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Kombucha tea

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> Has anyone tried Kombucha Tea?

Yes, kombucha is tea made from kelp.

It's a little salty and is more like a broth than a tea.

People who have an aversion to seaweed or a fishy/sea-like taste may not

like it. But the flavor is very mild.

Sometimes you can find it combined with ume, or Japanese plum, called

Ume-kobucha, which is a sweet/sour broth-like tea, which is also tasty.

According to my resources, kelp is a great source of B12 for vegans. To

quote from a book on Japanese Herbal medicine (of same title, by


'...kelp....reduces and softens 'substantial phlegm'...that interfere with

breathing and the accumulations of lymph that cause swelling in the neck.

Kelp gently stimulates urination and relieves swelling throughout the

body...effects are extremely mild.'

Am curuious to know what sparked your interest in Kombucha.

I rely on Kampo (Japanese Herbal meds) for treating gastric reflux and other

ailments and have had great success.

Norie (in Tokyo)

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  • 6 years later...
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My wife used to make it before we met. I made it a couples times. It

was tasty. The third batch failed. I'd only do homemade. Somebody

form some list mailed me a " mother " and gave instructions. It's easy to

do. Many people on that list had made it and was currently making it.

Never heard anything bad about it outside of the usual anti-alternative

medicine people.

On Sat, 2009-07-18 at 10:14 -0700, Candace P wrote:



> Anyone on here ever heard of it, made it, or heard reports on it bad

> or good?


> Obviously since it's all natural the only " medical " info on it is all

> pretty much the same " In short, there's not good evidence that

> Kombucha tea delivers on its health claims. At the same time, several

> cases of harm have been reported. Therefore, until definitive studies

> quantify the risks and benefits of Kombucha tea, it's prudent to avoid

> it. "


> Hmmmmmmm my mom just gave me a few bottles of it. I read the bottle

> and it basically said its a detoxifying tea bla bla bla Not 10 seconds

> after I took my first chug it felt like my liver was dunked in warm

> water. Not painful just.... odd.


> Any thoughts?



> Candace





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I know a lady who often grows kombucha and drinks it. She is very fond of it.

I thought the mushroom growing and multiply, but I never dared to drink it.


Kombucha Tea

Anyone on here ever heard of it, made it, or heard reports on it bad or good?

Obviously since it's all natural the only "medical" info on it is all pretty much the same "In short, there's not good evidence that Kombucha tea delivers on its health claims. At the same time, several cases of harm have been reported. Therefore, until definitive studies quantify the risks and benefits of Kombucha tea, it's prudent to avoid it."

Hmmmmmmm my mom just gave me a few bottles of it. I read the bottle and it basically said its a detoxifying tea bla bla bla Not 10 seconds after I took my first chug it felt like my liver was dunked in warm water. Not painful just.... odd.

Any thoughts?


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The only "harm" I experienced with kombucha tea was the $$$ I spent on sugar making it. !!!

I made/drank it for 2 or 3 years. I don't think it did much about the fibromyalgia, but I can tell you that I had a very persistent wart on the first knuckle of my index finger, and while none of the commercial remedies worked to get rid of it, after drinking the tea for a couple months, it was gone. Hasn't ever come back, either.

Oh, yeah - my fingernails were a good bit stronger during the time I was drinking it, too.


"A hundred million miracles are happening every day!"

Anyone on here ever heard of it, made it, or heard reports on it bad or good?

Obviously since it's all natural the only "medical" info on it is all pretty much the same "In short, there's not good evidence that Kombucha tea delivers on its health claims. At the same time, several cases of harm have been reported. Therefore, until definitive studies quantify the risks and benefits of Kombucha tea, it's prudent to avoid it."

Hmmmmmmm my mom just gave me a few bottles of it. I read the bottle and it basically said its a detoxifying tea bla bla bla Not 10 seconds after I took my first chug it felt like my liver was dunked in warm water. Not painful just.... odd.

Any thoughts?



