Guest guest Posted April 22, 2009 Report Share Posted April 22, 2009 I am always amazed to see Royal Rife's name on lists containing 10,000 frequencies. The best sources I know say he found and documented at most 15 frequencies or MOR's (Mortal Oscillatory Rates) with his unique microscopes and precise laboratory work over almost two decades. I do not mean to be impertinent, but where did the other 9985 frequencies listed come from? I am not sure that Royal Rife would feel well treated if 99.85% of the frequencies on " his " list actually had nothing to do with his work or research. As an electronic engineer, I also wonder if some of the other frequencies of unknown pedigree or provenance might in fact prove harmful by resonating with the dimensions of healthy internal body structures and disabling or damaging them. Given the latest research on the dangers of even low-powered cell phones and WiFi devices, it seems that they might cause changes in metabolic rates and ion flows within the body. This is especially a concern with the more powerful RF " Rife " devices on the market. Food for thought. Arthur Doerksen The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy eBook, by Nenah Sylver, PhD The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy with a Holistic Health Primer eBook by Nenah Sylver, PhD One-Time Announcement I am glad to announce the full release of The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy with a Holistic Health Primer - the long awaited, vastly expanded 2nd edition of her original " Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing " (which Nenah Sylver PhD wrote under the name " Nina Silver " ). The eBook of this updated and expanded version was initially released on March 25. It now contains an extensive index, and the full eBook is currently online. Those who bought the initial release may simply download the eBook again to get the full release. There is also a special upgrade offer for those who purchased her Frequency Directory, which is Chapter 5 of the Rife Handbook. Those who order by April 30 can upgrade for just the price difference (After April 30, the price of the upgrade will be increased $5). There is a special bonus eBook as well to the first 500 who purchase The Rife Handbook eBook: the 360-page Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy, at no additional cost. More details about the eBook, and a 120-page downloadable sample, are at: Would you like to hear the author talk about her work in person? Nenah will be interviewed on the One Radio Network on April 23, 7-8PM Central. Here are the details: Topic: Rife Technology LIVE - Thursday, April 23rd. - 7 - 8 PM CST Nenah Sylver, PhD -- internationally known educator and author in the fields of health and electromedicine -- will be interviewed on the Timpone show on Thursday, 23 April, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time (5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time). On the show, Dr. Sylver will discuss Rife and other electromedicine technologies, as well as many different types of holistic health modalities that complement Rife therapy. These topics, and more, are discussed in her new 760 page book, The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy with a Holistic Health Primer. If you listen to this show live, you can phone in and ask questions. However, those who miss the show can listen to it later on the website. For radio show: One Radio The live show number will be: 888.663.6386 To order Dr. Nenah Sylver's books: Nenah has spent 12 years putting this together and I have been providing technical assistance setting up her website and the eBook system for her. I wrote the following review on April 2 and released it on my website: Review by, and the Rife group. If you are just starting to learn about Rife therapy, you will have a lot of questions and will be looking for intelligent competent answers to questions like: - Who was Royal Rife? - How did he discover this therapy? - How do the devices work today? - What kind of device do I need? - What should I look for in a device? - Where can I find such equipment? - What are the best frequencies to use for specific diseases? - How are the frequencies used? - How were the frequencies determined? - What precautions should I take? - How do I give myself a Rife session? - Where can I find additional help? - What are the legal aspects to Rife Therapy? - Why does my doctor not offer this therapy (in Europe, some do)? Additionally, if you are looking to take responsibility for your own health, you also need answers to questions like: - How does resonance therapy compare with allopathic medicine? - How does allopathic medicine compare with holistic treatments? - Which complimentary therapies should I be looking at? - What foods and nutrients do I need and what should I avoid? These and many more questions are answered in great detail. The entire book is full of excellent advice on the whole world of holistic medicine, electromedicine in general and Rife therapy in particular. If you are looking for answers that can have a profound influence on your future health, this is certainly the best Rife related reference book I have ever seen on the subject. It also covers past and current day medical politics in a very factual and well referenced