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I understand your pain and can appreciate what you went through and what you

are trying to do. I lost my 10-month old son to cancer not quite four

months ago and I too am trying to make a diffenence. Unfortunately, I

cannot support the ACS because I belive their practice of thwarting

alternative treatments contributed to my son's demise. Your quest is very

noble and you are certainly an inspiration to those of us who want to keep

this tragedy from affecting others.

Good Luck to you and God bless you

Raushanah Najeeullah

P.S.this is only one example of what i speak of



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I applaud your desire to have your own business, but I too do not like how

the Cancer Society is going about to cure cancer. Maybe you should pass

these concerns on to them and see if they would spend some of their millions

on treatments that work and that are healthier. I think we will look back on

chemo and radiation as the worst, cruel thing we ever did to our fellow


Pick a new avenue and write back.


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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 9/29/2001 7:51:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

contact@... writes:

> The test I took for it was

> negative. Could I have Lyme?


You need to have the test again and send it to a LL lab. BBI in Conn. Is very


Love ine, Miyagi F & Teka '

" There is no Psychiatrist in the world like a monkey kissing your face " m

President of and proud member Chapter 58 of The Simian Society

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toalbum.greenough & grouppw=cGljc3h5 & partner=visto " >Monkey People Photo Album

Click Here</A>

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In a message dated 09/29/2001 7:51:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

contact@... writes:

> Fever, nausea, vomiting, severe

> headache, muscle pain, lack of appetite - you know what I mean. That was

> some time ago. Now I have rash, abdominal pain, joint pain and diarrhea.

> My docotor said I did not have Lyme. The test I took for it was

> negative. Could I have Lyme?


YES MARY! Goo seek help now!

G Jody G

O May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,

enough trials to make you strong,

enough sorrow to keep you human,

enough hope to make you happy. O

' <A HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/tarabencaitysmom/index.html " >Jeff & Jody's

Family</A> '

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  • 2 weeks later...

HI, ticks when they initially bite you are really small, but after

feed from 48 - 72 hours they become engorged which is what you must

have pulled off you. Since you have since gotten the symptoms you

speak of, it most certainly could be Lyme. Tests are so unreliable

and the CDC has even issued a warning that tests are not to be used

for diagnosis alone....a clinical diagnosis should be made.

I also pulled such a tick from my arm 11 months ago, and had a bulls

eye rash. I was put on 3 weeks of doxycycline and so thought how

lucky I was to catch in early...I knew nothing of lyme disease.

Thinking I was ok because of the antibiotics, I ignored the symtoms

which invaded my body over the next 4 months, and today am still

struggling to regain life as I once knew it. Don't settle for your

Dr's diagnosis.

good luck.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Yang,

I just read your site and think that having a place to document the

detailed treatments of cancer patients can be very helpful for future

reference. It's good to read about your mom's improvement.

I hope that more people on this list will tell us their stories of

improvement when dealing with cancer & consider putting the details

on your site.

Best wishes to you & your mom,

yang xu wrote:

> If you are a cancer patient or survivor and have a few

> minutes, please see if you want to help

> > http://www.mrkeeper.com


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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

First of all, the things you're talking about are pretty common or

normal for bandsters.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005, 5:39:33 AM, you wrote:

P> I had a fill of 1.2 cc's on June 13th. Can someone tell me what your

" fill level "

P> feels like. When eating a meal do you get to the point where you feel " full "

and just

P> know you can't take another bite??

Oh yes. But I'm very tight.

P> If I don't follow the rules of small bites,

P> chewing well, etc. then I feel a " burning " sensation in my chest and I know I

messed up

P> and need to stop eating.

Good. That is full. And if you do much more you'll get stuff stuck

and you'll slime or barf, neither of which is good.

P> BUT ........ if I chew well, small bites, etc. I am eating

P> HUGE meals. Is it possible my pouch is stretched that much??? I am eating

my protein

P> first, etc.

Well, it is certainly possible to stretch pouch. But if you chew so

much that everything essentially becomes liquid, then it isn't a lot

different from just drinking stuff.

Also, " full " to a bandster is VERY different from what " full " felt

like to us when we didn't have a band. For me, that meant " oh my

goodness how did i possibly eat so much...it hurts like hell " But the

" full " is subtle with a band, and it takes a while to get to know and

understand it. After two years I still mess up on that sometimes.

Including last night when I got some stuff badly stuck and spent an

hour sliming and spitting. Plus the band and your body vary so much.

