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By making dietary changes and improving her nutrition perhaps?

No pain no gain.


Eliminate coffee, black tea, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, chocolate, sugar, HFCS,

all artificial sweeteners and flavors, food colorings, preservatives, MSG and

natural flavors, factory farmed meat and fish, non-organically produced eggs and

dairy, bottled/packaged beverages, and processed frozen foods.

Buy the rest organic whenever possible.

Eat green leafy vegetables every day.

Get a high quality water filter to produce healthy, tasty drinking water.

Good luck,



> Friends:


> Do you have  any diet for my client that wants to get pregnant?

> She doesn´t has had a good nutrition, how can she improve her health?


> Thanks in advance,





> Encuentra las mejores recetas en Cocina.

> http://mx.mujer./cocina/



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Thanks so much, I have now what she needs to avoid. Do you have any specific



It´s outstanding, we don`t know how to eat. For example, I tell my clients to

eat a slice of ginger with her/his daily juice. They don´t drink any juicie or

nutritive shakemilk. THEIR BREAKFAST IS A CUP OF COFFEE.


" You are what you eat " that´s why we are sick.



--- El mar 2-mar-10, yaelsauzedde <yaelsauzedde@...> escribió:

De:: yaelsauzedde <yaelsauzedde@...>


A: Dr

Fecha: martes, 2 de marzo de 2010, 18:00


By making dietary changes and improving her nutrition perhaps?

No pain no gain.


Eliminate coffee, black tea, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, chocolate, sugar, HFCS,

all artificial sweeteners and flavors, food colorings, preservatives, MSG and

natural flavors, factory farmed meat and fish, non-organically produced eggs and

dairy, bottled/packaged beverages, and processed frozen foods.

Buy the rest organic whenever possible.

Eat green leafy vegetables every day.

Get a high quality water filter to produce healthy, tasty drinking water.

Good luck,



> Friends:


> Do you have  any diet for my client that wants to get pregnant?

> She doesn´t has had a good nutrition, how can she improve her health?


> Thanks in advance,





> Encuentra las mejores recetas en Cocina.

> http://mx.mujer. / cocina/



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Some days before I posted an email with a healing diet protocol. You all should take this diet very seriously, it is not a normal diet. It is a Healing Diet. That means it actually activates the body to throw out toxic waste in the form of mucus. Regarding you pregnant lady, this is probably the case with her, a lot of the time the fallopian tubes are clogged with mucus and fertility can not take place. Also advice it to her partner. I attach it here again...use it together with the short sarcode and homotoxicology pages in the SCIO...Also check if homeopathic thuja 200C fits the picture.

All the best.


From: Malacara

Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 6:19 PM




Do you have any diet for my client that wants to get pregnant?

She doesn´t has had a good nutrition, how can she improve her health?

Thanks in advance,

¡Encuentra las mejores recetascon Cocina!http://mx.mujer./cocina/

2 of 2 File(s)

Acid Binding-Forming Foods.pdf

Mucusless Preparation Diet.pdf

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The best diet is a garden of Eden type diet.

Fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and of course plenty of water

are best.

See Dr. 's recommendations on sanitizing produce, and pepping up water with

a little fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice.

If desired, small quantities of animal products can be added to this, but they

should always be certified organic, or homegrown to organic standards.

Fats should be restricted to the cold pressed, unsaturated variety, such as

expeller pressed olive oil, grapeseed oil, flax oil, or nut oil. The less, the

better. Stay away from the yellow oils in the plastic bottles. See Dr. 's

writings on this.

As much as possible, foods should be consumed in their raw state. Some things

have to be cooked of course, but avoid high temperatures.

Never deep fry foods! Also, avoid charcoal and gas grills, because they char the

food, producing carcinogenic benzopyrenes.

Steaming is a great way to cook.

See Dr. 's recommendations on this.

Homegrown is best.

