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I need some help

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Please don't feel alone. You and I could be

twins. I have suffered with several illnesses in the

past 3 years, one of which being pneumonia. Depression

and moodiness is a very common symptom of

hypothyroidism and it can get so bad that you consider

medication. I myself do not take anything other than my

thyroid medication but I do struggle with feelings of

depression and I have terrible mood swings. It will take

some time for your body to feel better though you may

never feel like you once did. It's been almost 3 years

for me and I do feel better than I did starting out

with this disease but I can't say I feel healthy. It

is very hard to feel like this and have young

children. I have 3 myself, I was diagnosed with

hypothyroidism after I had my son. I also went through one

pregnancy with this disease and I didn't have any

problems.<br><br>I know it's hard but just give yourself some


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  • 10 months later...
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Dear Kathy,

I live in the NE so can't help you with a doctor, but how long have you been


AB's? You might be having a bad herxheimer (worsening of symptoms upon starting

AB's and

the 4th week of AB's). That's a generality, but I couldn't get out of bed during


first week of AB's after first being diagnosed. You feel worse when the most

bugs are

being killed.

Eileen, NJ

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Kathy, i am sorry, i dont know doctors names, but i am sure someone

else on the list will help you with that. I think you are having a

herx reation, the first time i went on doxycyclin, i experienced my

worst herx. I left work and couldnt get out of bed for weeks. it was

very scarey. at the time i didnt know what was happening and my doctor

at the time didnt have a clue. he just changed the abx. you may be

experiencing a large die off of bacterior. hang in there and find an

llmd. good luck


--- kathy odle <olivia_34_2000@...> wrote:

> i have had LD for 5 years 2 of it unddiagnoised.would someone please

> send me some names of doctors.my local dr. has got me on baxil and

> for 2 days i have not been able to get out of bed.i have no energy to


> sit up for very long at a time.i feel like i am dying and i am scared


> to death.i live in tenn. so someone please send me some doctors's

> names and phone numbers i have got to go and see another doctor

> soon.my pain is so bad,so if there is anyone out there thet can give

> me some help please,please do so.i have to lay down but will check my


> mail in a couple of hours........thank you ,,,,,kathy

> my e-mail is olivia_34_2000@...





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  • 11 months later...
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Hi Amy

Go directly to the Shriners web site, I can't remember it off hand,

but just do a search on Shine Hospital and it will bring up the

different sites, one is canadian one is american. Even if there

isn't a hospital right in tn the shrine will help with the

transportation if they choose to take the child. Hope this helps

Lori & Jordan

> I have a co worker whos neice lives in Nashville, TN, she is only

twelve and

> has been di'sed to have JRA, Is there a shiners in TN? Where and

phone number

> please.

> Thank you so much each of you are in my prayers

> AMy




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  • 2 years later...
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, I know that methotrexate sounds scary, but you don't have a lot of

options right now. If this works it could stop the damage to your joints and

even give you back some of what you have lost. The other options which can help

you are even worse, believe me. You don't want to be on prednisone long term,

and the anti-tnf drugs are even scarier. I think you should do as much research

as you can to find out all the alternatives (NSAIDS, sulfasalazine, prednisone,

Methotrexate, ant-tnf drugs, etc.) and decide for yourself what you are willing

to do. Even with the known side effects, methotrexate is effective and safe

compared to other options. But you need to know the options and decide for

yourself before you start taking it.

Good luck, and I think you will find some great comrades here.


[Ed. Note: I'd be very interested in knowing why you think the anti-TNF drugs

are scary? Ron]

