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Re: Zap @ Rife frequency ?- unwise and unnecessary

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The reason I don't zap at Rife frequencies is that Royal Rife's work was not at

all related to Dr. 's methods or results. The zapper works by gently

energizing our immune system, not by trying to kill things electronically. Royal

Rife used a powerful RF transmitter and his MOR's (killing frequencies) to

actually put the bacteria or pathogens to death in the patient's body. Rife's

method took a lot of power and exposed the patient to a lot more electromagnetic

stress, although it was very successful with the 16 terminal cancer patients at

the Scripps Ranch in 1934..

I see a lot of folks get these two completely different approaches mixed up on

the Internet, whether by accident or design. I will go with the gentle

method every time. It is well to remember that nobody has been able to

duplicate Rife's machines, methods or (especially) his cancer results since his

death. In fact, his disciples do not even know the exact frequencies he used,

despite his lab notes. I suggest you try a good zapper like our Auto-Zap

Pro to address your concerns with guaranteed success, or your money back.





P. S. Are you as healthy as you would like?

Zap @ Rife frequency ?

Dear all, I need to understand why we usually zap at low frequency (Hz)and not

at Rife frequency (KHz).

Is it the apparatus cost ?

Could it be safety working directly at Rife freq in the same way as Zapper ?



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I thought that the zapper was also meant to kill parasites in places other than

the digestive tract.

I thought the purpose of zapping and taking the herbs was to get them one way or

the other.

Where do I get a auto zap pro. You know I have a para zappe,r and to tell you

the truth the copper handles and water with salt was just to messy for me. Then


around not being able to do anything drove me crazy.

I thought I was getting copper through my skin. I gave up on it for that

reason. My sister in law has a rife machine and swears by it. I did not

know the difference and that is why I was asking the question.

I had a vaginal infection at the time and tried her machine one time. Yeap it

holt it for one day

however I had the next day a visual distortion that lasted about 10 min. it is

a type

of seizure I call it the Picasso effect because you just cant focus and

everything is distorted

and it moves. Any way, this scared me so I did not want to do it again.

any and all input is appreciated



From: " ad7@shaw " <ad7@...>


Sent: Monday, May 25, 2009 4:01:39 PM

Subject: Re: Zap @ Rife frequency ?- unwise and unnecessary

The reason I don't zap at Rife frequencies is that Royal Rife's work was not at

all related to Dr. 's methods or results. The zapper works by gently

energizing our immune system, not by trying to kill things electronically. Royal

Rife used a powerful RF transmitter and his MOR's (killing frequencies) to

actually put the bacteria or pathogens to death in the patient's body. Rife's

method took a lot of power and exposed the patient to a lot more electromagnetic

stress, although it was very successful with the 16 terminal cancer patients at

the Scripps Ranch in 1934..

I see a lot of folks get these two completely different approaches mixed up on

the Internet, whether by accident or design. I will go with the gentle

method every time. It is well to remember that nobody has been able to

duplicate Rife's machines, methods or (especially) his cancer results since his

death. In fact, his disciples do not even know the exact frequencies he used,

despite his lab notes. I suggest you try a good zapper like our Auto-Zap

Pro to address your concerns with guaranteed success, or your money back.



www.BestZapper. com

www.ForgetDrugs. com

P. S. Are you as healthy as you would like?

Zap @ Rife frequency ?

Dear all, I need to understand why we usually zap at low frequency (Hz)and not

at Rife frequency (KHz).

Is it the apparatus cost ?

Could it be safety working directly at Rife freq in the same way as Zapper ?



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Hi , I was interested in your post because I get this visual distortion

as well and do not know what causes it. Can you tell me what causes yours

please? My husband gets this too and we call it 'the Predator' as it

reminds me of the beast in the film of the same name. Dee

-- Re: Zap @ Rife frequency ?- unwise and unnecessary

The reason I don't zap at Rife frequencies is that Royal Rife's work was not

at all related to Dr. 's methods or results. The zapper works by gently

energizing our immune system, not by trying to kill things electronically.

Royal Rife used a powerful RF transmitter and his MOR's (killing

frequencies) to actually put the bacteria or pathogens to death in the

patient's body. Rife's method took a lot of power and exposed the patient

to a lot more electromagnetic stress, although it was very successful with

the 16 terminal cancer patients at the Scripps Ranch in 1934..

I see a lot of folks get these two completely different approaches mixed up

on the Internet, whether by accident or design. I will go with the gentle

method every time. It is well to remember that nobody has been able

to duplicate Rife's machines, methods or (especially) his cancer results

since his death. In fact, his disciples do not even know the exact

frequencies he used, despite his lab notes. I suggest you try a good

zapper like our Auto-Zap Pro to address your concerns with guaranteed

success, or your money back.



www.BestZapper. com

www.ForgetDrugs. com

P. S. Are you as healthy as you would like?

Zap @ Rife frequency ?

