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Re: Digest Number 1292

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Hi all!

I think candle day sounds great. Let me know Monday or Tuesday. Very down

today. It's a beautiful fall day and I just watched my husband and two

children bike away from the house. (Something we all used to do together!)

But the pain in the knees is making it impossible. Started to lose it in

front of my 3 year old son who wrapped his arms around me and asked if I was

OK. Boy did I feel terrible. My 3 yr old son comforting me!!

Hope you are all doing better than I today. I think I will take my book out

in the backyard and try to enjoy the sunshine.

Have a great weekend!


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  • 1 year later...

Hey people!

Just read my first " digest " from you all, I feel at home already! I have been

focussing so much on my eating disorder and just accept that my pa is there

as I've had it since childhood, that I have never really thought of getting

support before, because basically there wasn't any round here!

Its good to see a mother coming to a group like this when her daughter has it

- (am I right about that?) - I wish my mother could have had that sort of

support and insight, I know she finds it hard to know how to deal with it.

The big thing I wanted to say when I was younger was LISTEN - to people who

have it, to me (the doctors always talked to my mum over my head!) - to the

emotional and psychological stuff that goes with being a " different " kid -

and it sounds like you're doing that.

Thanks, Shirley for the welcome! I'm sure you'll hear more from me!

love RUTH : )

PS. MY TWO CENTS ON WEATHER.....well, I live in England, so it changes every

five minutes!!!! But generally I am better in moderate heat and a bit worse

when its really rainy and windy. But my pet hate is snow - not cos it gets

worse but I'm paranoid about slipping up! But generally I think stress and

emotional stuff have more effect on me.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 11 months later...
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My daughter is 2.7 and was diagnosed with oral motor apraxia in Jan. this year

by our neurologist. She has been in speech therapy since last August, however.

From what I have learned from both my private SLP and also my early intervention

SLP is that play skills/imitation is the foundation for speech. So that does not

mean your child's apraxia is not being addressed. From what I've seen with my

daughter over the last 6 months is that as her play skills are maturing, she is

starting to learn about turn taking and how to play in a more complex way. I do

agree it is important that your SLP does treat children with apraxia so she

knows how to help them. Of course one on one therapy, several times a week is


I can even give you some examples of the communication goals my private SLP has

for my daughter so you can get an idea of how she is trying to get my daughter

to start vocalizing/verbablizing more. And my daughter is at what I call the

very basic level of just starting to make sounds. She never cooed, babbled or

did the typical speech production. I have seen a lot of progress in 6 months and

now understand how important imitation is. Here's some examples of her goals:

-- Reciprocal play behavior will increase, awareness of other's play, interest

in play, imitation of play, this can be initiated by child or adult, but

interaction should go back and forth.

-- Guestural development, use of guestures, signing, pointing, fingerplays,

initially as a means of communication, but always paired with

vocalization/verbalization so that the end goal is verbal communication.

-- Pointing to body parts on command

-- Responsiveness to directives, following directions

In regards to the guestures/signs, that has been a big help, my daughter has a

handful of signs and there is a really good video someone told me about called

" Signing Time " (www.signingtime.com)When I got it I really didn't think it would

be such a help and that she would catch on and she has. She loves the video and

tries now to imitate every sign. And has started using them on her own without

me even prompting her.

Good luck on finding the right therapist. Hope this was of help.

Jerre - mom to , 2.7 months, oral motor apraxia and hypotonia

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  • 11 months later...
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I have been a lurker only up to this point. The latest discussion

about muscle has me a bit perplexed. Is the eventual goal of CRON

to be as thin as possible, or as healthy as possible? Why does

muscle have to be given up?

I used to work with a guy that was living Pritikin. He was pretty

darned thin. My daughter in high school could beat his ass if

it came down to it. I am in Law Enforcement, and if I get as thin

as possible, giving up muscle, I would fare poorly on the job.

Just some comments.

Don White

Seguin, Tx

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I reasoned it this way. If you add weight, your body will add bone mass and muscle to carry the weight. If you then lose weight at the same rates, you will lose some muscle, some bone and some fat. there is at least one study that supports that.


Overweight is overweight, muscle or fat.

No doubt there is some safety in weight.

But I wouldn't tangle with a 130# Texas law enforcement woman.