[ ] i need some help

ok i need some advice or some input or some thing. im 17 yeears old

and feel like im an 80 year old woman. i was diagnosed with PS when i

was in 7th grade. back then i only had PS in my left foot and left

ring finger. my docs told me it wouldnt spread and it would stay

localized. now im a senior in high school and it has spread in to

both of my hands, my left knee, and my right wrist and elbow. most

mornings i wake up and i am in tears because im in so much pain. i

cant even turn the door knob on my bedroom door or walk up and down

the steps to get 2 my room. i also play softball and this year it was

real hard cuz it hurt so bad. and im thinkin i might not be able 2

play next year because of all this and i dont wanna have 2 give up

some thing that i love so much. yesterday i went 2 my doctor and he

said that he wanted 2 put me on this medicine called methodrexil or

some crap like that and i was like ok. and then he started 2 tell me

about some side effects that it could cause. one being that it could

cause some liver damage and they would have 2 monitor it all the time

like getting blood work done once a month. then he said that could

not drink any alcohol or my liver would explode. and also that i

CANNOT get pregnant cause if i did it would be toxic 2 my fetus and

it would cause major birth defects. when he was tellin me all of this

my stomach just dropped i did not have a good feeling about this. i

just got a real bad gut feeling about this med. like if i took it it

would cause some damage. the i started thinkin more. i dont really

want 2 be switchin my meds around all the time they just put me on

some kind of sulfa pill like 6 moths ago and my body is just starting

2 get used 2 it, now they want 2 change it? i dont like messin with

my body like that. it doesnt feel right. well my mom noticed there

was something wrong when we were sitting there and we talked about

it on the way home and i told her what i thought. she under stood and

said if i felt so stongly about it then she wasnt gonna make me take

it. she got on the net and found this sight 4 me and i decided 2 get

on here and see what some one eles thought about it that knew what i

was goin throught b4 i made a final decision. so i need some help ne

one who has ne advice please let me kno e mail me or something cuz im

kinda stuck here. please help!!


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--Hi Kris,

I posted a message to your mom earlier you can read. Sorry you are

going thru so much at a young age. I think you are doing great by

finding more out about the meds and talking to people about our

experiences. I noticed someone had a 19 year old daughter you could

talk to-that's cool. Hope you will read some of our messages and be

able to feel good about the medicines you decide to try. I really

wish for you to find a medicine that will help lessen your pain.

Sometimes we have to try different meds before we find one that works.

Good Luck.


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I am sorry you are having so much trouble with the PA. PA hard thing

to have because it hurts so much and the drugs can be scary. My

advice to you is to learn as much as you can. The more informed you

are, the better decisions you can make. This site is wonderful for

getting tips and ideas for new things to research. Most of the

people who log onto this site are older than you, but I have read

accounts from people who are your age as well. Also, many of the

people who are on this site had PA as a child and have found ways to

lead a good active life as an adult. When looking at this site, you

will see a lot of scary things, but remember that everyone is

different. There are a lot of people out there who have PA and are

very active.

Talk to your doctor. There are several different drugs and

treatments used to control PA (Methotrexate, Enbrel, Humera,

others). If your doctor is scaring you or you are not comfortable

with what he/she is saying, remember that you have the right to

question what he/she is saying and see another doctor if necessary.

Finding a doctor you are comfortable with is very important.

Beyond this, I don't have a lot of advice..yet. I have just been

diagnosed myself (although I have had psoriasis since I was 12) and

have been trying to decide what to do. I completely understand your

fear of taking the drugs....they terrify me, but I am not ready to

give up. I have a 6 year old son I want to be active with and would

really like to have another child. Besides there are just too many

things my husband and I want to do. So, I have come up with a 2-

stage plan. I am not saying you should do this, but it may help you

to start thinking of a plan of your own.

1. I know that I have to take something to stop the damage being

done by the PA, otherwise, I will just get worse. It scares me to

read about people who weren't diagosed in early and have sever

disabilities. So, I am going to talk to my doctor on Monday about

taking Enbrel. However, I am going to learn everything I can about

the drug, so I know what side effects to look for and how to deal

with them.

2. Once I get the PA under control (at least a little) I am going to

look at alternative therapies. Some people have had sucess with

dietary changes, although not many. I had one person tell me that

his PA was undercontrol by a combination of diet and some sort of

low grade antibiotic. These other therapies may not work, but maybe

they will and I need to learn about them and see if they may be

options for me.

I am sorry this is so long. I am sure you will get many more emails

similar to this. Just remember that you are not alone, there are

people who truly understand.

Feel free to send me an email any time.

--Leann from Seattle

(BTW in case you are wondering, I am 31....ya, I know.... old ;o)

> ok i need some advice or some input or some thing. im 17 yeears


> and feel like im an 80 year old woman. i was diagnosed with PS

when i

> was in 7th grade. back then i only had PS in my left foot and left

> ring finger. my docs told me it wouldnt spread and it would stay

> localized. now im a senior in high school and it has spread in to

> both of my hands, my left knee, and my right wrist and elbow. most

> mornings i wake up and i am in tears because im in so much pain. i

> cant even turn the door knob on my bedroom door or walk up and


> the steps to get 2 my room. i also play softball and this year it


> real hard cuz it hurt so bad. and im thinkin i might not be able 2

> play next year because of all this and i dont wanna have 2 give up

> some thing that i love so much. yesterday i went 2 my doctor and


> said that he wanted 2 put me on this medicine called methodrexil


> some crap like that and i was like ok. and then he started 2 tell


> about some side effects that it could cause. one being that it


> cause some liver damage and they would have 2 monitor it all the


> like getting blood work done once a month. then he said that could

> not drink any alcohol or my liver would explode. and also that i

> CANNOT get pregnant cause if i did it would be toxic 2 my fetus


> it would cause major birth defects. when he was tellin me all of


> my stomach just dropped i did not have a good feeling about this.


