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Re: Digest Number 1299

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In a message dated 6/7/00 4:24:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

lyme-aidegroups writes:

<< rmcmur3194@... >>


Saw your post on . Hope it's ok to email you. Sorry about your

struggles with this disease. Please write me back if this is your corret

email address and would care to share how you go off abx... Look forward to

hearing from you,

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jen.....we just decided to stop.......what i as on at the time really was not

helping much ( so i thouhgt ) going off i realized how much it was

doing......even on abx i was tottally disabled......i hope to restart in

july...( finally i have health insurance again besides my medicare......) i

will keep the group posted onhow it goes......


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In a message dated 00-06-08 14:44:02 EDT, you write:

<< i

will keep the group posted onhow it goes......

Reid >>

Dear Reid,

All " paws crossed " here for good results! Prayers & good thoughts coming

your way...

Blessings & velcros,


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  • 5 months later...

Hello All

I am so mad, I don't know what to do!! Yesterday I went to see the

specialist again at Mass General. Based upon my biopsy slides he feels I was

either in complete remission or have never had aih! I explained to him that

my doctor said based on those results my numbers were elevated and boosted my

prednisone. I have now learned that I have been on prednisone for three

years for nothing!!!!!!! I am now being weaned and it is awful. The

specialist feel the problems with my liver are related to NASH. He also

feels that I may have Lupus, which I know nothing about at this point. He is

sending me to another specialist at Mass General for that diagnosis. I

cannot believe the doctors here in my home town are that incompentent. I am

very confused right now.


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Hi Tracie,

I am new to this whole liver scrap... I just found out that I have Hep C.

My doctor gave me a little blue bag and told me that I would have to inject

myself three times a week for about 6 months with Rebetron combination

therapy. His comment was " MAYBE " this will rid the virus from my body. To

watch a video (which the tracking was off) and take a leave of absents from

work. He couldn't answer any of my questions and seemed to be totally

disconcerned. Fortunately I work in a reference library and can access what

information that I need about drugs or treatment. But the thing that I'm

dealing with is I have no one to talk to about my illness. I feel realy

lost If anyone out there can tell me there dealing with this illness please

email me back. I guess until then I be my own support and muddle through my

day...and night.

Janice from Harleysville, PA

Re: [ ] Digest Number 1299

Hello All

I am so mad, I don't know what to do!! Yesterday I went to see the

specialist again at Mass General. Based upon my biopsy slides he feels I


either in complete remission or have never had aih! I explained to him that

my doctor said based on those results my numbers were elevated and boosted


prednisone. I have now learned that I have been on prednisone for three

years for nothing!!!!!!! I am now being weaned and it is awful. The

specialist feel the problems with my liver are related to NASH. He also

feels that I may have Lupus, which I know nothing about at this point. He


sending me to another specialist at Mass General for that diagnosis. I

cannot believe the doctors here in my home town are that incompentent. I am

very confused right now.


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Janice...... log on to Hepatitis Central. They have a wealth of info.

concerning the liver and liver diseases. There are links to Hep. C

support groups and you are always welcome here. I punched up Hepatitis

C in search and found over 11 million links. If your doctor doesn`t know

much on Hep. C get a hepatologist that does. It is one the fastest

growing and most researched diseases of our times.

I have friends with Hep. C and I`ll try to find out if any are in a

support group. I was under the impression that as of now there is no

known cure for the virus and like AIH we can only hope to control it.

One of my friends injects herself and seem to be doing well. Another is

in remission after Interferon treatments.

Praying for you and wishing nothing but the best.


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Tracie, I also have Lupus in addition to AIH, Hedi is right the do use prednison and a medication called Plaquinal, which is one of the meds I take for the Lupus, it really has helped the Lupus, I was even able to work for 2 months, until my DR. made me quit. if you have any questions just email me, I have done a lot of research on Lupus, I was diagnosed with it about 2 years ago.


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> egroups

>From: TOuelle364@...

>Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 08:44:42 EST

>Reply- egroups

>Subject: Re: [ ] Digest Number 1299


>Hello All


>I am so mad, I don't know what to do!! Yesterday I went to see the

>specialist again at Mass General. Based upon my biopsy slides he feels I was

>either in complete remission or have never had aih! I explained to him that

>my doctor said based on those results my numbers were elevated and boosted my

>prednisone. I have now learned that I have been on prednisone for three

>years for nothing!!!!!!! I am now being weaned and it is awful. The

>specialist feel the problems with my liver are related to NASH. He also

>feels that I may have Lupus, which I know nothing about at this point. He is

>sending me to another specialist at Mass General for that diagnosis. I

>cannot believe the doctors here in my home town are that incompentent. I am

>very confused right now.






