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parasite Cleanse

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At 09:35 PM 1/5/2001 -0500, you wrote:

>Do you have any advice on first steps to address emotional & spiritual issues?




Emotional attachment to foods. If you are giving up a food during a

cleanse, say caffeine, and are attached to it there may be added stress

during the process. In this area I go slowly. I started with caffeine and

soft drinks and other foods followed in a natural way over the course of 6

- 12 months.

Release of Negative Emotions. I found that once the emotions/feelings were

released they were for the most part gone. In my case this was anger,

frustration, impatience and understanding. One can be prepared for this -

an emotional release. This event can create a few bumps in the household

but since it is for the good of all, it seems to pass quickly. Negative

emotions are better out than kept inside.

If you follow the belief that old emotions and past experiences can be

imprinted (trapped) in the colon then it is possible to re-experience these

feelings again. So how you are feeling may not always be related to present

time. I found this phenomenon to exist and be quite recognizable but

watered down from the original. Nevertheless it is something to be aware

of. (This was one of my apprehensions).

Spiritual Issues. Why is this happening to me? What is this experience

trying to tell me? These are questions to contemplate on.

Are you being led to finding a solution to a problem - physical, emotional

or spiritual? This can often be the case. Is this the answer or are we led

to something else? When we do find an answer we can look back and see what

we have learned and it will become more clear. Things are not cast in stone

in this arena and who is to say where we will find the answers. Keep an

open mind - truth can be stranger than fiction!


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At 09:35 PM 1/5/2001 -0500, you wrote:

>Do you have any advice on first steps to address emotional & spiritual




Here is an interesting page http://homepages.nyu.edu/~er26/anger.html that

relates to the paragraph following. (This link was posted on the oxyPlus list).

<<Release of Negative Emotions. I found that once the emotions/feelings were

released they were for the most part gone. In my case this was anger,

frustration, impatience and understanding. One can be prepared for this -

an emotional release. This event can create a few bumps in the household

but since it is for the good of all, it seems to pass quickly. Negative

emotions are better out than kept inside.>>


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I am interested in soaking raisins and adding them to our parasite

cleanse. How long do you soak the raisins? Do you just eat them

plumped up with Senna or Black Walnut? I didn't know that Senna was

anti-parasitic, I thought it was just an herbal laxative.

p.s. so far things are going well on the cleanse, I am feeling better

each day. We are doing the Hulda parasite cleanse & added Dr.

Schulze's liver/anti-parasite formula, intestinal 1 & 2 and lots of

pineapple. At night I've had terrible symptoms of itching and

intestinal spazzing and oozing, but in the morning I have a large BM

and feel fantastic. I have passed some really strange twisted

looking things, some of them quite big (6-7 " ), along with white blobs

and tons of thin stringy things. I am glad to have them out of my


>This is a simple parasite cleanse that was taken from " Own Your Own

>Body " by Dr. Stan Malstram A cleansing fast is a fast on fresh

>juiced green type foods.




>Parasite Cleanse


>After a few days' cleansing fast for parasites, honey water or some

>fruit juice may be taken, followed in about 20 or 30 minutes with a

>cup of wormwood or black walnut tea. Parasites will begin to be

>expelled. The parasites have a tendency to come out of the folds

>and pockets of the intestines, attracted by the sweetness of the

>honey or juices, into the middle of the colon or intestine. The

>wormwood or black walnut, pumpkin seeds, senna will wipe them out

>almost immediately.




>To rid children of parasites, put them on a juice fast for three or

>four days, then give them raisins that have been soaked in senna or

>black walnut tea. If the child is too young for juice fasting, use

>the raisins alone. The parasites will be attracted to the raisins,

>the bait, and will eat the wormwood or the senna. Senna is good

>because its flavor does not overwhelm the flavor of the raisins.

>Dry the raisins first so that they will absorb as much of the tea as

>possible. The more they absorb, the greater the effectiveness of

>the remedy.




>Various herbal combinations may be used for expelling parasites,

>combinations that include senna, wormwood, black walnut and sage.

>Lemon bark or chaparral will help expel parasites, but the single

>herbs seem to afford more control.




>This treatment should be repeated about every ten days, three to six

>times, to make sure all the eggs and the re-hatched parasites are

>gone. Parasites are dormant and very resistant to treatment, so it

>is necessary to treat for the hatched parasites as well.




>Medicine's way of parasite expulsion is effective, but it is a shock

>to the system, and some of the drugs used inhibit the function of

>the liver and other organs.