If that's not feasible, shop the perimeter of the supermarket, rather than the

interior isles. The perimeter is usually where the freshest food is displayed,

such as produce, bulk nuts and legumes, fresh baked bread, organic meat, fish,

dairy products and eggs, and frozen sprouted grain bread.

Flourless sprouted grain breads (eg. Ezekiel 4:9 Bread) are better tolerated by

most people than conventional bread products.

Homogenized dairy products have been shown to cause scarring of the arteries and

heart disease. All grocery store milk and half-and-half in this country are

homogenized. I would stay away from those, and only use raw milk fresh from a

known good source.

See also Dr. 's latest research on milk and dairy.

Lastly, try to purchase single item foods as much as possible, rather than foods

which are a combination of many substances. If packaged foods are purchased, the

label should never have more than 3, at the most 5, ingredients listed. See Dr.

's writings on this also.



PS: Limit ginger to very small quantities, as it is a stomach irritant, which

attacks the stomach lining.

The same goes for cinnamon and black pepper.


> Yael:


> Thanks so much, I have now what she needs to avoid. Do you have any specific



> It´s outstanding, we don`t know how to eat. For example, I tell my clients

to eat a slice of ginger with her/his daily juice. They don´t drink any juicie

or nutritive shakemilk. THEIR BREAKFAST IS A CUP OF COFFEE.


> " You are what you eat " that´s why we are sick.




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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear Katia

This is unfortunately bad habits we developed with culture. The reason not to eat before 11 am is that we give the body time to detoxify in the early part of the day. As soon as we put food into our mouths the natural detox process will immediately stop and we will (feel better) this is the reason we adopted this eating a big meal as soon as we awake, so to feel better but not healthier. Regarding the coffee, yes it is acidic and all acid forming food/drink will generate mucus in the body -clogging up the digestive and circulatory systems and blocking nutrient absorption... Contact me directly for further details on the application of the protocols...

From: Kate Petrov

Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 11:44 PM



Thank you for the very useful information. However, I'm surprised that you say "no food until 11am".

In my culture we say- eat the breakfast alone, lunch with friends and supper give to your enemies. We always eat alot for breakfast.And especially coffee or tea on empty stomach? Isn't it so acidic?



From: hotmail <sciosubspacehotmail>qxci-scio-epfx-english Sent: Fri, March 5, 2010 9:59:06 AMSubject: Re: DIET TO GET PREGNANT [2 Attachments]

Some days before I posted an email with a healing diet protocol. You all should take this diet very seriously, it is not a normal diet. It is a Healing Diet. That means it actually activates the body to throw out toxic waste in the form of mucus. Regarding you pregnant lady, this is probably the case with her, a lot of the time the fallopian tubes are clogged with mucus and fertility can not take place. Also advice it to her partner. I attach it here again...use it together with the short sarcode and homotoxicology pages in the SCIO...Also check if homeopathic thuja 200C fits the picture.

All the best.


From: Malacara

Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 6:19 PM




Do you have any diet for my client that wants to get pregnant?

She doesn´t has had a good nutrition, how can she improve her health?

Thanks in advance,

¡Encuentra las mejores recetascon Cocina!http://mx.mujer. / cocina/

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There is much dispute with regard to this type of diet, and felt I ought to put my 2 pence forward as I have heard both views and both with convincing arguements.

Some argue that because our body's are trying to acheive a night-time cleanse, particularly liver which comes into focus between 1-3am, as well as sodium and calcium moving out of the cell as magnesium and potassium moves into the cell. These cleansing processes are critically important toward long-term health.

However, the time 'stomach' comes into focus is between 7am-9am. This is when the stomach will recieve the most energy throughout its entire day. This is one characteristic that makes sense of eating a larger meal during these hours (7-9am). Those with a poor health picture, and would tend to struggle with very up and down 'wobbly' blood sugar levels (and I can think of plently who would fall into this catagory), will also notice (exp those with schizophrenia - look to the work of Low blood sugar by Budd) that by eating even a small amount of the protein ie nuts and seeds before 8am, and it must be before this time, will then stabilize blood sugar for the rest of the day. Otherwise the body is always on catch-up. Those who are struggling in this way, will not do well on the fast till 11am. They will instead suffer from this type of diet, and in some cases put their body's

under enormous strain.