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> " ' egroups' " < egroups>

>From: " ,Janice " <johnsojw@...>

>Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 08:59:07 -0500

>Reply- egroups

>Subject: RE: [ ] Digest Number 1299


>Hi Tracie,


>I am new to this whole liver scrap... I just found out that I have Hep C.

>My doctor gave me a little blue bag and told me that I would have to inject

>myself three times a week for about 6 months with Rebetron combination

>therapy. His comment was " MAYBE " this will rid the virus from my body. To

>watch a video (which the tracking was off) and take a leave of absents from

>work. He couldn't answer any of my questions and seemed to be totally

>disconcerned. Fortunately I work in a reference library and can access what

>information that I need about drugs or treatment. But the thing that I'm

>dealing with is I have no one to talk to about my illness. I feel realy

>lost If anyone out there can tell me there dealing with this illness please

>email me back. I guess until then I be my own support and muddle through my

>day...and night.


>Janice from Harleysville, PA

> Re: [ ] Digest Number 1299



>Hello All


>I am so mad, I don't know what to do!! Yesterday I went to see the

>specialist again at Mass General. Based upon my biopsy slides he feels I


>either in complete remission or have never had aih! I explained to him that


>my doctor said based on those results my numbers were elevated and boosted


>prednisone. I have now learned that I have been on prednisone for three

>years for nothing!!!!!!! I am now being weaned and it is awful. The

>specialist feel the problems with my liver are related to NASH. He also

>feels that I may have Lupus, which I know nothing about at this point. He


>sending me to another specialist at Mass General for that diagnosis. I

>cannot believe the doctors here in my home town are that incompentent. I am


>very confused right now.






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  • 1 month later...

HI .

Sorry my reply took so long, I am on digest. I thinkit is OK to

use motrin or tylenol occasionally when they are really miserable. I used

it three times when my little one was sick with whatever is going around.

He was just really miserable... needed to rest. The throwing up is

probably due to the mucous. Don't worry too much unless the baby is

throwing up so much that you don't get 6 wet or poopy diaps in a day.

Are you nursing ? If so YOU can take the remedy and it will pass

thru your milk for the baby. Youc analso take echinacea and that may help

too. If not, you can give a baby homeopathic meds. Just dilute them in a

little water and put in a spoon for her to drink. I am not homepath, so I

am just going froma book. If you emailme with specific ailments, i can

tell you what my book suggests. :) It is for homeopathic and herbal



> From: is@...

>Subject: Re: sick baby


>Aagh! This is what my daughter has. She has a temp of 103.0, cough,

>runny nose, stuffy, throwing up, listless and at one point tonight she

>just sorta " checked out " (limp and staring at the wall, wouldn't respond

>to anything) then fell asleep. I figured she was just really tired. She

>only slept for a few minutes. She really needed some sleep as she

>hasn't slept for more than about 4 hrs in the last 24. I broke down and

>gave her soe Motrin (my only option right now)She took a nap and is

>eating and playing now, but I do so hate giving her drugs. Would any of

>the remediesalready listed be ok for a baby (eight months)?any

>suggestions would be appreciated.



>Sioux Falls, SD

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  • 1 year later...

>>No- Everclear can not be purchased in any liquor store. Not legal in many

states.......such as Florida. Try propylene glycol instead. Hazardous duty

fees apply.<<

I had a boyfriend from Tacoma WA when I was 22.....a really nice guy! Big

time rugby player macho dude *L*

He brought over bottle of the really strong stuff (over 151 proof?)....to my

house here in Canada as a house warming present (I had just moved into a new

apt.). Being the tough chickie I thought I was though - " well if the

American beer is weaker then the Canadian beer, then the alcohol has to be

too " ...Oh how wrong wrong wrong I was........ I took two shots of

it......what a bad mistake that was! I was flat on my back within 20 mins -

my skin had turned blood red and I was boiling like a pot of potatoes! I

thought I was going to combust!! It took 4 days for me to feel half normal

again - on only two shots!! That stuff is powerful!

Almost 14 yrs later I still have NEVER been able to look at a bottle of

vodka again!!

Thanks Bunches,

& The Soap Goat Crew. http://www.thesoapgoat.com

*NOW IN STOCK:* 5 New Exquisite Design Molds *AND* COMING SOON 6 New Milky

Way Molds!!Join our newsletter to pre-buy ANY milky way mold for lots le$$.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi everyone! Relating to lots of people here! I too have breathing problems -

its seems to be with a rib flare up also (I have it at the moment). And I

also had all the usual arthritis blood tests and came out negative before

they diagnosed PA.