> just got a real bad gut feeling about this med. like if i took it


> would cause some damage. the i started thinkin more. i dont really

> want 2 be switchin my meds around all the time they just put me on

> some kind of sulfa pill like 6 moths ago and my body is just


> 2 get used 2 it, now they want 2 change it? i dont like messin


> my body like that. it doesnt feel right. well my mom noticed there

> was something wrong when we were sitting there and we talked


> it on the way home and i told her what i thought. she under stood


> said if i felt so stongly about it then she wasnt gonna make me




> it. she got on the net and found this sight 4 me and i decided 2


> on here and see what some one eles thought about it that knew what


> was goin throught b4 i made a final decision. so i need some help


> one who has ne advice please let me kno e mail me or something cuz


> kinda stuck here. please help!!

> kris

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I know I just wrote a l-o-n-g note, but there is one other thing you

should know...

It is OK to be scared, it is OK to get mad, it is OK to be confused,

and it is OK to cry.

We are here for you.


> ok i need some advice or some input or some thing. im 17 yeears


> and feel like im an 80 year old woman. i was diagnosed with PS

when i

> was in 7th grade. back then i only had PS in my left foot and left

> ring finger. my docs told me it wouldnt spread and it would stay

> localized. now im a senior in high school and it has spread in to

> both of my hands, my left knee, and my right wrist and elbow. most

> mornings i wake up and i am in tears because im in so much pain. i

> cant even turn the door knob on my bedroom door or walk up and


> the steps to get 2 my room. i also play softball and this year it


> real hard cuz it hurt so bad. and im thinkin i might not be able 2

> play next year because of all this and i dont wanna have 2 give up

> some thing that i love so much. yesterday i went 2 my doctor and


> said that he wanted 2 put me on this medicine called methodrexil


> some crap like that and i was like ok. and then he started 2 tell


> about some side effects that it could cause. one being that it


> cause some liver damage and they would have 2 monitor it all the


> like getting blood work done once a month. then he said that could

> not drink any alcohol or my liver would explode. and also that i

> CANNOT get pregnant cause if i did it would be toxic 2 my fetus


> it would cause major birth defects. when he was tellin me all of


> my stomach just dropped i did not have a good feeling about this.


> just got a real bad gut feeling about this med. like if i took it


> would cause some damage. the i started thinkin more. i dont really

> want 2 be switchin my meds around all the time they just put me on

> some kind of sulfa pill like 6 moths ago and my body is just


> 2 get used 2 it, now they want 2 change it? i dont like messin


> my body like that. it doesnt feel right. well my mom noticed there

> was something wrong when we were sitting there and we talked


> it on the way home and i told her what i thought. she under stood


> said if i felt so stongly about it then she wasnt gonna make me




> it. she got on the net and found this sight 4 me and i decided 2


> on here and see what some one eles thought about it that knew what


> was goin throught b4 i made a final decision. so i need some help


> one who has ne advice please let me kno e mail me or something cuz


> kinda stuck here. please help!!

> kris

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> She found a self-help book (can't remember

> the title) that for many people has worked miracles.

Can you find out the title, I'm really curious.


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Hi Kris,

this is a scary illness for a peson you age. Because you are so young I

think you should take the medicine methotrexate because as you get older this

disease progresses and you can have more problems later on. The idea is to


any futher joint damage now. What you read about the meds can be scary but if

you have a good rheumy who will monitor you then things should be ok. I am

on a drug that is scary also called Enbrel and was afraid to take it at first.

It's great that your mother found this board because we are all ages here

and know what you are going through. Please feel free to mail any of us and we

will be there for you.


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At 01:55 AM 7/3/2003 +0000, you wrote:

>ok i need some advice or some input or some thing. im 17 yeears old..

>..both of my hands, my left knee, and my right wrist and elbow. most

>mornings i wake up and i am in tears because im in so much pain. i

>cant even turn the door knob on my bedroom door or walk up and down

>the steps to get 2 my room.

I had it since I was 15, and by the time I was 19 it was as bad as you

describe; I've been there and I can totally understand.

Instead of methotrexate you may want to try the mild antibiotic

minocycline. Many teens also take it for acne. Check out

http://rheumatic.org for more info about minocycline in arthritis. It

helped to bring me out from that 'really bad' state to a more manageable one.

Further things that can help are along the lines of diet, check out old

posts on this group:





Suggestion from S., founder of the group:

If your doctor recommends methotrexate and you are far away from considering

child bearing, then I would highly considering giving it a go. It is highly

successful, and there are medications that are excellent now for the nausea and

fatigue (two main complaints/side effects) of those on Methotrexate.

