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Re: Re: Asthma (2)

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I'm just reposting my prior email. I see the formatting was stripped, so

it's hard to read. Maybe this one will be easier to read....?


Hi all. Let us through our 2 cents in on the asthma condition. Nina was

chronically asthmatic for 25 years. She’s had several near death attacks

that landed her in the emergency room. (we have over $30,000 in emergency

hospital stays.) She is NOW asthma free and hasn’t even used an inhaler in

over 10 years. (in no particular order)

Asthma is tricky, because the causes can by MANY. It can be one, or

several, factors combined. (parasites, bacteria, food allergies, airborne

allergies, etc… all which contribute to chronic inflammation)

Below are some of the notes we’ve gathered over the years, regarding



Dr of course talks a lot about parasites (and the bacteria they can

carry). With asthma, she talks about round worm, toxocara, and ascaris

eggs in the lungs. We are firm believers that ANY healing protocol START

with the parasite cleanses. Do the 18 day cleanse, then STAY on the

maintenance for a few months at least.


Zapping is the great immune system supporter. Regardless of the actual

cause, zapping helps the immune system stay stong(er).

Some of our people have success with a “Rife Machine†also. (Interesting

to note that many of the “asthma settings†on these devices target the

above mentioned parasites.)




This may seem obvious, but many never have their homes tested for airborne

allergins. MOLD, in particular. (When we moved away from our first

home, Nina’s daily asthma symptoms improved dramatically.) Her doctor felt


was from a chemical used in fabric softeners. ( I can’t remember the name)

Our laundry was in the basement, next to the heater vents… so all the dust

and chemicals from the basement was being pushed through the vents to the

rest of the house.)

Also consider ragweed, pollen, and any other local plant.

Identify and eliminate FOOD allergens like fish, shellfish, eggs, nuts,

wheat and chocolate.

Get a comprehensive allergy test!

Dietary Recommendations

Eliminate food additives, dyes and preservatives!

Eliminate mucus-forming foods like dairy, refined (white flour) and sugar.

Nutrient Recommendations

Magnesium relaxes smooth muscles, encourages airway dilation. Good

sources of magnesium are (starting with best) beet greens, spinach, parsley,

dandelion greens, blackberries, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, carrots and


Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Helps with sensitivities to food additives called

sulfites. Best sources of B12 are soy, tofu, poultry, fish and betaines


Vitamin C causes immediate decrease in airway constriction. Kale,

parsley, broccoli, brussel sprouts, watercress, cauliflower, cabbage,

strawberries, papaya, spinach, citrus fruits, turnips mangoes, asparagus and


Vitamin A helps protect the lining of the lungs while antioxidant nutrients

and essential fats are anti-inflammatory Other recommended supplements

are multivitamins and minerals, evening primrose or borage oil.

Juicing vegetables is recommended (especially for weak immune systems)

because the body can more easily absorb the nutrients in juice. Whole foods

require more work to digest, metabolize and eliminate.

Bee pollen has also proven helpful for some asthmatics affected by airborne

allergens. Do not give Bee pollen to children under the age of two.

Onions, garlic and radishes help eliminate mucus in upper respiratory


Vitamin E can relax smooth muscles by inhibiting the effects of histamine

and by modifying formation of inflammation-controlling substances called

prostaglandins. Best sources of Vit. E are spinach, watercress, asparagus,

carrots and tomatoes.

Parsley is number one juice recommended for allergies. One half to one

cup a day is recommended. Too much parsley can be toxic and is not

recommended for pregnant women. A good habit for asthmatics is to combine in a

shaker parsley, cayenne and garlic and shake it on appropriate foods. (this

recipe helped Nina IMMEDIATELY, when she started doing it. She sprinkled it

on everything)

Herbal recommendations

Mullein tea soothes the mucous membranes and is especially good for night

attacks. It can be combined with marshmallow and slippery elm tea for an

additional mucus-secreting effect.

Passionflower tea is good for asthma due to tension or nervous conditions.

Licorice root, Indian tobacco, thyme, capsaicin (from cayenne pepper),

skunk cabbage, gumweed, horse chestnut, wild cherry bark, coltsfoot, plantain,

jujube plum green tea, and lobelia are also valuable aids for those

suffering from asthma.

Oxygen Products

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide given intravenously or in liquid form orally

provides further oxygenation of the cells. Hydrogen peroxide baths are also

excellent for oxygenating the cells.

Ozonated water and olive oil also oxygenates as it heals. Ozone is the

great scavenger. Use it to “clean up†your entire body.


Four to six drops of the following essential oils can be added to a bath or

humidifier: elecampane, frankincense, lavender, mint and sage.

A word about Infection

Yet another possible cause was uncovered by research by Dr. Hahn


(http://www.dean.org/index.php/info/asthma) > in medical journals about the

bacteria Chlamydia pneumoniae

<_http://www.asthmastory.com/cp.asp_ (http://www.asthmastory.com/cp.asp) >

(and mycoplasma) and the interesting link it has to being a possible cause of

asthma. These studies indicate this research may be of benefit to 50% or

more of adults and children diagnosed with asthma. See more here about that:

<_http://www.asthmastory.com/cp.asp_ (http://www.asthmastory.com/cp.asp) >

A word about inflammation and Gluatthione

Regardless of the actual cause, the end result is chronic inflammation.

The following is a old post from this forum by Duncan Crow (some of you may

remember him… it’s a shame he was kicked off the forum!)

Asthma is an inflammatory disorder that in most cases can be controlled by

diet. Read The Inflammation Nation by Chilton for the world's first

anti-inflammatory diet plans that are based on actual research (clinical

studies). _http://www.abe.com_ (http://www.abe.com) has cheap copies.

Asthma is marked by depleted glutathione in the lung. Glutathione is an

antiinflammatory and immunomodulating antioxidant produced by every cell. The

precursors are most plentiful in cold-processed whey. References (note the

asthma link):



Only raw foods contain glutathione-producing components.

I've got rid of peoples' COPD, a close relative to asthma, with

cold-processed whey and the antioxidant vitamins A, C, E, and selenium, and a


complex with folate. It only took a few days, and the

people did not otherwise change their diets.

Hope this helps.


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