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Re: Digest Number 1290

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Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't written in a few days, but I just had my injection of MTX and

for some reason the whole next 24 hours I have a pretty bad flare up.

Fortunately, I am usually better by day 3 and continue to improve throughout

the week. I read in one of the notices that Pat was taking MTX and had to

stop after they increased it because of a bad reaction. What kind of

reaction did you have? How do you know when you are not tolerating it?

Also, I hear so many people talking about ARAVA. Is this some kind of drug

still in the testing phase? What is it and how does one access it? I am

also curious to see how everyone is doing with the remicade. I know we have

a few members slated to start it. Hope everyone's experiencing the same fall

like sunshine we have here. For some reason the sunshine always makes me

feel less vulnerable to this disease!! Last night my five year old daughter

made me a " get well card " . The entire text read " Mom you can do it! " , over

and over again. If that isn't motivation I don't know what is!

Healthful thoughts your way,


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Hi Theresa,

You can find information about Arava on the list's website

http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/Drugs%20 & %20testing.htm

It is an approved RA drug and many people are responding well to it.

Unfortunately we are getting the rains from the tail end of a hurricane, so

the sunshine is not here. Enjoy it and feel good!

Your daughter is very special.


----- Original Message -----

From: <tmgoley@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 1:16 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Digest Number 1290


> Hi everyone!


> Sorry I haven't written in a few days, but I just had my injection of MTX


> for some reason the whole next 24 hours I have a pretty bad flare up.

> Fortunately, I am usually better by day 3 and continue to improve


> the week. I read in one of the notices that Pat was taking MTX and had


> stop after they increased it because of a bad reaction. What kind of

> reaction did you have? How do you know when you are not tolerating it?


> Also, I hear so many people talking about ARAVA. Is this some kind of


> still in the testing phase? What is it and how does one access it? I am

> also curious to see how everyone is doing with the remicade. I know we


> a few members slated to start it. Hope everyone's experiencing the same


> like sunshine we have here. For some reason the sunshine always makes me

> feel less vulnerable to this disease!! Last night my five year old


> made me a " get well card " . The entire text read " Mom you can do it! " ,


> and over again. If that isn't motivation I don't know what is!


> Healthful thoughts your way,

> Theresa


> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Change subscription options:


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  • 8 months later...
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Hi Carol! Geoff Crenshaw here.


Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 10:09:51 -0400

From: Robbie <feralelf@...>

Subject: Dehydration

Be careful if you try to re-hydrate on your own. Don't overload with


water, you can further upset your electrolyte balance. Get some Gatorade

(nasty stuff, I know) or Pedialite. You should see your doctor.


related to conditions or meds like ours can be very serious.


Robbie's right in cautioning about rehydrating severe dehydration and

advising the use of something other than simply plain water. Sorry I

forgot that. For those in the area I'm in, where 100ºF+ weather is very

common, the gov't also requires salt tabs in the vicinity of all

workers, along with water, etc.

Here is another common form of rehydration that may be of help...

Drink that first glass of water, then take ONE ONLY buffered salt

tablet with the second glass, then drink the 3rd and possibly 4th glass.

Repeat as advised before. You can use the salt tab safely on the second

series too, but you shouldn't need it after that. So if you are

rehydrating with a series of 3 or 4 sets of 4 glasses of water, you will

only use 2 salt tabs total. (I know it sounds like an incredible amount

of water. It is.)

I differ with Robbie re: Gatorade® as it is intentionally over loaded

with sugars. Gatorade® is geared toward keeping your fluids up during

high-load activity. The sugars are there to provide quick energy. Here,

we see that Gatorade® creates exacerbates the dehydration when used to

rehydrate after getting dehydrated, especially in a sedentary setting.

In a case where the fluids are already down, the sugar becomes a major


We agree on Pedialyte®. However, electrolyte solutions do not have to be

purchased ready-made (as in Pedialyte®, which tends to be quite

expensive and expires.) In essence, if you take a buffered salt tablet

(OTC at most any drug store) and drink water as above, you are creating

the electrolyte soln on-the-fly, in the gut, in a close-to-natural

environment as in when you eat potassium-rich foods, drink water, etc.

The buffered salt tabs tends to be easier on people as regular ones can

create a rather nasty upset stomach. One bottle may last several years

as once one has been through the dehydration cycle, they tend to be very

wary in the future.


Regards, -----------------------

Geoff ** Usual Disclaimers **


The Formula of Life:




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  • 1 year later...
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After filing out the form to support the toxic mold bill, I am getting reply

after reply from Florida legislators! I live in Pa. How come the info was not

sent to my representatives? They still have no knowledge of the bill.

Thanks PeeWee1015@...

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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 11/3/03 8:44:44 AM Eastern Standard Time,


> From: " Grace H. " <foxyfox8@...>

> Subject: Re: Digest Number 1289


> MJH,


> What do you use lavender for and how do you use that drop that you're

> talking about? Thanks for the answers. God Bless!