Last night I think my band was in classic " fickle bitch " mode...and no

idea why.

P> I got so discouraged yesterday I ended up in my " junk " cupboard eating

things I

P> had no business even looking at.

GET RID OF IT. Your Junk Cupboard I mean. Clean it out. If stuff is

unopened give it to the homeless shelter or whatever. If it is

opened, take it and put it in the garbage can....the outside one, not

just the kitchen wastebasket. Or run it down the disposal. Just

because you paid for it doesn't mean you need to put it back on your

butt. What you paid for it is nothing compared to what you paid for

your band.

If it isn't in your house you can't look at it. If I had ice cream in

the freezer I'd be very tempted very often. But even if I get a

craving some time for ice cream, I'm not likely to get dressed, go to

the store, etc, etc. But if it were there...that pint of B & J's would

be gone like that. And a pint of that is just about one day's worth

of calories in that one little round box.

Hang in there....you're normal.



Dan Lester, Boise, ID honu@... www.mylapband.tk

Dr. Ortiz, Tijuana, 4/28/03

323/209/199 Age 62 Fair is whatever God decides to do.

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I look forward to hearing folks answer your post. If I take small bites and

chew and chew and chew, I can eat much more that the recommended amount. I am

also worried that I am stretching my pouch. But common sense tells me that I

just need a tweak in my fill. Going for #3 next Friday. I have 2cc in there

now. I think I only need a few cc more.

Marie - 5'4 "

Dr. Gellman - 10/27/04


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// BUT ........ if I chew well, small bites, etc. I am eating HUGE

meals. Is it possible my pouch is stretched that much??? I am

eating my protein first, etc. I got so discouraged yesterday I ended

up in my " junk " cupboard eating things I had no business even

looking at. I am scared to death ......... putting weight back on

and feel like a failure at this banding. Am I the only one that is

going thru this? I would appreciate hearing from any of you....

Thanks ... Phyllis

Phyllis, 1.2 ccs isn't sqwat (sp?) You may need a bit more of a

fill. I, also, could eat whatever I wanted if I ate it slowly enough

before I got to a good fill level. 2 things to remember... 1. Just

because you can doesn't mean you should and 2. Stop eating after 20

minutes, you can graze all day if you eat slowly. You need to help

the band work by serving your self small portions and just eating

that much.

I also agree with Dan, get rid of the Junk food! Dr Phil (I know

some people cant stand him) talks a lot about a safe enviroment

where food is concerned. If the only food in your house is healthy

food, you can't go that far wrong. Believe me, the rest of your

family won't die if there is no ice cream, cookies, chips, etc in

the house. Let them go to the Ice cream parlor or the bakery if

they want to eat that stuff.


Dr Watkins


250/197/195 mini goal

fill level 3cc

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First of all, if you have a question for your doc, I'd call him

instead of emailing. The net is not always reliable, and you may

thingk of other things to ask or request clarification on when you

actually TALK to him.

Sounds as if you have had only one fill, of an average size. Iy

weould be very unusual to get to a good fill level with only the

first fill. It takes an average of 3-5 gills or more to get to a good

level over six months or more, as the fills can safely be given a

month apart.

With a good fill, you will comfdortasbly happy with 1/2 - 1 cip of

solids. " Happy " is not the same as the " sruffed to the gills " we felt

before banding. It is subtle and different - more like " happy here,

don't need any more, content " . You must never eat until you " can't

take another bite " . You will learn to pick up the very first signs of

starting to be full, when you must stop THEN, before the next bite.

these are called " soft-stop signs " and can be a single burp, a

hiccip, gentle chest tightness, a runny nose, sinus pressure - or

many other thinbgs. These are very important to learn to re4dognize,

so that you do not over eat - which can stretch the piuch leading to

a slip, or can cause a barf or pb.Dr Jessie Ahroni talks about these

important things in her Band book, if you're interested.

http://www.iuniverse.com/bookstore/book_detail.asp? & isbn=0-595-31114-8

1.2 cups is n ot a huge meal! It's only slightly more than the 1 cup

max we should be stopping with.

Please don;t be discouraged! Your doc should have told you that it

often takes several fills over several months for the band to start

working well for you. That time can be very frustrating, but nothing

to be done except persevere.

Banding takes a lot of patience, perseverance, and practice. You've

only just begun! You simply need a bit more fill.