If your doctor does not approve of Methotrexate for some reason, and wants to

wait on any medication for some reason I think you would be a perfect

candidate for trying the meal plan and treatment plans in the book

published by Dr. Pagano. Many on our list say that at a minimum they

experienced improvement from eliminating nightshades, etc...from their diet.

Good luck to you, do check out the list archives.



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> 1. I know that I have to take something to stop the damage being

> done by the PA, otherwise, I will just get worse. It scares me to

> read about people who weren't diagosed in early and have sever

> disabilities. So, I am going to talk to my doctor on Monday about

> taking Enbrel. However, I am going to learn everything I can about

> the drug, so I know what side effects to look for and how to deal

> with them.


>,Leeanne, and everybody,

I am one of the people here with severe damage and I totally agree it

is good to try to avoid that damage. I just wanted to say-the actual

damage is not as disabling for me as the pain and fatique are. It is

certainly no fun and there are many things I can't do anymore. But

there are adaptive devices and ways around a disability. The pain

and fatique ,which you all already experience is what usually stops

me. The reason I am writing this is to hopefully help ease some of

your fears. Hope it helps!


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--. My oldest daughter developed a

> heart condition associated with PS.

Hi Mickey,

Sorry about your daughter's heart condition. I have never heard of

this. Could you tell us more about it? Thanks


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>At 01:55 AM 7/3/2003 +0000, you wrote:

> >ok i need some advice or some input or some thing. im 17 yeears old..

> >..both of my hands, my left knee, and my right wrist and elbow. most

> >mornings i wake up and i am in tears because im in so much pain. i

> >cant even turn the door knob on my bedroom door or walk up and down

> >the steps to get 2 my room.

Like others, I would also encourage you to try methotrexate. I was anxious

about starting it, too, but I'm so glad I did. I was in almost exactly the

same state as you last December... stairs were all but impossible, turning

knobs was painful, rolling down my car window practically killed me, and

cooking, typing, everything like that was so bad because of my hands. But

on methotrexate, things are *far* better for me. My knees give me only

minimal pain right now. I still have some pain in my other joints (hands,

wrists, elbow, shoulder), but it's far, far less and most of my daily tasks

don't hurt me very much now, if at all. Please do consider it... it could

be a godsend for you, and help you get your life back.


Visit my personal web site at


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  • 2 weeks later...
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>My doctor thinks I'm

> probably developing food allergies, and I have been restricted from

Oh, how I hated the year I went through food allergy tests! Imagine eating

burgers (In the years before pre-formed frozen burgers) on rice cakes. Ugh!

> Can anyone suggest any meals or recipes I might try?

I *can* suggest you hit your library or bookstore for food allergy cookbooks

and especially the http://www.foodallergy.org website. Recipes are usually

marked and indexed as to what's left out, like dairy, corn, wheat, eggs,

nuts, etc.

>I've been pretty much living on pasta

Did your doc put you on an elimination diet to find out exactly what foods

you're allergic to? Pasta (wheat) is usually one of the biggest offenders.

It's a painful and hungry time, but doing the elimination diet is the only

way to really find out what foods you're allergic to, and many times food

allergies mimic the symptoms of IBS and eliminating that food " cures " the


Good luck, .

Sue in NJ

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> Hi, everyone. I've been a member of this list for a while, but


> kind of fallen off the bandwagon. I have kept coming up with


> to put off working on my weight and exercising, but I can't keep

> doing it anymore.

Welcome back Moonday! I'll slow down the wagon a bit so you can jump

back on! :) Excuses are so easy to come up with.... I know I've been

there more then once! I've always been a procrastinator! I have to

wait until the last minute to do everything.

> My health has recently become a big issue with me, and I don't even

> know what's safe for me to eat anymore. My doctor thinks I'm

> probably developing food allergies, and I have been restricted from

> eating any meats (chicken, pork, turkey, beef, and the rest), and

> broth made from meats, or anything that has any meat stuff in it.

Out of curiosity..... do they think it is the meat protien it'self

or maybe the growth hormones, and all that other stuff that is in our

meat products? I am wondering if wild animal such as venison or wild

turkey would be any better? Just curious as I've never heard of

anyone being allergic to meat before.

> Can anyone suggest any meals or recipes I might try? As soon as


> post this, I'm going to look through the recipe files here, but I

> need all the help I can get. I've been pretty much living on pasta

> and baked potatoes, with some other veggies thrown in. Any


> suggestions, or just about anything will be appreciated.