way. One of the key questions everybody has is " What frequency do I need? " . There are lists of frequencies out there provided by the device makers, a consolidated list on the Internet, and many suggestions made on Rife community egroups. The problem is, those lists are just lists, a number next to a condition with little, if anything, in the way of explanation. This is where Nenah Sylver's book comes into its own. A large part (over 200 pages) of The Rife Handbook is made up of the very extensive Frequency Directory (Chapter 5), which can also be purchased separately. Her directory is not just a list, it is full of detailed explanations as to the origin of the disease, how it affects the body, and what other co-infections and conditions may exist along with the one you're looking up. Moreover, Dr. Sylver has worked hard to ensure that the frequencies are well researched. This information is unique; it saves hours of searching through thousands of messages on the various discussion groups. The Rife Handbook is an ideal reference manual for anyone involved in using Rife therapy, giving you not only the best known tried and tested frequencies to use, but also well researched background information not found anywhere else. I feel it is an essential companion for everyone involved in researching Rife therapy. Effective Rife therapy is all about using the correct resonance frequencies in the right way. As I run the two largest Rife related discussion groups, I am often asked where to find good independent and reliable information about Rife therapy, particularly as there is so much disinformation out there on the Internet. Now I can answer that question very simply. Buy Nenah Sylver's Rife Handbook and then join the Rife Forum to discuss any further questions you have with the experts. By the way, Dr. Nenah Sylver does not sell Rife devices, is not associated with any particular manufacturer, and has an excellent reputation in the Rife world. The first edition of this book sold over 6000 copies worldwide, to great acclaim and with no paid advertising whatsoever. This new edition is almost twice the size, has been thoroughly updated and expanded, and she has consulted just about every expert in the Rife world and beyond to put together a very complete explanation of Rife therapy as it is known today in the context of holistic medicine. When asked why she spent 12 years of her life working on this book, she simply replied " because nobody else is doing it " . As I highly recommend The Rife Handbook, I am pleased to have been able to play a small part in getting this released as an eBook. I provided technical support by rewriting her website and setting up the eBook system for marketing it. I have also contributed to the eBook itself by providing some info and images. The Rife Handbook has been praised by many health professionals and researchers in the electromedicine and Rife fields and provides a valuable insight into the world of Rife Therapy. The 760-page eBook (Windows or Mac compatible) is available now for $67.95, and can be downloaded from and the Rife group. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 23, 2009 Report Share Posted April 23, 2009 Hi Arthur, all your questions and concerns are addressed in great detail in Chapter 4 of Nenah's eBook. As that Chapter is 96 pages and I would have to quote sunstantial parts of it to answer your questions fully, I suggest you at least look at the free sample (120 pages) where you will get an idea of what is in the book. and you will find the samples on the right. The frequencies given come from a number of sources as a lot of research has been made since then. For example a new method of determining frequencies is based on calculating them based on DNA data. for more details. Here is a list of the FAQs answered in Chapter 4. If you want the answers, I suggest you order the book. Frequently Asked Questions.....................341 Frequency Devices and Manufacturers........341 Q. I have a radiant unit. How far from the light should I sit or lie down?..............341 Q. Will the light from a radiant unit hurt my eyes? ......................................341 Q. What if something is blocking the light?...........................................341 Q. I have been warned about X-rays and other radiation coming from the plasma light tube. Is this a legitimate concern?......................................342 Q. Can I be harmed by the radio frequency (RF) emitted by a device? Some manufacturers claim that RF is necessary while others claim that it's dangerous, so I'm confused..............................342 Q. Different machines use different RF carrier waves. Which one is the best?.. 344 Q. I have an electrode (pad) unit. Where should I place the electrodes?............ 