In the meantime, continue learning about good band foods and better

nutrition in general, getting in the protein/fiber/calcium a nmounts

needed, getting some dasily exercise, and following the other band

rules. Don;t even have those tempting junk things in the house! Give

yourself a regular treat, but one that you have to go out for or buy

specially - like ONE small bit of excellent chocolate, or ONE ice

cream cone a week.

When you have a good fill, and all the other thinbgs are in place

that you're learning now, your serious weight loss will begin. You

won't fail! I promise!

Sandy RN (Kuri, at goal for 18 mo)

> I want to explain what is going on with me. I emailed Dr.

ez yesterday....... I know he is very busy and haven't received

an answer as yet.

> I was banded on March 29th. Lost some weight on the liquid

stage which was to be expected.

> I had a fill of 1.2 cc's on June 13th. Can someone tell me

what your " fill level " feels like. When eating a meal do you get to

the point where you feel " full " and just know you can't take another

bite?? If I don't follow the rules of small bites, chewing well,

etc. then I feel a " burning " sensation in my chest and I know I

messed up and need to stop eating. BUT ........ if I chew well,

small bites, etc. I am eating HUGE meals. Is it possible my pouch is

stretched that much??? I am eating my protein first, etc.

> I got so discouraged yesterday I ended up in my " junk "

cupboard eating things I had no business even looking at.

> I am scared to death ......... putting weight back on and feel

like a failure at this banding. Am I the only one that is going thru

this? I would appreciate hearing from any of you.... Thanks ...




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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi there -

I've been coaching someone who has a serious frequent urination and high blood

pressure problem.

he started the Kidney Cleanse 10 days ago - He is stil going 15 to 20 times at

night and for 20 years he has passed half to one gallon of

urine at night!

Obvously, he is exhausted with sleep disturbance.

his blood pressue did come down from 180 to 148, the first week and then went

backup again the next day to 161.

he has been on three blood pressure medicines for 12 years and also has Glocoma.

He monitors his Ph daily. his diet is very aklaine. It was seriously bad

previously for 20 years- soda and heavy meat consumption daily! Only vegetables

and fruits and dairy now.

he is not making progress. Dr. states that in all cases of high blood

pressure she finds CADMIUM. Should he be testing his water?

Takinga saliva tst for his adrenals? waht about his dentistry? Could this be the

culprit? Could this be the source of cadmium for his problem?

Where is best and fastest to get syncrometer /sample testing? Thanks alot!



Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.


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Hi :

What about cleaning his veins maybe they are all clogged with deposits and it

makes his blood pressure high

Look into Chelation, my father did 22 intravenous treatments and it stopped

his strokes. !

What about his weight is he over and is he diabetic? How much water does he


What goes in must come out. Is frecuente urination also not related to prostate

problems? What about his salt and sugar intake?

There is a lady in Canada that does the water test. The person in Florida is

not available at this time

to do testing. She had my sample for 8 months and was not able to do it. Look

in archives and see if you can get the info. of the Canadian

person, or maybe in TJ at the clinic.

Be careful with coaching, it could be construed as giving medical advice.

Non of my business, but I know you mean well, and I would hate to see you

get in trouble.

If you find a reliable person to do water testing, please let me know. I need

mine done asap!



can you help?

Hi there -

I've been coaching someone who has a serious frequent urination and high blood

pressure problem.

he started the Kidney Cleanse 10 days ago - He is stil going 15 to 20 times at

night and for 20 years he has passed half to one gallon of

urine at night!

Obvously, he is exhausted with sleep disturbance.

his blood pressue did come down from 180 to 148, the first week and then went

backup again the next day to 161.

he has been on three blood pressure medicines for 12 years and also has Glocoma.

He monitors his Ph daily. his diet is very aklaine. It was seriously bad

previously for 20 years- soda and heavy meat consumption daily! Only vegetables

and fruits and dairy now.

he is not making progress. Dr. states that in all cases of high blood

pressure she finds CADMIUM. Should he be testing his water?

Takinga saliva tst for his adrenals? waht about his dentistry? Could this be the

culprit? Could this be the source of cadmium for his problem?

Where is best and fastest to get syncrometer /sample testing? Thanks alot!

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile. /

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Be a better friend, newshound, and

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Has your friend been tested for diabetes insipidus?

This is a problem with the brain not producing

ADH(Anti-diuretic hormone) so the kidneys keep

producing urine. He may have to take ADH nasally.



Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.


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  • 2 years later...

