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Re: Re: Zap @ Rife frequency - new wristbands

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See my story at http://www.bestzapper.com/healed_of_cancer.html I have to

update it now that I have been wonderfully healthy and cancer-free for 15 years.

We have just developed our SuperStraps wide wrist bands for zapping, for

hands-free use. No others give adequate contact area, in my testing. See them at

http://www.bestzapper.com/zapper_wrist_bands.html We offer them as standard

with our brand new Auto-Zap 5 zapper. It is the fastest zapper in the world: 5

minutes and you are done. No 20 minute rest periods, just one 5 minute session.

Judge us by our results, not our methods. More details to follow soon, (it is

not on the website yet) but results from 4 years of testing are excellent, and

it has our usual 100% money-back guarantee if you are not delighted with it.






P. S. Are you as healthy as you would like?

Re: Zap @ Rife frequency

Hi, Arthur and others in the discussion of Rife and zapper frequencies

and whether purpose of " killing " parasites;

Arthur, I believe you were stating that the zapper was NOT meant to kill

parasites when you stated that:

The zapper works by gently energizing our immune system, not by trying to kill

things electronically. Royal Rife used a powerful ....(killing frequencies) ...

to actually put the bacteria or pathogens to death ...

Example: On pg. 159, 160 and 161 of The Cure and Prevention book she discusses

the method etc. needed in zapping to kill parasites. Specific excerpts

referencing " killing " the parasites include these:

The original technique showed that very small animals, like our parasites,

could be killed with a very small voltage. But only IF the voltage is 100%

Postiive offset and only IF the voltage is varied up and down repeatedly. P.159

If the voltage is applied in pulses, to produce a " square " wave, it will

affect many parasites at once so that the rate of pulsing, called frequendcy is

not critical. P.159

A Postive electrical force that pulss up and down not only appears to kill

tiny invaders; it also seems to energize your white blood cells to go on a

all-out attack on your enemies: your parasites ..... in spite of their immunity

blockers. P.159

A zapper, on the other hand, not only destroys parasites; it does so by

turning on immune power....P.160

.... you may build or purchase a zapper. It is energized by a 9-volt battery.


These are just among the 1st of the proofs I found for reference again to all

of us that Dr. does indeed include killing parasites as part of the zapper

work as well as to boost immune power as you referred to. It is both, not

either/or. I just wanted to clarify that for any new persons.

Also reference was made that Royal had 16 successful cancer cures, and an

implication the way I read it, that Dr. did NOT have that many. My

understanding is that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of persons cured

under her tutelage, recalling reading testimonies of more than 16 in the brief

time I've been studying by skimming her works.

I bring these points up because they go to the basis of her methods and

credibility. If I have misunderstood by taking out of context, I apologize ahead

of time and will await reading the explanation.

Blessings to all, Joyce Simmerman

There is ALWAYS a " BETTER WAY " ! Together WE can find IT and make IT a " Cradle

for Humanity " !

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