> Grace



Lavendar is used to help with relaxation amongst other things. I get good

results with one drop on the pillow at night. Or a drop on a piece of tissue

tucked in a breast pocket of a shirt or bra.

Another way to effectively use essential oil of Lavendar is to mix about 6

to 8 drops into some bubblebath to emulsify it and then add it to bath water.


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In a message dated 11/3/03 8:44:44 AM Eastern Standard Time,


> >

> >Hi MJH,

> I had been advised by several here to use the primrose oil and what

> do I know?? ly, not enough. I do have a good friend who has

> used it with her autistic son and it aided him quite a bit. So, what

> exactly is EPA and DHA? I would think I would have heard of these,

> but I don't think I have.

>>>> EPA and DHA are the essential fatty acids found in fish oil (not cod

liver oil which is a good source of vitamins A and D). Our doc did a whole lot

of investigation on the mercury issue and said that Sam's Club and Costco

brands are just fine. A month's supply is $7.00. She recommends Charlie take 9


12 grams (12,000mg) per day to get the effective EPA and DHA levels. So, he

gets 3 gelcaps three or four times a day. See the work of Dr Stoller (I

think). Some people can successfully convert the fatty acids in flaxseed oil to

EPA and DHA (I can't). Flaxseed oil needs to be mixed into yoghurt (plain) or

cottage cheese for the necessary amino acids to activate it. We call this

Charlie's good stuff... and he loves it.

Someone else wanted me to use the primrose


> oil and cod liver oil. I know my own family doctor expresses concern

> over the quality of fish oils due to the mercury in fish. What do

> you think about that? ( My doctor uses uses some real expensive fish

> oil and I need to ask him again about it.) I wanted to ask you

> another question, too. On nutrasweet. Supposing it is aggravating

> seizures how long would one need to be off if before it might show

> some results? Just wondered if you knew off hand.

>>>>> Joanie the couple of people I know who were having seizures because of

nutrasweet were off the stuff for at least two months before they began to see

a difference. See the book Excitotoxins by Blaylock, MD


> Joanie




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what a GEM this is! I'm going to forward it to Dr. Toomim.



In a message dated 11/3/03 8:44:44 AM Eastern Standard Time,


> Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2003 18:57:48 -0500

> From: " Mike Mchugh " <mcpitza@...>

> Subject: Fetal Metal Syndrome


> Sorry for the length of this piece but I thought some might find it useful:


> Published in Explore! for the Professional.


> Fetal Metal Syndrome (FMS)


> © 2001 by Ray OMD LAc - 10/30/01


> " Did your mother have amalgam fillings or metal toxicity during her

> pregnancy with you? "


> If the patient answers " yes " , and has not gone through a thorough heavy

> metal detox and restoration of the brain and mind, there is a high probability

> that the brain damage incurred during gestation has prevented them from

> becoming the person they were meant to be.


> This paper addresses preliminary observations on the brain and psyche of a

> population of patients with inherited metal toxicity. Multiple case histories

> over the years and current scientific data have convinced the author to

> identify, understand and treat those with Fetal Metal Syndrome (FMS) as a


> requiring specialized therapeutic interventions as differentiated from


> with vaccination (thimerosol) damage, childhood, adolescent or adult onset

> heavy metal toxicity, and acute metal poisoning.


> The term 'syndrome' is used because, depending on variances in allergies,

> genetics, type, quantity and combination of heavy metals, and the location of

> cerebral deposition, the symptoms are diverse but the cause is the same.


> Brain Damage


> The placenta and fetus have a greater affinity to mercury than do the adult

> tissues and cells of the mother[ii], [iii]. The fetus thus becomes a

> depository, absorbing and storing whatever unbound toxins are present in the


> blood. A person who is formed in this neurotoxic environment will therefore

> not experience the proper development[iv] or functioning of their brain and

> nervous system[v], [vi]. Their developing reactions to life, behaviors,

> associations, conclusions will be in reference to the perceptions and

responses of

> a toxic, dysfunctional brain and thus the 'sense of self' will be accumulated

> and established in a distorted manner. The longer this goes on, the deeper

> and more entrenched this false sense of self becomes, the more the person

> identifies dysfunction as normal for them. The more toxic the mother, the


> the level of brain damage in the infant[vii], [viii], [ix], [x] and thus the

> wide range of severity and variety of behavioral and functional

> abnormalities produced. A person with FMS has never completely experienced or


> 'self'.