>Parasites afflict a large percentage of our population, causing many

>symptoms often blamed on other conditions. It is very important to

>make the effort to correct this problem for our health and the

>health of our families.



>eGroups Sponsor




>Subscription email:

>mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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We are doing the Hulda parasite cleanse & added Dr.

Schulze's liver/anti-parasite formula

I aked this once before but did not get a response.Can someone from this

group please tell me Dr Schulze's website or how to get info on his products?

I certainly would appreciate it.

Thank you, Christel

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>Can someone from this

>group please tell me Dr Schulze's website or how to get info on his products?

>I certainly would appreciate it.

>Thank you, Christel

call 1-800-HERBDOC

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Wow! Sounds like your doing great! Keep up the well being.


Parasite cleanse

> I wanted to share what I've been doing this month.


> After a week of eating a good diet, I started fasting with

> just lemon water and a couple of supplements for about 9

> days. I passed lots of worms, and believe I passed the

> " mother " : a 9 inch long blue worm. Lenny's right that they

> " bite " before they let go. I must have had a big one right

> below the place where my ribs meet.


> Then I began the parasite tincture herbs. I used Karma's

> suggestion to drink apple juice first to draw out the

> buggers and then take the tincture. About a half hour later

> a had diarrhea and also threw up, and MAN I felt so good

> afterwards and for the rest of the day.


> I keep rotating my parasite herbs every three days. To break

> the fast, I started eating fruit and veggies, then added

> nuts and seeds, and just started eating turkey. I am still

> avoiding dairy and sugar like the plague.


> I'm so happy that the psoriasis I've had for more than 10

> years is GONE!


> I've been feeling so good, if a little more tired than

> usual, but I know these herbs are powerful. I still see the

> little worms when I eat too much (and I am PMS'ing so I hope

> I make it through all right without being too bad. But man,

> those cravings are always so hard!) I have always felt that

> if I could make it through the full moon and one period

> being " good " that I could get rid of them for good.


> SO keep me in your prayers. If I give in to sugar and

> chocolate at this point, I will have just created a super

> parasite that is resistant to all the parasite herbs. Just a

> couple more days...


> Then, I'll probably do a maintenance diet for a good two

> months. I plan to do the tincture every weekend for about 6

> weeks.


> Any comments or suggestions are most welcome. Thanks

> everyone for your suggestions. I couldn't have gotten this

> far without your wisdom and support.

> Pamela



> Subscription email:

> mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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Congrats Pamela! Sounds like you are doing great. I think I'd faint

if I saw a blue worm! I saw what I thought was a white one once and

got sick. Two questions: the parasite herbs you are using...are they

the cloves, wormword and blackwalnut? Did you have to have to use

psyllium husks during the fast to keep your bowels moving? Or just


> I wanted to share what I've been doing this month.


> After a week of eating a good diet, I started fasting with

> just lemon water and a couple of supplements for about 9

> days. I passed lots of worms, and believe I passed the

> " mother " : a 9 inch long blue worm. Lenny's right that they

> " bite " before they let go. I must have had a big one right

> below the place where my ribs meet.


> Then I began the parasite tincture herbs. I used Karma's

> suggestion to drink apple juice first to draw out the

> buggers and then take the tincture. About a half hour later

> a had diarrhea and also threw up, and MAN I felt so good

> afterwards and for the rest of the day.


> I keep rotating my parasite herbs every three days. To break

> the fast, I started eating fruit and veggies, then added

> nuts and seeds, and just started eating turkey. I am still

> avoiding dairy and sugar like the plague.


> I'm so happy that the psoriasis I've had for more than 10

> years is GONE!


> I've been feeling so good, if a little more tired than

> usual, but I know these herbs are powerful. I still see the

> little worms when I eat too much (and I am PMS'ing so I hope

> I make it through all right without being too bad. But man,

> those cravings are always so hard!) I have always felt that

> if I could make it through the full moon and one period

> being " good " that I could get rid of them for good.


> SO keep me in your prayers. If I give in to sugar and

> chocolate at this point, I will have just created a super

> parasite that is resistant to all the parasite herbs. Just a

> couple more days...


> Then, I'll probably do a maintenance diet for a good two

> months. I plan to do the tincture every weekend for about 6

> weeks.


> Any comments or suggestions are most welcome. Thanks

> everyone for your suggestions. I couldn't have gotten this

> far without your wisdom and support.

> Pamela

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Congrats Pamela,

Blue worm, mine were white or coffee stained, or black, I never have seen a blue


During the last couple weeks, I saw some small segments come out.