344 Q. Sometimes when I use the electrodes, I get skin rashes. What should I do?..... 344 Q. Can I use an electrode and light tube device at the same time? ..................345 Q. I've heard that plasma light devices work better than electrode devices. Is this true? Is one style of machine better than another?................................345 Q. My machine doesn't allow me to program real frequencies into it. Instead, it uses code numbers that correspond to pre-programmed channels. I look up the condition I want to address in the operator's manual, and then enter its matching code number into the machine. But I don't know what frequency I'm getting. Does this matter?.................360 Q. My rife machine has a feature called sweep. What does this do?..................360 Q. My rife machine has a feature called converge. What does this do?..............361 Q. My rife machine has a feature called gate. What does this do?...................361 Q. My rife machine has a feature called pulse. What does this do?..................362 Q. I just discovered that my brand new unit contains some " custom " programs. It appears that someone else programmed frequencies into the machine, and then forgot to erase them. Does this mean that I got a used or reconditioned unit?..362 Q. Some electrode and radiant machines can transmit several frequencies at the same time. This sounds like a great feature, since I'd like to decrease the amount of time I spend with my device each day. Are such machines reliable?...............362 Q. Does rife equipment require special care?...........................................363 Q. Will my rife machine affect other electronic equipment?......................363 Q. I'm nervous about operating an electronic device that's being used for serious therapy. Aren't rife machines complicated to operate?....................................363 Q. Are there any health care providers who have a rife unit that I can try first, to see if the technology works? I'd like to use a machine before buying one................364 Q. I've seen diagrams in books and on the Internet on how to build a rife-style device. How hard could it be to build my own machine?...........................364 Q. These devices cost so much! The electrode units seem like ordinary frequency generators to me, with common metal cylinders used as electrodes. And some of these light tube units don't seem very sophisticated. Why do the manufacturers charge so much? Don't they care about people's health—and people's lives?.....364 Q. I'm convinced that I need to purchase my own unit. But shouldn't I try to obtain a real rife machine? We know that some of his units at least had a good track record. .......................................365 Q. Some rife units in the United States are approved by the FDA. Are these machines better than the ones that aren't approved? ....................................365 Rife Sessions—General Questions Pertinent to All Machines...................................366 Q. How many frequencies should I use per session?........................................366 Q. For how long should each frequency be administered?................................366 Q. How many days should I allow between sessions?.......................................367 Q. After I'm free of symptoms, for how long should I continue the sessions?......367 Q. Can I rife after eating or drinking?......367 Q. Should I wear special clothing for the sessions?.......................................368 Q. What about wearing metal jewelry or glasses?........................................368 Q. My unit is large and heavy. When I put it on a metal cart to wheel it from room to room, the display on the monitor becomes distorted. Is this a problem?...368 Q. Do either I or the machine need to be in a special environment? What about lighting, temperature and moisture?....368 Q. Is one time of day better than another to do sessions?...............................368 Q. What can I expect to feel during a rife session?........................................368 Q. Why do some people feel worse immediately after having a rife session, while other people feel better?............369 Q. What is a Herxheimer reaction? ..........370 Q. What's the difference between a detox (Herxheimer or Herx) reaction from rifing and actually being sick? Both situations feel similar to me...............370 Q. If a temporary irregular heartbeat is one possible consequence of microbial die-off, how can this be distinguished from the medical condition known as arrhythmia?..................................371 Q. I cannot rife as often as I need to, due to a Herxheimer response. How can I lessen or eliminate these detox reactions?......371 Q. I have a serious wound that I want to treat. Is it okay to put an electrode directly on it?................................372 Q. With my electrode unit, do I have to feel the current in order to know that the machine is working?........................372 Q. I heard that the metal used for the electrodes may sometimes get into the body, and that certain metals are safer than others. Is this true? If so, what can I do to minimize harm?....................373 Q. Can I do other therapies along with the rife sessions?..................................373 Q. Do I need a special diet or nutritional support while rifing?.......................373 Q. I'm doing many complementary therapies in addition to rife sessions. How do I know which therapy is really helping me? ..................................373 Q. My partner is ill, and uses a radiant machine daily. I am concerned about the effects of the frequencies when my children and I are in the room. Will we be negatively affected?......................374 Q. I had a bad cold, and was giving myself a session with a light tube device in the den. My