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Re: I know its been posted before but.........

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jpeters4@... writes:

this just isn't going to end is it?

Probably not...: )

yes, she does test them herself. what is meant by that is that she tests the zappers( used as an example) that are produced by a specific producer, if they are up to her specs, she sells them thru self health, with the limitation that they were ok when she first did the test, barring any unknown changes, they remain with her approval on them. I do not mean that she tests each zapper as it comes into self health.

Yup, that is what she stated on her website. OTOH, she does seem to imply that she does not test outside of her clinic anymore...that seems to have been turned over to her son Geoffrey. Who knows, maybe even he has stopped now, as I can no longer find his website.

I'm going to have to disagree *slightly* with "she sells them thru self health". She probably does test products here and there that are offered through Self Health....Her son used to advertise on his website to have products sent to him that he would test...and *not* for the purpose of being sold through Self Health...he was doing it for the benefit and assurance that what they (people) had made was up to specs....I'm sure if the product was superior they may have wanted to sell it through Self Health...but surely not very single one tested.

There are a couple of websites that "boast" of how their "zapper" was tested and approved by Geoffrey himself....again proving the point that one can indeed feel OK about by from outside of Self Health with thorough investigation...


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I am going to keep saying it, I have two sisters that were just at Huldas clinic in Mexico for 4 weeks. during that time they saw Dr 4 days per week. In that time period the protocol for liver cancer was set up and products were discussed. During those discussions, Hulda herself cautioned them about about all of the internet sites that claim to be selling products that have been tested by her and they are not. The market is more and more diluted by those people. There was a person there with life threatening cancer who had been using a zapper that was sold to her as one that was tested by Hulda and it was not. Hulda did test it for her and found it to be worthless. Now this cancer victim has spent precious time doing something that was worthless to her.That is serious misrepresentation.

I do not understand why anyone would want to be a follower of Dr and not make sure they are using her products..... unless they some how are benefiting by advertising for another retailer.

-----Original Message-----From: ChinLdy@... [mailto:ChinLdy@...]Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 11:21 PMDr Subject: Re: I know its been posted before but......... Khepri, I have bought many products from one of the websites and checked all the bottles and they all are from Self Health so guess I am okay. Phyllis In a message dated 10/14/02 9:21:13 PM Mountain Daylight Time, khepri3@... writes:

I'm with you Phyllis... I'm still very confusedOi vey! LOL! Jeans intentions are good...she is concerned with the fraudulent use of Dr. s name. Surely there *are* some websites that are abusing the use of her name. So what it boils down to is this;1. If you do not want to "mess around" or do not have time as a luxury, by all means go to the source! Self Health....2. If you are doing this as preventative or for improvement of a non-life-threatening disorder, by all means, shop around! Just be wise about it...: ) Ask questions...not sure about the answer? Ask it here! Someone here may be able to give clarification.Most peole offering recommended products have good intentions and want to help! How does one think they became familiar with Dr. in the first place? Either they themselves, someone they know, or a relative was ill....and overcame that illness via Dr. 's recommendations!! Woulf *you* not go out and do everything in your power to promote it!!?? A few *key* questions should reveal the money-mongers versus the good-hearted.....If I remember Leo (a moderator) here is an expert on parasites....or was it Alvin Rose at that other group...: )?Khepri

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Khepri, Forming lists sounds like a good idea, as another concern I have here is that we could lose some people off this list who may really need Dr. 's help, just because they tired of the confusion. All of the products I have ordered and received say Self Health on them and they were all ordered from .com where A. is. I have asked him quite a few questions via e-mail in the past and always received good info from him, I feel he is very sincere.


In a message dated 10/15/02 11:10:13 AM Mountain Daylight Time, khepri3@... writes:

ChinLdy@... writes:

Khepri, I have bought many products from one of the websites and checked all the bottles and they all are from Self Health so guess I am okay.


Great!! Perhaps you could share with us which particular site that was? We may have a list forming.....hmmm...: )

One list would have all the places that buy wholesale from Self Health

Another would list all the retailers that have graduated from Huldas' Synchrometer course....


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this just isn't going to end is it?

yes, she does test them herself. what is meant by that is that she tests the zappers( used as an example) that are produced by a specific producer, if they are up to her specs, she sells them thru self health, with the limitation that they were ok when she first did the test, barring any unknown changes, they remain with her approval on them. I do not mean that she tests each zapper as it comes into self health.

