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Anaphylatic shock and allergies

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There are two things worth considering here. First, anaphylactic

shock is a severe and rapid and sometimes fatal hypersensitivity

reaction to a substance (especially a vaccine or penicillin or


or insect venom) to which the organism has become sensitized by

previous exposure. There can be several triggers for this reaction.

Peanut butter or peanuts can also be implicated here also. There is

a plethora of pesticides, fungicides in this product, a consequence

of commercial farming and cotton crop rotation. One year they

grow cotton which is heavily sprayed and the following year

the land is replaced with peanut crops which absorb everything

in the soil including being further sprayed again.

A second thing that needs to be looked at are ascaries parasites

which are definitely a cause of asthma according to Dr. s

book CURE FOR ALL DISEASES. Kill the ascaries and you

free the lungs from the curse of asthma. If you have never

passed a cluster of ascaries yet following a proper parasite

cleanse and liver cleans you will find it hard to believe otherwise.

Speaking from experience as a child plagued with asthma who

has had the adult experience of ridding the body of that damned

worm. Dr. needs to be taken serious when it comes to

asthma and allergies which are also triggered by mold and aflatoxins.

The book is still a manual for the human body and I am

fully persuaded the answers lay there. If you will only incorporate

her protocols you will find solution. Diet itself may ameliorate

the symptoms but one needs to destroy the cause.



P & J Clifton wrote:

I have been

put on a low carbohydrate diet after having three

life-threatening anaphylactic

shocks, originally thought to be due to an

unknown allergy.

After many tests, I was found

to be only mildly allergic to dust mites, but

it was found that my blood insulin

was way way too high. Diabetes was

just around the corner.

I have been on the diet for over

a year now and I lost 13 Kilos in about 20

weeks. I have been

on a plateau for a while now because I have not been

doing much exercise at all.

But I feel terrific and my asthma cough has

totally disappeared.

Whenever I eat too much bread,

potato, cereal or sugar I get a bloated sick

feeling and get hungry much

quicker than if I'd had similar (or less)

calories from protein.

I have had only two episodes of hives (which did

not develop further because

I took an anti-histamine in time) and on both

occasions I had eaten chocolate.

I thought I could have the occasional

binge, but I now seem to have

lost my taste for it.

I eat plenty of vegetables, cooked

and raw, and try to keep my fat intake

down ..... and I eat seeds and

nuts as well as eggs, cheese and meats.

It's a very satisfying diet and

I am definitely sure it is the right one for


What do other readers think?


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