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oregano oil

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I have used the Oregano Oil with Olive oil to drink also, i liked this as an

anti fungal, mix some of that with ext. virgin olive oil & use for massage

oil also. this Wild Oregano stuff i took it says for external use only, it

will be a while before i use it again. Mogdrmom

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I use Oil of Organo but it is from North American Herb & Spice. It

cost me $40.00 Canadian. Although it is expensive, I take a couple

of drops per day into my mouth. This bottle is 13.5mL and has

lasted me so far over 5 months. I would say that it is good for about

half a year as you dont need a lot. It can be diluted into water as

well. The product I have is in an olive oil base.

What are the remedies or uses that you are familiar with. I started

taking it as I was carring some sort of minor infection that the

doctors could not find. The bloodwork I had showed it and I was

displeased. My health food store guru (salesperson) who I trust and

adore suggested I take this daily.

Would like to know more info as I have not really investigated its




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  • 9 months later...

Look up San Fransisco Herb and spice on the internet, they should be

able to clarify this.



> Hi Group


> I am new to the group but have just read through Huldas books, all


> and all cancers and just started on advanced cancers.

> I am from Australia and I would like to get oregano oil, however, I


> uncertain as to exactly what Dr means by oregano.

> Here we have Marjoram Oil which I am told has also been called


> Oregano, and also there is the cooking type Oregano (Italian based).

> Does any know which one is used for killing clostridium and/or the

> botanical name of the required oil?


> Thanks


> Linton Norrish

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  • 3 years later...

Hi - I have recently been won over by oil of oregano too. I used it instead

of the recommended antibiotic recently to cure a severely infected tooth.

However, I recently read that one shouldn't use O of O for too long a period

because it puts a strain on the liver. Can you or anyone comment on that?

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Would you mind giving advice on how to take the oil of oregano? I've had some for quite some time, but was afraid to take it again after it burned my throat when I tried to drink it in water. (Oil floats...)



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i would put liquid Oreganol oil in a small glass of warm water & place a straw towards the back of my tongue & sip thru the straw very quickly!!!!!!!! than drink more water! chew a pc. of gum afterrwards. or you can take the capsules.


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Mariko: I was told that the way to ingest Oregano oil is to take two or three drops under the tongue.

It does have a strong taste and there seems no escaping that.

Another way I have taken O oil is to put some on a piece of cotton and put it between my gum and my cheek when I go to bed at night.

Would you mind giving advice on how to take the oil of oregano? I've had some for quite some time, but was afraid to take it again after it burned my throat when I tried to drink it in water. (Oil floats...)Thanks!Mariko

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What is oregano oil supposed to do?

> i would put liquid Oreganol oil in a small glass of warm water &

place a

> straw towards the back of my tongue & sip thru the straw very

quickly!!!!!!!! than

> drink more water! chew a pc. of gum afterrwards. or you can take

the capsules.

> Mog

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  • 2 months later...
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--Hi Elio:

Can't guarantee a day a week but usually try to spend some time

monday am. Re oregano oil vs capsules the standard oil is 25mg per

drop and the capsules are from 100 mg to 400 mg so use as

recommended . Did you know that there are other oils with antifungal


Will read messages and comment on monday! Have a great weekend




In , " eliootz " <eliofucile@h...> wrote:

> Hi Bee,


> About Curezone, I will gladly go ahead and pass on the word that


> forum exists. I will mention the kinder gentler approach to healing

> here. However, I feel like you maybe trying too hard and in the

> process turning some people away.


> I agree with you approach 100%, which is why as soon as this group

> was formed I joined. My next post will be on Gurezone promoting


> group.


> If I my make a suggestion, it would be great to have Roy (Doc)


> on a regular basis. That would add to the groups crediblity and

> attract more people. So Doc what do you think? By regularly I mean

> like one day a week maybe.


> Ciao,

> Elio




> > > > My plan to rotate my first two anti-fungals, Olive Leaf and

> > Oregano

> > > > Oil for first four days. Then next four days, I will take

> Garden

> > of

> > > > Life's Fungal Defense.

> > > >

> > > > I realize I have forgot to get GOL's Fungal Defense today.


> > you

> > > > experienced this one? What about olive leaf and oregano oil?

> > > >

> > > > Elio, have you taken any yet? If you did, how do you feel so

> far?

> > > >

> > > > I heard that white tongue isn't only because of mucus inside


> > the

> > > > body, it also can be linked to poor digestion and candida.


