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Hey Carol welcome to the group. Sorry to hear about your uncle and your mother.

It is the cold nodule that is more likely to be cancerous. But there is a slim

chance of a hot nodule being cancerous. I have a nodule and we are watching

with sonograms for growth. Non yet. Cancerous nodules grow. My dr had

multiple nodules watched them with sonograms. So far they have shrunk and she

is down to one. Hope that helps.

We believe my hyperT is caused by the presence of TSI antibodies (they mimic the

TSH) which cause graves disease (an autoimmune disorder). Graves can cause

hyerthyroidism. I look at it much like diabetes and lupus(other autoimmune

disorders). The best treatment course in the long haul is dietary and lifestyle

changes. It seems no matter what treatment option you choose with hyperT

(vitamins, drugs, surgery, or RAI) it all seems to come back to learning to slow

down and take care of yourself. Including being forever more monitored by a dr.

I was like you that I have lived with a lot of symptoms that I wrote off to just

being a part of who I am. I am 38 with 20 and 18 year old boys. It kinda feels

like the twilight zone here. OOOOOh! I now have to keep reminding myself that

I have lived with these symptoms for a long time. My ekg and bone scan came

back ok. So for now I am most likely not going to die immediately. This

thinking gets me past the... " Oh my God! I have Graves Disease! " freaking out

sessions. Over the years I have become real adept at " just think of something

else " . I think that is another symptom...you know...the mind going in a

thousand directions at once? LOL!

Keep us posted on how you are doing. That's what we are here for.


aka Hyperkim

Hello new member

Hi :)

I just joined this past week, I have read many of the posts and I am really

thankful for so much insight from real people with real experiences, I have

researched on the web but I feel the need for as much info as I can get

before I see the endocrinologist I'm still waiting on an appt.

I have to say I'm sure I have been hyper for many years I just never

associated my problems or even related them to each other to know something

was truly wrong, I'm 36 years old I'm 5'6 " and have been thin as a rail my

whole life, I've always averaged between 105 and 110 in weight, I always

figured I was naturally a little high strung, kind of nervous and anxious

because that's just how some people are.. I figured over the years that it

was normal to have panic attacks and heartburn sometimes I didn't think it

was heart palpitations and rapid heart beat that was causing that, I have 3

children they are 18, 16 and 15 now but when they were small I figured I was

tired all the time cause at those ages you spend much of your chasing them

around the house lol, then I just figured as they got older and I was till

tired all the time it's just because I'm getting older right? well things

got much worse over the last few months the heart palpitations were more

frequent even laying in bed motionless I would notice my heart was pounding,

and I got the shakes really bad (which I have had occasionally over the last

2 years) but now it was a constant daily problem, I had become extremely

nervous and jumpy and suffered some minor confusion, and to top it all off I

now was so exhausted but still was not able to rest properly, about 3 weeks

ago I went for my annual exam with my gyn I told him I felt very nervous and

had the shakes (I thought I was just going crazy lol), he checked my pulse

and said I was taching out at 120 that it wasn't normal and he wanted to do

blood tests, he did the TSH my level was 0.001 then the Free T-4 (normal

range 0.8-1.8) mine was 2.0 that really doesn't seem too significant to me

<shrugs> but it feels bad ;)

He referred me to another Dr. and I don't have insurance so my choices have

been limited, I went to the clinic here that charges by how much money you

make (sliding scale) I have been taking Propranolol 20mg and Methimazole 5mg

twice a day, the clinic is making me an appt. at University Medical Center

in my area (same sliding pay scale) with an endocrinologist, I'm feeling

pretty good with the meds still having bouts of exhaustion though, I'm

guessing when I go they will want to do more tests to see what is causing my

hyperness and maybe at that time I can come back to to tell you all how that

went and what I have decided to do, I'm a little nervous I would like to

avoid surgery and all that destroying of the thyroid I'm hoping medication

will do the trick, my uncle had a massive goiter removed last last year he

had thyroid cancer and the goiter had grown down into his chest, my mother

has lung cancer and at this point we are prolonging her life with treatment

her type of cancer has a grim prognosis, is it a hot or cold nodule that

they look to for signs of cancer? I'm sorry to just have gone on and on but

I figured it would be better to explain my problem from the beginning and

not the middle. I have to go pick up my oldest son from the local college

right now but I will be looking forward to seeing more email's from the


Thanks for taking the time to read my book LOL.


