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Lots of Minerals are insufficient even many of them are non-existent in the hair

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> Hello.


> In my hair test, I see that there are lots of deficiencies in most of the

minerals and in addition to that there are four or so minerals that are even

non-existent. I have to tell that before this test I took some supplements that

had zinc, magnesium etc., and if I did not do so, the deficient minerals can be

even lower. In my comparison with other peoples results, I see yes some people

have common deficiency of this or that mineral with me in their results.

+++Hi there. Welcome to our group. What is your name please?

+++You should not rely on any kind of tests to determine the amounts and kinds

of supplements to take. Minerals in particular cannot be properly absorbed or

utilized by your body IF you are lacking all of the necessary fats and fat

soluble vitamins, as well as other minerals and nutrients. All nutrients work


+++This program has proved that your body is smart enough to balance out all of

its nutrient levels, whether high, low or lacking, if you ensure you get the

basic supplements I recommend along with the diet.


> So the thing I would like to ask here is - what would the reason be? having

enough levels in the blood, but not transported into the cellular level - what

would the reasons be? Can people here list what the reasons be, one by one so

that I extend my search accordingly? My first initial guess was that there might

be too many foreigns substances (bacterias or fungi or toxins, or whatever) - so

the carrying stage of necessary nutrients, vitamins and other necessities would

be defective. But I do not want to limit possibilities only to this assumption.

Anyone be willing to give me some possible reasons that might help me direct my


+++There are Four Reasons Health Fails:

1. Lack of proper nutrition and oxygen.

2. Accumulation of toxins, poisons, and waste.

3. Lowered vitality due to stress, shock, injury, emotional upsets, relationship

or financial worries and concerns, etc.

4. Nutritional status inherited from your parents upon conception.

+++So in order to get healthy, you must build up the immune system, which is

done by:

1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (diet plus supplements),

2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


3) Eliminating damaging foods, and

4) Eliminating toxins in general.

+++Therefore I have done all of the research necessary in order to develop this

program, which improves anyone's health even if they do not have candida.

+++So I suggest you read two important articles so you understand candida, and

know what you need to do and why and the first article explains a lot about


1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

All the best, Bee

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In the case of cellular deficiencies the cell salt Nat.mur is often indicated.

I may be there is an acid condition, in which case the cell salts

Nat.phos and Nat sulph is required.


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Hello Bee..........

Thanks so much for replying..... A bit late answer on my side - apologies.....

Just checked my email....

I will review the possible reasons you indicate one by one.....

It's such a nice group - and you ask my name, for the sake of anonymity, you

might just call me Ed. At this stage I might not openly disclose my identity

here - time to time some are indexed in google when the messages

are opened to public and become viewable by non-members. I can send you my real

name separately directly to you whenever you request......

Thanks for the support & information you provide here...... While at that time I

wish all the members here success in their battle against candida and other

foreign substances.........




From: beeisbuzzing2003 <beeisbuzzing2003@...>

Sent: Fri, November 20, 2009 1:48:03 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Lots of Minerals are insufficient even many of

them are non-existent in the hair

> Hello.


> In my hair test, I see that there are lots of deficiencies in most of the

minerals and in addition to that there are four or so minerals that are even

non-existent. I have to tell that before this test I took some supplements that

had zinc, magnesium etc., and if I did not do so, the deficient minerals can be

even lower. In my comparison with other peoples results, I see yes some people

have common deficiency of this or that mineral with me in their results.

+++Hi there. Welcome to our group. What is your name please?

+++You should not rely on any kind of tests to determine the amounts and kinds

of supplements to take. Minerals in particular cannot be properly absorbed or

utilized by your body IF you are lacking all of the necessary fats and fat

soluble vitamins, as well as other minerals and nutrients. All nutrients work


+++This program has proved that your body is smart enough to balance out all of

its nutrient levels, whether high, low or lacking, if you ensure you get the

basic supplements I recommend along with the diet.