I'm sorry.. I really don't have any recipies that would help. I

don't " do " shrimp and I'm not a tuna fan. I like fresh water fish

and imitation crab meat (I don't think I want to know whats in it cuz

I might not eat it if I did ;) If I run across anything though I'll

be sure to send it your way!


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Hey Tiegan

What tests did the colon therapist run? Especially for the hookworm?

From: " Tiegan Caudle " <tiegan_deveron@...>



Subject: I need some help

Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 21:48:44 -0000

I have just found out through research, a few personal tests, and

evidence in a colonic through a Colon Therapist that not only is

there Candida in fungal form (she said that it was not as bad as I

thought, so the six days of Threelac, along with other things is

working), but also of hookworms. In my current state and limited

time and energy, I am having a difficult time in managing my meals,

and planning them. In fact, I am so overwhelmed with the

information, I am confused. What I am eating so far off of the tons

of information I have been bombarded with is not providing enough

calories nor balanced nutrition. Does ANYONE out there have a daily

mealplan that I could use as a guideline to help. I would be most

graciously appreciative for feedback. I am employed through an

agency, with no insurance (and county hospital is backed up here in

Dallas County), and being in a fog does not help. I just need

something I can try out. What I have found so far is that I cannot

eat fruits nor fruit juices, gluten grains, yeast products, etc...

and that the regimen for both worms and fungus go hand in hand.

Please e-mail me with any links, information, experiences, etc. @


And God bless you all, for I know more about the experiences that you

have or have had. I want to be of help to others once I lift this fog



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Dear Janet,

As one instructor to another insturctor I hope that I am

communicating this to you in a fashion that you can also use to

present to your students.

2. You add 10 ml of 10% calcium gluconate to a 1 L bag of D5W. What

is the concentration of calcium gluconate in the bag?

10 % is 10 grams of solute/drug in 100 ml of solution. Therefore 10

ml isw not 10 grams but one tenth of the 100 ml so it is 1 gram of


10 gm /100ml = X gm/ 10 ml cross multiply 10 x 10 /100 = X gm X gm

= 1gram

So 10 ml of the 10% is 1 gram.

Now place the 10 ml or 1 gram of Cagluc into 1 L of D5W. The new

concentration is 1 gram of Cagluc in 100ml

Now to find the new percentage set the new concentration in 1000ml

equal to some number of grams X over 100.

1 gram /1000 ml = X gram/100 ml

cross multiply

1 x 100/ 1000 = X gm

X gm = 0.1 gm = 0.1%

3. You reconstitute a vial of drug with 2.5 ml of saline. The vial

contains 2,500,000 U of drug. what is the final concentration of drug

in the vial?

The ONLY way that you can tell what the final concentration is, is

IF you know the Powder volume!!!!

But if you only have this information, and it comes from a Rx Tech

math book I would say that the powder volume is zero, but I do not

agree with this question, because they did not state the PV.

Let us assume the PV is zero, then:

C = Strength/ Total Volume

C = Strength/ Volume Added + PV

C = 2,500,000 U of drug/2.5 ml

Now reduce this to 1 ml of drug:

C = 1,000000 Units/1 ml

Hint: A final concentration always means the volume is equal to 1 ml.

4. An IV solution of heparin contains 10000 U in 500 ml and takes 2

hr to infuse. If the patient gets 1000 U of heparin per hour, what is

the flow rate?

I do not understand this question because if 10,000 Units are infused

in two hours then 5,000 Units must be infused in 1 hour ( one half

of the amount of units). So if 1000 Units are infused per hour it

would take 10 hours to infuse a total of 10,000 Units. Or another way

of saying this is at 1000U per hour, only 2000 Units would be in the

pts vein after two hours. But 2000 Units is not equal to 10000 U! Is

it possible that you mistyped the zeros? Should there be 1000 Units

in 500ml not 10,000 units in 500ml?

Oh well I will tackle this problem assuming that the information is


If we suddenly take the new rate of 1000 units per hour the flow rate

would be

10000 Units/500ml = 1000 units / X ml

Cross multiply

500 x 1000 / 10000 Units = X ml


so one hour = 50 ml of 1000 units

Therefore one could write the flow rate as:

1000 units/hr or 50ml/hour

since rate is usually in ml per hour 50ml/ hour would be the MORE

correct. Answer.

Let us take this one step further:

If you are given a IV set constant such as 1 ml = 15 gtt

Then the flow rate would be 50 ml x 15gtts/ml over 1 hour or

750 gtts/1 hour or 12.5 gtts/minute

Now if we assume that the above problem is typed incorrectly and it


`An IV solution of heparin contains 10000 U in 500 ml and takes 2 hr

to infuse. If the patient gets 5000 U of heparin per hour, what is

the flow rate?