> > > >

> > > > Bee, do you have white tongue, eh?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > >

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Doc you rule!!!!!!! If you could give me other oils I can use as

antifungals I would really appreciate it.

This group is womderful. Just great people helping great people.



> > > > > My plan to rotate my first two anti-fungals, Olive Leaf and

> > > Oregano

> > > > > Oil for first four days. Then next four days, I will take

> > Garden

> > > of

> > > > > Life's Fungal Defense.

> > > > >

> > > > > I realize I have forgot to get GOL's Fungal Defense today.

> Have

> > > you

> > > > > experienced this one? What about olive leaf and oregano oil?

> > > > >

> > > > > Elio, have you taken any yet? If you did, how do you feel


> > far?

> > > > >

> > > > > I heard that white tongue isn't only because of mucus


> of

> > > the

> > > > > body, it also can be linked to poor digestion and candida.

> Hmm.

> > > > >

> > > > > Bee, do you have white tongue, eh?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ---------------------------------

> > > >

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi love,

I'm on day 2 of taking it, and whoa boy.........LOL

I've got the drops, and one drop made my mouth BURN like crazy for a few minutes

while I

was taking it. I gulped some more water down, and after a few minutes the

burning was

gone. It must burn more IF one's candida is bad cause my hubby drank it and


happened to him, lol. I would suggest that you take it with your meal like it

says cause

other folks (elsewhere) were saying that when they didn't, they had bad cramps,


burn, etc. Btw, today the burning was MUCH LESS than my first time yesterday.

I smell

like I'm eating illegal pizza's, hahahahaha. Sure glad I LOVE oregano!!! Oh,

and I'm using

it on a couple of external places too. Hope it works.

Hey, hope it works for us. Please post back and share your experiences, and how

you do.

It would be nice if others who have used it would also tell how it was for them


God bless you,


> I just got some oregano oil and was wondering is it best to take with

> food or on an empty stomach? The label says take with meal but I

> heard that oregano oil should be taken on an empty stomach? Anyone

> got any experience with it?

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Last year I got a book about using the oregano oi for my candida. It suggested

that instead of taking it by mouth like you are doing. They suggested mixing it

with olive oil and putting it on my feet at bedtime.

Yes it did work well.. and my feet were very soft but I felt like I was wearing

salad dressing everynight.


[ ] Re: oregano oil

Hi love,

I'm on day 2 of taking it, and whoa boy.........LOL

I've got the drops, and one drop made my mouth BURN like crazy for a few

minutes while I

was taking it. I gulped some more water down, and after a few minutes the

burning was

gone. It must burn more IF one's candida is bad cause my hubby drank it and


happened to him, lol. I would suggest that you take it with your meal like it

says cause

other folks (elsewhere) were saying that when they didn't, they had bad

cramps, heart

burn, etc. Btw, today the burning was MUCH LESS than my first time yesterday.

I smell

like I'm eating illegal pizza's, hahahahaha. Sure glad I LOVE oregano!!! Oh,

and I'm using

it on a couple of external places too. Hope it works.

Hey, hope it works for us. Please post back and share your experiences, and

how you do.

It would be nice if others who have used it would also tell how it was for

them also.

God bless you,


> I just got some oregano oil and was wondering is it best to take with

> food or on an empty stomach? The label says take with meal but I

> heard that oregano oil should be taken on an empty stomach? Anyone

> got any experience with it?

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I take 3 drops of oregano oil mixed well in warm water four times a

day on an empty stomach. It even seems to soothe my stomach. I

tried taking it under my tongue and it burned. But you can also take

it with food.

I hope you have success with it.


> I just got some oregano oil and was wondering is it best to take


> food or on an empty stomach? The label says take with meal but I

> heard that oregano oil should be taken on an empty stomach? Anyone

> got any experience with it?

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Dear Robin,

>>>>I have some Oregano Oil in capsule form.. Is that too strong?

====>I really don't know how it compares to the oil, but I would

think the oil would be strong too.

Sorry Robin,


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Dear Pam,

>>>>It suggested that instead of taking it by mouth like you are

doing. They suggested mixing it with olive oil and putting it on my

feet at bedtime. Yes it did work well.. and my feet were very soft

but I felt like I was wearing salad dressing everynight.

===>That's an excellent way to get oregano oil! It's a good way for

people who have troubles digesting to avoid stomach issues. We often

don't realize how much our skin can absorb. Salad dressing on my

feet? Sounds good to me, but not much flavor to it eh? lol!

Did you use old socks so the oil didn't get onto bed linens and such?