> Brain Wave and Cerebral Blood Flow Abnormalities


> To my knowledge, no one has studied the effect of mercury on the brain with

> pre and post SPECT or PET scans, MRI, or Q-EEG brain mapping. We don't know

> exactly if it causes hypoperfusion and in which regions, nor do we know the

> exact effect on the brain waves. We do know that correctly administered heavy

> metal detox, restored cerebral blood flow and the normalization of brain wave

> activity abate mental, emotional and neurological dysfunction in the heavy

> metal toxic patient. Therefore, some observations and correlations seem

> reasonable.


> The Q-EEG patterns of heavy metal toxic patients are similar to those of

> people suffering fetal stroke, hypoxia and closed head brain trauma, damage


> has been successfully repaired by HEG[xi] (hemoencephalography) and real

> time EEG neurofeedback[xii].


> It has been observed that some metal toxic patients have 'thrill seeking'

> behavior expressing a need for overwhelming stimulus to wake up the brain.


> also tend to present with lack of presence, depression and a propensity

> towards excessive therapeutic intervention, drugs and stimulants. This is

> suggestive of low beta wave amplitude and thalamic hypofunction.


> Hypoperfusion of the frontal lobes is a primary finding in patients with

> autism, schizophrenia, Aspberger's Syndrome, ADD and ADHD[xiii]; and mercury


> suspected as a causative agent in these disorders.


> It has also been observed that metal toxic patients tend to have erratic and

> excessive theta wave activity. This accompanies a wide range of behavioral

> abnormalities including seizure activity and feelings of insecurity.


> If one side of the brain is more toxic/damaged than the other, the patient

> may experience problems with instability including pervasive developmental

> delays, sleep disturbances, OCD, rage, and mania.


> The fact that mercury causes electrical disruption in the brain was brought

> to my attention by the following case: a woman went in to have 16 amalgams

> removed from her right quadrant during a four hour procedure during which a

> rubber dam was not used. When she got home she went into an extended grand mal

> epileptic seizure and was left paralyzed on the floor until her husband

> returned home the next day. She had no history of epilepsy. She was taken to


> hospital and diagnosed with MS of unknown etiology. She said she felt like her

> finger was stuck in a 110-volt wall socked during the seizure. Her MD later

> confirmed that she had suffered 'internal electrocution', the diagnosis of MS

> was dismissed and eventually (years later) replaced with that of heavy metal

> toxicity.


> If a person with Fetal Metal Syndrome is treated with psychotherapy or even

> real time EEG / HEG neurofeedback before metal detox, there is a probability

> they will not maintain improvement because a primal causative agent has not

> been removed and therefore the damage is ongoing and cannot be permanently

> repaired.[xiv] If they approach psychotherapy or real time EEG / HEG

> neurofeedback after metal detox, there is a high probability that they can

choose to and

> be able to maintain improvement.


> A question can be asked: if the metals interfere with or destroy endorphin

> receptor sites in the developing brain, might this not point to the inability

> (a matter of degree relative to the level of toxic damage) of a child to bond

> with a primary care giver and thus to the arena of attachment disorder?

> Might this in turn reveal a possible cause for the increasing degradation of

> family values and occurrence of sociopathic behavior in younger generations as

> the levels of heavy metal and chemical toxicity increase in our bodies and

> environment?[xv]


> Another question: Remember the story about the maniac (sociopath) who shot

> all those people in a Mc's who was later found to have massive cadmium

> and lead toxicity? Of the over a million people currently incarcerated in our

> prisons, how many of them have FMS and thus stand little to no chance of

> achieving rehabilitation, no matter how hard they work at it? If this theory


> only 10% correct, it could mean the successful rehabilitation and return of

> over one hundred thousand people to functional life. This may not be

> statistically significant, but it would be profoundly significant to each one

of those

> people who could participate in normal life again. A random sampling of the

> first morning urine of 100 inmates and laboratory screening for heavy metal

> toxicity might show some startling results. In view of how much money this

> possibility could save the taxpayers ($34,000 per person per year in jail =

> $34,000,000, times the average number of years in jail = ?), someone in the

> government should be able to come up with the minimal funds required to do

such a

> study. There are an estimated 557 tons of mercury in the teeth of Americans

> today, an average of 8 amalgams per person, leaking ~120 ug of mercury per day

> into the system.[xvi] FMS 'touches on


> 1. the edge of the psychological realm (with issues of regulation of affect

> and transient emotional states),


> 2. mood (long term emotional states),


> 3. the neuropsychological (cognitive, perception, memory, etc.),


> 4. issues of developmental neurophysiology (effect of oxidant catalyst

> mercury/lead on the growth, structure, and function of the nerve cells, glial

> cells, and synapses, as well as the depressed formation of neural stem cell

> progenitors in the presence of oxidative catalysts with an affinity for the


> tissues); and


> 5. issues of developmental psychological importance (bonding


> with parents, socialization, communication skills, development of positive

> self and sexual identity).'[xvii]


> FMS in particular, and metal toxicity in general, could be as yet

> unrecognized reasons for failure in the traditional treatment of mental

dysfunction in

> these patient populations, and warrant controlled, broad based studies.


