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Re: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis - try zappicating your abdomen!

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Dear Dr. fans,

I noticed the recommendation below for colon cleansing to help RA, and I agree

that it is very useful. What you may not realize is that Dr. has given us

a new electronic tool that can give dramatic results in this department.

We have been getting good feedback on our SuperZappicators

(www.bestzapper.com/super_zapper.html) for more than a year, and I thought some

of you might be encouraged to try this new device from Dr. . The zappicator

is simply a magnetic antenna to allow us to apply the beneficial energy of a

low-frequency (under 3 kHz) zapper to food (which has no immune system to

stimulate), as well as to parts of the body with little or no blood supply. The

contents of the bowel, the brain, lower jaw and sinuses are examples. Because

Dr. has found it can neutralize PCBs and benzene, zappicating can also

reach and " open up " any organ with accumulated PCBs or benzene, which act as

insulators to keep out the zapping effect. This means that plate zapping is not

necessary to reach those areas.

Here is a recent email from a customer that shows what we are hearing:

" I have been using the Zappicator with the Auto-Zap on the one hour setting for

a couple weeks now. I have been sitting on it while watching TV, laying on it

under my stomach when reading or sleeping, or I would also put it under my

pillow as I was going to sleep at night so it was under my head. Sometimes I do

all three in one day. If I feel a parasite biting in the abdominal region, I go

get the zappicator and apply it immediately and see the parasite come out in the

following bowel movements. I have been cleansing for a year now. I have used MMS

and saw a ton of parasites of different varieties come out in parasite-only

watery stools while doing a 2 day fast culminating in the 13 drop dose of MMS

that got this out. I have also done a 1 month Humaworm cleanse, and I have been

taking all manner of anti-parasitical herbs and co-q10 among many other things.

I had mercury toxicity, Freon exposure, moth ball exposure, and gas leak

exposure. Currently, and while using the zappicator and Auto-Zap with

wristlets, I am detoxing these now. I am about to receive a box of Colonix and

Toxinout. I also did a holistic dental cleanup. Except for the distended

abdomen, fatigue, migraines, brainfog, and other invisible signs, people would

have thought I was very healthy, attractive, and never would have thought the

parasite infection could happen to me, but it did. I have been cleansing for a

year, but parasite cleansing since October, and really noticed an increase in

the parasites I saw excreted in the bowel movements after adding the autozapper

and zappicator to my regimen. The zappicator seems to affect the biofilms


" The word I was looking for was worm " nests " . I got a bunch of those out with

the zappicator because they had been hidden by biofilm. Also I noticed with the

big kills that there would be gas associated with them. I hadn't been able to

get these big kills accompanied by gas for a long time until I added the

zappicator to the regimen. It was like I got all I could get with what I had

been doing until I added this to the arsenal. I was also taking bromelain to

help break down the biofilm, but I had been taking that for at least a month

prior to beginning the zappicator treatment if not more. Today this round of

getting the parasites out is slowing down because there was only a couple things

in the stool instead of a lot...

" Just got more F. Buski flukes out. This is definitely different than

with just the herbs. They are fleeing now because of the zappicator and

zapper. "

Hope this helps!

Blessings, Arthur


Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis

Please see www.rheumatic.org for a low-dose antibiotic therapy for rheumatoid


Also, try the master cleanse for at least 10 days followed by a diet that will

heal the gut. See www.curezone.com for information.

Liver cleanses will give you results, but as Hulda says, you will have to do

enough to get out 2000 stones or so. This will take 15-20 flushes. With each

flush you will feel slightly better, but you will generally not have a gigantic

improvement with one flush.

Continue following the anti-parasite protocol. Hulda's is not the only one.

See 'Ask Barefoot Herbalist' forum on www.curezone.com

Follow Hulda's recommendation in " The Cure for All Diseases " for monitoring

your PH. Acidity is a big problem for RA.

Finally, it's all about parasites and the colon in RA. Find out as much as you

can about colon cleansing.

Good luck. You didn't get sick quick (though it may have seemed that way), and

you won't get well quick either. Just stay the course. It sounds like you are on

the right track. Please report to this group every 3 months or so to let us know

what you have tried and the results.



> Hello everyone.. I am relatively new to this group and I have a bunch

> of questions I am hoping someone might be able to answer.


> Last year after my son was born I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid

> Arthritis. Shortly after that diagnosis I came down with what is known

> as a salivary stone in my submadibular salivary gland. I saw

> conventional doctors at first and was scared out of my mind about some

> of the drugs / surgery they wanted to put me through, so I decided to

> treat my illnesses strictly by alternative means. I found a holistic

> doctor who tested me for heavy metals and it came back that I have

> high levels of mercury and lead. I was also tested for parasites and I

> have blasticytis hominis. I have done about 6 months of chelation

> therapy with DMSA and have had all three of my amalgam fillings

> removed, by a biological dentist. My holistic doctor also gave me an

> older antibiotic called Humatin to treat the parasites, but when I was

> retested they were still there.

> I started following some of Dr. 's protocol a few months ago. I

> bought a zapper, the Zapper C31 from www.zapperguy.com. It is the

> wristband type, which I heard, through this group is not very

> effective. Can someone recommend a good one..I am electronically

> challenged and have a two year old..building one will probably never

> happen. I have been taking Wormwood complex by Medi herb and Zymex II,

> Standard Process for the parasites. Last week I did the Liver Cleanse,

> but I did a three day apple juice fast prior to taking the olive oil /

> grapefruit juice drink. I had mediocre results. I didn't see any

> stones but it did feel, at one point, like they were coming out.