daughter, who had a bad cold, too, and was in a room that shares an adjoining wall, insisted that she felt something when the unit was on. The next day, not only was my cold better, her cold was completely gone. Could the light really penetrate through a wall?..................374 Q. Does it matter which direction the light tube is facing?................................375 Q. What if I don't get any results from the frequency sessions?..........................375 Q. I was getting very good results when rifing for a chronic condition until I took a 2-week break. Now, the same frequencies don't seem to be working. Why?.........375 Q. Shouldn't I see a doctor or qualified rife practitioner for sessions, instead of buying my own machine? I'm afraid I won't know what I'm doing and will hurt myself...................................375 Q. I would like to find a doctor I can work with while giving myself rife sessions. What's the best way to find someone?...375 Frequency Selection and Microbe Response...376 Q. How do the frequencies work?...........376 Q. How were the frequencies in this Rife Handbook calculated?.......................377 Q. I have a diagnosis from my doctor. How do I know which frequencies to use?....379 Q. What if I don't have a diagnosis, and don't know which specific microbes are involved in my condition?..................379 Q. Is muscle testing a valid way to figure out which frequencies will work for me?.....380 Q. Why do we need individual frequencies at all? Why can't we simply blast the microbes with every frequency in succession, especially if we don't know which ones to use?..........................380 Q. Why are different frequencies sometimes listed for the same condition? And why are the same frequencies often given for two distinctly different microbes?.......381 Q. I've heard that higher frequencies work better than lower frequencies. Is there any truth to this?............................381 Q. My unit goes up to only 20,000 Hertz. But my condition requires many frequencies that are over 60,000 Hertz. What should I do?...........................381 Q. I've heard that you get better results using a higher number derived from a calculator found on the Internet. Where can I obtain this calculator and how does it work?...382 Q. Some frequencies are said to regenerate an organ or gland, rather than kill microbes. How is this possible? And why didn't Royal Rife address this?............................382 Q. My unit has settings for different shaped waves: square, sine, and sawtooth. What's the difference between the waveforms?...................................383 Q. How do I know that the frequencies are safe? If they kill microbes, won't they harm me?.....................................383 Q. Most rife units that shatter or disable microbes under a microscope or in a Petri dish are unable to achieve the same result in live human beings. Why? Is there something wrong with the machine?....384 Q. If the frequencies are so effective, why do I need to use the machine more than once?..........................................384 Q. Are there any circumstances under which rife frequency technology might actually make microbes grow? For instance, it is common for microbes to become resistant to antibiotics. Can they react to frequencies in a similar way?..............385 Q. How much frequency drift is allowable for the rife equipment to still be effective in destroying microbes?.......................386 Q. There are some units that deliver frequencies in rapid succession, usually in the high range. Is this rife? And are these machines effective?.........................386 Q. My doctor says that if rife technology really worked, he would know about it. So how can I be sure that this modality is effective?...................................386 Specific Health Conditions........................387 Q. I have a serious illness and need to be supervised by a health practitioner. How do I find one who's knowledgeable about rife technology?..............................387 Q. Is there a special protocol for dealing with cancer?..................................387 Q. Are certain frequencies especially effective for cancer?....................................389 Q. I've heard that certain frequencies actually stimulate the growth of cancer cells. Is this true?...........................................390 Q. Is one frequency device better than another when treating cancer?............390 Q. I've been using my frequency device faithfully twice a day since I was diagnosed with cancer. But my tumor seems to be growing larger, not smaller. And now I feel pain, when I didn't before. Why?...391 Q. I have cancer. Despite rife sessions twice daily, my CEA levels are increasing, not decreasing. Is there reason to be concerned?...................................391 Q. I have prostate cancer. Since I've been giving myself rife sessions, my PSA count has gone up, not down. Why? Does this mean the sessions are making me worse?.........................................392 Q. I've already had chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer. Can I still use rife technology?...................392 Q. I have Lyme disease. Is there a special protocol I need to follow? .................393 Q. Is there a particular type of frequency device that's best for Lyme? ..............396 Q. Is there a specific protocol for Candida?......................................397 Q. Is there a specific protocol for parasites?......................................399 Q. Rifing relieved pain I had for decades. If the frequencies are supposed to kill microbes, why would they work for pain?...................................... 400 Q. Are there any conditions that rifing can't help?................................... 400 Updates on Rife Technology and Treatments........................................ 