Dear all, I need to understand why we usually zap at low frequency (Hz)and

not at Rife frequency (KHz).

Is it the apparatus cost ?

Could it be safety working directly at Rife freq in the same way as Zapper ?



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Please explain why your zapper uses the parasite killing protocol of 7 minutes

on, 20 minutes off, as explained in your website (www.bestzapper.com):

What is a Dr. Hulda Zapper?

A Hulda zapper

is a battery powered electronic signal generator that meets the

following specifications as laid down by Dr. on pages 14 & 15

of " The Cure for All Diseases " :

battery operated [see page 14 bottom]positively offset frequency [output never

goes negative, even a tiny bit]sufficient voltage (5 to 10 volts)duration (seven

minutes) andfrequency (anything from 10 Hertz to 500,000 Hertz)

Dr. adds, " Generating positive offset frequencies is the best

way to kill all pathogens quickly. But it takes more than one

treatment. It takes three treatments to kill everything. Why? The first

[seven minute] zapping kills viruses, bacteria, and parasites. But a

few minutes later, bacteria and viruses (different ones) often recur. I

conclude they had been infecting the parasites, and killing the

parasites released them. The second [seven minute] zapping kills the

released viruses and bacteria, but soon a few viruses appear again.

They must have been infecting some of the last bacteria. After a third

[seven minute] zapping I never find any viruses, bacteria or parasites,

even hours later. "

[i have inserted the words in square brackets above to clarify

misunderstood areas. Three 7-minute sessions of zapper pulses,

separated by two 21-minute rest periods, constitute one automatic

zapping cycle with our Auto-Zap zapper. Arthur Doerksen, P.Eng.]

Dr. Hulda 's specifications exclude all devices based on the

work of Dr. Bob Beck, including his " zapper " /colloidal silver

maker/plant growth stimulator, Brain Tuner, and magnetic pulser. They

also exclude most " Rife type " devices that I have tested, which

generally produce AC output, with negative pulses that make parasites

GROW! See " The Cure for HIV and AIDS, " page 71, third paragraph, quoted



From: ad7@shaw <ad7@...>

Subject: Re: Zap @ Rife frequency ?- unwise and unnecessary


Date: Monday, May 25, 2009, 4:01 PM

The reason I don't zap at Rife frequencies is that Royal Rife's work was

not at all related to Dr. 's methods or results. The zapper works by gently

energizing our immune system, not by trying to kill things electronically. Royal

Rife used a powerful RF transmitter and his MOR's (killing frequencies) to

actually put the bacteria or pathogens to death in the patient's body. Rife's

method took a lot of power and exposed the patient to a lot more electromagnetic

stress, although it was very successful with the 16 terminal cancer patients at

the Scripps Ranch in 1934..

I see a lot of folks get these two completely different approaches mixed up on

the Internet, whether by accident or design. I will go with the gentle

method every time. It is well to remember that nobody has been able to

duplicate Rife's machines, methods or (especially) his cancer results since his

death. In fact, his disciples do not even know the exact frequencies he used,

despite his lab notes. I suggest you try a good zapper like our Auto-Zap

Pro to address your concerns with guaranteed success, or your money back.



www.BestZapper. com

www.ForgetDrugs. com

P. S. Are you as healthy as you would like?

Zap @ Rife frequency ?

Dear all, I need to understand why we usually zap at low frequency (Hz)and not

at Rife frequency (KHz).

Is it the apparatus cost ?

Could it be safety working directly at Rife freq in the same way as Zapper ?



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I cannot really improve on Dr. 's explanation which you have quoted below.

Please re-read it until it makes sense. We have used it for 14 years because it

is safe, and it WORKS.

BUT...we are about to announce our brand new Auto-Zap 5 which does the job in

just 5 minutes flat. It uses a special signal I developed which is positive

pulses that contain all the frequencies at once. In 4 years of testing it seems

to truly duplicate the effectiveness of the 63-minute cycle in only 5 minutes.

It is more than 12 times faster, and just as effective. And it will come with

our full 100% money-back guarantee if after using it for three months you are

not delighted with it. We have several dozen out already, and I doubt that you

could pry one out of the hands of the folks who have them.





P. S. Are you as healthy as you would like?

Zap @ Rife frequency ?

Dear all, I need to understand why we usually zap at low frequency (Hz)and not

at Rife frequency (KHz).

Is it the apparatus cost ?

Could it be safety working directly at Rife freq in the same way as Zapper ?



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