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My son was not a big drooler while teething. He'd wake in the middle of

the night crying, but that was about the only thing, and he was a very

late teether.

At the regular drugstore, they have these things called " Hylands

Teething Tablets " where the orajel and other stuff for teething is.

These are homeopathic and they usually work really well for most babies.

They dissolve almost instantly in the mouth, so you can give them to the

tiniest baby.

They usually like them cuz they're sweet.

If she seems to get some relief, but it doesn't stop completely, then

she needs a higher dose of one of the remedies that's in it. (It's a

combo remedy) Email me and I will see which one of them most corresponds

with her symptoms (alot of times chamommilla is needed in a higher

potenecy.) Don't be afraid to give them to her regularly, even every 15

minutes for the first hour. You can't OD on them and they're MUCH safer

than even baby tylenol, etc. :-)

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Hi Sherron

I used the Chamomille teething remedy I got at a local health food store.

Think it is called " Chamomilla or something like that... You can use it

alot (often, same as said, like every 15 minutes if need be or double

up the doseage). They come in little tubes and you squeeze the liquid into

the babys mouth). After a while, my twins would point to it (ask for it)

and open their mouths readily for it as they knew it would bring relief!!

Mine did not drool either.


DeMaio wrote:

> From: austinsmom@... ( DeMaio)


> Sherron:


> My son was not a big drooler while teething. He'd wake in the middle of

> the night crying, but that was about the only thing, and he was a very

> late teether.


> At the regular drugstore, they have these things called " Hylands

> Teething Tablets " where the orajel and other stuff for teething is.

> These are homeopathic and they usually work really well for most babies.

> They dissolve almost instantly in the mouth, so you can give them to the

> tiniest baby.

> They usually like them cuz they're sweet.


> If she seems to get some relief, but it doesn't stop completely, then

> she needs a higher dose of one of the remedies that's in it. (It's a

> combo remedy) Email me and I will see which one of them most corresponds

> with her symptoms (alot of times chamommilla is needed in a higher

> potenecy.) Don't be afraid to give them to her regularly, even every 15

> minutes for the first hour. You can't OD on them and they're MUCH safer

> than even baby tylenol, etc. :-)




> ---------------------------

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Forgot to add....

If it's not teething and is a viral illness, don't worry. Just let the

body do what it's suppose to do and try to keep her as comfortable as


If you have a store near you that sells homeopathics, pick up one called

'Ferrum Phosphorica " it usualy comes in a 6x potency and should be given

at the first sign of any inflammatory illness. Give it, again, every 15

minutes or so. The purer her system is (not clogged with OTC drugs) the

better it will respond to homeopathics, so try to avoid the trylenol

unless she gets really uncomfortable.

(I learned this the hard way - my son's fever wasn't responding and it

was because I'd already done the tylenol thing for a couple days before

that) (Usually, during illness, they will ONLY nurse, though, and not

want solids. It usually comforts them. During teething, they usually

nurse less because the sucking creates added pessure and hurts, so if

she latches on and then pulls off and cries, it's probably teething)

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One more thing, if your intuition is telling you it's NOT serious, the

doc isn't going to do anything for a virus either. YOU know your baby

best and will " just know " if something is very wrong. Try to listen to

that and not get too paranoid :-) (I know it's SO hard with your first,

though) Remember, she's probably healthier against serious illnesses

than all her peers because she's unvaxed.

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In a message dated 8/30/99 10:01:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

austinsmom@... writes:

<< Forgot to add....

If it's not teething and is a viral illness, don't worry. Just let the

body do what it's suppose to do and try to keep her as comfortable as



I went through teething and/or a viral illness beginning at 11 weeks of

age.She had crying,loose stool,drooling,temp btw. 99-100.3,had a fit when I

tried to nurse her(screaming/back arching)I paniced because I was afraid she

would dehydrate so I took her to the ER.The said it was probably viral.Said

she wasn't dehydrated.They called my ped. who said he wanted blood work.I

refused and went home.For the next few days I think I suffered more than

her.I gave a little pedialyte throught a syringe btw. feedings.It was

sometime during this that I decided to try the hyland tablets.They helped a

great deal in calming her enough to eat.I did not continue to obsess over her

temp.She got through it just fine w/o a visit to the ped. anytime later.My dd

also likes to suck on a washcloth dripping with cold bottled water.


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Sounds like it could be teething. My daughter never did drool with teething

and now my 10 week old son is drolling like crazy and teething. I got some

homeopathic teething salts that my homeopath recommended. They seem to calm

my son and help. My daughter ran a low grade fever while teething a few

times. If it is a low grade fever I wouldn't worry.