400 Q. How effective can the sessions be if the machine I am using wasn't built by Royal Rife himself? Is it possible to obtain an original Rife Ray?.......................... 400 Q. Are any of Rife's microscopes still in existence? And do they work?........... 400 Q. If rife technology is so successful, why haven't I heard about it?................... 400 Q. Where can I find documentation of successful clinical trials showing that rife technology has cured illness? And where is this technology being used today?........402 Q. Where can I find the devices you mention in this Handbook?............................403 Q. Why don't you, the author, manufacture or sell frequency devices?..................403 Q. I am a health practitioner and want to use a frequency device in my office. What do I need to know?................. 404 Q. How can I find out more about rife frequency technology?..................... 404 Regards PS. Nenah is on the radio today so I suggest you listen in. > > I am always amazed to see Royal Rife's name on lists containing 10,000 frequencies. > > The best sources I know say he found and documented at most 15 frequencies or MOR's (Mortal Oscillatory Rates) with his unique microscopes and precise laboratory work over almost two decades. I do not mean to be impertinent, but where did the other 9985 frequencies listed come from? > > I am not sure that Royal Rife would feel well treated if 99.85% of the frequencies on " his " list actually had nothing to do with his work or research. As an electronic engineer, I also wonder if some of the other frequencies of unknown pedigree or provenance might in fact prove harmful by resonating with the dimensions of healthy internal body structures and disabling or damaging them. Given the latest research on the dangers of even low-powered cell phones and WiFi devices, it seems that they might cause changes in metabolic rates and ion flows within the body. This is especially a concern with the more powerful RF " Rife " devices on the market. > > Food for thought. > > Arthur Doerksen > > > The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy eBook, by Nenah Sylver, PhD > > > > > > The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy with a Holistic Health Primer > eBook by Nenah Sylver, PhD > > One-Time Announcement > > I am glad to announce the full release of The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy > with a Holistic Health Primer - the long awaited, vastly expanded 2nd edition of > her original " Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing " (which Nenah Sylver PhD wrote > under the name " Nina Silver " ). > > The eBook of this updated and expanded version was initially released on March > 25. It now contains an extensive index, and the full eBook is currently online. > Those who bought the initial release may simply download the eBook again to get > the full release. > > There is also a special upgrade offer for those who purchased her Frequency > Directory, which is Chapter 5 of the Rife Handbook. Those who order by April 30 > can upgrade for just the price difference (After April 30, the price of the > upgrade will be increased $5). > > There is a special bonus eBook as well to the first 500 who purchase The Rife > Handbook eBook: the 360-page Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy, at no > additional cost. > > More details about the eBook, and a 120-page downloadable sample, are at: > > > Would you like to hear the author talk about her work in person? > Nenah will be interviewed on the One Radio Network on April 23, 7-8PM Central. > Here are the details: > > Topic: Rife Technology > LIVE - Thursday, April 23rd. - 7 - 8 PM CST > > Nenah Sylver, PhD -- internationally known educator and author in the fields of > health and electromedicine -- will be interviewed on the Timpone show on > Thursday, 23 April, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time (5:00 p.m. Pacific > Standard Time). On the show, Dr. Sylver will discuss Rife and other > electromedicine technologies, as well as many different types of holistic health > modalities that complement Rife therapy. These topics, and more, are discussed > in her new 760 page book, The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy with a Holistic > Health Primer. If you listen to this show live, you can phone in and ask > questions. However, those who miss the show can listen to it later on the > website. > > For radio show: One Radio > > The live show number will be: 888.663.6386 > > To order Dr. Nenah Sylver's books: > > > Nenah has spent 12 years putting this together and I have been providing > technical assistance setting up her website and the eBook system for her. > > I wrote the following review on April 2 and released it on