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Re: Re: Description & Review of Zappers? - try zappication

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Dear Luke/,

Where did you find this 7 on/7 off timing for zapping? I have never seen it

from Dr. .

For reachung the sinuses, lung surface, cerebrospinal fluid and contents of the

bowel I know of nothing as safe and effective as our SuperZappicator

(www.BestZapper.com/super_zapper.html ) . Because it is magnetic it reaches

about 12 inches right through the body and is not dependent on the blood

circulation for its effectiveness.

Here is a recent user's report:

Hello Arthur, it's L. from Tennessee with the lung Candida and

the nasty parasite in my lungs. As you know, I was going to use the

zappicator every day and zap my produce and fish, which I have done.

As promised I am writing you with the results of my latest ED screening. My

lung Candida went from a +37 to a -7. Zero being perfect. So I really have

it on the run after months of Candida diet, nebulizing with colloidal

silver, major probiotics and an army of natural antifungals in rotation.

All of which have been battling it slowly. I really feel that the

zappicator effectively helped to eliminate some of the fungus, all other

things being equal. I even slipped from my Candida diet a few times to give

it a good test.

As for the parasites, I usually have at least 4 or 5 parasites at a

screening even using a parasite cleanse daily. And they are the bad ones,

the ones that hang on and cause havoc in your body. This reading, not only

did I get rid of the Paragonimus Westermani (lung parasite), but I was 100%

free of parasites. That has NEVER happened in the 4 years I've been having

the screenings. I zapped my strawberries especially well, because they are

well known to carry a multitude of parasites (probably where I get most of

them). Not only did they have a longer life (which tells me the parasites

are doing the damage) but I had one to eat the morning before the screening

and still no parasites. Proof positive that the zappicator does actually

kill the parasites in food.

Also, I had very few bacteria and viruses, which I am giving the zappicator

credit for.

As you can guess, I am very pleased with my new zappicator and have

recommended it to a couple of my friends, who are very interested.

Thank you for all of your hard work and God Bless.


L, Tennessee

Hope this is helpful!





Re: Re: Description & Review of Zappers?


Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 7:11 AM

I recently purchased a zapper. How long do you use your zapper for? I've

been doing it for 3 weeks and I do 3 minutes a day, once a day. Is this good?

Also, I have amalgam fillings and am wondering if it's safe to put the handles

on my sinuses?



In a message dated 1/30/2009 8:04:05 A.M. Central Standard Time,

luckystarzz2 writes:

Dear Jeff,

I use a zapper daily and I sometimes can detect a faint tingle but

usually nothing at all. Mostly what you feel is better after using

one!!!! I have Arthur's auto-zap and it works very well for me!!

Good luck.

I wish you the best in your quest for good health. :-)


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Could you please explain what a parasite screening is?  Is it some sort of

test?  I believe I have a problem like this with my right eye.  It is very

painful for months now.  Thanks!



From: tammyco5aol (DOT) com <tammyco5aol (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: Re: Description & Review of Zappers?

Dr@groups .com

Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 7:11 AM

I recently purchased a zapper. How long do you use your zapper for? I've

been doing it for 3 weeks and I do 3 minutes a day, once a day. Is this good?

Also, I have amalgam fillings and am wondering if it's safe to put the handles

on my sinuses?



In a message dated 1/30/2009 8:04:05 A.M. Central Standard Time,

luckystarzz2 writes:

Dear Jeff,

I use a zapper daily and I sometimes can detect a faint tingle but

usually nothing at all. Mostly what you feel is better after using

one!!!! I have Arthur's auto-zap and it works very well for me!!

Good luck.

I wish you the best in your quest for good health. :-)


************ **A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy


(http://pr.atwola. com/promoclk/ 100000075x121585 5013x1201028747/ aol?redir=

http://www. freecreditreport .com/pm/default. aspx?sc=668072% 26hmpgID=

62%26bcd= De


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Then I'd respectfully suggest that you've never reall read THE CURE FOR ALL

DISEASES; its also in the Synchronometer Lab Manual BUT!  you need to read them

to see that!