> Case Histories


> The following abbreviated cases are all people whose mothers had amalgam

> fillings during the pregnancy:


> Case 1. Male, age 52, functional but sick every day of his life so far. Has

> been to 60 doctors, none of whom screened him for metal toxicity. Has

> amalgams removed and begins detox. Reports first improvement in well being


> Comes in for a follow up and reports he's not feeling well anymore. When asked

> 'when don't you feel well?' he answers: 'When I notice how much better I'm

> feeling [i can't relate to that feeling] I suddenly feel worse, and I can't

> avoid noticing how much better I feel.' He was referred to do real time EEG

> neurofeedback during metal detox.


> Case 2. Male, 32, chronic sinus infections and general life long malaise.

> Amalgams not removed, detox begun, patient told to come back in two weeks for


> follow up. The patient did not show up. I called and asked why. He said 'I

> started feeling so much better that I didn't know who I was anymore, and had

> to go binge on pepperoni pizza and beer to feel 'normal' again' (pepperoni

> pizza and beer are very acid forming and may have precipitated an increase in

> mercury leakage from his fillings). He did eventually have the amalgams

> replaced but did not follow through with detox. His income depended on his

> 'personality' (an actor) and I think he was afraid to let it change.


> Case 3. Female, age 9, chronic severe ear and throat infections, stomach

> pain and severe vomiting, in family psychotherapy because she runs through the

> house screaming in fear every night and can't explain why. Never had an

> amalgam filling, mother had 18 during the pregnancy. After 20 days of detox


> symptoms disappear. Stage fright also goes away and child gets up on stage in

> school auditorium and sings with her class for the first time; psychotherapy

> and antibiotics discontinued.


> Case 4. Male, age 6, Asberger's Syndrome.


> History: No amalgam fillings. DMSA challenge shows high mercury but

> aggravates condition. Full course of vaccinations. Frantic and screaming after


> vaccination damage. Verbalization only understandable by parents, no eye

> contact, fussy, extreme difficulty changing locations, brilliant musician.


> were instructed to stop all supplements and therapies for two days prior to

> the first visit so a baseline could be established.


> Diagnosis: The boy only allowed one point to be tested with the Performance

> 2001[xviii] while the parents held his hand still, which read in normal

> range, so I knew he did not have a low battery focus[xix] (which requires

> NDF-Plus) and could start with NDF. He had been on a gluten and casein free

diet, and

> all of the currently recognized beneficial supplements for some time, with

> no therapeutic effect. No other foci or obstacles were identified.


> Treatment: Began with one drop of NDF in his lemonade in the morning, and

> then gradually ramped up the dose to 5 - 8 drops daily. That's all. No other

> supplementation.


> Results: 5 days into detox the mother reports the child is 'just happier'.

> Happiness is normal for a child[xx]. After two weeks they report more and more

> days with a 'normal' child. After six weeks the father reports the boy can

> now form sentences with 15-30 words each that can be understood by anyone,

> that there is unmistakable progress. During his follow up he made eye contact

> and was very easy to manage, allowing measurement of all of his points. During

> another follow up two weeks later the mother reports her son has just had the

> best two weeks of his life so far. The boy voluntarily walked into the

> consultation room (changed locations), climbed up into the chair and asked to


> his points tested. The next step is HEG and / or EEG neurofeedback.


> Entrenchment


> You will notice from the above that the older the patient, the more

> stressful it is for them to accept this new, improved sense of self. It may be

> improved, but it is also traumatic, as over time the person is becoming


> with whom they are not familiar. None of their enculturation makes sense

> anymore, yet the habit patterns formed during the metal toxicity continue to


> for the status of 'self' even as the person realizes that those patterns are

> no longer of value. It evokes the line 'been down so long it looks like up

> to me'. They can be subconsciously compelled to maintain their personal status

> quo as if their life depends on it, when, of course, only the opposite is

> true. It seems that experiencing there is life on the other side of letting go

> is a pivotal point in recovery.


> Resolving Psycho-Emotional Trauma


> It has been observed that resolving psycho-emotional trauma increases the

> excretion of heavy metals[xxi]. Brain damage from metal toxicity in general


> particularly in FMS are a different issue, the resolution of which will

> restore the person's ability to deal with their mind and emotions. The vector

> goes both ways.


> Effective Solutions


> 1. Heavy metal and chemical detox[xxii].


> 2. Real time HEG / EEG neurofeedback. These methods, a revolution in

> psychotherapy, address mental dysfunction as the result of impaired

circulation and

> abnormal brain wave patterns, which are then corrected with the neurofeedback

> (a specialized form of biofeedback) process. The negative stigma of a

> diagnosis can be avoided. Working up to a strategically timed crossover


> using alpha-theta training can provide the necessary pattern interrupt.