my > website: > > Review by >, and the Rife group. > > If you are just starting to learn about Rife therapy, you will have a lot of > questions and will be looking for intelligent competent answers to questions > like: > > - Who was Royal Rife? > - How did he discover this therapy? > - How do the devices work today? > - What kind of device do I need? > - What should I look for in a device? > - Where can I find such equipment? > - What are the best frequencies to use for specific diseases? > - How are the frequencies used? > - How were the frequencies determined? > - What precautions should I take? > - How do I give myself a Rife session? > - Where can I find additional help? > - What are the legal aspects to Rife Therapy? > - Why does my doctor not offer this therapy (in Europe, some do)? > > Additionally, if you are looking to take responsibility for your own health, you > also need answers to questions like: > > - How does resonance therapy compare with allopathic medicine? > - How does allopathic medicine compare with holistic treatments? > - Which complimentary therapies should I be looking at? > - What foods and nutrients do I need and what should I avoid? > > These and many more questions are answered in great detail. The entire book is > full of excellent advice on the whole world of holistic medicine, > electromedicine in general and Rife therapy in particular. If you are looking > for answers that can have a profound influence on your future health, this is > certainly the best Rife related reference book I have ever seen on the subject. > It also covers past and current day medical politics in a very factual and well > referenced way. > > One of the key questions everybody has is " What frequency do I need? " . There are > lists of frequencies out there provided by the device makers, a consolidated > list on the Internet, and many suggestions made on Rife community egroups. The > problem is, those lists are just lists, a number next to a condition with > little, if anything, in the way of explanation. This is where Nenah Sylver's > book comes into its own. > > A large part (over 200 pages) of The Rife Handbook is made up of the very > extensive Frequency Directory (Chapter 5), which can also be purchased > separately. Her directory is not just a list, it is full of detailed > explanations as to the origin of the disease, how it affects the body, and what > other co-infections and conditions may exist along with the one you're looking > up. Moreover, Dr. Sylver has worked hard to ensure that the frequencies are well > researched. This information is unique; it saves hours of searching through > thousands of messages on the various discussion groups. The Rife Handbook is an > ideal reference manual for anyone involved in using Rife therapy, giving you not > only the best known tried and tested frequencies to use, but also well > researched background information not found anywhere else. I feel it is an > essential companion for everyone involved in researching Rife therapy. > > Effective Rife therapy is all about using the correct resonance frequencies in > the right way. As I run the two largest Rife related discussion groups, I am > often asked where to find good independent and reliable information about Rife > therapy, particularly as there is so much disinformation out there on the > Internet. Now I can answer that question very simply. Buy Nenah Sylver's Rife > Handbook and then join the Rife Forum to discuss any further questions you have > with the experts. > > By the way, Dr. Nenah Sylver does not sell Rife devices, is not associated with > any particular manufacturer, and has an excellent reputation in the Rife world. > The first edition of this book sold over 6000 copies worldwide, to great acclaim > and with no paid advertising whatsoever. This new edition is almost twice the > size, has been thoroughly updated and expanded, and she has consulted just about > every expert in the Rife world and beyond to put together a very complete > explanation of Rife therapy as it is known today in the context of holistic > medicine. When asked why she spent 12 years of her life working on this book, > she simply replied " because nobody else is doing it " . > > As I highly recommend The Rife Handbook, I am pleased to have been able to play > a small part in getting this released as an eBook. I provided technical support > by rewriting her website and setting up the eBook system for marketing it. I > have also contributed to the eBook itself by providing some info and images. The > Rife Handbook has been praised by many health professionals and researchers in > the electromedicine and Rife fields and provides a valuable insight into the > world of Rife Therapy. > > The 760-page eBook (Windows or Mac compatible) is available now for $67.95, and > can be downloaded from > > > > > and the Rife group. > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 29, 2009 Report Share Posted April 29, 2009 Dear , You are right about the " great detail " , particularly in Charlene Boehm's paper on the DNA frequency method. But " great detail " can be more of a distraction than a help. As an engineer, I always look for the number of " significant figures " in any measured value, to see how accurately it is known. Results of all subsequent calculations