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Re: Zapper frequency for Flu/Influenza? Help

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By the way, i have (just received) the MiniFG, if anyone is familiar with it.

From: froggie333z@...

Subject: Zapper frequency for Flu/Influenza? Help

Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 14:41:45 +0200

Hi, i was trying to look up the frequency to cure the Flu with a zapper, i have

found this:

Influenza, Human Cure: 15hz, 150hz, 625hz, 2.75Khz, 5.25Khz, 7.75Khz, 6.00Khz,

9.50Khz, 40.00Khz

What does that actually mean?Does it mean using any of those frequencies? Or all

of these frequencies one after another? And how long? (either 1 or all or


My thanks and best regards,

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i was considering to get one of those, let me know how it works for you


Zapper frequency for Flu/Influenza? Help

Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 14:41:45 +0200

Hi, i was trying to look up the frequency to cure the Flu with a zapper, i

have found this:

Influenza, Human Cure: 15hz, 150hz, 625hz, 2.75Khz, 5.25Khz, 7.75Khz, 6.00Khz,

9.50Khz, 40.00Khz

What does that actually mean?Does it mean using any of those frequencies? Or

all of these frequencies one after another? And how long? (either 1 or all or


My thanks and best regards,

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> Posted by: " froggie hey " froggie333z@... froggie333z

> Date: Thu Oct 8, 2009 4:04 am ((PDT))



> By the way, i have (just received) the MiniFG, if anyone is familiar

> with it.

Yes. I LOVE mine. I know it's quite expensive, but I have had mine since

2003 I think, and it does a great job.

> Posted by: " them4 " them4@... naturedmike003

> Date: Fri Oct 9, 2009 1:09 am ((PDT))


> i was considering to get one of those, let me know how it works for you


> mike

What I use it for is straight zapping. The 61 minute programme, it just

does 7-20-7-20-7.

It also has a 60 minute straight zap. Which I use a lot too boost my

immune system, or generally in place of zapping with breaks. I have zapped

3 hours in a row, when I was ill or in bed or watching tv.

Advantages are that you can TELL it to stay at 9V or go to 10V. Or down to

5V (which the newest book says is enough for normal zapping). I just keep

it at 9V unless I feel particularly poorly and then try things like pump

it to 11V. I have no idea if this is a bad thing, so please don't do it

because I said I did it.

My sister retrofitted it with a little (north pole) speaker box to act as

an immergancy zappicator. If you know how zappicators work, you can do

this. If not, don't fiddle around with it. Do the research and know what

you're doing.

Another great thing is the actual frequency zapping.

You can programme it to your specific needs. This depends on your chronic

condition. There are 3 sets of 6 that you can program. Each set at 3

minutes comes to 18 minutes, which can be done in between 7 minute normal

zappings. Be sure to always end with another 7 minutes of normal zapping.

Those who say there is NO benefit to frequency zapping, I disagree. I have

personally beaten pneumonia with it, after a few weeks of zapping a lot

normally (I didn't twig to the fact that it was pneumonia and not a really

bad flu), and taking all the parasite and bowel cleanses. A day into

zapping Streptococcus Pneunomae (and a few others recommended in the

listing at the end of each book - checking for chest, lungs and coughs)

really did the job.

My mother suffers from chronic sinus infections, which zapping did very

little for. Then I programmed my machine to hit everything that could

possibly be the type of bacteria in her sinusses (a lot of them), and two

days later she bought her own MiniFG and thanked me for not having to go

to the hospital this time around, like in years past.

These are just my experiences. I am not a doctor or an expert. But I have

experienced loads of things. I am sure there are more instances I could

quote from the past 6 years of using the MiniFG, but these are the ones

that spring to mind.

Another thing that I do think, which is the same for zapping, is that it

doesn't seem to be able to attack the root problem of a chronic condition.

For flu - it will only work really well if you zap immediately (just

zapping is enough, but you can frequency zap on influensa A and B, just

for the heck of it) when you start feeling the flu coming on. I find

zapping doesn't get rid of a flu once it's started. In that case, follow

what the Diseases book says about curing flu.

What I have found that if I have this really particular flu-coming-on

feeling (and I know I've been exposed, like being around kids or

sneezing/coughing people) and I zap, sometimes it turns into a cold

instead of a flu. Still an improvement, and less days in bed (or none) but

sometimes zapping early enough will just not get it.

With Common Cold, follow what the Diseases book says. It's far more

complicated than just a virus or a bug.

Zapping doesn't work well with intestinal problems, but is a good

side-thing to do while doing the (new) bowel cleanse in the newest books.

I highly recommend that one over the old bowel cleanse, which much higher


So my experience is that I LOVE MY MiniFG!

It runs really well on rechargeables and I have about 4 that I keep

charged up simultaniously. If you really want to do propper continuous

zapping you will run through about 2/3 battery in one session.

I'm SO glad they're still being sold. If mine dies, I'd buy a new one in a


> Hi, i was trying to look up the frequency to cure the Flu with a

> zapper, i have found this:

Just look in any of the Dr. books under influenza A and B. They are

intended for using frequency generators. Another list might not be.

Good luck with yours and for those who disagree with me, do tell me your

thoughts, and remember that I just speak for me.


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