We would have to convert the units to ml.

10000 Units / 500ml = 5000 units/Xml

Cross Multiply

500 x 5000 / 10000 = Xml

250 ml = Xml

So now 5000 Units are found in 250 ml

So it is 5000 Units /1 hr = 250 ml /1 hr

If you wanthe flow rate in minutes it would be:

250ml / 1 hr x 1hr /60 min = 4.17 ml / minute

Now if we know the IV set or pump constant such as 15 gtts per ml

then we can get the flow rate in gtts per ml

4.17 ml/min X 15gtts/ml = 62.5 gtts/ml

Please check your book or source of the question for typos.

5. You add 10 ml of a 10% solution of calcium gluconate to a 500 ml

IV bag. The flow rate is 30 gtt/min with an infusion set labeled

15gtt/ml. How much drug does the patient get per hour?

As in question number 2 10 ml of 10% of Ca gluc is 1 gram

So 1 gram of Ca gluc is now in 500ml.

1gm/500ml x 1 ml /15gtt x 30gtt/min x 60 min/ 1 hr =

1 x 1 x 30 x 60/ 500 x 15 x 1 x 1 =

1800 gm/7500 hr

Now reduce:

0.24 gm/hr

Patient gets 0.24 gram every hour

6. An adult dose of a drug is 1 g. What is the dose for a child

weighing 50 lbs?

Try my tutorial or the following link:


1) 's Rule (For Infants or Children)

(weight in pounds x (adult dose)/ 150

50 lbs X 1 gram / 150 lbs = 0.333 grams or 333mg

2) Young's Rule: (For Children from 1 year to 12 years)

(Age in Years) x (Adult Dose) / Age + 12

Do not know the child' s age so can not use this formula

3) Fried's Rule: (For Infants & Children up to 1 to 2 Years) =

(Age in Months) x (Adult Dose) / 150

Do not know child's age so cannot use this formula

7. You have 10 ml of a 1% solution and need to dispense a 2 mg dose.

how many

doses are in the bottle?

1% = 1 gram in 100ml which is 1000 mg in 100 ml ( recall 1 gram =

1000 mg)

Now how many mg are in just 10 ml of this?

1000 mg/ 100ml = X mg/ 10 ml

1000 x 10 / 100 = 100 mg in 10 ml

You have 100mg in the bottle .

You need 2 mg per dose, therefore 100mg divided by 2mg/dose = 50


1 dose / 2mg = X doses/ 100 mg

1 x 100 / 2 = X doses

50 doses = X doses

10 ml of a 1% solution is 50 doses of 2 mg each.

8. You have a 5% solution of calcium gluconate, prices at $1 per 10

ml. There is a 200% markup on the product. Your order is for 1 g of

calcium gluconate in a saline drip. What would the patient be charged

for the drug?

5% = 5 gram of drug / 100ml

you only need one gram not five grams

5gm/100ml divided by 5 = 1 gram / 20 ml

one gram is one fifth = 20 ml

At $1 per 10 ml, 20 ml is = $2.00

$1/10ml = X$ / 20 ml

1x20/10 = X $

X $ = $2

200 Percent mark up:

Short cut method-

1 + 2 = 3

Multiply $2.00 times 3 or $2 x 3 = $6


Old Fashioned method –

$2.00 + ( 200% x $2.00) = % markup

$2.00 + ( 200/100 x $2.00)

$2.00 + $4 = $6.00

Now the patient would be charged for theis at $6.00 but it does not

include the saline or the aparatus or lines used administration etc.

I hope this helps you out. I did this rather fast just before leaving

for NO so I hope there are not mistakes.


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS Chemistry


> Hello everyone,


> I am brushing up on some math before classes begin next week. I

have either become numb with anxiety or dumb with stupidity because

today I am not getting it(ha). here goes:


> 1. How many milliequivalents of sodium are in 100 ml of saline?

Molecular weight of sodium =23, chlorine =35.


> 2. You add 10 ml of 10% calcium gluconate to a 1 L bag of D5W.

What is the concentration of calcium gluconate in the bag?


> 3. You reconstitute a vial of drug with 2.5 ml of saline. The

vial contains 2,500,000 U of drug. what is the final concentration

of drug in the vial?


> 4. An IV solution of heparin contains 10000 U in 500 ml and takes

2 hr to infuse. If the patient gets 1000 U of heparin per hour, what

is the flow rate?


> 5. You add 10 ml of a 10% solution of calcium gluconate to a 500

ml IV bag. The flow rate is 30 gtt/min with an infusion set labeled

15gtt/ml. How much drug does the patient get per hour?


> 6. An adult dose of a drug is 1 g. What is the dose for a child

weighing 50 lbs?


