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Parasite Die-off

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Does there happen to be anybody else out there who is enduring very difficult


I apparently have been infected with multiple parasites for a very long time and

am trying (again) to cleanse.

Would love to have someone I can talk to as I go through this.

The parasites affect my brain adversely when I try to cleanse.

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Trying to be the patient and the doctor was very difficult for me. I would

not recommend it to others.

That being said, for me it was trial and error. After about 10 years of

natural cleansing I stumbled upon the EPFX/SCIO machine and fabulous

Biofeedback specialist, Kristy in Miami, FL. Between her skills and the

devise I was able to get off a yo-yo effect of cleansing. My personal

experience leads me to believe Hulda 's mantra- get the metal out of

your mouth and your body. For me there was no way I was ever going to feel

better with mercury on my kidney meridian, in my DNA, creating havoc with my

nervous system, etc. Once I orally chelated the metal out of my system,

then did the parasite cleanse ( Young's formula Paracleanse), the rest

was bliss.

Good Luck,



From: Dr [mailto:Dr ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 7:00 AM


Subject: Parasite Die-off

Does there happen to be anybody else out there who is enduring very

difficult die-off?

I apparently have been infected with multiple parasites for a very long time

and am trying (again) to cleanse.

Would love to have someone I can talk to as I go through this.

The parasites affect my brain adversely when I try to cleanse.

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Guest guest

Hi ,

Me too. I have many parasites. Cleansing for a year and much better but brain

symptoms are worse. What are your symptoms exactly and what parasites did you

have? How were you diagnosed?



From: <tennymichele@...>


Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 3:59:57 AM

Subject: Parasite Die-off

Does there happen to be anybody else out there who is enduring very difficult


I apparently have been infected with multiple parasites for a very long time and

am trying (again) to cleanse.

Would love to have someone I can talk to as I go through this.

The parasites affect my brain adversely when I try to cleanse.

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what did you use to orally chelate the mercury out of your system?



> Trying to be the patient and the doctor was very difficult for me. I would

> not recommend it to others.




> That being said, for me it was trial and error. After about 10 years of

> natural cleansing I stumbled upon the EPFX/SCIO machine and fabulous

> Biofeedback specialist, Kristy in Miami, FL. Between her skills and the

> devise I was able to get off a yo-yo effect of cleansing. My personal

> experience leads me to believe Hulda 's mantra- get the metal out of

> your mouth and your body. For me there was no way I was ever going to feel

> better with mercury on my kidney meridian, in my DNA, creating havoc with my

> nervous system, etc. Once I orally chelated the metal out of my system,

> then did the parasite cleanse ( Young's formula Paracleanse), the rest

> was bliss.




> Good Luck,


> Michele




> _____


> From: Dr [mailto:Dr ] On Behalf Of


> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 7:00 AM

> Dr

> Subject: Parasite Die-off









> Does there happen to be anybody else out there who is enduring very

> difficult die-off?


> I apparently have been infected with multiple parasites for a very long time

> and am trying (again) to cleanse.


> Would love to have someone I can talk to as I go through this.


> The parasites affect my brain adversely when I try to cleanse.









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Wow, thanks, Michele!

I'm going to check that out.

(That bliss really sounds good ........)



From: Michele Weissman <michele@...>


Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 12:14:16 PM

Subject: RE: Parasite Die-off

Trying to be the patient and the doctor was very difficult for me. I would

not recommend it to others.

That being said, for me it was trial and error. After about 10 years of

natural cleansing I stumbled upon the EPFX/SCIO machine and fabulous

Biofeedback specialist, Kristy in Miami, FL. Between her skills and the

devise I was able to get off a yo-yo effect of cleansing. My personal

experience leads me to believe Hulda 's mantra- get the metal out of

your mouth and your body. For me there was no way I was ever going to feel

better with mercury on my kidney meridian, in my DNA, creating havoc with my

nervous system, etc. Once I orally chelated the metal out of my system,

then did the parasite cleanse ( Young's formula Paracleanse) , the rest

was bliss.

Good Luck,



From: Dr@groups .com [mailto:Dr@groups .com] On Behalf Of

Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 7:00 AM

Dr@groups .com

Subject: Parasite Die-off

Does there happen to be anybody else out there who is enduring very

difficult die-off?

I apparently have been infected with multiple parasites for a very long time

and am trying (again) to cleanse.

Would love to have someone I can talk to as I go through this.

The parasites affect my brain adversely when I try to cleanse.

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I used Xymogen's ( a company out of Orlando, FL) formula CHELEX (Proprietary

Chelation Formula of DMSA, EDTA, Cilantro, Chlorella, Allicin,

N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, and Alpha-Lipoic Acid), ALAmax CR- a controlled release

Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Mercola's Chlorella, extra Vitamin C, Innerlight's Greens

with Ph drops for Alkalinity.

