaves infected the

>approximate 3 miles of dentinal tubules that cannot yet be treated.


>The infection exudes from the root to the supporting jaw-bone.


>For a more complete description request our report " Can Root Canal Make

>You Sick? " , reply with your po box or street address.


>Infections from this source affects your entire immune system - your health

>both physical and mental.


>Jerry Mittelman, DDS, FAPM





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I retired 23 years ago and am dedicating myself to helping get the

word out on holistic health.

Jerry Mittelman, DDS, FAPM

Reply with your po box or street address to get a

free copy of The Holistic Dental Digest PLUS - jmittelman@...

What dentists aren't likely to learn in dental school.

root canal

> >Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 17:20:37 -0400

> >

> >Cavitations are infected areas in bone surrounding the roots of teeth.

> >

> >They usually come from infected matter in root canalled teeth.

> >

> >When a DDS does root canal therapy (RCT) s/he sterilizes and fills the

> >vertical pulp canal - about an inch long - and leaves infected the

> >approximate 3 miles of dentinal tubules that cannot yet be treated.

> >

> >The infection exudes from the root to the supporting jaw-bone.

> >

> >For a more complete description request our report " Can Root Canal Make

> >You Sick? " , reply with your po box or street address.

> >

> >Infections from this source affects your entire immune system - your health

> >both physical and mental.

> >

> >Jerry Mittelman, DDS, FAPM

> >

> >

> >

> >

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