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Yeah instead of just assuming it was just some odd tea I looked it up because I wanted to know what the little chunkies were.Then I read what it was, almost threw up, and considered flushing the rest. Haha so I overreacted but the Scoby is not exactly appetizing-looking!!!I was amazed that 1. It didn't hurt my stomach at all 2. Didn't make me need a nap IMMEDIATELY like everything else I consume and although only for appx 5 minutes it 3. Gave me a lil energy!!!It's alright in my book!!! Sent from my iPhoneOn Jul 18, 2009, at 4:33 PM, "Sylvia" <h10feet@...> wrote:

I've been drinking both store bought and home made Kombucha on and off for years can say that when i do drink it, i like the nice body buzz you get from the enzymes and B vitamins. It has fairly decent pro-biotic activity as well.

The only thing you nee to worry about if you make it at home is that you must maintain somewhat strict sanitary guidelines in order to keep your culture from getting contaminated as well as making sure it has a clean/dust free spot to do it thing during each batch cycle. Other than that - kombucha has been safe for consupmtion and being home grown for at least a hundred years.

If you buy and drink the store bought stuff, you should not have any worries. When i get store bought, i prefer "GT's" Thiers is the most potent and even has "squidlies" (strings from the mother) in it. I sometimes recycle bottles and once rinsed a bottle and left a bit of water in the bottom and forgot to load it in the dishwaser; after 2 days, the bottle was growing a baby!

It might help regulate your digestive system, and definietely couldnt hurt to try if that is what you were wondering.



> Anyone on here ever heard of it, made it, or heard reports on it bad or good?


> Obviously since it's all natural the only "medical" info on it is all pretty much the same "In short, there's not good evidence that Kombucha tea delivers on its health claims. At the same time, several cases of harm have been reported. Therefore, until definitive studies quantify the risks and benefits of Kombucha tea, it's prudent to avoid it."


> Hmmmmmmm my mom just gave me a few bottles of it. I read the bottle and it basically said its a detoxifying tea bla bla bla Not 10 seconds after I took my first chug it felt like my liver was dunked in warm water. Not painful just.... odd.


> Any thoughts?



> Candace


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I make it, drink it and like it. I use it for a general immune booster. DH's hair is going back from gray to black. I sailed through a complete hip replacement 2 years ago with no infection or complications. (Infections are so common they won't even tell you how many ther are!)

Good stuff. If it gets too sour for me, I add it to the chckens' or goats' water.


Bob and Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, CA

Kombucha Tea

Anyone on here ever heard of it, made it, or heard reports on it bad or good?

Obviously since it's all natural the only "medical" info on it is all pretty much the same "In short, there's not good evidence that Kombucha tea delivers on its health claims. At the same time, several cases of harm have been reported. Therefore, until definitive studies quantify the risks and benefits of Kombucha tea, it's prudent to avoid it."

Hmmmmmmm my mom just gave me a few bottles of it. I read the bottle and it basically said its a detoxifying tea bla bla bla Not 10 seconds after I took my first chug it felt like my liver was dunked in warm water. Not painful just.... odd.

Any thoughts?


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I'm with you Syl. I like your description of "body buzz". I wondered how to describe it!

I concur with everything you said in your message.


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LOL @ Shari It is the oddest sensation, isnt it! And it really does give you a

nice little boost of energy.

Like anything else, in MODERATION of course. Didnt we have some here that drank

it all the time and was a little " loopy " LOL? It does have have a small

percentage of alcohol, and can get very fizzy if you proof it. But i think for

health benefits, its best if you refridgerate your batch at harvest so it stops


If you do " overprocess " a batch, it does turn to vinegar - this tends to happen

more easily in the summer when the culture processes faster due to the heat. I

acutally made some decent marinades and dressing with my Kombucha vinegar.

And i gave away a TON of " babies " as well as dried some and added to compost.

Dogs found a few pieces of dried ones and chewed on them, although i would not

necessarily give them either the tea or a " baby " (as gayla mentioned) - a Scooby

" mat " .

Kombucha might just be the thing to help your body get back in sync Candace? who

knows. and dont be afraid to drink a " squidly " its just some of threads of the

culture and wont hurt you. The guy that makes GT's said Kombucha cured his mom

of Cancer!

the guy i bought my 2 cultures from is:


he sends printed instructions in a little kit making it super easy for a first

time to start their own Kombucha farm LOL



> I'm with you Syl. I like your description of " body buzz " . I wondered how to

describe it!


> I concur with everything you said in your message.