> Theoretical caution: both methods increase blood flow to specific areas of

> the brain. It is therefore probably not advisable to begin any form of

> neurofeedback that increases blood flow to the brain at the beginning of detox


> there are excessive mobilized toxins in the blood. If the patient requires

> stabilization of the CNS before or at the beginning of treatment, do not begin

> detox until stability is achieved. Once detox is begun, discontinue

> neurofeedback until a large percentage of the metals and other toxins have


> eliminated, and then resume neurofeedback. If using NDF or NDF-Plus as the

> chelation agents, simply wait until after the second urination following the

dose to

> do neurofeedback.


> 3. A daily 'dump journal' has proved to be of value during and after detox.

> Every morning the person gets up and writes down dreams, deep feelings and

> thoughts. The pages are not re-read and are either burned or discarded so that

> no one else will ever find and read them. This allows the person the freedom

> to write anything they want, without the 'inner editor' coming up. This

> process gives them a daily 'present time' checkpoint and way of acknowledging

> their emerging new self in small, consistent increments. The more frequently


> stop their world during the day and check in on how they are in present time

> ('same or different?') the better.


> 4. If the person does not typically remember their dreams, remedies[xxiii]

> or methods[xxiv] to help them remember are of benefit. Many are surprised to

> discover that they have such a vivid dream life, possibly long suppressed from

> memory because it apparently bears no relevance to their perception of who

> they are.


> 5. A support group or psychotherapy with an understanding of the

> ramifications of FMS would assist these people in overcoming their insidious


> to completing therapy. Seminars that support the acceptance of

> self-awareness, like Dr. Mick MacKenzies' 'Self-Actualization: The

Experience'[xxv], can

> make the difference between success and failure, and also provide the person

> with a paradigm within which to understand their increasing ability to

> function.


> 6. Thought about from a homeopathic point of view, inherited metal toxicity

> is a miasm. It is the experience of one doctor who has treated scores of

> patients with FMS successfully that giving homeopathic metals up to the 1M


> or Metox[xxvi], can assist in chelating the deeply embedded metals with NDF.


> Comment


> A lifetime of disease, misdiagnosis and disorientation can be prevented if

> the severity, complexity, and disease causality of heavy metal toxicity are

> taken seriously. A diagnostic test for heavy metal toxicity must be instituted

> as a required test for every patient and for every child born of a mother

> with a history of amalgam fillings and / or metal toxicity. There is not only

> sufficient evidence in the scientific literature to warrant the inclusion of

> this test as standard operating procedure, but also to seriously question why

> any protocol used to treat the associated functional and behavioral disorders

> does not address the search for the cause(s).


> Attempting to determine heavy metal toxicity without the supervision of a

> health care practitioner, who is an expert in both diagnosing and treating

> heavy metal toxicity, can lead to the danger of a 'false negative'.[xxvii]

> Conclusion


> The victims of FMS need more than heavy metal detox. The cleansing and

> repair of the brain and the acceptance of the new, emerging self must all be

> addressed in the correct order if the person is to achieve self sustaining,

> vibrant mental and physical health.



> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

> ---


> This is applicable to a 'patient', someone presenting with symptoms that

> have usually not been corrected by other therapies. The mother may have had

> several amalgams, mixed metals (dental galvanism), amalgam removal during

> pregnancy, or other reasons for excessive toxicity during pregnancy.


> [ii] Mercury from amalgam is stored in the fetus and infant (breastfeeding)

> before the mother. Vimy, M.J., Takahashi, Y., Lorscheider, F.L.

> Maternal-Fetal Distribution of Mercury Released From Dental Amalgam Fillings.

Dept. of

> Medicine and Medical Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Univ. of Calgary,


> Alberta, Canada 1990 published in FASEB.


> [iii] Drasch, G. Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Munich.

> Public announcement 25 of January 1994, Bio Probe March 1994.


> [iv] Mercury from amalgam binds to -SH (sulfhydryl groups). These exist in

> almost every enzymatic process in the body. Mercury from amalgam will thus

> have the potential of disturbing all metabolic processes. Goyer Toxic effects


> metals. Casaret and Doull's toxicology - the basic science of poisons. Ed3

> New York. Macmillan Pub. 1986, pp 582-609.


> [v] Stortebecker, P. Mercury Poisoning from Dental Amalgam - A Hazard to the

> Human Brain. Stortebecker Foundation for Research, 1985. ISBN:0-941011-01-1.



> [vi] Mercury crosses the blood brain barrier and is stored preferentially in

> the pituitary and hypothalamus glands. Ibid (Vimy & Stortebecker).


> [vii] The level of mercury in the brain tissue of fetus's, new born and

> young children is proportional to the number of amalgams in the mother's


> Drasch, G. Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Munich. Public

> announcement 25 of January 1994, Bio Probe March 1994.