I copied this info from my reply posted Tue Jan 29, 2008

Last December I started using Young's Liver Cleanse regime.

reports that the liver stores a lot of heavy metals. I lasted 5 days on the

program. The detoxing side effects were strong and powerful.



From: Dr [mailto:Dr ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 1:02 PM


Subject: Re: Parasite Die-off

what did you use to orally chelate the mercury out of your system?



> Trying to be the patient and the doctor was very difficult for me. I would

> not recommend it to others.




> That being said, for me it was trial and error. After about 10 years of

> natural cleansing I stumbled upon the EPFX/SCIO machine and fabulous

> Biofeedback specialist, Kristy in Miami, FL. Between her skills and the

> devise I was able to get off a yo-yo effect of cleansing. My personal

> experience leads me to believe Hulda 's mantra- get the metal out of

> your mouth and your body. For me there was no way I was ever going to feel

> better with mercury on my kidney meridian, in my DNA, creating havoc with


> nervous system, etc. Once I orally chelated the metal out of my system,

> then did the parasite cleanse ( Young's formula Paracleanse), the rest

> was bliss.




> Good Luck,


> Michele




> _____


> From: Dr@groups <mailto:Dr%40> .com

[mailto:Dr@groups <mailto:Dr%40> .com] On

Behalf Of


> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 7:00 AM

> Dr@groups <mailto:Dr%40> .com

> Subject: Parasite Die-off









> Does there happen to be anybody else out there who is enduring very

> difficult die-off?


> I apparently have been infected with multiple parasites for a very long


> and am trying (again) to cleanse.


> Would love to have someone I can talk to as I go through this.


> The parasites affect my brain adversely when I try to cleanse.









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You might want to check out two products.  One is called Detoxamin and is an

EDTA suppository for heavy metals.  The other is OSR, a powder for mercury

only.  You can google these to find out more about them.

From: wildman350smom <carolb@...>

Subject: Re: Parasite Die-off


Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 10:02 AM

what did you use to orally chelate the mercury out of your system?



> Trying to be the patient and the doctor was very difficult for me. I would

> not recommend it to others.




> That being said, for me it was trial and error. After about 10 years of

> natural cleansing I stumbled upon the EPFX/SCIO machine and fabulous

> Biofeedback specialist, Kristy in Miami, FL. Between her skills and the

> devise I was able to get off a yo-yo effect of cleansing. My personal

> experience leads me to believe Hulda 's mantra- get the metal out of

> your mouth and your body. For me there was no way I was ever going to feel

> better with mercury on my kidney meridian, in my DNA, creating havoc with my

> nervous system, etc. Once I orally chelated the metal out of my system,

> then did the parasite cleanse ( Young's formula Paracleanse) , the rest

> was bliss.




> Good Luck,


> Michele




> _____


> From: Dr@groups .com [mailto:Dr@groups .com] On Behalf Of


> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 7:00 AM

> Dr@groups .com

> Subject: Parasite Die-off









> Does there happen to be anybody else out there who is enduring very

> difficult die-off?


> I apparently have been infected with multiple parasites for a very long time

> and am trying (again) to cleanse.


> Would love to have someone I can talk to as I go through this.


> The parasites affect my brain adversely when I try to cleanse.









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Hi Wen,


I had been diagnosed with parasites by various practioners in the past

using kinesiology, and some kind of energetic testing machine.  Most recently, I

was diagnosed with 12 kinds of parasites by a practitioner using EDS

(ElectroDermal Screening, a kind of gadget).  She is out of state, and uses a

surrogate since I am not there in person. 


I don't know what kinds of parasites I have yet, although one of them produces

egg-sacs that are bean-shaped (and bean-sized), hollow except for a thin black

line in them.  I passed those almost 2 years ago.  There were some smaller

ones that I passed also --  " immature, " I would say.  They were opaque, a very

light green color.


Speaking of being diagnosed, I was also diagnosed by the  buffoons at Mayo

Clinic in ville, Florida with Delusional Parasitosis.  Their

recommendation was to see a psychiatrist and be prescribed a drug to help me see

that I do not actually have parasites.  I even drew them pictures of the sacs

that I passed, whereupon they informed me that I did not pass them.


God bless them.


My symptoms -- I'm very skinny and unable to gain weight.

Weak/fatigued.  Exzema at times (at times very bad).  Hives occasionally,

usually when trying to de-tox.  I also have pretty severe hypoglycemia.  At

times, my sugar crashes and I just can't get food into my body fast enough. 

(Think: heroin addict late for her fix)  Those severe episodes happen when I

have been de-toxing.  And it's certain *foods* as well as supplements that can

have a de-toxing effect.


The brain changes happen when I try to de-tox, and those symptoms are:  brain

fog, irritability and, when it's bad, I would say psychosis (although I have

never been diagnosed by a doctor with that).  At those moments, it *feels* as

though the parasites are in total control of my body and mind.