List Owner


Hello, I have a question and I am asking this group because I am not

vaccinating my eight month old girl. She has been acting up the past few

days. She ran fever Thurs. and Fri. nights. But, not for long. She has

been crying, cranky, she doesn't know what she wants, not nursing well and

seems like she is nursing all the time. But, NO DROOLING. I am asking

ya'll because this is the first time she has been sick and my mind keeps

telling me that maybe she has something because I didn't vaccinate her. I

am very concerned this is so out of character for her. She is normally so

happy and content. This is my question. Everything I have read about

teething it says that they usually drool a lot. She's not drooling at all.

So, it makes me think it is something elsa. I will take her to the doctor

if I have to but, would rather not. I don't want to be hassled because she

hasn't had her shots. Has anyone elsa heard of a baby teething and not

drooling? If you think it is teething any advice on how to help her through

this? Thanks so much in advance. Sherron in New Orleans.


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  • 7 months later...
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Our son, , who also has achondroplasia, did not cut his first tooth

until he was 15 months old. Then he cut 6 teeth in 3 days and this threw

him into seizures. It took a month to get his seizures under control,

again. I was told that babies cut their first teeth between ages 6 months

and 2 years. When they cut their teeth is dependent on when their parents

cut their teeth. Don't worry about it for a few more months. I personally

have never heard of anyone who didn't get their baby teeth.

At the district conference held in Austin, Texas in October of 1998, a

dentist who had some experience with achondroplasia came and talk to the

parents. He basically said that some achons could have overcrowded teeth,

which would require intervention by a dentist, if you child's teeth are

really close together (can't see any space between the teeth) then the

sooner you take them to the dentist the less painful and less expensive it

will be to fix the problem. He went on to say that his advice applied to

all children not just to children with achondroplasia.


> Hi Everyone,


> I was concerned about this a while back, but since still nothing has

happened I was wondering everyone's thoughts.


> As most of you are aware, my son Evan is 13 months old. He has still

yet to cut any teeth. Has anyone experienced this with Achondroplasts? Is

this even a problem related to him being a little person. I have read about

the small facial features and this will cause Achons to have problems with

their teeth and was wondering if this is something to concern myself with?

I can see the top fang teeth, but no other teeth showing. My pediatrician

says he doesn't know, and for some reason since Evan had the decompression

surgery our genetic Doc doesn't want to see Evan. Which is a whole other

issue. So, I have no one else to ask.


> Any info would be helpful,


> Thanks,





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  • 1 year later...

Poor baby!

Hyland teething tablets might work. Also a homeopathic tablet that has

belladonna, chamomilla in it (called LeBrocks's " teething " ). Or you

can get the ones with just chamomile. What my dd loved was when I got a damp

cloth (damp with water or chamomile tea) and freeze it. She would just chew

and chew on it. Or you can put a piece of ice in a cloth and tie it off.

Don't use the oragel stuff. It can make the gums tuff and actually make it

hurt worse once the numbness wears off.

SAH-AP mom to Skyler (2/4/99) and

my home/water birth baby Sylvia Marie (7-16-01)

wife to (6/14/97)



" Whoso would be a man, must be a non-

conformist. He who would gather immortal

palms must not be hindered by the name of

goodness, but must explore if it be goodness.

Nothing is at least sacred but the integrity

of your own mind... "

Ralph Waldo Emerson " Self Reliance " 1844




> teething help!!!!! she is so fussy not sleeping etc any suggestions

> Amy

> ohio



> Chelsea 9

> Carrigian 5

> 4

> Chaela 7 mo

> <A

HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/chevy974/myhomepagebaby.html " >the hasktt





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, Amy!

I used acetaminophen suppositories (125 mg.) for my kids when they were teething

and couldn't sleep. Worked like a charm. Don't buy the Feverex as it is very

expensive. I bought the generic suppositories from Walgreen's, which they keep

behind the counter in the pharmacy, so you have to ask for them. For infants,

the lowest dose is the 125 mg. suppositories. I would pop one in just before

sleep, and then if they woke during the night, just move the diaper over a

little and pop one in! That way you don't have to rouse them to change their

diaper, and you might actually get right back to sleep!


teething help!!!!! she is so fussy not sleeping etc any suggestions





Chelsea 9

Carrigian 5


Chaela 7 mo


HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/chevy974/myhomepagebaby.html " >the hasktt bunch</A>

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At 08:48 PM 9/24/01 -0400, you wrote:

>teething help!!!!! she is so fussy not sleeping etc any suggestions





> Chelsea 9

> Carrigian 5

> 4

> Chaela 7 mo

Homeopathy does wonders. If nothing pleases her but being held, rocked etc

and she is extremely fussy then Chamomilla 30c would do wonders for

her. Or if her symptoms differ then another remedy would suit her

better. If you don't have access to a health food store to pick it

up....Walmart carries Hylands homeopathic Teething Tablets which have

Chamomilla, Belladonna and a few other remedies in low potency

combination. These would need to be repeated more often than the higher

potency single remedy but will help in a pinch!

I would avoid any topical " numbing " gel because if swallowed it can inhibit

breathing. Personally I have never used tylenol or other over the counter

pain relievers for either of my children for teething.