----- Original Message -----

From: Don White

Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 11:43 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Digest Number 1292

I have been a lurker only up to this point. The latest discussionabout muscle has me a bit perplexed. Is the eventual goal of CRONto be as thin as possible, or as healthy as possible? Why doesmuscle have to be given up?I used to work with a guy that was living Pritikin. He was prettydarned thin. My daughter in high school could beat his ass ifit came down to it. I am in Law Enforcement, and if I get as thinas possible, giving up muscle, I would fare poorly on the job.Just some comments.Don WhiteSeguin, Tx

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This topic has been discussed quite extensively on the CR Society email

discussion list also. The basic outcome is the following:

1. If the point of CR is life extension (extending one's potential lifespan

beyond that normally acheived by the population), then caloric intake is

key- the lowest one can " stand. " It appears there is a linear inverse

correlation between calories ingested and lifespan extension.

2. Lower caloric intake, beyond a certain point, may (and probably will)

result in decreased body mass, including muscle mass.

3. One must make one's own determination of what is acceptable in terms of

quality of life (which may be affected by low body and muscle mass) vs.

lowest " possible " caloric intake.

4. Many people decide upon a compromise: some reduction in caloric intake

with optimal nutrition for optimal health, and, hopefully, lifespan

extension. Others choose a more radical diet with more severe


>From: Don White <white69@...>



>Subject: Re: [ ] Digest Number 1292

>Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 11:43:28 -0500


>I have been a lurker only up to this point. The latest discussion

>about muscle has me a bit perplexed. Is the eventual goal of CRON

>to be as thin as possible, or as healthy as possible? Why does

>muscle have to be given up?


>I used to work with a guy that was living Pritikin. He was pretty

>darned thin. My daughter in high school could beat his ass if

>it came down to it. I am in Law Enforcement, and if I get as thin

>as possible, giving up muscle, I would fare poorly on the job.


>Just some comments.


>Don White

>Seguin, Tx


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Hi Don:

Another way of looking at it ............... different people

have different priorities. Those who aspire to become famous sumo

wrestlers would probably not choose CRON.

Others choose to do whatever they can to gain excellent health and

the longest possible active lifespan. They would certainly be well

advised to choose CRON because the evidence is quite persuasive that

it provides the best (as far as science knows currently) chance of

achieving that goal.

There are all kinds of shades of grey in between. None of them is

right or wrong. We are all entitled to, indeed must, make our own


But if the CRON route is selected, then calories will be restricted.

And those who restrict calories will inevitably lose weight. Fat,

and muscle and bone. From the scanty data I have seen it appears

that sizeable amounts of each are lost in this pursuit of a long and

healthy life. That appears to be the way it is.

If you are hoping there is a way to maintain substantial muscle and

bone structure while dropping body fat alone to low levels, you may

be disappointed. But if you, or anyone else, finds a way to do that

this place will be one of the first where that information will be


On the bright side, there seems to be a dose-response effect in

CRON. Ten percent caloric restriction will provide far better health

than ten percent excess. Twenty percent restriction better than

ten. I don't think anyone knows what the maximum health/lifespan

degree of restriction is. And very likely it varies among

individuals. But if you wish you can tailor CRON to your own

preferences, by choosing the degree of restriction that best suits



> I have been a lurker only up to this point. The latest discussion

> about muscle has me a bit perplexed. Is the eventual goal of CRON

> to be as thin as possible, or as healthy as possible? Why does

> muscle have to be given up?


> I used to work with a guy that was living Pritikin. He was pretty

> darned thin. My daughter in high school could beat his ass if

> it came down to it. I am in Law Enforcement, and if I get as thin

> as possible, giving up muscle, I would fare poorly on the job.


> Just some comments.


> Don White

> Seguin, Tx

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What's going on with CRON? Is the CR component absolutely necessary?

Is CRON effective because it positively effects


Heart rate

Insulin sensitivity

Blood lipid levels

Is it because CRON slows metabolism and hence free radical damage absolutely?

Does CRON slow cellular turnover so that one’s telomeres are conserved?

(What did I leave out?)

Is it the cumulative effect of improving all these makers and states or is it

one effect (not listed, maybe something genetic???) that makes the BIG

difference? Does the CR state produces some protein(s) or hormone(s) that

protects cells or repair damaged DNA? Are the effects just effects or are they

causal in extending life expectancy?

