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** I am hoping this letter will come through to the group correctly. When I sent it to individuals some wrote back saying they could not receive it properly while others said it was fine.

June 30, 2002


Please read letter in its entirety.

If you are in the environmental testing business please consider helping this couple to get their home tested.

Please pass this letter on to anyone whom you feel may be able to help.

Dear Friends,



MARK’S STORY: I have recently become acquainted with a couple near my local area that I hope you will join in helping me support them in THEIR fight against TOXIC MOLD. This couple has seen the extreme side of what toxic molds can do, yet even the medical profession had not told them exactly what they were dealing with. This couple could use all the friendship, support, compassion, and help that you are willing to offer. Mark and Tatum live in Maceo, Kentucky, outside of Owensboro. In February

of 2000, Mark was diagnosed with mucormycosis. As research of science and medicine reveal, typically Mucor is one of the less dangerous toxic molds. Although, in Mark’s case, this flesh-eating fungus ate away his eyes, nose, cheeks and roof of his mouth.

Throughout Mark’s ordeal with Mucor eating away his face, he endured so much devastation. He has faced 11 surgeries, several mini-strokes -- initially leaving him partially paralyzed and in a coma for approximately 2 ½ months, as well as the loss of many friends due to lack of knowledge and understanding of his situation. To say the least, a totally life-altering experience!

MARK ON NATIONAL TV: You may have seen Mark on National TV or read his story in local and/or national newspapers. Mark has been featured on CNN, Larry King Live, Maury Povich and Ripley’s Believe it Or Not, just to name a few. They most recently were featured on the local news in their/my area recently. I strongly urge you to read the stories at the following sites to learn more about Mark’s story of fungal infection of mucormycosis, the strength and courage of both Mark and , as well as learn the meaning of unconditional love. This man is lucky to be alive! The most amazing picture of Mark I’ve seen was originally found in the Associated Press Article that ended up in my local newspaper, but I was unable to find it via internet. The other sites follow:






http://www.14wfie.com (Do search for “New face for Western KY Man”) (Local station)

MARK/NANCY MAY STILL BE IN DANGER: As you will read in every article written about Mark’s condition, it was never determined how Mark’s condition was contracted. The doctors were not as focused on finding the cause as they were on treating the condition. has told me, “It’s strange….they (doctors) were really never concerned with finding the cause…only treating the condition and told us it was just a common bread fungus and very rare condition.” Treating his condition was of the utmost importance, but unfortunately Mark and possibly , may still be in danger due to toxic molds. Mark and were NEVER told by doctors that there could possibly have been any correlation between his diagnosis and a water heater leak just 2 months prior to the development of mucormycosis. They have also had a roof leak in their home.

While they may not be able to determine whether the problem with the water heater leak saturating portions of carpet, etc. or the rook leak above his bed are/were contributing factors to the condition, they (and those of us whom have gotten to know them) are concerned whether they could still be in danger. They know they are in immediate need of having their home tested as well as complete environmental testing for them, but with mounting medical bills from all the surgeries, costs of multiple medications he takes per day, and the fact that has quit working in order to care for Mark, you can understand their concern. As has told me, “I’ve almost lost Mark several times and now we realize how special every single moment is that we can spend together, so I stay home to take care of him.”

IN NEED OF MONETARY HELP FOR TESTING: As much as they don’t want to, they will have no choice but to accept monetary help, etc. for environmental testing for them and/or their home. I am asking you personally, as a toxic mold survivor, to at least offer your kind words to this couple that has endured so much. If you are able, PLEASE consider donating even a dollar or two towards environmental testing for them and/or their home. If you’re not able to donate monetarily, then please consider at least writing or calling to let them know they are not alone in their circumstances and fear. They have felt very alone in their situation. Mark has lost many friends throughout his ordeal. They have already lost so much and they fear for what is yet ahead. The devastation my family has faced has been very difficult, but nothing compared to what Mark and Tatum have faced.