Lemons are great in helping to pass worms, and cleansing coffee out of the

system, (sallow complexion from coffee). Lemons with 10 sections never hurt my

stomach. Once I had some odd

numbered section lemons in the fridge, and made a jar of lemon juice, and drank

it and doubled up on my bed from the terrible stomach cramps or ulcer pain from

the non 10 section lemon

juice. I have never once had any such trouble drinking large quantities of 10

section lemon juice.

Hoping we find the key that really " unlocks " their clamp on us.


Pamela wrote:

> I wanted to share what I've been doing this month.


> After a week of eating a good diet, I started fasting with

> just lemon water and a couple of supplements for about 9

> days. I passed lots of worms, and believe I passed the

> " mother " : a 9 inch long blue worm. Lenny's right that they

> " bite " before they let go. I must have had a big one right

> below the place where my ribs meet.


> Then I began the parasite tincture herbs. I used Karma's

> suggestion to drink apple juice first to draw out the

> buggers and then take the tincture. About a half hour later

> a had diarrhea and also threw up, and MAN I felt so good

> afterwards and for the rest of the day.


> I keep rotating my parasite herbs every three days. To break

> the fast, I started eating fruit and veggies, then added

> nuts and seeds, and just started eating turkey. I am still

> avoiding dairy and sugar like the plague.


> I'm so happy that the psoriasis I've had for more than 10

> years is GONE!


> I've been feeling so good, if a little more tired than

> usual, but I know these herbs are powerful. I still see the

> little worms when I eat too much (and I am PMS'ing so I hope

> I make it through all right without being too bad. But man,

> those cravings are always so hard!) I have always felt that

> if I could make it through the full moon and one period

> being " good " that I could get rid of them for good.


> SO keep me in your prayers. If I give in to sugar and

> chocolate at this point, I will have just created a super

> parasite that is resistant to all the parasite herbs. Just a

> couple more days...


> Then, I'll probably do a maintenance diet for a good two

> months. I plan to do the tincture every weekend for about 6

> weeks.


> Any comments or suggestions are most welcome. Thanks

> everyone for your suggestions. I couldn't have gotten this

> far without your wisdom and support.

> Pamela

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Pamela, that is awesome!

What was your " good diet " ? What foods did you eat and avoid eating for

that week?

When did you start noticing the psoriasis condidtioning improving?

At what point did you pass the worm (at the end of the meon fast etc?)


- Vito

>From: Pamela <pamelab@...>

>Reply-bowel cleanseegroups

>bowel <bowel cleanseegroups>

>Subject: Parasite cleanse

>Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 09:54:15 -0600


>I wanted to share what I've been doing this month.


>After a week of eating a good diet, I started fasting with

>just lemon water and a couple of supplements for about 9

>days. I passed lots of worms, and believe I passed the

> " mother " : a 9 inch long blue worm. Lenny's right that they

> " bite " before they let go. I must have had a big one right

>below the place where my ribs meet.


>Then I began the parasite tincture herbs. I used Karma's

>suggestion to drink apple juice first to draw out the

>buggers and then take the tincture. About a half hour later

>a had diarrhea and also threw up, and MAN I felt so good

>afterwards and for the rest of the day.


>I keep rotating my parasite herbs every three days. To break

>the fast, I started eating fruit and veggies, then added

>nuts and seeds, and just started eating turkey. I am still

>avoiding dairy and sugar like the plague.


>I'm so happy that the psoriasis I've had for more than 10

>years is GONE!


>I've been feeling so good, if a little more tired than

>usual, but I know these herbs are powerful. I still see the

>little worms when I eat too much (and I am PMS'ing so I hope

>I make it through all right without being too bad. But man,

>those cravings are always so hard!) I have always felt that

>if I could make it through the full moon and one period

>being " good " that I could get rid of them for good.


>SO keep me in your prayers. If I give in to sugar and

>chocolate at this point, I will have just created a super

>parasite that is resistant to all the parasite herbs. Just a

>couple more days...


>Then, I'll probably do a maintenance diet for a good two

>months. I plan to do the tincture every weekend for about 6



>Any comments or suggestions are most welcome. Thanks

>everyone for your suggestions. I couldn't have gotten this

>far without your wisdom and support.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Hedgie,

I am new to this group, too. I'm not positive I have parasites, either.

In fact, a test I had performed by Great Smokeys Lab last year showed no

parasites, but my candida was way up. I still think I have parasites

because my main symptoms don't match those of other candida sufferes (I'm

on the candida egroups list, too) and I've read that it's hard to

diagnose parasites through a stool analysis, anyway.