-----Original Message-----From: khepri3@... [mailto:khepri3@...]Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 11:45 AMDr Subject: Re: I know its been posted before but.........In a message dated 10/15/02 10:24:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time, jpeters4@... writes:

I am going to keep saying it, I have two sisters that were just at Huldas clinic in Mexico for 4 weeks. during that time they saw Dr 4 days per week. In that time period the protocol for liver cancer was set up and products were discussed. During those discussions, Hulda herself cautioned them about about all of the internet sites that claim to be selling products that have been tested by her and they are not. The key words here are "by her"....and no they are not...she couldn't possibly have time to test them all for everyone that wants them....and I doubt that she herself, tests any of the products offered by Self Health, but rather are tested by her son and his staff...."I regret I can not devote the time to maintaining a database of products, and constantly monitor them, and make such information available on the internet,..."She adds," In the Sources chapter of my books I tell which products I personally tested and found safe at that time." This is *most likely* the source of the claims. She tested products, let people know where to by them...and some are RE-SELLING those very same products.She "can not devote the time to maintaining a database of products, and constantly monitor them" and therefore MUST state (being the responsible person she is) "I do not endorse any manufacturer." The market is more and more diluted by those people. There was a

person there with life threatening cancer who had been using a zapper that was sold to her as one that was tested by Hulda and it was not. That is very possible. No one has denied that there are unscrupulous dealers out there. Another possibility is that the *actual claim* for the device was that it was built according to her specifications! That is a much different thing and something that she states " I have no direct influence on any other company." >Hulda did test it for her and found it to be worthless. Now this cancer victim has spent precious time doing something that was worthless to her.That is serious misrepresentation.Has anyone denied that? No. She obviously did not follow Huldas own advice. "so my best advice for people wishing to purchase products is to stick to the sources in my books, or retailers who buy from those sources. This is not a perfect system, but it is the best for now."And, "I wrote my books to be as complete as possible, with the hope that people can "do it yourself" and not need further advice."So who's fault was it? Huldas? The retailer?I would suggest to you that it was the womans own responisibility to "CHECK IT OUT THOROUGHLY" which it seems she failed to do. At any time, as I have stated before, she could have simply gone to a local electronics shop with an oscilloscope and had the unit tested there for a minimal fee ($5+/-), the specs for the device being *in the book*!

I do not understand why anyone would want to be a follower of Dr and not make sure they are using her products..... unless they some how are benefiting by advertising for another retailer.LOL! The wors apparently have come out of Dr. s own mouth!!"so my best advice for people wishing to purchase products is to stick to the sources in my books, or retailers who buy from those sources. This is not a perfect system, but it is the best for now." This whole thing has revealed that the so-called retailers "using Hulda s name" are marketing THOSE VERY PRODUCTS, namelt products from Self Health...."With one exception (Self Health Resource Center) I have no direct influence on any other company, either."We have already established that www.drhuldaclark.com AND www..com sell SELF HEALTH PRODUCTS!!!!! Both whom YOU tried to imply were doing something to the contrary. I then pointed out that Armein of www..net HAS TAKEN the Syncrometer course and is able to test HIS products to ensure (presumably) that they meet Dr. s criteria!!Now I'll take this one step further.....read this very carfully.....IF Dr. s course on using the Syncrometer to test products IS WORTHLESS, is she not RIPPING PEOPLE OFF!!!!?????ON THE OTHER HAND, IF the course HAS VALUE, then there is absolutely NO REASON to not trust products MADE AND TESTED by a graduate of Dr s course!Would you not agree!?LOL!!!! Do you not realize that Hulda CANNOT POSSIBLY TAKE CARE OF ALL OF US!!! Is she not near 80 years old!!!! What are you going to do when she passes, eh? THINK ABOUT IT!!!I have stated consistently throughout this debate that people need to be responsible for themselves.....here I'll repost it for you;1. If you do not want to "mess around" or do not have time as a luxury, by all means go to the source! Self Health....2. If you are doing this as preventative or for improvement of a non-life-threatening disorder, by all means, shop around! Just be wise about it...: ) Ask questions...not sure about the answer? Ask it here! Someone here may be able to give clarification.Most peole offering recommended products have good intentions and want to help! How does one think they became familiar with Dr. in the first place? Either they themselves, someone they know, or a relative was ill....and overcame that illness via Dr. 's recommendations!! Woulf *you* not go out and do everything in your power to promote it!!?? A few *key* questions should reveal the money-mongers versus the good-hearted.....Where in those statement do you see me "some how are benefiting by advertising for another retailer."?You know, in war when we bomb our own they call it friendly fire...maybe you should check your sighting?Khepri

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ChinLdy@... writes:

Khepri, Forming lists sounds like a good idea, as another concern I have here is that we could lose some people off this list who may really need Dr. 's help, just because they tired of the confusion.