In case you wonder, Mark does have some pharmacy and medical coverage, but there are hundreds per month that are not covered at all and obviously they have the other normal living expenses on top. As you might have guessed, even has some medical issues that need checked into but she currently has no medical insurance on herself to do so. JOINING THE TOXIC MOLD FIGHT: You will be happy to know that Mark and have decided to join all of us toxic mold survivors in the fight against toxic mold. They have joined the National Toxic Mold Coalition and other pursuits aimed at exposing the dangers of toxic molds. They want to be involved as much as possible in promoting awareness. Mark is very excited and says that he wants to be a national spokesperson for the extreme side of what toxic mold can do. He feels he has a message to share by others seeing his face or lack thereof to prove MOLD CAN HURT PEOPLE. He knows what an impact it can make since people can see what it’s done comparatively to those of us whom “don’t look sick”. Mark is in hopes of helping to get a large group of toxic mold survivors featured by national media now that he knows that mucormycosis is indeed part of the toxic mold world.

Mark and are also attempting a home-based business in long distance phone plans in order to help their financial situation. The local TV station in our area featured their business recently in the follow-up of their story. If you are interested in checking into their plans as a way to help them financially please call 866-847-1252. Otherwise, if you’d just like to show your support for them and offer words of encouragement please do so by calling 270-264-2774. I URGE YOU TO CONSIDER HELPING IN ANY WAY YOU CAN.

If you cannot provide monetary assistance, I hope you will take a few minutes from your day to write them a letter of your toxic mold experience so they know they are not totally alone. I may also coordinate local fundraising efforts in their or my local area, as we are so close in proximity; and to date no type of fundraising by their local community was ever offered or attempted. I have to say this absolutely amazes me! Considering that Mark was formerly a security guard to the stars I may attempt to generate local fundraising involving musicians/singers. Although, with the lack of knowledge of toxic mold in our area of the world, I fear there would not be much help obtained comparatively to those of us whom have lived it and will do our best to help our fellow survivors.

LOW-COST OR NO-COST TESTING?: Also, if you have contact with any in the environmental testing business and feel they may offer to do low-cost or no-cost testing for the Tatums please pass this information on. If any of you receiving this letter work in this field and would do this testing out of the kindness of your heart for this couple it would be a never-forgotten deed. Mark and ’s internet connection currently is not working so you will need to contact them by regular mail.



P.O. BOX 166

MACEO, KY 42355

Phone for inquiries on long distance plans: 866-847-1252

Phone for calls of support or offers of help: 270-264-2774

(I know you will all be considerate and not use their toll-free # unless inquiring about the long distance plans.)

NOTE: OTHERS WITH MUCORMYCOSIS: You may also be interested to know that Mark has reported to me that he is also familiar with 6 others in Texas and 2 others in other states that also have mucormycosis similar to his flesh-eating condition. I have also been in contact with one of the 6 from Texas and his home has now been found with toxic molds.

While these cases are extreme cases, they do show the ultimate extreme potential. I know I have asked for your help for others in the past, but this PERSONAL request holds a special place in my heart. From the beginning of getting to know Mark and Tatum they have touched my heart in a way I cannot express in words. He is a true HERO in my book and should be an inspiration to many of us. I apologize for the length of this letter, but wanted to provide as much detail regarding the Tatums as possible to avoid receiving numerous questions regarding their situation. Please know this is a personal request, not a request from the organizations or companies I am affiliated with. Your time and attention are greatly appreciated.

I had been very hesitant to send this letter until I talked with Mark again by phone yesterday (believe it or not, this man can actually still talk). After talking with Mark all broken up -- what would be crying if he had tear ducts to do so, I knew it was something I had to do and at least know I tried. This call broke my heart. He told me he just wasn’t sure how he and were going to make it; and that they had put everything they had toward repairing the roof. He shared many of his thoughts, feelings and fears with me. There was little I could do at that moment except be his friend and listen. Will you please offer your friendship to Mark and Tatum too?


Thank you very much,

Beverly Weikert

Personal e-mail: weikert004@...

My affiliations:

Public Relations Supervisor/Board Member,

National Toxic Mold Coalition and Foundation

Website: http://ntmc0.tripod.com (new site!)

My e-mail: ntmcbweikert@...

Indiana Representative,

Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings

Website: www.hadd.com

my e-mail: weik004@...

National Programs and Promotions Director – Eastern Region

(Consultant to The Environmental Health Research Group)

my e-mail: weik004@...

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