There are alternative methods to produce some of the same results.

You can positively affect your blood pressure, heart health, with regular


You can saturate your system with anti-oxidants supplements and provide

non-rating limit amounts of other essential fats and nutrients.

You can eliminate high glycemic and insulimic carbohydrates from your diet.

You can meditate and pattern your responses to stress to reduce your cortisol


If you take enough of these measures sans CR can you be buff and still eat your

cake too (increase life expectancy or just square the curve)?

What is the mechanism that CR works on and is there an alternative?


>That appears to be the way it is.


> If you are hoping there is a way to maintain substantial muscle and


> bone structure while dropping body fat alone to low levels, you may


> be disappointed.  But if you, or anyone else, finds a way to do that


> this place will be one of the first where that information will be


> dislosed.


This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi all, I have had the same

experience as . With one young boy who was getting no feedback at all, I kept making the threshold looser and looser until I was at 90% or 90%. Believe it or not, the bandwidth we were trying to inhibit began dropping way down. After that I experimented with other kids and found the same thing. Perhaps, "relaxing" the response helps or just getting a lot of feedback. Jane I

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello and thanks for the post regarding onset OCD and early puberty. My son is 11 and he is having EXACTLY the same issues with OCD. His appears to be seasonal and started in 2004 on 10/30 and in 2005 on 11/4. His obsessive issues lasted until approx late February. My neuro thought perhaps it has to do with a seasonal affective issue and seratonin levels. His behavior is extreme - but note that his OCD outbursts seem always to coincide to a DRAMATIC increase in expressive speech and higher cognitive function. My son wrote me yesterday (after many repetitive GUTTERAL SENTENCES) "these are 's words" - we did communicate - but I wonder if he can understand me and if I can understand him. His repetitive language outbursts and demands for us to "draw a...................." (what ever it is) are challenging and if he does not have the word written as he wants it - phonetically - he becomes unhinged and frustrated. Then he hits and bangs the walls and eventually cries. These episodes go on for approx 1 hour then they stop. We have taken a behavioral approach and tell him "go to your room until you can control your behavior" - and this has worked for the last several days. He is very bright and has a good command of language and written words. I gave him a dictionary and thesaurus and maybe this was a mistake - he seems to have memorized the dictionary because when he gives me a word that I spell incorrectly he says "that's not a word" - he is glued to words and their meanings - he has also (spontaneously) become quite a good artist trying to get his thoughts across. I thought about a communication device at this point but his speech and language therapist thinks it would be a mistake...???

My neuro started him on Luvox - over 1 month we will bring to 100 mg per day. I am NO fan of medication but she stated she feels he has co-morbid OCD. I'm not real comfortable with this and I fear ANY ssri.

Any thoughts or information you can share will be appreciated more than you know!!!!

Peggy NJ

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Thanks to all who posted on the OCD issues. Although my son has always had issues with OCD and anxiety the last year has been horrible. I just started JT on Luvox also, 50 mg. so far I havent seen anything, but I know its only been a week. I called his doctor today to see about increasing it but he wants me to wait. Although I think he will need more, because I just think its not enough.

It's nice to know that I am not the only one dealing with this, although I know that I am not, sometimes I feel like I am and so thank you for sharing your stories, because it really helps me to realize I have other people that I can talk to about this and get helpful advice.

So thanks to you all.


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Hi Peggy: Although I don't have answers for you, as

I'm trying to figure this out myself, it's nice to

know that I'm not the only one going through this!

Zak is 10 1/2 and he just started this as I stated in

a previous email post. I find it interesting that you

take your son to a neurologist. How did you get

started taking him there as opposed to a psychiatrist?

I am not a big fan of medication either, but as I was

finding out....doing it on my own was not working, and

I wanted to help zak. I believe that the seasons have

something to do with it as we live in Iowa and winter

time does tend to get dreary. Zak is completely

nonveral, so we have to use a communication device.

At least your son talks to you, or can at least

express some of his wants or what he's feeling.

That's a good thing?

Zak just started Risperdal, but only .25 two times a

day. Very small dose. We shall see if it works.

Hang in there, and let me know how your son does on

the medication they put him on. Live and Learn,

that's all we can do!