> [viii] Mercury (mercury vapor / methylmercury) crosses the placenta. Vimy,

> M.J., Lorscheider, F.L. Intra-oral mercury released from dental amalgams. J.

> Dent. Res. 64(8):1069-1071, 1985.


> [ix] Mercury crosses into breast milk. Ibid.


> [x] Mercury is implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease. See

> the research of Boyd Haley, Professor and Chair of Chemistry Department, Univ.

> of Kentucky, at www.altcorp.com.


> [xi] HEG neurofeedback is the relatively recent ('94) discovery of Hershel

> Toomim Sc.D. His method involves the measure of localized cerebral blood

> oxygenation as the basis of the neurofeedback signal. There is no website at


> point. He emailed copies of pre and post SPECT scans of a successfully

> treated manic depressive showing the increased blood flow to previously

> hypoperfused areas of the brain using his method. He also has a comparative

analysis of

> HEG and EEG therapeutic results based on pre and post therapy TOVA tests

> showing a 2-3 times greater gain with HEG. This scientist and innovator is


> published in this issue of Explore for the first time. He can be reached at

> 1-800-246-3526.


> [xii] Go to www.eegspectrum.com and/or www.neuropathways.com.


> [xiii] Citation frequency from National Library of Medicine search.


> [xiv] A subset of this observation is that brain damage at any time, from

> any source, be it fetal or adult exposure to drugs, metals, chemicals, stroke,

> head injury, etc., will preclude the successful completion of therapy until

> repair is achieved. Parasites are also known to invade the brain, but since

> the metals predispose the tissue to infection, it is not likely that they can

> be permanently eradicated prior to detox.


> [xv] How many of our trusted leaders and final decision makers in business,

> religion, education, the arts, the government, law enforcement and the

> military, people who appear to be functional, are unaware they they may be

> compromised by some degree of 'mad hatter's syndrome'? If you were going to

hire a

> nanny to watch your kids in your absence, wouldn't you be at least a little

> curious as to whether they had amalgam fillings or other forms of metal

> toxicity, and might therefore be a closet lunatic? It's a question of degree,

not a

> question of possibility.


> [xvi] See www.mercola.com.


> [xvii] Thank you Geoff Pfeiffer, ND.


> [xviii] Please see 'Heavy Metal Detox Without a Healing Crisis', T. Ray,

> Vol. 10 #6, for a description of the Performance 2001 or go to www.oirf.com.


> [xix] 'The Low Battery Focus', T. Ray, Explore Vol. 10, #4.


> [xx] Some people are currently researching the quantitative correlation

> between 'lack of happiness' and severity of metal toxicity. There is a


> on my new patient intake form 'Please mark on the line from 1 to 10 how much

> fun you are having in your life.' If the answer is less than 5, and their

> mother had amalgam fillings, it is consistently a very difficult case.


> [xxi] Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD. Increased metals in post DMPS challenges

> were noted in patients doing his method of Psycho-Emotional Trauma release

> work.


> [xxii] Please see 'Heavy Metal Detox Without a Healing Crisis', T. Ray,

> Explore vol. 10 #6.


> [xxiii] BioRay is currently developing a modified spagyric of NDF containing

> rhodiola and ginko that produces this effect.


> [xxiv] The simplest one I know of is setting a gentle alarm clock to go off

> 3-4 hours after the onset of sleep. Look in the 'Tools For Exploration'

> catalogue for various devices that assist this process.


> [xxv] Call 1-800-760-9425 for seminar information.


> [xxvi] Available from Deseret 1-800-827-9529.


> [xxvii] For more information on this please go to www.healthydetox.org.


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Thanks MJH!


On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 09:12:25 EST foxhillers@... writes:

> In a message dated 11/3/03 8:44:44 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> writes:


> > From: " Grace H. " <foxyfox8@...>

> > Subject: Re: Digest Number 1289

> >

> > MJH,

> >

> > What do you use lavender for and how do you use that drop that

> you're

> > talking about? Thanks for the answers. God Bless!

> >

> > Grace

> >


> Grace

> Lavendar is used to help with relaxation amongst other things. I

> get good

> results with one drop on the pillow at night. Or a drop on a piece

> of tissue

> tucked in a breast pocket of a shirt or bra.

> Another way to effectively use essential oil of Lavendar is to

> mix about 6

> to 8 drops into some bubblebath to emulsify it and then add it to

> bath water.






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www.naturesway.com is just one way of getting lavender.plus alot of people like

to spray it on pillows just be fore they go to bed.take care and REMEMBER GOD


foxhillers@... wrote:In a message dated 11/3/03 8:44:44 AM Eastern Standard



> From: " Grace H. " <foxyfox8@...>

> Subject: Re: Digest Number 1289


> MJH,


> What do you use lavender for and how do you use that drop that you're

> talking about? Thanks for the answers. God Bless!


