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the liver cleanse info you asked for...was liver cleanse

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Pardon the delay in getting back to this list...I've been busy healing and

all that entails...those of you doing likewise no doubt know what I mean.

The following is my attempt at transcribing only a portion of the flush info

from the

video...Mike McElrea speaking;

" We'll just show you how we build up to it (he's referring to the liver

flush), so we can prepare the body to eliminate some of the toxins.

One of the things we use is the beet/cucumber juice...and the

beet/cucumber juice helps to alkalize the body as well as clean the


We also use black cherry juice, which helps, both eating the cherries

and drinking the juice, to cleanse the kidney.

And then in addition to that for cleansing the kidney we also use a

tea made from uva-ursi.

Now we also use, for both the kidney and the liver, a combination of

apple and lemon (juice) and to that we add ginger. The reason we

suggest the ginger, apple and lemon is because it really does help to

emulsify the stones. If you do this 21 days prior to the flush

itself you will emulsify a lot of these crystals that can accumulate

in the liver.

In fact, we actually use this formula of apple, lemon and ginger as

the first drink after the liver flush just to help get rid of some of

the toxins and clear the liver of any extra crystals that might not

have come out in the liver flush itself. "

(end of quote)

It is interesting that they increase each epsom salts dose from 3/4 cup

water and 1 tbsp epsom to 1 cup water and 1+1/2 tbsp epsom

salt(further on in the video).

Also the video recommends raising your feet between the 6 and 8 pm epsom salt

doses and also getting a foot rub during this time.

I went back to taking the kidney cleanse herbs on a strict schedule after

watching the video.

The following is NOT on the video, but are some of the things I found in

researching the liver flush on the net and that interestingly enough

coincided with various other Hulda programs and cleanses...you would have to

read all Hulda's books to find all of them...though the majority are, I

believe, in " ...Advanced Cancers " .

They are; ( with some overlap with the video recommendations) lemon and

water, thiotic acid, taurine, milk thistle, cayenne, tumeric, coffee enema,

cascara sagrada, castor oil packs, fennel, ginger, slippery elm, and


Last but not least, if you want to know all there is to know about flushing,

the gallstones list is a good place to hang out. Keep in mind that these

folks are (rarely) following the Hulda protocol and (I believe) some of their

problems could be a result of not having done the other cleanses...just my

opinion from playing fly on the wall.

Also, some good pictures as suggested on the gallstones list; <A

HREF= " " >Intrahepatic

stones, cholangitis, cirrhosis</A> and <A

HREF= " http://www.korb1.sote.hu/KKK/DESCRIPT/1926/1926089E.HTM " >Stones in the

biliary tract</A> ...this second one has a list of other photos you can check

out for your amusement at the bottom of the page.

While I'm at it I may as well throw in the photo from Dusan's site; <A

HREF= " http://home.sol.no/~dusan/cleanse/liver/index.html " >Liver and

Gallbladder gallstones cleanse, Avoid and prevent Gallbladder Surgery</A>

Two more good sites, though not " Hulda " based, but good supplementary

information are; <A HREF= " http://www.sensiblehealth.com/ " >sensiblehealth</A>

and <A HREF= " http://www.liverdoctor.com/page1.shtml " >Dr. Cabot, liver health<


If I missed something, please, someone let me know.

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