We just got Dr. 's book, The Cure for All Cancers, and it terrifies

me. I've stopped reading it because I get depressed. We have four cats

and I suspect they are the source of many parasites, yet it's unthinkable

to part with them.

My symptoms are pain beneath my lower ribs on the left and right sides.

Also, I get white flecks in my stool no matter what I eat. I have

troubles with constipation and diarrhea unless I take an herbal/laxative

supplement, which keeps me regular (and happy.) I'm only 25 and I appear

very healthy, and I have good energy usually. I don't want to go to the

doctor because the tests are so expensive and unreliable, in my


I looked up parasites and infertility on google.com and I found there is

a connection. If you go to www.Dr..net you should find the article

there about it. I find this all incredibly distressing, because I do

have 11 teeth with fillings, and I have cats which make the parasite

situation very difficult, and yet I want to get pregnant again. We have

been trying seriously for only two months (I was breastfeeding before

that) but I'm already worried because no success so far.

If I am pregnant this time around, I'll count it a great blessing/

miracle and I will tell everyone!

Good health to you-





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Symptoms I had parasites: Psoriasis that never went away, intense sugar

cravings, grinding my teeth at night, and intense itchiness when I started


As far as medical attention, they no longer treat for parasites, although years

and years ago they used to. A friend of mine's husband died last month (due to

parasites, in my opinion) and

he had been seeing the doctors since October when he first started feeling bad

from eating old dried apricots. He continued to see doctors the whole time,

until he finally died, and the


If you want to get treated for parasites (or candida), avoid the doctors,

because they will talk you out of it and into antidepressants!

Just my experience...


Hedgie@... wrote:

> Hi, I am new to this group and wanted to ask a few questions. First

> could someone give me some of the common symptoms? I have done some

> research, but would like to hear from real people what some of their

> symptoms were when they discovered that they needed a parasite

> cleanse. Is there a point when a persons body can be so " infested "

> that medical attention is needed rather than try to deal with

> problems at home? My final question is can there be a relationship

> between parasites and infertiity? I hope all of this doesn't sound

> to crazy. Thanks in advance for any help.



> Subscription email:

> mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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What did you cleanse with? I " ve been using the paragone and I'm

almost at the point where I do the 5 day rest and then start it back

up again. I haven't noticed much of a change. No worms or things in

the toilet(was kind of dreading that). Only thing I " ve experienced is

that my bowel movements have a green color to them. Do you think this

is a good sign?



> > Hi, I am new to this group and wanted to ask a few questions.


> > could someone give me some of the common symptoms? I have done


> > research, but would like to hear from real people what some of


> > symptoms were when they discovered that they needed a parasite

> > cleanse. Is there a point when a persons body can be so

" infested "

> > that medical attention is needed rather than try to deal with

> > problems at home? My final question is can there be a


> > between parasites and infertiity? I hope all of this doesn't


> > to crazy. Thanks in advance for any help.

> >

> >

> > Subscription email:

> > mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

> >

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Whenever I cleanse, I try to fast, first, because I have better results. I've

never used paragone, or seen green except when I've used Soil-Based Organisms. I

use black walnut, wormwood, and

cloves. (See my last post for more info.)

Hope that helps,


barbinohio@... wrote:

> What did you cleanse with? I " ve been using the paragone and I'm

> almost at the point where I do the 5 day rest and then start it back

> up again. I haven't noticed much of a change. No worms or things in

> the toilet(was kind of dreading that). Only thing I " ve experienced is

> that my bowel movements have a green color to them. Do you think this

> is a good sign?


> Barbara



> >

> > > Hi, I am new to this group and wanted to ask a few questions.

> First

> > > could someone give me some of the common symptoms? I have done

> some

> > > research, but would like to hear from real people what some of

> their

> > > symptoms were when they discovered that they needed a parasite

> > > cleanse. Is there a point when a persons body can be so

> " infested "

> > > that medical attention is needed rather than try to deal with

> > > problems at home? My final question is can there be a

> relationship

> > > between parasites and infertiity? I hope all of this doesn't

> sound

> > > to crazy. Thanks in advance for any help.

> > >

> > >

> > > Subscription email:

> > > mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

> > >

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The type of joint pain to which you're referring could very well be a Herxhiemer reaction. This occurs with the detoxification of the body when there is a die-off of most any parasite, virus, or bacteria.

Congratulations on the removal of the worms.