> Grace



Lavendar is used to help with relaxation amongst other things. I get good

results with one drop on the pillow at night. Or a drop on a piece of tissue

tucked in a breast pocket of a shirt or bra.

Another way to effectively use essential oil of Lavendar is to mix about 6

to 8 drops into some bubblebath to emulsify it and then add it to bath water.


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  • 1 year later...
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In a message dated 07/10/2005 2:34:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

Scoliosis Treatment writes:

Me, I'm too shy to get up in public....you must

be gutsy!!!

Dear ,

Public speaking is a gift from having scoliosis. It has given me a voice as

it has given you to express mysefl. As a teen I discovered humor could be

powerful, so does having the ablitity to speak in public. To command positive

attention to my words instead of my looks is my high. Maybe that's helped me to

not dwell on Why Me syndome. I believe Each of us goes through the 5 stages

of grief that beth Kubler-Ross wrote about but for us it's the grief of

having an obvious physical deformity. Denial is the first stage (some of our

mothers dealt with our scoli this way), anger (some of us are stuck here),

bargaining , depression, and acceptance. The stages can be mixed up. I believe

that anyone going through a tramatic development in their lives goes through

some of these stages but they all don't make it to the last one.

P.S. Patty, I've often believed that pot might help with our pain. But I've

never tried...now I'd be too scared I'd get caught in the witchunt by the

feds. I do use heat many times daily with microwavable rice pads I can wear

(velcro), ice packs, and myofascial release. Those help a lot at least for a


Eliz Mina is famous on this board for us oldtimers. She used to participate

here and had a real gift for writing about our disease. I miss her and if

anyone is still in touch with her please send my regards. She was the first one

I'd ever met online that researched and wrote extensively about scoliosis. I

read each line while crying. Yes, as someone wrote in the last posts, to

connect with others like us is a spark in a dark universe.

A coping tool I use, btw, is to cut out articles in newspapers and magazines

or print messages here that are examples of courageous people. I keep these

in a special folder I use for inspriation when I'm down and feeling poor me

vibes. It helps me to deal with my grief and gives me hope. Hope is so


Jolene 1960 fusion

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In a message dated 7/10/05 8:39:19 PM, Buttonjo@... writes:

> Public speaking is a gift from having scoliosis


Advocating for scoliosis screening in VA public schools, had me testifying in

front of the state Senate and House committees for health and education. I

am a very shy person but for this cause I just did what had to be done to

support the legislation which was patroned by my local delegate at my request.

If they had school screening maybe my son would have been diagnosed early

enough for bracing to have worked. We'll never know about that but advocating


the other children in VA became my mission. It was an incredible


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  • 5 months later...

Hi, sorry to hear about this problem. I have been on

Enbrel for 6 monthsand have gotten a great effect from

it. (USpA). I had this problem and asked the

company----got the same answer. I was told to go ahead

and use it, though.

I ended up using the product because of lack of money

to replace it, and suffered no ill effects. I did not

notice any reduction in activity as measured by my own

subjective response, as well as swelling in some hand

joints (tends to increase if I omit a does, which I

have done twice).

Subsequently I heard from a scientist who worked on

the research on the drug that the most likely issue if

it got left out would be reduced activity. BTW I live

in Seattle where the drug was invented and developed

so there are people in the community who used to work

for Immunex. That is how I made this connection.

Good luck.

Ann (47, 7 years of UnSpA)

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  • 3 months later...
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One thing we can do is whenever we reply to someing is to delete all the junk

that comes before whenever we do a replay to something.



Lexapro wrote: There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: ADS

From: " torifstori " torifstori@...



Message 1

From: " torifstori " torifstori@...

Date: Mon Apr 17, 2006 5:37pm(PDT)

Subject: Re: ADS


If you know how to cease and desist these ads, please let me know as I

have no idea...there's a way to delete them and I don't know those

either. I think they're automatic, but not sure = if anyone know (and

I'm pretty sure someone does) please let us know. Geez, crazy post

huh...lol - even for me...

good luck





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  • 10 months later...
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Our facility would not recommend or support your patient for bariatric surgery either. We do decline to recommend for surgical candidacy in our dietitian evaluation component for patients exhibiting emotional challenges, unwilling to embrace change, unwilling or unable to process complex concepts such as required for the dietary modification, etc. We always conference call the MD and discuss the case so we are all on the same page.

Kathleen Mershon, RD

Clinical Nutrition Manager

Nutrition Solutions at San Joaquin Community Hospital


Soy is contraindicated in patients with thyroid disease.