> Shari


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Do you get into making different flavors? It's such an odd taste I couldn't imagine adding fruit to it but people online think it's delicious. I do plan to add garlic and seasonings and use it to soak fish in before baking it.... Whenever I can eat again.CandaceSent from my iPhoneOn Jul 18, 2009, at 7:11 PM, "Gayla " <aeranch@...> wrote:

I make it, drink it and like it. I use it for a general immune booster. DH's hair is going back from gray to black. I sailed through a complete hip replacement 2 years ago with no infection or complications. (Infections are so common they won't even tell you how many ther are!)

Good stuff. If it gets too sour for me, I add it to the chckens' or goats' water.


Bob and Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, CA

Kombucha Tea

Anyone on here ever heard of it, made it, or heard reports on it bad or good?

Obviously since it's all natural the only "medical" info on it is all pretty much the same "In short, there's not good evidence that Kombucha tea delivers on its health claims. At the same time, several cases of harm have been reported. Therefore, until definitive studies quantify the risks and benefits of Kombucha tea, it's prudent to avoid it."

Hmmmmmmm my mom just gave me a few bottles of it. I read the bottle and it basically said its a detoxifying tea bla bla bla Not 10 seconds after I took my first chug it felt like my liver was dunked in warm water. Not painful just.... odd.

Any thoughts?


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And here I thought I may not be able to find people who had heard of the stuff. LolShouldve known better. : DCandaceSent from my iPhoneOn Jul 18, 2009, at 10:30 PM, "SV" <shavig@...> wrote:

I'm with you Syl. I like your description of "body buzz". I wondered how to describe it!

I concur with everything you said in your message.


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We've had lots of discussion on this in the past, far and recent. Check the archives and files for member input.

I have never used it, though I would love to try it. I think Sunflower has a store bought version. I'm making my rounds there next weekend. Might remember to pick some up.

Peace, love, laughter

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.Anyone on here ever heard of it, made it, or heard reports on it bad or good? Obviously since it's all natural the only "medical" info on it is all pretty much the same "In short, there's not good evidence that Kombucha tea delivers on its health claims. At the same time, several cases of harm have been reported. Therefore, until definitive studies quantify the risks and benefits of Kombucha tea, it's

prudent to avoid it." Hmmmmmmm my mom just gave me a few bottles of it. I read the bottle and it basically said its a detoxifying tea bla bla bla Not 10 seconds after I took my first chug it felt like my liver was dunked in warm water. Not painful just.... odd. Any thoughts?Candace

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You make chicken and goat water? Um, EEWWWWWW!!


Peace, love, laughter

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day .

If it gets too sour for me, I add it to the chckens' or goats' water.GaylaBob and Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, CA

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I spend most of my Internet research time layin in bed gandering at my iPhone. I tried searching the archives and it never quite works on here.One more ? since I obviously won't find it on Google... Would this react badly with Superfood.... Too much yeast or anything like that!?! I dont even know if they're the same kind of yeast or would react badly or if this is a moronic ?.CandaceSent from my iPhoneOn Jul 19, 2009, at 6:26 AM, <deuteronomy2929@...> wrote:

We've had lots of discussion on this in the past, far and recent. Check the archives and files for member input.

I have never used it, though I would love to try it. I think Sunflower has a store bought version. I'm making my rounds there next weekend. Might remember to pick some up.

Peace, love, laughter

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.Anyone on here ever heard of it, made it, or heard reports on it bad or good? Obviously since it's all natural the only "medical" info on it is all pretty much the same "In short, there's not good evidence that Kombucha tea delivers on its health claims. At the same time, several cases of harm have been reported. Therefore, until definitive studies quantify the risks and benefits of Kombucha tea, it's

prudent to avoid it." Hmmmmmmm my mom just gave me a few bottles of it. I read the bottle and it basically said its a detoxifying tea bla bla bla Not 10 seconds after I took my first chug it felt like my liver was dunked in warm water. Not painful just.... odd. Any thoughts?Candace

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It's so odd... Everything I read says something completely different. Some sites say don't exceed 4 oz a day. Some sites swear by drinking 6 glasses a day...... I guess there is no real right answer.I am encouraged by how many people say it got rid of their digestive problems. Drank a second dose of the stuff and AGAIN there was absolutely no annoyance with my stomach. My stomach doesn't work! Everything irritates my stomach! This is so strange (and encouraging) to me!!!CandaceSent from my iPhoneOn Jul 18, 2009, at 11:32 PM, "Sylvia" <h10feet@...> wrote:

LOL @ Shari It is the oddest sensation, isnt it! And it really does give you a nice little boost of energy.