I have both books and I've used both Zapper and FG  protocol for years.  I've

been aware that there are some suggested changes but have been reluctant to 'fix

it' if it " aint't broke " Far too many out there saying things without

foundation. ... one I am aware of attempts to imply that Dr. uses only a

certain  Zapper and  never even mention the Function Generator! 

that's misleading at best!    If you actually study the above publications she

is VERY definitive in that her Zapper is a specialized application that is

TOTALLY different concept and overvierw than the Function Generator!  the FG is

directed at a specific parasite and you set a Kill Frequency to that range. The

FG she says, gets to areas that her original  Zapper cannor reach because of the

way the body insulates against  the current.  Now... I am NOT familiar with your

zapper. Came close to buying not one but several, but  backed off because of

concerns generated

by statements like   " ... not dependent on blood circulation ... "   which, to me

surreptitiously, attempts to manipulate reader thinking into an idea that other

devices ARE dependent upon blood circulation.  Bob Beck's Pulser is the only one

of which I'm aware  that does this or even attempts to do blood cleaning.   Dr.

never even mentions blood cleaning in her above referenced books.


ALL  books are admittedly TOUGH READS  but I've been studying them for

over ten years and I learn something new each time I open one of them!

warm regards,



From: tammyco5aol (DOT) com <tammyco5aol (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: Re: Description & Review of Zappers?

Dr@groups .com

Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 7:11 AM

I recently purchased a zapper. How long do you use your zapper for? I've

been doing it for 3 weeks and I do 3 minutes a day, once a day. Is this good?

Also, I have amalgam fillings and am wondering if it's safe to put the handles

on my sinuses?



In a message dated 1/30/2009 8:04:05 A.M. Central Standard Time,

luckystarzz2 writes:

Dear Jeff,

I use a zapper daily and I sometimes can detect a faint tingle but

usually nothing at all. Mostly what you feel is better after using

one!!!! I have Arthur's auto-zap and it works very well for me!!

Good luck.

I wish you the best in your quest for good health. :-)


************ **A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy


(http://pr.atwola. com/promoclk/ 100000075x121585 5013x1201028747/ aol?redir=

http://www. freecreditreport .com/pm/default. aspx?sc=668072% 26hmpgID=

62%26bcd= De


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Dear Luke,

Thanks for answering. I actually have read the books you mentioned. But I would

still ask, " Which exact pages in The Cure for All Diseases and The Syncrometer

Science Laboratory Manual mention the 7 minutes OFF protocol? " As far as I know

the definitive statements on zapping timing are still found on page 15 of The

Cure for All Diseases, and it specifies 20-30 minutes OFF between 7 minute

zapping sessions. And pages 13 and 14 explain the limitations of using a

frequency generator (FG) for taking out pathogens and parasites, because you

need to accurately identify what you need to kill before you can hope to kill it

with an FG. This really restricts the FG approach to people who are expert on

syncrometer testing.

But I am more than willing to learn from the master...


P.S. The " blood circulation " references come from Dr. 's following


" A positive electrical force that pulses up and down not only appears to kill

tiny invaders, it also seems to energize your white blood cells to go on an

all-out attack on your enemies: your parasites, your toxins, everything, in

spite of their four blockers. In spite of benzene, PCBs, metals, and asbestos!

For a time, your WBCs turn into Super-WBCs. That I why I recommend eight hours

of zapping daily until you are well. [please note that Dr. is recommending

this for people with serious cases of AIDS, not for all people, although it will

not hurt most other people to zap eight hours a day - Arthur]

" Remember that killing parasites, by itself, as we can do with herbs, removes

the HIV virus source, but this does not return immune power. A zapper, on the

other hand, not only eliminates parasites; it does so by returning immune power.

Each method has its own virtues. " [emphasis mine - Arthur]

(from " The Cure For HIV and AIDS, " by Dr. Hulda Regehr , pg. 71)

Re: Re: Description & Review of Zappers?

Dr@groups .com

Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 7:11 AM

I recently purchased a zapper. How long do you use your zapper for? I've

been doing it for 3 weeks and I do 3 minutes a day, once a day. Is this good?

Also, I have amalgam fillings and am wondering if it's safe to put the handles

on my sinuses?



In a message dated 1/30/2009 8:04:05 A.M. Central Standard Time,

luckystarzz2 writes:

Dear Jeff,

I use a zapper daily and I sometimes can detect a faint tingle but

usually nothing at all. Mostly what you feel is better after using

one!!!! I have Arthur's auto-zap and it works very well for me!!

Good luck.

I wish you the best in your quest for good health. :-)


************ **A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy


(http://pr.atwola. com/promoclk/ 100000075x121585 5013x1201028747/ aol?redir=

http://www. freecreditreport .com/pm/default. aspx?sc=668072% 26hmpgID=

62%26bcd= De


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