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I need some help

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In a message dated 1/12/2004 7:08:42 PM Pacific Standard Time,

jrclost@... writes:

i'm not sure what to do now.... come home early and spend lots of time with

my family,

I vote with come home now and spend some time.

Let me just share a recent experience I had. I had surgery, then I

hemorrhaged a few days later after I got home and had a second emergency

surgery. I

was pretty out of it for the first 36 hours after the second surgery... but my

daughter who lives in Idaho called at 3 pm on day two and announced through

tears (she had just learned of my second surgery) that she was coming home NOW!!

I tried to assure her all was fine...but she would have none of that. She

flew home that evening and 8 hours after that phone call she was standing in my

hospital room and giving me the biggest hug of my life. I get tears in my

eyes thinking about it. It was SO special.

She was only able to spend a few days, but it was SO wonderful having her


I have to believe your mom would be as thrilled to have her son come home to

give her the biggest hug of her life too.

Know you will come back again, but for now, come and enjoy time with your

mom. Share laughs, stories of growing up, and just time together.

My father died of Cancer. He was given six months. I didn't want to believe

that, when I learned in September. But suddenly it was February and he was

sick. By the end of March, six months later, he passed on. I am so thankful I

was able to spend as much time as I could with him.

So, I encourage you, come home now. Spend some time with your mom while she

is able to enjoy your company.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, and tears are in my

eyes as I think of what you and your family are going through.


Adrienne's Mom

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Hi , I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom. My Mom died from cancer. My

advice for what it is worth is this. There are no guarantees about how long

your Mom will live. There will come a time where she will be alive and not

recognize you or be able to converse with you. Go home while she can still


your company.

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Dear ,

It's your decision, of course, but if I were your mom I'd want to see you while

I was still well enough to enjoy the visit. Cancer can take it's toll very

quickly, especially if it has spread as your mom's has.

As far as your sister not letting the kids see your mom along with your dad, I

think someone should tell sis to grow up! This is a serious situation here with

your mom, your sis shouldn't be playing games like this, especially if the whole

thing was proven untrue.

I'm sure this is affecting your mom terribly, and may even make her feel worse -

the last thing she needs is more stress at this time - and this should be

explained to your sister, whether she likes to hear it or not! This is the time

when everyone has to get along and forgive the past, especially for your Mom's

sake so she can go to heaven with peace in her heart, when the time comes.

My prayers are with you and your family...


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Hello ,

I just want to send you my sincere condolences at this difficult time, as it

isn't easy to know what to say to anyone in this position.

Myself I would certainly be heading homeward as soon and as quickly as

possible, to spend as much time with them as I could; knowing as I do how

much " we children " mean to our parents.

Your situation is definitely a difficult one and I think that you have to

follow your heart and your own 'gut reaction' on it.

(But I know that when my own time becomes short, I would like to spend what

little I had have left with my family, if I can.)

I think that I would speak with my current boss and my new " boss to be " and

find out what they think about it........If they are decent people they'll

understand and they'll try to help you, by making alternative arrangements

during this very difficult time.

If they are not very helpful, or even sympathetic to your plight, then

perhaps you won't be very happy in that job anyway.

Such jobs leave us all with a bad taste in our mouths afterwards.

This is particularly so when we give up something sacred for our boss, to

find out afterwards that your boss will not reciprocate, when the tables are

suddenly turned. (And we wonder why we bothered.)

Remember that once your mother passes away, these days will certainly gone

for the duration of your lifetime; and we can't get them back.

So they are some of the most important days of your lives, to you and to

your mother...........I'm sure that your family will all pull together in

the same direction as your mother's time draws nearer.

Anyway, I think that this is what I would do, in your situation.

Once again, my sincerest condolences to you and all of your family .

Mal .

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good strength to you at this time

i was in similar situations

I was with my Mum - as was my Sister

we both got to thank Mum (Jean) for being such a lovely energy in our worlds

and for being so special

Mum lost where and when she was -before the end - almost as though she was

talking to friends before she had us kids

all you can do is plough love and good feelings into her

am thinking about you lots

hope for you and directions

to your own self be true

if others in your family don't know - phone them on your way? and say you

are going - they can at least pass a message thru'-you and have time to

think themselves

Rich. (Orange)


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Hi Rich

Your address " rich virgin acct " caused my spam filters to go a bit haywire.

each time one comes across I have to retrieve it from the SPAM heap. At least


keeps me vigilant.<GBG>


----- Original Message -----

From: " rich virgin acct " <rich.orange@...>

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  • 3 weeks later...