> Overall I know I have made huge improvements with my health. Last year

> it took me close to 2-3 hours to be able to walk around without pain,

> now I can get up and walk within five minutes without horrible pain.

> My hands and wrists still hurt, but I am able to type and write

> without too much trouble. I was thinking about doing the Kidney

> cleanse hoping to get rid of the salivary stone, among other things.

> The gland is no longer infected, but I know the stone is still there

> because I can feel it. I also have a bone spur in my thumb. Do any of

> you have any experience with rheumatoid arthritis/stones and do any of

> you have any ideas of how I should try to proceed. Have any of you had

> positive results to report with the kidney cleanse? Do any of you

> know anyone in the Los Angeles area that I might be able to work with

> who follows Dr. 's therapies.

> I look forward to hearing from you!



> P.S.- I have also used Young Living oils- Thieves, Pan Away, Lavender,

> Purification, and Peace and Calming..I have had pretty great results

> especially with the Thieves oil- amazing for colds!


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A significant bit of the zappicating story was excised from the last post: it

should have added " Currently, and while using the zappicator and Auto-Zap with

wristlets, I am detoxing these now. I am about to receive a box of Colonix and

Toxinout. I also did a holistic dental cleanup. Except for the distended

abdomen, fatigue, migraines, brainfog, and other invisible signs, people would

have thought I was very healthy, attractive, and never would have thought the

parasite infection could happen to me, but it did. I have been cleansing for a

year, but parasite cleansing since October, and really noticed an increase in

the parasites I saw excreted in the bowel movements after adding the autozapper

and zappicator to my regimen. The zappicator seems to affect the biofilms

somehow... "

God bless you!


Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis

Please see www.rheumatic.org for a low-dose antibiotic therapy for rheumatoid


Also, try the master cleanse for at least 10 days followed by a diet that will

heal the gut. See www.curezone.com for information.

Liver cleanses will give you results, but as Hulda says, you will have to do

enough to get out 2000 stones or so. This will take 15-20 flushes. With each

flush you will feel slightly better, but you will generally not have a gigantic

improvement with one flush.

Continue following the anti-parasite protocol. Hulda's is not the only one.

See 'Ask Barefoot Herbalist' forum on www.curezone.com

Follow Hulda's recommendation in " The Cure for All Diseases " for monitoring

your PH. Acidity is a big problem for RA.

Finally, it's all about parasites and the colon in RA. Find out as much as you

can about colon cleansing.

Good luck. You didn't get sick quick (though it may have seemed that way), and

you won't get well quick either. Just stay the course. It sounds like you are on

the right track. Please report to this group every 3 months or so to let us know

what you have tried and the results.



> Hello everyone.. I am relatively new to this group and I have a bunch

> of questions I am hoping someone might be able to answer.


> Last year after my son was born I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid

> Arthritis. Shortly after that diagnosis I came down with what is known

> as a salivary stone in my submadibular salivary gland. I saw

> conventional doctors at first and was scared out of my mind about some

> of the drugs / surgery they wanted to put me through, so I decided to

> treat my illnesses strictly by alternative means. I found a holistic

> doctor who tested me for heavy metals and it came back that I have

> high levels of mercury and lead. I was also tested for parasites and I

> have blasticytis hominis. I have done about 6 months of chelation

> therapy with DMSA and have had all three of my amalgam fillings

> removed, by a biological dentist. My holistic doctor also gave me an

> older antibiotic called Humatin to treat the parasites, but when I was

> retested they were still there.

> I started following some of Dr. 's protocol a few months ago. I

> bought a zapper, the Zapper C31 from www.zapperguy.com. It is the

> wristband type, which I heard, through this group is not very

> effective. Can someone recommend a good one..I am electronically

> challenged and have a two year old..building one will probably never

> happen. I have been taking Wormwood complex by Medi herb and Zymex II,

> Standard Process for the parasites. Last week I did the Liver Cleanse,

> but I did a three day apple juice fast prior to taking the olive oil /

> grapefruit juice drink. I had mediocre results. I didn't see any

> stones but it did feel, at one point, like they were coming out.

> Overall I know I have made huge improvements with my health. Last year

> it took me close to 2-3 hours to be able to walk around without pain,

> now I can get up and walk within five minutes without horrible pain.

> My hands and wrists still hurt, but I am able to type and write

> without too much trouble. I was thinking about doing the Kidney

> cleanse hoping to get rid of the salivary stone, among other things.

> The gland is no longer infected, but I know the stone is still there

> because I can feel it. I also have a bone spur in my thumb. Do any of

> you have any experience with rheumatoid arthritis/stones and do any of

> you have any ideas of how I should try to proceed. Have any of you had

> positive results to report with the kidney cleanse? Do any of you

> know anyone in the Los Angeles area that I might be able to work with

> who follows Dr. 's therapies.

> I look forward to hearing from you!



> P.S.- I have also used Young Living oils- Thieves, Pan Away, Lavender,

> Purification, and Peace and Calming..I have had pretty great results

> especially with the Thieves oil- amazing for colds!


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