> 7. You have 10 ml of a 1% solution and need to dispense a 2 mg

dose. how many doses are in the bottle?


> 8. You have a 5% solution of calcium gluconate, prices at $1 per

10 ml. There is a 200% markup on the product. Your order is for 1 g

of calcium gluconate in a saline drip. What would the patient be

charged for the drug?




> I do appreciate the help, as my brain is having difficulty



> Thanks,

> Janet




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Don't you have to take into account the volume of the calcium gluconate you

are adding to the liter of D5W? In this case, the volume is small and the final

concentration is still 0.1 % (actually 0.099 instead of 0.1) but if the volume

was 100 ml it would make a difference. I thought you always had to add the

volume of what you are adding to get the final volume before you calculate the

new concentration.


Re: I need some help

Dear Janet,

As one instructor to another insturctor I hope that I am

communicating this to you in a fashion that you can also use to

present to your students.

2. You add 10 ml of 10% calcium gluconate to a 1 L bag of D5W. What

is the concentration of calcium gluconate in the bag?

10 % is 10 grams of solute/drug in 100 ml of solution. Therefore 10

ml isw not 10 grams but one tenth of the 100 ml so it is 1 gram of


10 gm /100ml = X gm/ 10 ml cross multiply 10 x 10 /100 = X gm X gm

= 1gram

So 10 ml of the 10% is 1 gram.

Now place the 10 ml or 1 gram of Cagluc into 1 L of D5W. The new

concentration is 1 gram of Cagluc in 100ml

Now to find the new percentage set the new concentration in 1000ml

equal to some number of grams X over 100.

1 gram /1000 ml = X gram/100 ml

cross multiply

1 x 100/ 1000 = X gm

X gm = 0.1 gm = 0.1%

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Hi Chris-

Yes, you are right. When the question asks the final conc.of the

liter of solution, you would include the volume of the additive then

qs the other solution--in this case D5w-. Ca=10ml + D5W 990ml for a

final volume of 1000ml which would be a 0.1% solution.

Hope this helps


group mod

> Hello:


> Don't you have to take into account the volume of the calcium

gluconate you are adding to the liter of D5W? In this case, the

volume is small and the final concentration is still 0.1 % (actually

0.099 instead of 0.1) but if the volume was 100 ml it would make a

difference. I thought you always had to add the volume of what you

are adding to get the final volume before you calculate the new



> Chris




> Re: I need some help




> Dear Janet,


> As one instructor to another insturctor I hope that I am

> communicating this to you in a fashion that you can also use to

> present to your students.




> 2. You add 10 ml of 10% calcium gluconate to a 1 L bag of D5W.


> is the concentration of calcium gluconate in the bag?



> 10 % is 10 grams of solute/drug in 100 ml of solution. Therefore


> ml isw not 10 grams but one tenth of the 100 ml so it is 1 gram


> drug.



> 10 gm /100ml = X gm/ 10 ml cross multiply 10 x 10 /100 = X gm X


> = 1gram


> So 10 ml of the 10% is 1 gram.

> Now place the 10 ml or 1 gram of Cagluc into 1 L of D5W. The new

> concentration is 1 gram of Cagluc in 100ml


> Now to find the new percentage set the new concentration in


> equal to some number of grams X over 100.

> 1 gram /1000 ml = X gram/100 ml

> cross multiply

> 1 x 100/ 1000 = X gm

> X gm = 0.1 gm = 0.1%










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Yes Smity, you are correct in that the actual volume is the volume

added + the original volume.

Sot he total volume is 1010ml

so the new concentration is 1 gram in 1010ml which is:

1 x 100 / 1010 = X gm = 0.099 gram = 0.099% >>>> 0.1% rounded off.

You ARE correct . So if the volume added was 'significant ' it would

make a very big difference. And in this case it is not significant.

Never the less the volumes should have been added!

Good Call!

Proud of ya! ow the Student is teaching the teach! Hee!

Actuallly I knew I shoud not have attempted those problems being that

I had a time constraint. But I wanted to get an answer to Janet

before I left. Should have left them for you all.


Jeanetta CPhT

> Hello:


> Don't you have to take into account the volume of the calcium

gluconate you are adding to the liter of D5W? In this case, the

volume is small and the final concentration is still 0.1 % (actually

0.099 instead of 0.1) but if the volume was 100 ml it would make a

difference. I thought you always had to add the volume of what you

are adding to get the final volume before you calculate the new



> Chris




> Re: I need some help




> Dear Janet,


> As one instructor to another insturctor I hope that I am

> communicating this to you in a fashion that you can also use to

> present to your students.