Like anything else, in MODERATION of course. Didnt we have some here that drank it all the time and was a little "loopy" LOL? It does have have a small percentage of alcohol, and can get very fizzy if you proof it. But i think for health benefits, its best if you refridgerate your batch at harvest so it stops growing.

If you do "overprocess" a batch, it does turn to vinegar - this tends to happen more easily in the summer when the culture processes faster due to the heat. I acutally made some decent marinades and dressing with my Kombucha vinegar.

And i gave away a TON of "babies" as well as dried some and added to compost. Dogs found a few pieces of dried ones and chewed on them, although i would not necessarily give them either the tea or a "baby" (as gayla mentioned) - a Scooby "mat".

Kombucha might just be the thing to help your body get back in sync Candace? who knows. and dont be afraid to drink a "squidly" its just some of threads of the culture and wont hurt you. The guy that makes GT's said Kombucha cured his mom of Cancer!

the guy i bought my 2 cultures from is: http://www.happyherbalist.com/kombucha.htm

he sends printed instructions in a little kit making it super easy for a first time to start their own Kombucha farm LOL



> I'm with you Syl. I like your description of "body buzz". I wondered how to describe it!


> I concur with everything you said in your message.


> Shari


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I made it from different teas. I also added 10% grape juice or apple juice and bottled it. Then that got to be too much of a pita.Now I just make it in a one gallon jar and don't bother with the rebottling and flavoring.

Usually when I drink it, I mix with a little grape juice and club soda.


Bob and Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, CA

Kombucha Tea

Anyone on here ever heard of it, made it, or heard reports on it bad or good?

Obviously since it's all natural the only "medical" info on it is all pretty much the same "In short, there's not good evidence that Kombucha tea delivers on its health claims. At the same time, several cases of harm have been reported. Therefore, until definitive studies quantify the risks and benefits of Kombucha tea, it's prudent to avoid it."

Hmmmmmmm my mom just gave me a few bottles of it. I read the bottle and it basically said its a detoxifying tea bla bla bla Not 10 seconds after I took my first chug it felt like my liver was dunked in warm water. Not painful just.... odd.

Any thoughts?


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Gotta try it . Ya never know what you will like..... ***snicker***


Bob and Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, CA

Re: Kombucha Tea

You make chicken and goat water? Um, EEWWWWWW!!


Peace, love, laughter

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day .

If it gets too sour for me, I add it to the chckens' or goats' water.GaylaBob and Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, CA

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If you add fruit will it float and mold or sink and be protected by the tea?Sent from my iPhoneOn Jul 19, 2009, at 8:47 AM, "Gayla " <aeranch@...> wrote:

I made it from different teas. I also added 10% grape juice or apple juice and bottled it. Then that got to be too much of a pita.Now I just make it in a one gallon jar and don't bother with the rebottling and flavoring.

Usually when I drink it, I mix with a little grape juice and club soda.


Bob and Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, CA

Kombucha Tea

Anyone on here ever heard of it, made it, or heard reports on it bad or good?

Obviously since it's all natural the only "medical" info on it is all pretty much the same "In short, there's not good evidence that Kombucha tea delivers on its health claims. At the same time, several cases of harm have been reported. Therefore, until definitive studies quantify the risks and benefits of Kombucha tea, it's prudent to avoid it."

Hmmmmmmm my mom just gave me a few bottles of it. I read the bottle and it basically said its a detoxifying tea bla bla bla Not 10 seconds after I took my first chug it felt like my liver was dunked in warm water. Not painful just.... odd.

Any thoughts?


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I don't add flavors, but some folks do. And when you cook it, you'll lose all the properties it is imparting. Heat will kill all the good bacteria.


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I don't add fruit - only juice.


Bob and Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, CA

Re: Kombucha Tea

If you add fruit will it float and mold or sink and be protected by the tea?

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That's what Marilyn said..............

Peace, love, laughter

Some days you're the bug; some days you're the windshield.Gotta try it . Ya never know what you will like..... ***snicker** *GaylaBob and Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, CA

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Cool! Thanks, Shari!!! Peace, love, laughter Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe togetherNext time I have a SCOBY I can send you one, . Let me know if you're interested after trying a taste. Shari

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