--- NON40@... wrote:

> Hello and thanks for the post regarding onset OCD

> and early puberty. My son

> is 11 and he is having EXACTLY the same

> issues with OCD. His appears

> to be seasonal and started in 2004 on 10/30 and in

> 2005 on 11/4. His

> obsessive issues lasted until approx late February.

> My neuro thought perhaps it

> has to do with a seasonal affective issue and

> seratonin levels. His behavior

> is extreme - but note that his OCD outbursts seem

> always to coincide to a

> DRAMATIC increase in expressive speech and higher

> cognitive function. My son

> wrote me yesterday (after many repetitive GUTTERAL

> SENTENCES) " these are Jos

> hua's words " - we did communicate - but I wonder if

> he can understand me and if

> I can understand him. His repetitive language

> outbursts and demands for us

> to " draw a.................... " (what ever it is)

> are challenging and if he

> does not have the word written as he wants it -

> phonetically - he becomes

> unhinged and frustrated. Then he hits and bangs the

> walls and eventually cries.

> These episodes go on for approx 1 hour then they

> stop. We have taken a

> behavioral approach and tell him " go to your room

> until you can control your

> behavior " - and this has worked for the last

> several days. He is very bright and

> has a good command of language and written words.

> I gave him a dictionary and

> thesaurus and maybe this was a mistake - he seems

> to have memorized the

> dictionary because when he gives me a word that I

> spell incorrectly he says

> " that's not a word " - he is glued to words and

> their meanings - he has also

> (spontaneously) become quite a good artist trying

> to get his thoughts across. I

> thought about a communication device at this point

> but his speech and language

> therapist thinks it would be a mistake...???


> My neuro started him on Luvox - over 1 month we will

> bring to 100 mg per

> day. I am NO fan of medication but she stated she

> feels he has co-morbid OCD.

> I'm not real comfortable with this and I fear ANY

> ssri.


> Any thoughts or information you can share will be

> appreciated more than you

> know!!!!


> Peggy NJ



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Hi, My son 10 years old, starts ith 0.25 mg. LUVOX

also and tomorrow will be 02 weeks, the Dr. wants to

chek him every Friday, and probably tomorrow will

increase the dosis. I will let know. I would to share

with the group this matter, one of my son's behaviors

is rewinding, videos, DVD, CD, his interest is just

logos when he see movies. I tried everything for him

but nothing work, soccer, beisbol, karate, etc.

Also, please can you in what Whole Foods, you will

meet tonight, maybe Ridgewood, NJ. Please let me know.

--- TheTownz@... wrote:

> Hi,


> Thanks to all who posted on the OCD issues.

> Although my son has always had

> issues with OCD and anxiety the last year has been

> horrible. I just started

> JT on Luvox also, 50 mg. so far I havent seen

> anything, but I know its only

> been a week. I called his doctor today to see

> about increasing it but he

> wants me to wait. Although I think he will need

> more, because I just think its

> not enough.


> It's nice to know that I am not the only one dealing

> with this, although I

> know that I am not, sometimes I feel like I am and

> so thank you for sharing

> your stories, because it really helps me to realize

> I have other people that I

> can talk to about this and get helpful advice.


> So thanks to you all.


> Harlie



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Hi, My son 10 years old, starts ith 0.25 mg. LUVOX

also and tomorrow will be 02 weeks, the Dr. wants to

chek him every Friday, and probably tomorrow will

increase the dosis. I will let know. I would to share

with the group this matter, one of my son's behaviors

is rewinding, videos, DVD, CD, his interest is just

logos when he see movies. I tried everything for him

but nothing work, soccer, beisbol, karate, etc.

Also, please can you in what Whole Foods, you will

meet tonight, maybe Ridgewood, NJ. Please let me know.

--- TheTownz@... wrote:

> Hi,


> Thanks to all who posted on the OCD issues.

> Although my son has always had

> issues with OCD and anxiety the last year has been

> horrible. I just started

> JT on Luvox also, 50 mg. so far I havent seen

> anything, but I know its only

> been a week. I called his doctor today to see

> about increasing it but he

> wants me to wait. Although I think he will need

> more, because I just think its

> not enough.


> It's nice to know that I am not the only one dealing

> with this, although I

> know that I am not, sometimes I feel like I am and

> so thank you for sharing

> your stories, because it really helps me to realize

> I have other people that I

> can talk to about this and get helpful advice.