I posted about work before - I have been off work several times and so had a

meeting with my manager to discuss my PA. Well, had the meeting monday and it

was kind of good but not! It was good because he made it clear he knows I am

genuine, and is aware that I have problems, and he has found a way round me

having to fill in forms when I'm off sick. Basically my contract says 16

hours, but I work 26. So any days off sick are going to be counted as extra

hours I didn't do rather than sick days, which means I won't have a huge

absence record, cos we don't have to do extra. The not so good thing is that

they don't want me to cut down my hours, and I wanted to cut them down a bit.

But I'll look at that and try and talk to him again.

My biggest issue is still the fact that I have bulimia too, because I am

putting on weight

and my arthritis is reacting to too much sugar, and stress makes it worse too


but I am on another list for that with a great group of people so I

have support for both sides.

Have a good day!

love RUTH : )

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Barbara,

I lost copies of Digest # 1270, 71, 72 and 73. I am hoping that you can send them again. I believe that my children may have deleted them.

Thanks, Alan

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  • 8 months later...
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Trudy and all

This statement is inaccurate as distallation was not discovered/invented

at that time. Essential oils are the product of distillation.

" The three wise men brought essential oils of frankincense and myrrh to the

Christ Child. "

In Biblical times, herbs and spices were soaked (macerated) in various

oils to preserve them, no distillation involved and the resulting herbal oils

are quite different in their chemical constituencies and uses than are

essential oils.



> Hi everyone,


> Someone had mentioned about the healing oils mentioned in the Bible, and

> I found this interesting site. It clearly is a commercial site, but the

> information is interesting.


> http://www.keepsmilin.com/bblref.html


> Kind regards,

> Trudy


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Trudy and all

This statement is inaccurate as distallation was not discovered/invented

at that time. Essential oils are the product of distillation.

" The three wise men brought essential oils of frankincense and myrrh to the

Christ Child. "

In Biblical times, herbs and spices were soaked (macerated) in various

oils to preserve them, no distillation involved and the resulting herbal oils

are quite different in their chemical constituencies and uses than are

essential oils.



I'm having trouble understanding this " above " ..You say that distallation was not

used in biblical times as the wise men brought " essential " oils to the Christ

child " So you're saying that essential oils are not the product of

distallation? But you had said that essential oils WERE the product of

distallation? Please clarify your statement; or is it just me that doesn't

understand? I'm very interested in this subject as I know that there were

healing oils in the middle east of biblical times and probably still is..You'll

remember the story of the Great Samaritan...who poured oils into the wounds of

the wounded man...And then there are passages where the elders are called to

anoint the sick with oil..There were also " healing balms " which would be like a

salve mentioned in the bible as well..

Jer. 8...[21] For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt; I am black;

astonishment hath taken hold on me.[22] Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no

physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people


Luke 10...

[33] But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he

saw him, he had compassion on him,[34] And went to him, and bound up his wounds,

pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an

inn, and took care of him.

5..[13] Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him

sing psalms.[14] Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the

church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the

Lord:[15] And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise

him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

Not that I'm wanting to get into any scriptural discussion; but there is no

mention regarding the herbs being distilled or otherwise..It would seem that

they presented the Christ child with the herbs in their natural state..

Matt 2...[10] When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great

joy.[11] And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with

his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened

their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and


I'm certain also that " distallation " was known of and used throughout human

history..One must keep in mind that the sorcerers and medicine people

" physicians " of that time were very wise regarding herbs and any kinds of

concoctions, and in fact we are really just rediscovering and uncovering ancient

knowledge through modern means or science..Much of this knowledge was lost and

ignored by the nations during the " dark ages " of the Catholic Church when any

kind of dabbling in chemistry was considered witchcraft and the practicioners

thereof labeled as such and burned at the stake. What was once almost " common

knowledge " became the secret potions of certain priviledged physicians and this

evolved into the pharmacetical conglamorates of modern times; who are now

poisoning us and the environment with their new " concoctions " ..Those same German

pharmaceutical companies that produced poisonous gasses to murder the Jews have

even now supplied Sadaam Insane with some of his biological agents..


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Shlom Mel,

Holy Toledo... don't you ever get some sleep, at least once in a blue

moon???!!! Haaa... Ha... HAAAA...