> Hi Ian,

I worked in Northern Labrador for 5 years in a remote nursing station. (My wife

is Canadian too!) Money not great, but job was fun, and very educational/good

experience, though hard at times! (Aren't they all.) With a name like Frost

this should be just your thing, but if an extreme Northern location doesn't

appeal to your wife, then this is definatly not for you, otherwise try calling;

Human Resources Manager

Health Labrador Corporation

P.O. Box 7000, Station 'C'

Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NF

A0P 1C0

Phone: (709) 897-2164

Fax: (709) 896-4741

Email: hr@...

or they have an interesting website at


Alternativly try MedHunters.com .

I've not used them myself, but HLC advertise there.



> From: ian@...

> Date: 2004/02/01 Sun PM 05:13:25 GMT

> < >

> Subject: I Need Some Help



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Pat Brockerville at emsops@... (Exploration Medical Services) for

remote medic work

Pat O'Conner at medfligh@... for flight nursing/paramedic jobs

Both in the Arctic however.....

Fly Safe.

Ken L-W CCEMT-P/RN etc

--- ian@... wrote:

Hello all is there anyone out there that can help me find some contacts for work

in Canada my wife is a Canadian citizen as is showing some desire to move back

in the near future I've tried Globmed and north Atlantic medical services but

what im looking for is some thing on the line of this group or some thing like

the old rig medics site with it's links to employment anything will do

All the best Ian

Freeserve AnyTime - HALF PRICE for the first 3 months - Save £7.50 a month


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi +Dave :)

i'm being put in a b & b as no 1floor place is available for me at the mo'

in Sheffield Yorkshire U.K.

so looks like i'm going to be further and further between e-mails

i do have another e-mail addy

fire.fire@... - but thats even worse for being spammed

i'm gonna do what spammers do and relace 'i' for 1 and 'o' for 0

when i next change my e-mail acct

hope life getting easier for you

still bad top half -but slight improvements in pain and movement in my lower


so am walking a bit -if not far or for too long :)

do you see a specialist? mine has dropped me for the last 8months...

if you are the U.K. -i think u r?

do you see anyone? as i'm looking for a second opinion - as my Reiter's

seems to be staying with me for good - this first bout ...

cheers and hope its a good year for you :)

rich orinj

in fact i'll cc in the Reiter's board and Rheumatic's too if its o.k. as i

might get a better response for the

good Reiter's specialist question

ta for the mail

rich ...xxx...

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hello ,

Re: RYR - Does using a natural product eliminate some side effects?

NO - a statin is a statin - RYR can cause all the same adverse effects

as prescription statins.

Re: My question is in your opinion the pain due to Lyme or Lovastrin.

Adverse effects from statins can occur immediately or after long term

use. Many problems present themselves when statins are stopped then

restarted, the patient is re-challenged with a different statin or the

dosage is increased.

Your source of pain? Statin pain doesn't usually disappear just

getting up and walking around... that activity usually causes more

pain. With 4 bouts of Lyme (Lyme can lead to rheumatoid arthritis) I

would think your pain is related to Lyme.



K wrote:

I am a new member. Have been taking statins for two years. Originally

Lipitor. Stopped Lipitor 18 months ago and went on Lovastrin. Take one

Lovastrin every 36 hours. Recently when I lye down for more than 15

minutes I develop pain on my back left side, and may have difficulty

straightening up. This pain only last for a few minutes, as i walk

around it dissipates completely. My friend went off lovastrin and

switched to RED Rice Yeast (P.S. I'm A retired Pharmacist ) I know

that Lovastrin is found in Red Rice Yeast does using a natural product

eliminate some side effects?. I have a secondery problem that I should

mention. I am on finishing up 60 days of treatment with vibromycin 100

mg twice a day for my fourth bout of Lyme disease. My question is in

your opinion the pain due to Lyme or Lovastrin.

Thank all of you in advance for your feed back.

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  • 11 months later...

I'm glad to see this back online. Wishing you better days.

mike2boys <mike2boys@...> wrote: well i am Interest if anyone might

want to help me typing, respond to

people post. if so it would be nice to take our group farther also i

need a permit group person who would be my side by side helper

working brhind the seen. mike m-group owner


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Mike, if there is anything I can do to help, I'd be happy to.

Flinkstrom (Mass.)


From: Stimulator [mailto:Stimulator ] On

Behalf Of mike2boys

Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 7:47 AM


Subject: I need some help

well i am Interest if anyone might want to help me typing, respond to

people post. if so it would be nice to take our group farther also i

need a permit group person who would be my side by side helper

working brhind the seen. mike m-group owner

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I would be willing to help also, let me know if u want me to and what you want

me to help with. I used to be a group owner on a different subject. I

relinqueshed it over a few years ago and its still running strong (it could have

been my choice of moderators) but I was just saying......... Guess I could say I

have references so to speak. Ok I just need to be quiet now.............


