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Lots of Minerals are insufficient even many of them are non-existent in the hair

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In my hair test, I see that there are lots of deficiencies in most of the

minerals and in addition to that there are four or so minerals that are even

non-existent. I have to tell that before this test I took some supplements that

had zinc, magnesium etc., and if I did not do so, the deficient minerals can be

even lower. In my comparison with other peoples results, I see yes some people

have common deficiency of this or that mineral with me in their results. But in

a general review I saw no one having that much number of minerals that are

lacked of in their results. What I worry is, it might not be limited to those

only because in the hair test the amount of values that are tested are limited -

and there may be thousands of other values in the blood that are required to

enter into the cellular level. So the thing I would like to ask here is - what

would the reason be? having enough levels in the blood, but not transported into

the cellular level - what would the reasons be? Can people here list what the

reasons be, one by one so that I extend my search accordingly? My first initial

guess was that there might be too many foreigns substances (bacterias or fungi

or toxins, or whatever) - so the carrying stage of necessary nutrients, vitamins

and other necessities would be defective. But I do not want to limit

possibilities only to this assumption. Anyone be willing to give me some

possible reasons that might help me direct my efforts?

Thank you!...

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