Parasite cleanse

> Thought I'd check in with the group again. I went on a> second fast, this time for only 4 days. On the fourth day, I> passed 3 5-inch brown skinny roundworms. My feeling is that> when I fast I am able to attract the worms from other parts> of the body to the colon so they can GET OUT!> > Since I started eating, I've continued with the wormwood,> cloves, and black walnut, and made it through the full moon> cravings without overeating too much. I have rotated> Grapefruit seed extract in to take a break on the big three> herbs for a bit.> > I also started the Homozon. Interesting. The first night, it> felt like thunderstorms in my colon, with all the rumbling!> These first couple days, I tend to have the runs in the> morning from it. What I like about it is that I feel so> bloated at night from it, I am not so tempted to eat like I> would otherwise have been. It also seems to cause a little> soreness in my knees and other joints. I wonder if that's> some of the worms have attached themselves?> > Thanks for the group support.> Pamela> > > > >

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Colon and parasite cleansing together pretty much work together at preparing

for a flush of the liver and




Re: Re: Parasite Cleanse

> I forgo:>) which should come first again after the colon cleanse. The

> parasite cleanse or a gallbladder cleanse?,thanks......Tonya



> Subscription email:

> mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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Hi Pamela,

A minister friend of ours about 3 years ago went to a place where the water

can be horrible and about 2 weeks later he lost about 50 to 100 lbs, I can't

remember off hand. Anyway, he lived about another 2 or 3 years I believe and he

had an aneurism in his chest I think. We miss him a lot because he was such a

wonderful person and I do believe that it was parasites.....Tonya

Pamela Writes:

Symptoms I had parasites: Psoriasis that never went away, intense sugar

cravings, grinding my teeth at night, and intense itchiness when I started


As far as medical attention, they no longer treat for parasites, although

years and years ago they used to. A friend of mine's husband died last month

(due to parasites, in my opinion) and

he had been seeing the doctors since October when he first started feeling

bad from eating old dried apricots. He continued to see doctors the whole

time, until he finally died, and the


If you want to get treated for parasites (or candida), avoid the doctors,

because they will talk you out of it and into antidepressants!

Just my experience...


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Christel have you done the gallbladder cleanse and do you know where she thinks that should come in?........Tonya

In a message dated 2/15/01 11:08:34 PM Central Standard Time, Christelti@... writes:

<< I think you are suppose to do the parasite before the gallbladder cleanse. Maybe someone can also shed light on that .Tonya >>

Tonya, this is correct.

Dr suggests parasite, followed by kidney and the liver cleanse last.

I have done them all.


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<< Christel have you done the gallbladder cleanse and do you know where she

thinks that should come in?........Tonya


Tonya, I answered that already but here it is again:

Parasite first, followed by kidney and liver cleanse last.

Maybe you are confused on the wording. Gallbladder cleanse is the same as

liver cleanse.

If you like I can send you the directions.


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In a message dated 2/16/01 9:33:44 AM Central Standard Time, Christelti@... writes:

Tonya, I answered that already but here it is again:

Parasite first, followed by kidney and liver cleanse last.

Maybe you are confused on the wording. Gallbladder cleanse is the same as liver cleanse.

If you like I can send you the directions.


Hi Christel, yes you can send the directions,thanks a bunch.....Tonya

P.S. Is it about the same on Dusans site?, that is a GREAT site.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

<< This is day 3 of my 1st parasite cleanse. I passed a live tiny brown worm

> today. It was a tad bit smaller than an inch worm. It was moving. I've

> been itchy ever since just thinking about it. It gives me the willies. I

> hope you don't mind me sharing. >>


Hi, Liz,

Please don't be embaressed. Like Dale said, nothing is too graphic to share.

Last week I passed what I thought might be a couple of worms, I'm not 100

percent sure though, but it looked like a worm.

There were two things in my BM. Both appeared to be about 2-3 inches long,

beige color. See, I've just using the Herbal Fiberblend and then I eat lots

of raw garlic in my foods. I load it on and sometimes juice it, too, with my

carrots and celery in the morning. Garlic can kill parasites also. But

neither one of what I thought might be worms were living.

One thing, back in '96 my family and I went to Israel and Egypt. It was a

wonderful trip, and we went for religious reasons and study reasons. Egypt I

am especially worried about getting parasites there. The conditions were not

too good. The people were very nice, just very poor conditions. Well,

everyone on the trip got sick before me in Israel. See, we all drank bottled

water, but you still get some of their water from veggies washed, etc. I got

sick after two days in Egypt. I didn't get sick in Israel. But I had the

Egyptian runs, is the only term I can say. Probably like in Mexico, although

I've never been there.

And Liz, I'm curious what you've been taking that helped you pass the

parasite. Please tell me. I must have missed your e-mail.



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