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 26, 2008, at 4:46 AM, " mike2boys " <mike2boys@...> wrote:

well i am Interest if anyone might want to help me typing, respond to

people post. if so it would be nice to take our group farther also i

need a permit group person who would be my side by side helper

working brhind the seen. mike m-group owner

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


my heart goes out to you for your loss.

I cant imagine the pain you must be feeling.

I am glad that the service was standing room only, that just shows how many

lives your friend touched.

Know that the Group is all behind you and supporting you in this time of

terrible grief.

Thinking of you,



I woke up early Saturday morning and found my best friend of 15 years DEAD on my

bathroom floor. He had been dead about 5 hours and I am hysterical

I need support. I am living here alone, no family. I have a good church family

of which he also was part of. Yesterday was the memorial I pout on for him.

Standing room only over 200. I was able to speak at the pulpit.

Please send me prayers? or emails to help me get through this?

I know it is not on topic but you can imagine the trauma I am going through.

I am on the mountain, Grief.

I am walking close to the Lord but I am so unstable and fearful.

Group, I need your support.

In Christ,Annie

A poet is, after all, to see

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I do not know you but I will pray for you...I just lost my father and my

mother if already gone so I know something about what you must be going through.

But I have a wife to confide with and to console me..

I wish I could give you a hug but for now all I can offer is a smile

: )

and a prayer...

My heart goes out to you...


In a message dated 7/31/2008 4:37:31 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time,

gatorma1@... writes:


I woke up early Saturday morning and found my best friend of 15 years DEAD

on my bathroom floor. He had been dead about 5 hours and I am hysterical

I need support. I am living here alone, no family. I have a good church

family of which he also was part of. Yesterday was the memorial I pout on for

him. Standing room only over 200. I was able to speak at the pulpit.

Please send me prayers? or emails to help me get through this?

I know it is not on topic but you can imagine the trauma I am going through.

I am on the mountain, Grief.

I am walking close to the Lord but I am so unstable and fearful.

Group, I need your support.

In Christ,Annie

A poet is, after all, to see

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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I do not know you but I will pray for you...I just lost my father and my

mother if already gone so I know something about what you must be going through.

But I have a wife to confide with and to console me..

I wish I could give you a hug but for now all I can offer is a smile

: )

and a prayer...

My heart goes out to you...


In a message dated 7/31/2008 4:37:31 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time,

gatorma1@... writes:


I woke up early Saturday morning and found my best friend of 15 years DEAD

on my bathroom floor. He had been dead about 5 hours and I am hysterical

I need support. I am living here alone, no family. I have a good church

family of which he also was part of. Yesterday was the memorial I pout on for

him. Standing room only over 200. I was able to speak at the pulpit.

Please send me prayers? or emails to help me get through this?

I know it is not on topic but you can imagine the trauma I am going through.

I am on the mountain, Grief.

I am walking close to the Lord but I am so unstable and fearful.

Group, I need your support.

In Christ,Annie

A poet is, after all, to see

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

**************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for

FanHouse Fantasy Football today.


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Guest guest


I do not know you but I will pray for you...I just lost my father and my

mother if already gone so I know something about what you must be going through.

But I have a wife to confide with and to console me..

I wish I could give you a hug but for now all I can offer is a smile

: )

and a prayer...

My heart goes out to you...


In a message dated 7/31/2008 4:37:31 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time,

gatorma1@... writes:


I woke up early Saturday morning and found my best friend of 15 years DEAD

on my bathroom floor. He had been dead about 5 hours and I am hysterical

I need support. I am living here alone, no family. I have a good church

family of which he also was part of. Yesterday was the memorial I pout on for

him. Standing room only over 200. I was able to speak at the pulpit.

Please send me prayers? or emails to help me get through this?

I know it is not on topic but you can imagine the trauma I am going through.

I am on the mountain, Grief.

I am walking close to the Lord but I am so unstable and fearful.

Group, I need your support.

In Christ,Annie

A poet is, after all, to see

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

**************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for

FanHouse Fantasy Football today.


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Guest guest


I do not know you but I will pray for you...I just lost my father and my

mother if already gone so I know something about what you must be going through.

But I have a wife to confide with and to console me..

I wish I could give you a hug but for now all I can offer is a smile

: )

and a prayer...

My heart goes out to you...