Where the fast till 11am fits in, with respect to fertility, is with the cleansing of the liver. Supporting the liver to cleanse, is beneficial, if not vital when wishing to create a family. The liver is the organ that looks after 'all' planning in the body. Be it peristaltic movement in the colon (consequently - IBS), puberty, pregnancy, menopause. When the liver is over-burdened it cannot do its job properly, therefore these events may strugle to operate correctly, if at all.

Hope this helps to clarify for some,

all the best

From: hotmail <sciosubspace@...>Subject: Re: DIET TO GET PREGNANTqxci-scio-epfx-english Date: Sunday, 14 March, 2010, 21:49

Dear Katia

This is unfortunately bad habits we developed with culture. The reason not to eat before 11 am is that we give the body time to detoxify in the early part of the day. As soon as we put food into our mouths the natural detox process will immediately stop and we will (feel better) this is the reason we adopted this eating a big meal as soon as we awake, so to feel better but not healthier. Regarding the coffee, yes it is acidic and all acid forming food/drink will generate mucus in the body -clogging up the digestive and circulatory systems and blocking nutrient absorption.. . Contact me directly for further details on the application of the protocols...

From: Kate Petrov

Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 11:44 PM

qxci-scio-epfx- english@gro ups.com


Thank you for the very useful information. However, I'm surprised that you say "no food until 11am".

In my culture we say- eat the breakfast alone, lunch with friends and supper give to your enemies. We always eat alot for breakfast.And especially coffee or tea on empty stomach? Isn't it so acidic?



From: hotmail <sciosubspace@ hotmail.com>qxci-scio-epfx- english@gro ups.comSent: Fri, March 5, 2010 9:59:06 AMSubject: Re: DIET TO GET PREGNANT [2 Attachments]

Some days before I posted an email with a healing diet protocol. You all should take this diet very seriously, it is not a normal diet. It is a Healing Diet. That means it actually activates the body to throw out toxic waste in the form of mucus. Regarding you pregnant lady, this is probably the case with her, a lot of the time the fallopian tubes are clogged with mucus and fertility can not take place. Also advice it to her partner. I attach it here again...use it together with the short sarcode and homotoxicology pages in the SCIO...Also check if homeopathic thuja 200C fits the picture.

All the best.


From: Malacara

Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 6:19 PM




Do you have any diet for my client that wants to get pregnant?

She doesn´t has had a good nutrition, how can she improve her health?

Thanks in advance,

¡Encuentra las mejores recetascon Cocina!http://mx.mujer. / cocina/

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Hi it's said when a person has mornig sickness they are trying to clean their liver so look at chemicals first. An increase in good oils, protein and natural vegetables with amino acid supplements could also help, bye Sue



Do you have any diet for my client that wants to get pregnant?

She doesn´t has had a good nutrition, how can she improve her health?