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I did use old socks.. trust me on that.. and so that my hands did not get oily,

I got a sponge from the arts and crafts store to spread it on. Another way to

put it on would be those plastic bottles you put water in to mositen envelopes

when you are doing a mass mailing.


[ ] Re: oregano oil

Dear Pam,

>>>>It suggested that instead of taking it by mouth like you are

doing. They suggested mixing it with olive oil and putting it on my

feet at bedtime. Yes it did work well.. and my feet were very soft

but I felt like I was wearing salad dressing everynight.

===>That's an excellent way to get oregano oil! It's a good way for

people who have troubles digesting to avoid stomach issues. We often

don't realize how much our skin can absorb. Salad dressing on my

feet? Sounds good to me, but not much flavor to it eh? lol!

Did you use old socks so the oil didn't get onto bed linens and such?


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  • 1 year later...

a wrote:


> Thanks Zack. When do you take it, before or after meals or in

between? How many to start with? What brand do you take? What are the

side effects I should expect?

==>You can take it on an empty stomach or with meals. It is very

strong, so do mix it with coconut oil or olive oil. The number of

drops you take depends upon how strong the product you buy is. Take

the amount recommended on the bottle. There are so many brands

available in different parts of the world. I sent you the one I buy

here in Canada in the previous message.

==>The side effects are the same as any other antifungal, which

is " die-off " symptoms and reactions that are " flu-like. " Please read

two articles in the files: 1) Natural Healing, and 2) Healing

Reactions to understand better. If your stomach gets upset it is

because it is killing the candida there. In that case, taking it

with food helps.


> I have found it on the internet, and it seems to be available in

shops as well, by Chi International. On the internet I found other

brandnames. It seems very expensive.

==>A good one will be expensive. I got my last bottle on sale

because they were discontinuing that brand. Otherwise I pay about

$23.00 Canadian for 15 ml size bottle, which is 1/2 extra virgin

olive oil and 1/2 oregano. Since you take it by the drop it takes

quite some time to use it up.

==>But do ensure you are getting the kind recommended in my article.

Some are not extracted from the right plants and the processed used

by some companies may damage the product

> Have you ever taken it under the tongue? And external use, is anyone

> familiar with external use of oregano oil?

==>I have taken it under the tongue and it is quite strong - it made

my eyes burn and I couldn't get a drink fast enough. I mix the drops

in hot water and stir it, then I lick the spoon and swallow a bit

followed by water, and so on until all of it is gone. I also mix

liquid chlorophyll with it.

==>In my article it states how to use it externally - do not use it

straight on the skin. Mix it in extra virgin olive oil.

==>If you cannot get oil of oregano very easily you could buy 100%

clove oil, which is just a good.

Cheers, Bee

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On Sun, 11 Dec 2005, Bee Wilder wrote:


> > Have you ever taken it under the tongue? And external use, is anyone

> > familiar with external use of oregano oil?


> ==>I have taken it under the tongue and it is quite strong - it made

> my eyes burn and I couldn't get a drink fast enough. I mix the drops

> in hot water and stir it, then I lick the spoon and swallow a bit

> followed by water, and so on until all of it is gone. I also mix

> liquid chlorophyll with it.


The first time I tried it, I just put a few drops in my mouth and my

mouth, throat, sinuses and eyes all started burning. Then I tried mixing

it with water, but oil of oregani isn't water soluble and floated in

little droplets on the top of the water. Drinking it had the same effect.

Then I decided to try mixing with coconut oil, and it went much better

that time.

You could probably mix it with anything that's OK on the diet.


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


> Hi there,


> Does anyone know of a good brand/supplier for organic oregano oil?

==>Joy of the Mountains is one good one, but I'll have to get back to

you this weekend with others - short on time.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Bee Wilder <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:

==>Holey moley Maddalena! I'm so impressed with what you are trying to do

with being blind.

Thank you Bee, you're so kind and we all appreciate what you are doing for all

of us.

==>Since oil of oregano is a strong antifungal you would start on it after you

are completing following the diet and taking all of the supplements, including

coconut oil.

I've been following the candida diet for a number of years now, I must confess

mine is not as strict as yours. I have to admit your diet is much better and a

much healthier lifestyle which we have to adjust to and learn from your


==>Oil of oregano can be taken alone mixed with oil or water, or with foods.

Either way it is still effective.

Boy, I'm so glad to hear I can take it with my celery juice and not loose and

of its punch. You've made my day or should I say saved my life! (GRIN)

==>Is there anything we can do to make it easier for you, i.e. punctuation,

shorter paragraphs and so on?