At that point, I back off the de-toxing and within a day or two am back to



Does any of this sound familiar to you?  Or to anyone else?




Every being has a song.  It's part of a web of sound and light that keeps this

planet whole and functioning.  Whales, trees, and humans have a song.   When we

are loving, compassionate, trusting, and respectful, we are singing a song.  

When humans come fully into their hearts, the Earth will begin to function as a

primary heart center in the universe.





 If people questioned things more we wouldn't be in the position we are in.

~ Peek



From: W A <imagineus11@...>


Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 12:52:21 PM

Subject: Re: Parasite Die-off

Hi ,

Me too. I have many parasites. Cleansing for a year and much better but brain

symptoms are worse. What are your symptoms exactly and what parasites did you

have? How were you diagnosed?


____________ _________ _________ __

From: <tennymichele>

Dr@groups .com

Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 3:59:57 AM

Subject: Parasite Die-off

Does there happen to be anybody else out there who is enduring very difficult


I apparently have been infected with multiple parasites for a very long time and

am trying (again) to cleanse.

Would love to have someone I can talk to as I go through this.

The parasites affect my brain adversely when I try to cleanse.

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Yup sounds like me to a T except that I have lyme and tons of heart

involvement.  I believe the lyme or parasites, (which I believe lyme and it's co

infections to be) are living in my heart and when I go after them my heart

really acts up, lots of palpatations.  Otherwise your story sounds very familiar

right up to the psychiatrist part.  I was actually locked down for 5 days in the

ward at the local hospital as they thought I was " depressed " when I was actually

near death.  I stay away from allopathic docs as much as I can. 


I'm also using ozone and the die off is so bad sometimes I can't believe it.

From: stephanie emmert <tennymichele@...>

Subject: Re: Parasite Die-off


Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 1:01 PM

Hi Wen,


I had been diagnosed with parasites by various practioners in the past

using kinesiology, and some kind of energetic testing machine.  Most recently, I

was diagnosed with 12 kinds of parasites by a practitioner  using EDS

(ElectroDermal Screening, a kind of gadget).  She is out of state, and uses a

surrogate since I am not there in person. 


I don't know what kinds of parasites I have yet, although one of them produces

egg-sacs that are bean-shaped (and bean-sized), hollow except for a thin black

line in them.  I passed those almost 2 years ago.  There were some smaller

ones that I passed also --  " immature, " I would say.  They were opaque, a very

light green color.


Speaking of being diagnosed, I was also diagnosed by the  buffoons at Mayo

Clinic in ville, Florida with Delusional Parasitosis.  Their

recommendation was to see a psychiatrist and be prescribed a drug to help me see

that I do not actually have parasites.  I even drew them pictures of the sacs

that I passed, whereupon they informed me that I did not pass them.


God bless them.


My symptoms -- I'm very skinny and unable to gain weight.

Weak/fatigued.  Exzema at times (at times very bad).  Hives occasionally,

usually when trying to de-tox.  I also have pretty severe hypoglycemia.  At

times, my sugar crashes and I just can't get food into my body fast enough. 

(Think: heroin addict late for her fix)  Those severe episodes happen when I

have been de-toxing.  And it's certain *foods* as well as supplements that can

have a de-toxing effect.


The brain changes happen when I try to de-tox, and those symptoms are:  brain

fog, irritability and, when it's bad, I would say psychosis (although I have

never been diagnosed by a doctor with that).  At those moments, it *feels* as

though the parasites are in total control of my body and mind.


At that point, I back off the de-toxing and within a day or two am back to



Does any of this sound familiar to you?  Or to anyone else?




Every being has a song.  It's part of a web of sound and light that keeps this

planet whole and functioning.  Whales, trees, and humans have a song.   When we

are loving, compassionate, trusting, and respectful, we are singing a song.  

When humans come fully into their hearts, the Earth will begin to function as a

primary heart center in the universe.



www.fearorlove. com

www.thecrowhouse. com

 If people questioned things more we wouldn't be in the position we are in.

~ Peek


____________ _________ _________ __

From: W A <imagineus11>

Dr@groups .com

Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 12:52:21 PM

Subject: Re: Parasite Die-off

Hi ,

Me too. I have many parasites. Cleansing for a year and much better but brain

symptoms are worse. What are your symptoms exactly and what parasites did you

have? How were you diagnosed?


____________ _________ _________ __

From: <tennymichele>

Dr@groups .com

Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 3:59:57 AM

Subject: Parasite Die-off

Does there happen to be anybody else out there who is enduring very difficult


I apparently have been infected with multiple parasites for a very long time and

am trying (again) to cleanse.

Would love to have someone I can talk to as I go through this.

The parasites affect my brain adversely when I try to cleanse.

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