> 2. You add 10 ml of 10% calcium gluconate to a 1 L bag of D5W.


> is the concentration of calcium gluconate in the bag?



> 10 % is 10 grams of solute/drug in 100 ml of solution. Therefore


> ml isw not 10 grams but one tenth of the 100 ml so it is 1 gram


> drug.



> 10 gm /100ml = X gm/ 10 ml cross multiply 10 x 10 /100 = X gm X


> = 1gram


> So 10 ml of the 10% is 1 gram.

> Now place the 10 ml or 1 gram of Cagluc into 1 L of D5W. The new

> concentration is 1 gram of Cagluc in 100ml


> Now to find the new percentage set the new concentration in


> equal to some number of grams X over 100.

> 1 gram /1000 ml = X gram/100 ml

> cross multiply

> 1 x 100/ 1000 = X gm

> X gm = 0.1 gm = 0.1%










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Dear Dora,

I agree is right!

Add 10 TO 1L = 1010ml I do not see a qs situation here. Of course in

reality with a TPN there would be such a qs situation. But this does

say to 'add' not qs to 1000ml.

Thankfully the amounts were insignificant.


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS Chem


> > Hello:

> >

> > Don't you have to take into account the volume of the calcium

> gluconate you are adding to the liter of D5W? In this case, the

> volume is small and the final concentration is still 0.1 %


> 0.099 instead of 0.1) but if the volume was 100 ml it would make a

> difference. I thought you always had to add the volume of what you

> are adding to get the final volume before you calculate the new

> concentration.

> >

> > Chris

> >

> >

> >

> > Re: I need some help

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Janet,

> >

> > As one instructor to another insturctor I hope that I am

> > communicating this to you in a fashion that you can also use to

> > present to your students.

> >

> >

> >

> > 2. You add 10 ml of 10% calcium gluconate to a 1 L bag of D5W.

> What

> > is the concentration of calcium gluconate in the bag?

> >

> >

> > 10 % is 10 grams of solute/drug in 100 ml of solution.


> 10

> > ml isw not 10 grams but one tenth of the 100 ml so it is 1 gram

> of

> > drug.

> >

> >

> > 10 gm /100ml = X gm/ 10 ml cross multiply 10 x 10 /100 = X gm


> gm

> > = 1gram

> >

> > So 10 ml of the 10% is 1 gram.

> > Now place the 10 ml or 1 gram of Cagluc into 1 L of D5W. The


> > concentration is 1 gram of Cagluc in 100ml

> >

> > Now to find the new percentage set the new concentration in

> 1000ml

> > equal to some number of grams X over 100.

> > 1 gram /1000 ml = X gram/100 ml

> > cross multiply

> > 1 x 100/ 1000 = X gm

> > X gm = 0.1 gm = 0.1%

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi J-

Oops--yes, I was in a " qs " state of mind. Most of the time in

the 'real world' we are asked to create a specific volume with a

specific percent. " Adding " as the question poses(and points

out) changes the percentage---especially when you consider that many

of the manufacturers overfill their large volume bags by about 10%.

In my particular practice setting (pain management) we need precise

measurements... " adding to " is unacceptable.


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Thanks for the clarification!


> Hi J-

> Oops--yes, I was in a " qs " state of mind. Most of the time in

> the 'real world' we are asked to create a specific volume with a

> specific percent. " Adding " as the question poses(and points

> out) changes the percentage---especially when you consider that


> of the manufacturers overfill their large volume bags by about 10%.

> In my particular practice setting (pain management) we need precise

> measurements... " adding to " is unacceptable.


> Dora

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  • 5 months later...

Jim, no one can really know what is the right thing to do and there probably

is no right way. Since you have a month left before you have to go back to

work, I bet your mother would love to see you now...(quality time for a week or

two) before things get any worse for her. I know I would love to have my boy

home before I couldn't really enjoy a visit from him. I think it all depends on

your expenses too. To me, I bet she would like to see you now...more than

later. Maybe you could convince her to see her grandkids and your sister...even


it is without your Dad. There is a lot of forgiveness that needs to be

brought out between your Mom/daughter/grandkids. Maybe it will be extended to


Dad later on down the line....he may need to apologize too. Under these prior

circumstances many hurtful things must have been exchanged between all parties.

This really would be a good time to get all that under the bridge and over

with. The important thing is that your Mom needs to see all her kids before she

is too sedated. They will make her comfortable over the next months, but she

may not be able to enjoy everyone at much later on. I think it would be more

important to be there for her right now....than even for a funeral later on. At

least, this is what I would want. I sure would love to have peace about all

the prior stuff....before going on to heaven. That's how I see it. Bless you and

we will pray for the situation. Connie (granny)

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