Bee I can't thank you enough for your suggestion. No need to change anything

thing, my talking computer at times gives me problems but that life and I have

to accept it.

Hugs, Maddalen


Make Canada your Homepage Canada Homepage

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You are a sweetheart Maddalena! I'm so glad you are getting so much

from this group. Thanks for being with us.

Hugs and Love, Bee


> ==>Holey moley Maddalena! I'm so impressed with what you are

trying to do with being blind.


> Thank you Bee, you're so kind and we all appreciate what you are

doing for all of us.


> ==>Since oil of oregano is a strong antifungal you would start on

it after you are completing following the diet and taking all of the

supplements, including coconut oil.


> I've been following the candida diet for a number of years now, I

must confess mine is not as strict as yours. I have to admit your

diet is much better and a much healthier lifestyle which we have to

adjust to and learn from your expertice.


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  • 1 month later...
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mangogal67 wrote:

Hi, Kathleen here

I live in Queensland Australia, and Im yet to start taking

supplements, this past week, I have been trying but having great

difficulty trying to source some Oregano Oil(very few if any of the

health food shops I've been into sell it.) Today I spoke with a

staff member in the health food store who made some enquiries with

her supplier Spiritsky (could be Skyspirit) and they sell essential

oils including oregano oil, the supplier advised the staff member

that they would not/could not recommend taking their oregano oil

internally, because that's not its intended use. The staff member

asked the naturopath to come and speak with me, and apparently in

Australia, Medical or Natural practitioners may not legally

recommend internal Oregano oil use. My question is, would this

essential oil (it is apparently 100% pure)be the same as the oil

that's recommended on this site for candida? Are there any aussies

in this group, who have been able to get supplies of oregano oil for

internal use?

Is oregano oil better than garlic, or are they as effective as each


Any help would be appreciated.


--> Hi Kathleen

I'm in Western Australia and haven't been able to get hold of Oregano Oil

either. Where I live, we have one health shop and they don't stock it. I was

actually going to ring them this arvo and ask if they could order it in for me.

They did give me a rather perplexed look when I enquired about it! Mmm! Of

course, I had my two children in the shop at the time and that made it nigh on

impossible to hold an adult conversation, inbetween " Don't touch! Hands to

yourself! Leave your brother alone! " LOL

I'm not sure about ingesting 100% essential oils? I've leave that one up to Bee

or others to answer.

I do hope another Aussie in the Group might be able to answer this. I prefer to

buy in person, rather than on-line, as postage can add a lot to the price,

depending on where it comes from, of course!

I was going to put a post up about the exact same thing this evening, after my

boys were neatly tucked into bed! LOL

Jen :o)

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Hi Jen

Good to hear there's another aussie out there, yeahup I guess you're, we'll

just wait and see if Bee or anyone else can kindly offer us some answers.

Mrs Flanneries was the health food shop I went to, the shop attendant has

ordered some oregano oil in, but I need to ensure that its ok to take




Jen-Bear <rothco@...> wrote:

--> Hi Kathleen

I'm in Western Australia and haven't been able to get hold of Oregano Oil

either. Where I live, we have one health shop and they don't stock it. I was

actually going to ring them this arvo and ask if they could order it in for me.

They did give me a rather perplexed look when I enquired about it! Mmm! Of

course, I had my two children in the shop at the time and that made it nigh on

impossible to hold an adult conversation, inbetween " Don't touch! Hands to

yourself! Leave your brother alone! " LOL

I'm not sure about ingesting 100% essential oils? I've leave that one up to Bee

or others to answer.

I do hope another Aussie in the Group might be able to answer this. I prefer to

buy in person, rather than on-line, as postage can add a lot to the price,

depending on where it comes from, of course!

I was going to put a post up about the exact same thing this evening, after my

boys were neatly tucked into bed! LOL

Jen :o)

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Kathleen wrote:


> Hi, Kathleen here


> I live in Queensland Australia, and Im yet to start taking

> supplements, this past week, I have been trying but having great

> difficulty trying to source some Oregano Oil(very few if any of the

> health food shops I've been into sell it.


My question is, would this essential oil (it is apparently 100% pure)

be the same as the oil that's recommended on this site for candida?

Are there any aussies in this group, who have been able to get

supplies of oregano oil for internal use?

==>From what I understand essential oils are not processed for

internal use, so I wouldn't recommend taking them. Maybe your health

store will order it for you.

> Is oregano oil better than garlic, or are they as effective as each

> other?

==>IMO garlic is just as effective as oregano oil. Clove oil is also

very good.


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