In a message dated 7/31/2008 4:37:31 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time,

gatorma1@... writes:


I woke up early Saturday morning and found my best friend of 15 years DEAD

on my bathroom floor. He had been dead about 5 hours and I am hysterical

I need support. I am living here alone, no family. I have a good church

family of which he also was part of. Yesterday was the memorial I pout on for

him. Standing room only over 200. I was able to speak at the pulpit.

Please send me prayers? or emails to help me get through this?

I know it is not on topic but you can imagine the trauma I am going through.

I am on the mountain, Grief.

I am walking close to the Lord but I am so unstable and fearful.

Group, I need your support.

In Christ,Annie

A poet is, after all, to see

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

**************Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for

FanHouse Fantasy Football today.


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Guest guest

Hi Annie,

I am so very sorry about your friend.

What a traumatic thing to go through, God bless you for being such a sweet

friend and

doing the memorial for him.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

(((hugs Annie)))



The Pets Pal


-------------- Original message from Ann Wood Fuller <gatorma1@...>:


> Group,I woke up early Saturday morning and found my best friend of 15 years

DEAD on my

> bathroom floor. He had been dead about 5 hours and I am hystericalI need

support. I am living here alone, no family. I have a good church family of

which he also was part of. Yesterday was the memorial I pout on for him.

> Standing room only over 200. I was able to speak at the pulpit.

> Please send me prayers? or emails to help me get through this?

> I know it is not on topic but you can imagine the trauma I am going through.

> I am on the mountain, Grief.

> I am walking close to the Lord but I am so unstable and fearful.

> Group, I need your support.

> In Christ,Annie

> A poet is, after all, to see








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Guest guest

Hi Annie,

I am so very sorry about your friend.

What a traumatic thing to go through, God bless you for being such a sweet

friend and

doing the memorial for him.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

(((hugs Annie)))



The Pets Pal


-------------- Original message from Ann Wood Fuller <gatorma1@...>:


> Group,I woke up early Saturday morning and found my best friend of 15 years

DEAD on my

> bathroom floor. He had been dead about 5 hours and I am hystericalI need

support. I am living here alone, no family. I have a good church family of

which he also was part of. Yesterday was the memorial I pout on for him.

> Standing room only over 200. I was able to speak at the pulpit.

> Please send me prayers? or emails to help me get through this?

> I know it is not on topic but you can imagine the trauma I am going through.

> I am on the mountain, Grief.

> I am walking close to the Lord but I am so unstable and fearful.

> Group, I need your support.

> In Christ,Annie

> A poet is, after all, to see








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Guest guest

Hi Annie,

I am so very sorry about your friend.

What a traumatic thing to go through, God bless you for being such a sweet

friend and

doing the memorial for him.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

(((hugs Annie)))



The Pets Pal


-------------- Original message from Ann Wood Fuller <gatorma1@...>:


> Group,I woke up early Saturday morning and found my best friend of 15 years

DEAD on my

> bathroom floor. He had been dead about 5 hours and I am hystericalI need

support. I am living here alone, no family. I have a good church family of

which he also was part of. Yesterday was the memorial I pout on for him.

> Standing room only over 200. I was able to speak at the pulpit.

> Please send me prayers? or emails to help me get through this?

> I know it is not on topic but you can imagine the trauma I am going through.

> I am on the mountain, Grief.

> I am walking close to the Lord but I am so unstable and fearful.

> Group, I need your support.

> In Christ,Annie

> A poet is, after all, to see








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Guest guest

Hi Annie,

I am so very sorry about your friend.

What a traumatic thing to go through, God bless you for being such a sweet

friend and

doing the memorial for him.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

(((hugs Annie)))



The Pets Pal


-------------- Original message from Ann Wood Fuller <gatorma1@...>:


> Group,I woke up early Saturday morning and found my best friend of 15 years

DEAD on my

> bathroom floor. He had been dead about 5 hours and I am hystericalI need

support. I am living here alone, no family. I have a good church family of

which he also was part of. Yesterday was the memorial I pout on for him.

> Standing room only over 200. I was able to speak at the pulpit.

> Please send me prayers? or emails to help me get through this?

> I know it is not on topic but you can imagine the trauma I am going through.

> I am on the mountain, Grief.

> I am walking close to the Lord but I am so unstable and fearful.

> Group, I need your support.

> In Christ,Annie

> A poet is, after all, to see








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Guest guest

Oh My Dear Annie!! (((HUGS!)))

What a horrible shock! I am so, so very sorry for your loss!!

You must be suffering terribly and my heart is hurting for you!

I cannot imagine what a trauma that must have been to you to find

your friend this way. I wish I could hug you and cry with you.