, proud SAHmama of n 2/12/99

and nursling Hannah Rae, born 2/12/01

loving & devoted wife to !

attachment / instinctive parenting, wholistic minded happy family!





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We used Propolis Throat Spray...has a clove flavor and the extra propolis is an

added benefit! All of my kids love it and sometimes pretend they have a sore

throat so they can get it if another sibling is being sprayed...and sometimes

they younger ones will go to the cupboard and point and whine for it! Laurie

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  • 2 months later...

, it is amazing, eh!. i have used the boiron teething remedies (not

classical cause there are a bunch of them mixed up) but camomilia is int them

and ive never had to use tylenol except once right at the beginning. my

daughter has 10 teeth including 2 molars. no problem with the Homeopathic



In a message dated 12/19/2001 4:49:26 PM Central Standard Time,

mives@... writes:

> Subj: Teething

> Date:12/19/2001 4:49:26 PM Central Standard Time

> From:<A HREF= " mailto:mives@... " >mives@...</A>

> Reply-to:<A

HREF= " mailto:Vaccinations " >Vaccinations </A>

> To:<A

HREF= " mailto:vaccinations " >vaccinations </A>

> Sent from the Internet




> Well, I just had to report to you guys that I am SOLD on homeopathics!

> I've read a lot about it over the years, tried a couple of things on my dog

> and horse (but they were both very difficult, chronic cases) with no luck.

> However, ds has been very whiney lately, and seems to be teething. He

> appears to be in intense pain (arches back, screams while biting down hard

> on fists, drooling like crazy, inconsolable). Well, in desparation last

> night I grabbed my childrens homeopathic kit, and pulled out the Chamomila

> 30c. Gave him 1 pillule, and within literally 1 minute he settled right

> down. He was good for aboutg 15 minutes, started to get cranky again. I

> gave him another, and he passed out for the night.


> He started the same thing again this morning around 10:30 or so, so I gave

> him another pillule, and he settled down in about 10 minutes, and again

> this afternoon. No Tylenol! Yeah!!!!!!



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  • 6 years later...

Hi.My son went through the same thing.He constantly chewed/sucked on his thumb

and pulled on his ears.We just let it ride without meds.We did use a natural

teething gell on the really bad days.at about 4.5 months he got a runny nose and

a slight fever.We boiled up some chicken and gave him the broth,no seasoning,

and he loved it.The fever broke and the drippy nose started to go away.2 weeks

later his first tooth broke.A week later another broke.He kept fussn for another

2 weeks and his gums were swollen but then it stopped.He is now 6 months and a

week and all is good.It will pass.My son loves the fresh air when he is fussy.If

it is cold I just bundle him up and cover his ears.The sun is good too because

it give us vitamin D.It really calms him down and helps him sleep night or

day.Every one I've met has older babies and they still don't have their teeth in

but I've heard of babies getting them this early on Answers.I bet she cuts

her first tooth in about 2-3

weeks.Good luck.Lori-love that baby brendon

Trish Chapman <twotheark@...> wrote: Hi all,

I am wondering how do you tell if a baby is teething? Olivia is 4 months

old and is chewing on her fingers and is very cranky. She kept me up until

6am the other night. My other 2 kids didn't get teeth until pretty late -

close to a year, so I don't expect Olivia to get teeth any time soon. But,

I read online that teething issues can start months before the teeth errupt.

I have given her a few doses of belladona that worked really well but am

wondering how often to dose her and can I keep doing that for months.




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Hi Trish,

I have heard that babies will start to feel the teeth coming in sometimes a

month early. One of my friends' daughter had her first two teeth at 4 months.

I have been giving my son Hylands homeopathic teething tablets. It contains

caicarea phosphorica, chamomilla, coffee cruda, and belladonna. You can give up

to 2 every hour for 6 doses. It really seems to help him with fussiness.

Since your baby is 4 months, you can dissolve it in breastmilk/formula and give

it to her. If you put it in her mouth directly, these tablets do dissolve

rather quickly.


Hi all,

I am wondering how do you tell if a baby is teething? Olivia is 4 months

old and is chewing on her fingers and is very cranky. She kept me up until

6am the other night. My other 2 kids didn't get teeth until pretty late -

close to a year, so I don't expect Olivia to get teeth any time soon. But,

I read online that teething issues can start months before the teeth errupt.

I have given her a few doses of belladona that worked really well but am

wondering how often to dose her and can I keep doing that for months.





Be a better friend, newshound, and

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At 10:25 AM 1/17/2008 -0800, you wrote:

>how about chamomille?


Only if it fit the symptom picture - there are many remedies



Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

Voicemail US 530-740-0561

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm or


Vaccine Dangers On-Line courses - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccineclass.htm

Reality of the Diseases & Treatment -


Homeopathy On-Line courses - http://www.wellwithin1.com/homeo.htm

NEXT CLASSES start by email January 9 & 10

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