> So the thing I would like to ask here is - what would the reason be? having

enough levels in the blood, but not transported into the cellular level - what

would the reasons be? Can people here list what the reasons be, one by one so

that I extend my search accordingly? My first initial guess was that there might

be too many foreigns substances (bacterias or fungi or toxins, or whatever) - so

the carrying stage of necessary nutrients, vitamins and other necessities would

be defective. But I do not want to limit possibilities only to this assumption.

Anyone be willing to give me some possible reasons that might help me direct my


+++There are Four Reasons Health Fails:

1. Lack of proper nutrition and oxygen.

2. Accumulation of toxins, poisons, and waste.

3. Lowered vitality due to stress, shock, injury, emotional upsets, relationship

or financial worries and concerns, etc.

4. Nutritional status inherited from your parents upon conception.

+++So in order to get healthy, you must build up the immune system, which is

done by:

1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (diet plus supplements) ,

2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


3) Eliminating damaging foods, and

4) Eliminating toxins in general.

+++Therefore I have done all of the research necessary in order to develop this

program, which improves anyone's health even if they do not have candida.

+++So I suggest you read two important articles so you understand candida, and

know what you need to do and why and the first article explains a lot about


1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida

http://www.healingn aturallybybee. com/articles/ intro2.php

2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started

http://www.healingn aturallybybee. com/articles/ intro1.php

For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingn aturallybybee. com/success/ index.php

All the best, Bee

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> Hello Bee..........


> Thanks so much for replying..... A bit late answer on my side - apologies.....

Just checked my email....


> I will review the possible reasons you indicate one by one.....


> It's such a nice group - and you ask my name, for the sake of anonymity, you

might just call me Ed. At this stage I might not openly disclose my identity

here - time to time some are indexed in google when the messages

are opened to public and become viewable by non-members. I can send you my real

name separately directly to you whenever you request......


> Thanks for the support & information you provide here...... While at that time I

wish all the members here success in their battle against candida and other

foreign substances.........

+++Hi Ed. I hope you get a lot by reading and learning. It is the first step

towards health.

You can use any name you wish and I wouldn't know anyway, but I do not remember

people by their email address. :)

The best to you, Bee

P.S. In future would you please " trim your messages? " You were emailed

instructions when you joined or see them posted in the Group's Messages every 2

weeks. Thanks a bunch.

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Thanks so much for the reply.

Can you make the definitions a bit more clear -- some abbreviations like " nat

mur " are things I can not understand very clearly. Others are I guess natural

phosporus and natural sulphur I guess?

Can the acidic condition in the blood be understood easily? Is it the value that

is indicated by PH?

Thanks so much for taking time to reply to my question.


From: ce <checksum2@...>


Sent: Sun, November 22, 2009 1:29:10 PM

Subject: Lots of Minerals are insufficient even many of them are

non-existent in the hair

In the case of cellular deficiencies the cell salt Nat.mur is often indicated.

I may be there is an acid condition, in which case the cell salts

Nat.phos and Nat sulph is required.


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Nat.mur is a name homeopaths use for sodium chloide.

Nat phos is sodium phosphate

Nat sulph is sodium sulphate.

These minerals in biochemistry are diluted to such a degree that their

assimilation is

greatly enhanced. They are also very inexpensive.


Lots of Minerals are insufficient even many of them are

non-existent in the hair

In the case of cellular deficiencies the cell salt Nat.mur is often indicated.

I may be there is an acid condition, in which case the cell salts

Nat.phos and Nat sulph is required.


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Yes ph refers to blood acidity or alkalinity; individual organs may also be over

acid or


Lots of Minerals are insufficient even many of them are

non-existent in the hair

In the case of cellular deficiencies the cell salt Nat.mur is often indicated.

I may be there is an acid condition, in which case the cell salts

Nat.phos and Nat sulph is required.


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