Sounds like a plan....it surely will help clear up somethings.....OTOH, it may cause some frustration on the vendors part.....: )

What the heck though....


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In a message dated 10/14/02 6:23:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, jpeters4@... writes:

I agree with what you are saying --- up until the second to the last sentence where you say you have no doubt that these other dealers are reputable, some of them are and some of them are not. If you are in poor health and really need to depend on your treatment to make you well, then for sure buy your products right from Hulda's source, Self Health. That takes all of the guess work out of it.


: )


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cherspunky1@... writes:

Yeah right!!! are you from that web site ?

LOL! Whatever.....no, I am not.

Let me state it yet once again for the record;

I don't give a rip if you all buy from Self Health. I have never tried to discourage anyone from buying there. I have ONLY used Dr. own words to correct someone else that there are other retailers on the net that sell Self Health! If you don't believe me, go check the archives.

Shelf Life, zap duration....we are the only ones.....if you don't believe THAT is marketing......whatever.

For your information I run a pet store....:P


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For what it's worth, I have bought products from A. at .com and from

C. at 1-800-220-3741. They both sell the same products, same labelling and all. The order form I receive with my products whether it be through or says on it, Dr. Research Association. The prices are the same, whether I order over the phone from or over the net from . Both and are very true to Dr. , have worked with her, so I think the products I order and receive are pure. I have had great results useing the DeLuxe zapper and the cleanses I have done so far, so I will just have to go along with my own experiences and observations for now. Cher, I could be wrong, but I do think that whoever you called, they may be selling all the tested products, etc., but it sounds like they gave you a bit of a bum steer, just so you would buy from only them in the future.


In a message dated 10/16/02 7:40:26 AM Mountain Daylight Time, khepri3@... writes:

cherspunky1@... writes:

Yeah right!!! are you from that web site ?

LOL! Whatever.....no, I am not.

Let me state it yet once again for the record;

I don't give a rip if you all buy from Self Health. I have never tried to discourage anyone from buying there. I have ONLY used Dr. own words to correct someone else that there are other retailers on the net that sell Self Health! If you don't believe me, go check the archives.

Shelf Life, zap duration....we are the only ones.....if you don't believe THAT is marketing......whatever.

For your information I run a pet store....:P


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Who, and what web site? This subject has been used and forwarded so much

that without the information to which you reply it is very hard for anyone

to answer :)


>From: cherspunky1@...



>Subject: Re: I know its been posted before but.........

>Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 06:01:20 EDT


>Yeah right!!! are you from that web site ?


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I called the number from Dr. s book in the back of the book it gives you a number to Self Health so I called it and she told me they do not sell the zappers anymore because of osuch high volume , so they gave that part of that buisness to another company to make all their zappers for them .In accordance with Dr. s and so I called the number that they gave me and I talked to her and it is true about the zapper only that the DR. Zap is not the right one Just the ZAPPER not the products I just told you that the products you have bought fron are ok they buy direct from Self Health for their products.BUT NOT THE ZAPPER .I bought the wrong one .



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Hi Cher,

What specifically about your zapper is wrong? Does it have a positive

offset square wave DC output with at least a 9-12 volt DC battery for power?

If it does it doesn't really matter who made it or sold it :) If you

don't know the answer to this quiestion, you don't know that it is the

" wrong " zapper. It could be perfectly fine even if the man in the moon made

it and sold it. It just depends on how serious the manufacter was about

sticking to Dr. 's plan.


>From: cherspunky1@...



>Subject: Re: I know its been posted before but.........

>Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 05:37:18 EDT




> I called the number from Dr. s book in the back of the book it


>you a number to Self Health so I called it and she told me they do not


>the zappers anymore because of osuch high volume , so they gave that part


>that buisness to another company to make all their zappers for them .In

>accordance with Dr. s and so I called the number that they gave me and


>talked to her and it is true about the zapper only that the DR. Zap is not

>the right one Just the ZAPPER not the products I just told you that the

>products you have bought fron are ok they buy direct from Self Health

>for their products.BUT NOT THE ZAPPER .I bought the wrong one .




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Cher, As per Dr. 's book, she says to use it within 3 days. Phyllis

In a message dated 10/17/02 4:02:02 AM Mountain Daylight Time, cherspunky1@... writes:

Hey does anyone know how long you can keep boiled milk in the fridge before it goes bad

God Bless,


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