You're welcome, Sheila. I have online access to many journals. Let me know if you need any more papers.

From: Sheila <sheila@...>thyroid treatment Sent: Fri, September 10, 2010 4:33:35 PMSubject: RE: Can you help?

WOW , thank you so much, and for the speed you delivered it. This is really great.

Luv - Sheila

[Attachment(s) from King included below]

see attached

We are wanting the FULL paper but can only find the abstract. Can anybody help please to find this for us, without having the pay the earth for it? Bob….????

Luv - Sheila


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Thanks , I am so busy with the forum I have little time to

learn how to do the research that I should, and I so wish I could. Many thanks

for your offer - and yes, I will be in touch.

Luv - Sheila

From: thyroid treatment

[mailto:thyroid treatment ] On Behalf Of King

Sent: 12 September 2010 00:10

thyroid treatment

Subject: Re: Can you help?


welcome, Sheila. I have online access to many journals. Let me know

if you need any more papers.

From: Sheila


thyroid treatment

Sent: Fri, September 10, 2010 4:33:35 PM

Subject: RE: Can you help?

WOW , thank you so much, and for

the speed you delivered it. This is really great.

Luv - Sheila

[Attachment(s) from King included





are wanting the FULL paper but can only find the abstract. Can anybody help

please to find this for us, without having the pay the earth for it?



- Sheila


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Is there any chance of getting this one please? It's supposed to give an

indication that only about 10mg of cortisol is produced by the body a day i

believe, thanks

Esteban NV, Loughlin T, Yergey AL, Zawadzki JK, Booth JD, Winterer JC, Loriaux

DL 1991 Daily cortisol production rate in man determined by stable isotope

dilution/mass spectrometry. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 72:39-45


> You're welcome, Sheila.  I have online access to many journals.  Let me know


> you need any more papers.





> ________________________________

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see attached

From: <chrisjtaylor46@...>thyroid treatment Sent: Sun, September 12, 2010 1:06:10 PMSubject: Re: Can you help?

Is there any chance of getting this one please? It's supposed to give an indication that only about 10mg of cortisol is produced by the body a day i believe, thanksEsteban NV, Loughlin T, Yergey AL, Zawadzki JK, Booth JD, Winterer JC, Loriaux DL 1991 Daily cortisol production rate in man determined by stable isotope dilution/mass spectrometry. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 72:39-45>> You're welcome, Sheila. I have online access to many journals. Let me know if > you need any more papers.> > > > > ________________________________

1 of 1 File(s)

Daily Cortisol Production Rate in Man...pdf

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- but then, there are others who say differently - hence

lies the dilemma - http://www.health2009.com/medicine/25254-78.html

 - and then, we have yet another papers giving an entirely different number http://jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/content/full/83/4/1247

" In conclusion, we report that the daily production

of cortisol is 25–30 µmol/(m2·day) or 9–11

mg/(m2·day), and that no significant difference exists

between the urinary and the serum values of CPR in men. This

estimation of CPR may serve as a guideline for glucocorticoid

supplementation therapy. For instance, in children with congenital

adrenal hyperplasia, ultimate height can be improved with a cortisol

dose of 12 mg/(m2·day), compared with a higher dose (32); and

adult men with ’s disease, who have been treated for at

least 10 yr with a dose of 13.6 mg/(m2·day), showed

normal bone mineral density (33).

Those treated with higher doses showed inverse correlation between

the daily dose and the bone density (33). The

urinary route to measure CPR, as described here and elsewhere (15, 16), is

simpler and less burdening than that of 24-h blood sampling. Furthermore,

the method of deconvolution analysis yields sCPR only under restricted

and simple conditions and when a separately determined value of the

distribution volume is known. Therefore, this study revalues the use

of the urinary method to achieve CPR. "

Is there any chance of getting this one please?

It's supposed to give an indication that only about 10mg of cortisol is

produced by the body a day i believe, thanks

Esteban NV, Loughlin T, Yergey AL, Zawadzki JK, Booth JD, Winterer JC, Loriaux

DL 1991 Daily cortisol production rate in man determined by stable isotope

dilution/mass spectrometry. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 72:39-45


> You're welcome, Sheila. I have online access to many

journals. Let me know if

> you need any more papers.





> ________________________________

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I would actually like to know which one we should be believing.

Luv - Sheila

i know, just wanted to read it. not looking to

disagree with anyone, just interested.


> - but then, there are others who say differently - hence lies

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