> So thanks to you all.


> Harlie



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just sharing.

my son also did...

but our experience, there will be change, as soon as our son find

another kind of object attracted for him.

For exp.: previously, he was crazy about F1 Racing..(he loved the logo

of ferarri)...

He would put all his attention, power whenever logo of ferarri appear.

Sometimes, he would sleep with holding my cell phone just because the

phone had ferrari logo as wallpaper.

So I prepare as many ferarri logo on his room. Posters, banners etc.

Even bought him a t-shirt.

At present he change to get obsessed with Malboro's logo.


>Hi, My son 10 years old, starts ith 0.25 mg. LUVOX

>also and tomorrow will be 02 weeks, the Dr. wants to

>chek him every Friday, and probably tomorrow will

>increase the dosis. I will let know. I would to share

>with the group this matter, one of my son's behaviors

>is rewinding, videos, DVD, CD, his interest is just

>logos when he see movies. I tried everything for him

>but nothing work, soccer, beisbol, karate, etc.


>Also, please can you in what Whole Foods, you will

>meet tonight, maybe Ridgewood, NJ. Please let me know.






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Hello: My son too loves to rewine videos, and is obsessed with logos such ones on certain commercials, or even the sign we see everyday when we are driving such as: walmart, target, lowes, home depot,etc. I have come to the conclusion, after months of this that maybe he'll grow out of it! Any ideas anyone? Jodi WEBB CARMEN <cgarcia262001@...> wrote: Hi, My son 10 years old, starts ith 0.25 mg. LUVOXalso and tomorrow will be 02 weeks, the Dr. wants tochek him every Friday, and probably tomorrow willincrease the dosis. I will let know. I would to sharewith the group this matter, one of my son's behaviors is rewinding, videos, DVD, CD, his interest is

justlogos when he see movies. I tried everything for himbut nothing work, soccer, beisbol, karate, etc. Also, please can you in what Whole Foods, you willmeet tonight, maybe Ridgewood, NJ. Please let me know.--- TheTownz@... wrote:> Hi,> > Thanks to all who posted on the OCD issues. > Although my son has always had > issues with OCD and anxiety the last year has been> horrible. I just started > JT on Luvox also, 50 mg. so far I havent seen> anything, but I know its only > been a week. I called his doctor today to see > about increasing it but he > wants me to wait. Although I think he will need > more, because I just think its > not enough.> > It's nice to know that I am not the only one dealing> with this, although I > know that I am not, sometimes I feel like I am

and> so thank you for sharing > your stories, because it really helps me to realize> I have other people that I > can talk to about this and get helpful advice.> > So thanks to you all.> > Harlie> __________________________________________________

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I would like to share with group what happened during my visit with my son to the Dr.'s Office. The thing is that my son will get more hyper with Luvox 0.25.mg. and Dr. told me that the medication is not working. She would like to change the medication for Risperdal, but has some side effects in the long term. Somebody has experience with this medication, please can you give me some ideas?. Thank you,


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I am really worried about my son's behaviors, his rewind compulsion, keep him back in the School, hopefully he is learning, but is left behind for the behaviors he has, is the same in the School. I spoke with other parents in the School, and some of them told me that their children had the same behavior but they stop by themselves. Most of the children in his class, with 10 years old, now are going for mainstreaming. Do you think that he will get better when he will be older?. I feel really bad about to give him any medication, for this reason I told to the Dr. that I will think about Risperdal. Thank you for sharing with then I do not feel alone.


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Hi Carmen: We just started our 10 year old son on

Risperdol 9 days ago. We have seen some improvement

at school with him being able to focus better and not

having the obsessive compulsive behaviors, but there

were 2 days that in the morning it seemed as if it

wasn't working and he got very agitated, obsessive,

etc. We have a 2 week follow up appt with the

psychiatrist this coming friday. He started him on

very small dose, .25. Maybe he will decide to up the

dose a little bit, but I think it is helping zak. The

side effect they mentioned was an increase in appetite

and maybe drowsiness, which wasn't too bad. You

mentioned mainstreaming at school and being worried

about it....I would let your son go at his own pace

and not be too concerned about what the other kids are

doing..just a thought. Every autistic child is

different, so maybe he will be ready to mainstream at

a later time. Let me know how he does on Risperdol,

if you decide to do it.