cannot be more accurate than the least accurate value used in the formula. This is a fundamental tenet of scientific calculations, to make sure the results are meaningful. In her paper, Charlene shows no understanding of this concept, and thus engages in lengthy calculations to produce results that seem to me to be meaningless. As Dr. Sylver says, Charlene is a " self-taught mathematician. " She seems to have picked up just enough knowledge to be dangerous. She uses 6 to 10 digit values for lengths and constants that are known with far less precision (less than 2 digits in some cases), and then divides these by powers of two about forty times. She then arbitrarily multiplies the result by the square root of two! One can generate any number one wishes by this type of operation. Here is an example: " Now if one uses the representative EM velocity through body tissue (105,868,288.9 meters per second), and recalculates the frequency associated with the Rubella viral genome wavelength (using the formula: velocity / wavelength = frequency), and then divides down by octaves as usual, one will come up with nearly the exact same frequency as would be arrived at by using the speed of light velocity, dividing the high frequency down by octaves, and multiplying the low octave by the square root of 2. (105,868,288.9 meters per sec / 3.32045 E-06 meters = 3.188371724 E+13 hz, which divided down by many octaves comes to 231.9845 hz, and is extremely close to the 232.256 hz debilitating frequency using the speed of light and ?2 method). Now, if we multiply the frequency 232.256 up by just one octave (x2), we get 464.5 hz. Interestingly, one of the frequencies used for Rubella with the plasma beam devices is 459 hz, only 4.5 hz away! " If one is prepared to grant Charlene's apparent premise that significant figures don't matter, then one can just as " scientifically " grant the result directly, simply choosing a frequency at random for any particular pathogen or case. Or one may choose the frequency of the intoned oriental " Om " or even the musical healing notes of Dr. Len Horowitz. I am not prepared to grant any of this. My point still remains: it seems misleading to me to use Royal Rife's name in the title of a book that contains almost nothing of his work. What little there is, is masked by the 99.84% that is from a host of sources using much different, subjective test methods like dowsing or the Aurameter. Royal Rife was a master of controlled, reproducible objective lab work and engineering to the highest standards in the world of his day. None of the current crop of researchers seem able to work at the same level, although many have had some success with helping people. I believe this success may be a tribute to the zapper effect discovered by Dr. Hulda , whereby the addition of electronic stimulus can awaken the immune system, helping it to notice and dispatch undesirables in the bloodstream. Blessings! Arthur The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy eBook, by Nenah Sylver, PhD > > > > > > The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy with a Holistic Health Primer > eBook by Nenah Sylver, PhD > > One-Time Announcement > > I am glad to announce the full release of The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy > with a Holistic Health Primer - the long awaited, vastly expanded 2nd edition of > her original " Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing " (which Nenah Sylver PhD wrote > under the name " Nina Silver " ). > > The eBook of this updated and expanded version was initially released on March > 25. It now contains an extensive index, and the full eBook is currently online. > Those who bought the initial release may simply download the eBook again to get > the full release. > > There is also a special upgrade offer for those who purchased her Frequency > Directory, which is Chapter 5 of the Rife Handbook. Those who order by April 30 > can upgrade for just the price difference (After April 30, the price of the > upgrade will be increased $5). > > There is a special bonus eBook as well to the first 500 who purchase The Rife > Handbook eBook: the 360-page Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy, at no > additional cost. > > More details about the eBook, and a 120-page downloadable sample, are at: > > > Would you like to hear the author talk about her work in person? > Nenah will be interviewed on the One Radio Network on April 23, 7-8PM Central. > Here are the details: > > Topic: Rife Technology > LIVE - Thursday, April 23rd. - 7 - 8 PM CST > > Nenah Sylver, PhD -- internationally known educator and author in the fields of > health and electromedicine -- will be interviewed on the Timpone show on > Thursday, 23 April, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time (5:00 p.m. Pacific > Standard Time). On the show, Dr. Sylver will discuss Rife and other > electromedicine technologies, as well as many different types of holistic health > modalities that complement Rife therapy. These topics, and more, are discussed > in her new 760 page book, The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy with a Holistic > Health Primer. If you listen to this show live, you can phone in and ask > questions. However, those who miss the show can listen to it later on the > website. > > For radio show: One Radio > > The live show number will be: 888.663.6386 > > To order Dr. Nenah Sylver's books: > > > Nenah has spent 12 years putting this together and I have been providing > technical assistance setting up her website and the eBook system for her. > > I wrote the following review on April 2 and released it on my > website: > > Review by >, and the Rife group. > > If you are just starting to learn about Rife therapy, you will have a lot of > questions and will be looking for intelligent competent answers to questions > like: > > - Who was Royal Rife? > - How did he discover this therapy? > - How do the devices work today? > - What kind of device do I need? > - What should I look for in a device? > - Where can I find such equipment? > - What are the best frequencies to use for specific diseases? > - How are the frequencies used? > - How were the frequencies determined? > - What precautions should I take? > - How do I give myself a Rife session? > - Where can I find additional help? > - What are the legal aspects to Rife Therapy? > - Why does my doctor not offer this therapy (in Europe, some do)? > > Additionally, if you are looking to take responsibility for your own health, you > also need answers to questions like: > > - How does resonance therapy compare with allopathic medicine? > - How does allopathic medicine compare with holistic treatments? > - Which complimentary therapies should I be looking at? > - What foods and nutrients do I need and what should I avoid? > > These and many more questions are answered in great detail. The entire book is > full of excellent advice on the whole world of holistic medicine, > electromedicine in general and Rife therapy in particular. If you are looking > for answers that can have a profound influence on your future health, this is > certainly the best Rife related reference book I have ever seen on the subject. > It also covers past and current day medical politics in a very factual and well > referenced way. > > One of the key questions everybody has is " What frequency do I need? " . There are > lists of frequencies out there provided by the device makers, a consolidated > list on the Internet, and many suggestions made on Rife community egroups. The > problem is, those lists are just lists, a number next to a condition with > little, if anything, in the way of explanation. This is where Nenah Sylver's > book comes into its own. > > A large part (over 200 pages) of The Rife Handbook is made up of the very > extensive Frequency Directory (Chapter 5), which can also be purchased > separately. Her directory is not just a list, it is full of detailed > explanations as to the origin of the disease, how it affects the body, and what > other co-infections and conditions may exist along with the one you're looking > up. Moreover, Dr. Sylver has worked hard to ensure that the frequencies are well > researched. This information is unique; it saves hours of searching through > thousands of messages on the various discussion groups. The Rife Handbook is an > ideal reference manual for anyone involved in using Rife therapy, giving you not > only the best known tried and tested frequencies to use, but also well > researched background information not found anywhere else. I feel it is an > essential companion for everyone involved in researching Rife therapy. > > Effective Rife therapy is all about using the correct resonance frequencies in > the right way. As I run the two largest Rife related discussion groups, I am > often asked where to find good independent and reliable information about Rife > therapy, particularly as there is so much disinformation out there on the > Internet. Now I can answer that question very simply. Buy Nenah Sylver's Rife > Handbook and then join the Rife Forum to discuss any further questions you have > with the experts. > > By the way, Dr. Nenah Sylver does not sell Rife devices, is not associated with > any particular manufacturer, and has an excellent reputation in the Rife world. > The first edition of this book sold over 6000 copies worldwide, to great acclaim > and with no paid advertising whatsoever. This new edition is almost twice the > size, has been thoroughly updated and expanded, and she has consulted just about > every expert in the Rife world and beyond to put together a very complete > explanation of Rife therapy as it is known today in the context of holistic > medicine. When asked why she spent 12 years of her life working on this book, > she simply replied " because nobody else is doing it " . > > As I highly recommend The Rife Handbook, I am pleased to have been able to play > a small part in getting this released as an eBook. I provided technical support > by rewriting her website and setting up the eBook system for marketing it. I > have also contributed to the eBook itself by providing some info and images. The > Rife Handbook has been praised by many health professionals and researchers in > the electromedicine and Rife fields and provides a valuable insight into the > world of Rife Therapy. > > The 760-page eBook (Windows or Mac compatible) is available now for $67.95, and > can be downloaded from > > > > > and the Rife group. > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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