Kathleen Mershon, RD

Clinical Nutrition Manager

Nutrition Solutions at San Joaquin Community Hospital

books for adolescents> > > Hi group,> > I know this is a random question, but does anyone know of any good nutrition and physical activity books and websites geared towards adolscents/teenagers? > > Thanks in advance,> > > > > TV dinner still cooling?> Check out "Tonight's Picks" on TV. > > ____________________________________________________________> AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.>

Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (5)


Re: soy protein shakes

Posted by: "Olson Diane L." dolson3@... olson_diane

Thu Mar 1, 2007 1:14 pm (PST)

If she wants to avoid soy you could try egg white based products, JayRobb has a great one.Diane Olson MS, RD, CDEUW Health Bariatric Surgery Program(608) 265-1718dl.olsonhosp (DOT) wisc.edu-----Original Message-----From: [mailto: ] On Behalf OfSent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 4:21 PM Subject: soy protein shakesI have a patient that is lactose intolerant and problems with her thyroid? She will not drink whey protein shakes (because of the lactose intolerance). She was willing to try soy protein, but when she went to purchase soy protein, the person at the store told her not to use soy protein because it would interact with her thyroid?? I was not aware of this? Does anyone have any advise or research on this area? Thank You in advance. Jenn

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In a message dated 4/10/2007 9:57:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time, iodine writes:

Yes, coconut oil mixed with iodine makes it possible for me to apply

iodine topically to the chest area without burning/dry skin. I don't

know how the oil affects the absorption though.

I can't even do iodine patch tests with tincture on my legs because of

getting iodine burns (still have marks a month later).


Thanks, Nina. I'll give it a try. I don't know why i didn't think of this

earlier, since i use coconut oil on a daily basis.


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  • 2 years later...

Thanks for alerting us. It is easy to comment online and I did that. Nora

In a message dated 9/11/2009 9:50:37 PM Central Daylight Time,

IPADDUnite writes:

Even if your person does not take fixed routes, para transit is dependent


the routes. These cuts may impact the ability to get para transit. Cindi

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Thanks for alerting us. It is easy to comment online and I did that. Nora

In a message dated 9/11/2009 9:50:37 PM Central Daylight Time,

IPADDUnite writes:

Even if your person does not take fixed routes, para transit is dependent


the routes. These cuts may impact the ability to get para transit. Cindi

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Where do I find this?


" The secret to l'Arche is relationship: meeting people...heart to heart " .  Jean


Visit us on the 2nd Thursday of each month!   andra Conroy

Executive Director and Community Leader

L'Arche Chicago 1049 S Austin Blvd Chicago IL 60644                     

Office:312-226-1273 Home: 773-287-8249

From: Yoda84@... <Yoda84@...>

Subject: Re: Digest Number 1290


Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009, 1:01 PM


Thanks for alerting us. It is easy to comment online and I did that. Nora

In a message dated 9/11/2009 9:50:37 PM Central Daylight Time,

IPADDUnite@gro ups.com writes:

Even if your person does not take fixed routes, para transit is dependent


the routes. These cuts may impact the ability to get para transit. Cindi

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Where do I find this?


" The secret to l'Arche is relationship: meeting people...heart to heart " .  Jean


Visit us on the 2nd Thursday of each month!   andra Conroy

Executive Director and Community Leader

L'Arche Chicago 1049 S Austin Blvd Chicago IL 60644                     

Office:312-226-1273 Home: 773-287-8249

From: Yoda84@... <Yoda84@...>

Subject: Re: Digest Number 1290


Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009, 1:01 PM


Thanks for alerting us. It is easy to comment online and I did that. Nora

In a message dated 9/11/2009 9:50:37 PM Central Daylight Time,

IPADDUnite@gro ups.com writes:

Even if your person does not take fixed routes, para transit is dependent


the routes. These cuts may impact the ability to get para transit. Cindi

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I cannot find the original email I got with the dates for the transportation

hearings...that is unfortunate because I should go as well! I am sure we can

access it through the Pace/Paratransit website or by calling...I have to leave

and cannot follow up right now...


Ellen Garber Bronfeld


Re: Digest Number 1290


Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009, 1:01 PM

Thanks for alerting us. It is easy to comment online and I did that. Nora

In a message dated 9/11/2009 9:50:37 PM Central Daylight Time,

IPADDUnite@gro ups.com writes:

Even if your person does not take fixed routes, para transit is dependent


the routes. These cuts may impact the ability to get para transit. Cindi

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I cannot find the original email I got with the dates for the transportation

hearings...that is unfortunate because I should go as well! I am sure we can

access it through the Pace/Paratransit website or by calling...I have to leave

and cannot follow up right now...


Ellen Garber Bronfeld


Re: Digest Number 1290


Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009, 1:01 PM

Thanks for alerting us. It is easy to comment online and I did that. Nora

In a message dated 9/11/2009 9:50:37 PM Central Daylight Time,

IPADDUnite@gro ups.com writes:

Even if your person does not take fixed routes, para transit is dependent


the routes. These cuts may impact the ability to get para transit. Cindi

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