--- CGARCIA1218@... wrote:

> I would like to share with group what happened

> during my visit with my son

> to the Dr.'s Office. The thing is that my son will

> get more hyper with Luvox

> 0.25.mg. and Dr. told me that the medication is not

> working. She would like to

> change the medication for Risperdal, but has some

> side effects in the long

> term. Somebody has experience with this medication,

> please can you give me some

> ideas?. Thank you,

> Carmen



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Hi, thank so much for your advise. I really

appreciated. I decide to take my son to the Institute

Children Developmental in Hackensack NJ, I will call

for the appointment, I will let you know. Carmen

--- J Hofer <bluejay9595@...> wrote:

> Hi Carmen: We just started our 10 year old son on

> Risperdol 9 days ago. We have seen some improvement

> at school with him being able to focus better and

> not

> having the obsessive compulsive behaviors, but there

> were 2 days that in the morning it seemed as if it

> wasn't working and he got very agitated, obsessive,

> etc. We have a 2 week follow up appt with the

> psychiatrist this coming friday. He started him on

> very small dose, .25. Maybe he will decide to up

> the

> dose a little bit, but I think it is helping zak.

> The

> side effect they mentioned was an increase in

> appetite

> and maybe drowsiness, which wasn't too bad. You

> mentioned mainstreaming at school and being worried

> about it....I would let your son go at his own pace

> and not be too concerned about what the other kids

> are

> doing..just a thought. Every autistic child is

> different, so maybe he will be ready to mainstream

> at

> a later time. Let me know how he does on Risperdol,

> if you decide to do it.


> Jodi






> --- CGARCIA1218@... wrote:


> > I would like to share with group what happened

> > during my visit with my son

> > to the Dr.'s Office. The thing is that my son will

> > get more hyper with Luvox

> > 0.25.mg. and Dr. told me that the medication is

> not

> > working. She would like to

> > change the medication for Risperdal, but has some

> > side effects in the long

> > term. Somebody has experience with this

> medication,

> > please can you give me some

> > ideas?. Thank you,

> > Carmen

> >



> __________________________________________________


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

I got my (on-line) application in by 11 something pm.

I passed the Virginia Board of Pharmacy Technician

Certification Exam on 10May06, so I can work in almost

every Pharmacy in Virginia, but I will still feel

better trained if I can pass the PTCB also. Wish me


I attended a 6-week cram session (12 meetings

including exam night), textbooks by Perspective Press,

Morton Publishing, APA's basic Pharmacy and

Pharmacology Series, The Pharmacy Technician, 2nd Ed.,

provided by the local Community College. Not

inexpensive, but very solid, and instructed by the

Pharmacy Assistant Dirctor of the local Level 1 Trauma

Center (the only Top 100 HSS in Virginia), and an

aquaintence of mine from when I worked with her 19

years ago.

Certification was not required back then, so I had not

taken the training before I moved on from that

Technician position. During the interim I worked as a

Research Laboratory Specialist in basic health

sciences, including animal studies, pharmaceutical

R & D, RX manufacturing, obtained a Computer Programming

Associate Degree, was certified as a Radiation Safety

Specialist while at a basic pharmaceutical R & D firm,

and several other odd jobs (rarely one job at a time).

I'd like to think that I have a broad skill set to

offer my prospective employer.

Indeed, the company I have applied to is larger that

Microsoft and Coca-Cola. You might not have to

research for very long to figure that one out?

Anyway, I'm not on board yet, but I'm hopeful. Wish

me luck and great success!

L Mangione, Jr., CPhT (when the paperwork

comes back)



Message 11

From: " Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS Chemistry "


Date: Fri May 26, 2006 3:46pm(PDT)

Subject: PTCB applications deadline 12 MIDNIGHT


" " There are only " a few hours " left to submit

applications for the July 2006 administration of the

Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination. The

application receipt deadline is TODAY Friday, May


Applications should be submitted online at

www.ptcb.org/. Given that paper applications must be

received by the deadline, applying online is the

quickest and most dependable way to ensure

applications for the exam are received on time.

Applications entered online will be accepted until

midnight, Eastern Time, Friday, May 26, 2006.

Please pass this information on to any pharmacy

technicians who are interested in sitting for the July

22, 2006 PTCE. Thank you for your support.

The PTCB Staff " "

Rick Mangione




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