Thanks in advance,

¡Encuentra las mejores recetascon Cocina!http://mx.mujer. / cocina/

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The attachment offered to the group is based on Prof Ehret's teachings and is a guide to start the process (preparation Diet)Professor Arnold Ehret - Mucusless Diet Healing System, is a specialized system for healing the whole body. the application of the diet needs to be individually tailored. It is not one size fits all. One needs to study and research this method to have full understanding of the possibilities involved. why not purchase the book and read through all the lessons, apply it in your situation and get first hand knowledge. That seems to me, to be the only valid opinion one can have. The books are inexpensive and very enlightening and can be purchased here http://www.arnoldehret.org/QuantuMedical Ltd. BioEnergetic Medicine SCIO-INDIGO-ETERNALE â€No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.â€Albert Einstein Branco Dipl. Hom. LCPH MARH FBIH ILQBT Terminvereinbarung:Baseler Straße 1212205 BerlinFon 030 30 10 11 63Mobil 0176 20796804 www.quantumedical.com To: qxci-scio-epfx-english From: annabaudrain@...Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 17:46:38 +0000Subject: Re: DIET TO GET PREGNANT There is much dispute with regard to this type of diet, and felt I ought to put my 2 pence forward as I have heard both views and both with convincing arguements. Some argue that because our body's are trying to acheive a night-time cleanse, particularly liver which comes into focus between 1-3am, as well as sodium and calcium moving out of the cell as magnesium and potassium moves into the cell. These cleansing processes are critically important toward long-term health. However, the time 'stomach' comes into focus is between 7am-9am. This is when the stomach will recieve the most energy throughout its entire day. This is one characteristic that makes sense of eating a larger meal during these hours (7-9am). Those with a poor health picture, and would tend to struggle with very up and down 'wobbly' blood sugar levels (and I can think of plently who would fall into this catagory), will also notice (exp those with schizophrenia - look to the work of Low blood sugar by Budd) that by eating even a small amount of the protein ie nuts and seeds before 8am, and it must be before this time, will then stabilize blood sugar for the rest of the day. Otherwise the body is always on catch-up. Those who are struggling in this way, will not do well on the fast till 11am. They will instead suffer from this type of diet, and in some cases put their body's under enormous strain. Where the fast till 11am fits in, with respect to fertility, is with the cleansing of the liver. Supporting the liver to cleanse, is beneficial, if not vital when wishing to create a family. The liver is the organ that looks after 'all' planning in the body. Be it peristaltic movement in the colon (consequently - IBS), puberty, pregnancy, menopause. When the liver is over-burdened it cannot do its job properly, therefore these events may strugle to operate correctly, if at all. Hope this helps to clarify for some,all the best From: hotmail <sciosubspacehotmail>Subject: Re: DIET TO GET PREGNANTqxci-scio-epfx-english Date: Sunday, 14 March, 2010, 21:49 Dear KatiaThis is unfortunately bad habits we developed with culture. The reason not to eat before 11 am is that we give the body time to detoxify in the early part of the day. As soon as we put food into our mouths the natural detox process will immediately stop and we will (feel better) this is the reason we adopted this eating a big meal as soon as we awake, so to feel better but not healthier. Regarding the coffee, yes it is acidic and all acid forming food/drink will generate mucus in the body -clogging up the digestive and circulatory systems and blocking nutrient absorption.. . Contact me directly for further details on the application of the protocols...From: Kate Petrov Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 11:44 PMqxci-scio-epfx- english@gro ups.com Subject: Re: DIET TO GET PREGNANT Thank you for the very useful information. However, I'm surprised that you say "no food until 11am".In my culture we say- eat the breakfast alone, lunch with friends and supper give to your enemies. We always eat alot for breakfast.And especially coffee or tea on empty stomach? Isn't it so acidic?thanks,KatiaFrom: hotmail <sciosubspace@ hotmail.com>qxci-scio-epfx- english@gro ups.comSent: Fri, March 5, 2010 9:59:06 AMSubject: Re: DIET TO GET PREGNANT [2 Attachments] Some days before I posted an email with a healing diet protocol. You all should take this diet very seriously, it is not a normal diet. It is a Healing Diet. That means it actually activates the body to throw out toxic waste in the form of mucus. Regarding you pregnant lady, this is probably the case with her, a lot of the time the fallopian tubes are clogged with mucus and fertility can not take place. Also advice it to her partner. I attach it here again...use it together with the short sarcode and homotoxicology pages in the SCIO...Also check if homeopathic thuja 200C fits the picture.All the best. LoveFrom: Malacara Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 6:19 PMQXCI GROUP Subject: DIET TO GET PREGNANT Friends: Do you have any diet for my client that wants to get pregnant?She doesn´t has had a good nutrition, how can she improve her health? Thanks in advance, ¡Encuentra las mejores recetascon Cocina!http://mx.mujer. / cocina/ Do you have a story that started on Hotmail? Tell us now

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