Re: [ ] Digest Number 1299

> Trudy and all

> This statement is inaccurate as distallation was not


> at that time. Essential oils are the product of distillation.


> " The three wise men brought essential oils of frankincense and myrrh to


> Christ Child. "


> In Biblical times, herbs and spices were soaked (macerated) in various

> oils to preserve them, no distillation involved and the resulting herbal


> are quite different in their chemical constituencies and uses than are

> essential oils.


> mjh



> --------------------------------------------------------------------------




> I'm having trouble understanding this " above " ..You say that distallation

was not used in biblical times as the wise men brought " essential " oils to

the Christ child " So you're saying that essential oils are not the product

of distallation? But you had said that essential oils WERE the product of

distallation? Please clarify your statement; or is it just me that doesn't

understand? I'm very interested in this subject as I know that there were

healing oils in the middle east of biblical times and probably still

is..You'll remember the story of the Great Samaritan...who poured oils into

the wounds of the wounded man...And then there are passages where the elders

are called to anoint the sick with oil..There were also " healing balms "

which would be like a salve mentioned in the bible as well..


> Jer. 8...[21] For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt; I am

black; astonishment hath taken hold on me.[22] Is there no balm in Gilead;

is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of

my people recovered?


> Luke 10...

> [33] But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when

he saw him, he had compassion on him,[34] And went to him, and bound up his

wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought

him to an inn, and took care of him.


> 5..[13] Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let

him sing psalms.[14] Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of

the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name

of the Lord:[15] And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord

shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven



> Not that I'm wanting to get into any scriptural discussion; but there is

no mention regarding the herbs being distilled or otherwise..It would seem

that they presented the Christ child with the herbs in their natural state..


> Matt 2...[10] When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great

joy.[11] And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child

with his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had

opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and

frankincense, and myrrh.


> I'm certain also that " distallation " was known of and used throughout

human history..One must keep in mind that the sorcerers and medicine people

" physicians " of that time were very wise regarding herbs and any kinds of

concoctions, and in fact we are really just rediscovering and uncovering

ancient knowledge through modern means or science..Much of this knowledge

was lost and ignored by the nations during the " dark ages " of the Catholic

Church when any kind of dabbling in chemistry was considered witchcraft and

the practicioners thereof labeled as such and burned at the stake. What was

once almost " common knowledge " became the secret potions of certain

priviledged physicians and this evolved into the pharmacetical conglamorates

of modern times; who are now poisoning us and the environment with their new

" concoctions " ..Those same German pharmaceutical companies that produced

poisonous gasses to murder the Jews have even now supplied Sadaam Insane

with some of his biological ag!

> ents..


> melville






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Re: [ ] Digest Number 1299

Shalom Mel,

Holy Toledo... don't you ever get some sleep, at least once in a blue

moon???!!! Haaa... Ha... HAAAA...


Where's the " blue moon " on yur calendar Gubi? I know there is one...

melville ;-)


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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 11/25/04 3:01:33 PM Mountain Standard Time,

SSRI medications writes:

> After I read this Barrett's website, I just assumed he was a shill for the

> pharmaceutical industry, and was making more money fronting for them than by

> drugging individuals...however, I don't think many people ever see or hear

> him, so what influence and hence, what value, can he really be to the drug

> companies? I do hate it, though, when people like his groupies gang up on an

> author on Amazon. Gee, I hope they don't discover you, Glitter, though I have

> heard that Amazon is cleaning up and trying to block those kind of organized

> efforts.


Yes, Barrett is a shill. I'd love to have a go with him. I used to eat

people like him for lunch in my prior life.

" Blind Reason "

a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue

Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's

Unsafe At Any Dose

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Oh, Glitter, from his picture he is too skinny and kinda gristley looking to be

appetising. I's just like to make him cry, and apologize, and then go away.


Re: Digest Number 1299

In a message dated 11/25/04 3:01:33 PM Mountain Standard Time,

SSRI medications writes:

> After I read this Barrett's website, I just assumed he was a shill for the

> pharmaceutical industry, and was making more money fronting for them than by

> drugging individuals...however, I don't think many people ever see or hear

> him, so what influence and hence, what value, can he really be to the drug

> companies? I do hate it, though, when people like his groupies gang up on


> author on Amazon. Gee, I hope they don't discover you, Glitter, though I


> heard that Amazon is cleaning up and trying to block those kind of organized

> efforts.


Yes, Barrett is a shill. I'd love to have a go with him. I used to eat

people like him for lunch in my prior life.

" Blind Reason "

a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue

Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's

Unsafe At Any Dose

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