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I'm a fairly new member myself, and thought I'd post my experience thus

far with Graves disease. I started noticing the rapid heart rate a year

ago, then tremor, hair loss, weight loss (40 lbs), and abdominal pain,

increased appetite, frequent BMs. The abdominal pain is what got my

attention. Walking was difficult. I was referred to a

gastroenterologist in November who found the TSH of <0.004 and had the

thyroid panel (?) done. Referred me to endo. I also later developed

the pretibial myxedema (rash on front of lower leg). While awaiting the

endo appt my internist prescribed Atenolol, knowing my history of

depression and concerned about me taking Propranolol. In December endo

looked at labs, did ultrasound, found a nodule and a thyroid 100% larger

than normal. I had the thyroid scan. He switched me to Propranolol

(anyway) and started methimazole, 30 mg. twice a day. I don't know my

numbers right now, but it is Graves. Had a needle biopsy of the nodule

which showed a benign nodule. My blood pressure was up so the endo

later switched me to Toprol XL, which I took about ten days but was

feeling terrible with it so switched back to the Propr... Endo was

recommending surgery to remove the entire thyroid, which I had a lot of

concerns about the risk to my vocal chord nerve and parathyroid, plus

time out of work, a scar, etc. I got a second opinion. This endo says

no surgery. Recommends RAI but isn't pushing it. Says " People get

tired of taking the medicine and the need to be monitored every 3

months, but your thyroid will burn itself out though it may take five

years " ... that's my understanding of what he said anyway. I'm afraid

of the RAI and can't seem to find a lot of " oh yeah, have it, it's

great " to offset the problems folks seem to have. My rapid pulse and

tremor and hair loss resolved right away but the hair loss has

returned. The methi.. is now 20 mg twice a day, and since I was put on

antidepressants again I went back to Atenolol to try to avoid that, but

now I'm having chest pain so I have a cardio appt Friday ... fear damage

to heart (an elephant resides on my chest). New endo is treating the

leg with Fluocinoline and occlusive dressing every other night, and it's

clearing up. I either don't sleep well or sleep for 10 hours. I

haven't had the eye problems though eye doc had noticed big change a

couple years ago and questioned blood sugar which proves normal, but the

past 2 days my eyes have been real puffy and I wonder if I could have

developed new symptom even under treatment?

My thyroid hormones were slow to come down but they're down to normal

now. Was some concern about liver function but no one has mentioned

that since last labs so I guess it's okay. I'm 49 years old and

apparently Graves is more common in younger women. One thing I noticed

I haven't seen mentioned is that after a particularly stressful weekend

(teenage daughter ran away but is safely back) my thyroid appeared

swollen ...noticeably more so and I could feel the distention. It was

not so when endo repeated ultrasound. No doc has mentioned calcium or

vitamin supplements. I've gained back about ten pounds.

I don't have any questions I know to ask but invite comments if anybody

has any. It gets old dealing with it, that's for sure.


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Dear ,

Please go to our sister site, iThyroid.com, for information on supplements,

nutrition, etc.

And, yes, your instincts are good, it's better to use the meds than submit to

RAI, which destroys the thyroid, which you need, and does not treat the

underlying causes of the illness.

Keep in touch,



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  • 3 years later...


what are you looking for?



From: <katran7xs@...>


Sent: Tue, October 27, 2009 8:28:44 PM

Subject: Hello New member

Hello to everyone,

Dr. has changed my life. I just do not have any support. Looking for like

minded people!

Blessings, Kat

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Hi ,

I am looking for others who believe in Dr. s' protocol. I have changed my

life from following her books. I have not found one person who will believe

this. (on the east coast) So I am hoping to meet people who eat healthy, have

followed the cleansing protocols and believe in health freedom.

With no disrespect to Doctors, I haven't found one to support s' claims. I

am living proof she is right about most things. I am just not totally well and

need help continuing on the path to wellness.

I was 9 years old when I got my first metal filling, that's when the depression

started and only got worse after the 10th one was put in. I am so much better

since I had them removed. Although I read it will take up to twenty years to

remove the 28 years of constant exposure. I have 13 years to go...

So I am looking for people who believe what I believe.

When I have talked of the subject of toxins and parasites, people look at me

like I have nine heads. and sometimes I feel like I do... lol


I hope others here have similar beliefs.

Thank you for asking,

regards, kat


> Kat:

> what are you looking for?

> linda





> ________________________________

> From: <katran7xs@...>

> Dr

> Sent: Tue, October 27, 2009 8:28:44 PM

> Subject: Hello New member



> Hello to everyone,

> Dr. has changed my life. I just do not have any support. Looking for

like minded people!

> Blessings, Kat









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