You are a strong woman, you've made it through the memorial, all the

busy work and now I'm sure the void in your life and in your home is


I'm praying for you Annie...I'm praying right now.

Know that God is holding you, his child, in the palm of His hand and

you can let go. Feel His love and comfort and let Him calm your

fears, may His mercy and grace surround you Annie.

Oh I wish I were just a little bit closer to where you are and I'd

find a way to get to you. I don't know what I could say or do to

help you but just to be there and listen so you weren't feeling so

lonely, but I am here...is there something that I can do for you?

I pray you feel some peace soon sweetie, I know things seem dark now.

Love and Hugs!


-- In neck pain , Ann Wood Fuller

<gatorma1@...> wrote:


> Group,

> I woke up early Saturday morning and found my best friend of 15

years DEAD on my bathroom floor. He had been dead about 5 hours and

I am hysterical

> I need support.  I am living here alone, no family. I have a good

church family of which he also was part of. Yesterday was the

memorial I pout on for him. Standing room only over 200. I was able

to speak at the pulpit.

> Please send me prayers? or emails to help me get through this?

> I know it is not on topic but you can imagine the trauma  I am

going through.

> I am on the mountain, Grief.

> I am walking close to the Lord but I am so unstable and fearful.

> Group,  I need your support.

> In Christ,Annie

> A poet is, after all, to see








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Guest guest

Oh My Dear Annie!! (((HUGS!)))

What a horrible shock! I am so, so very sorry for your loss!!

You must be suffering terribly and my heart is hurting for you!

I cannot imagine what a trauma that must have been to you to find

your friend this way. I wish I could hug you and cry with you.

You are a strong woman, you've made it through the memorial, all the

busy work and now I'm sure the void in your life and in your home is


I'm praying for you Annie...I'm praying right now.

Know that God is holding you, his child, in the palm of His hand and

you can let go. Feel His love and comfort and let Him calm your

fears, may His mercy and grace surround you Annie.

Oh I wish I were just a little bit closer to where you are and I'd

find a way to get to you. I don't know what I could say or do to

help you but just to be there and listen so you weren't feeling so

lonely, but I am here...is there something that I can do for you?

I pray you feel some peace soon sweetie, I know things seem dark now.

Love and Hugs!


-- In neck pain , Ann Wood Fuller

<gatorma1@...> wrote:


> Group,

> I woke up early Saturday morning and found my best friend of 15

years DEAD on my bathroom floor. He had been dead about 5 hours and

I am hysterical

> I need support.  I am living here alone, no family. I have a good

church family of which he also was part of. Yesterday was the

memorial I pout on for him. Standing room only over 200. I was able

to speak at the pulpit.

> Please send me prayers? or emails to help me get through this?

> I know it is not on topic but you can imagine the trauma  I am

going through.

> I am on the mountain, Grief.

> I am walking close to the Lord but I am so unstable and fearful.

> Group,  I need your support.

> In Christ,Annie

> A poet is, after all, to see








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Guest guest

Oh My Dear Annie!! (((HUGS!)))

What a horrible shock! I am so, so very sorry for your loss!!

You must be suffering terribly and my heart is hurting for you!

I cannot imagine what a trauma that must have been to you to find

your friend this way. I wish I could hug you and cry with you.

You are a strong woman, you've made it through the memorial, all the

busy work and now I'm sure the void in your life and in your home is


I'm praying for you Annie...I'm praying right now.

Know that God is holding you, his child, in the palm of His hand and

you can let go. Feel His love and comfort and let Him calm your

fears, may His mercy and grace surround you Annie.

Oh I wish I were just a little bit closer to where you are and I'd

find a way to get to you. I don't know what I could say or do to

help you but just to be there and listen so you weren't feeling so

lonely, but I am here...is there something that I can do for you?

I pray you feel some peace soon sweetie, I know things seem dark now.

Love and Hugs!


-- In neck pain , Ann Wood Fuller

<gatorma1@...> wrote:


> Group,

> I woke up early Saturday morning and found my best friend of 15

years DEAD on my bathroom floor. He had been dead about 5 hours and

I am hysterical

> I need support.  I am living here alone, no family. I have a good

church family of which he also was part of. Yesterday was the

memorial I pout on for him. Standing room only over 200. I was able

to speak at the pulpit.

> Please send me prayers? or emails to help me get through this?

> I know it is not on topic but you can imagine the trauma  I am

going through.

> I am on the mountain, Grief.

> I am walking close to the Lord but I am so unstable and fearful.

> Group,  I need your support.

> In Christ,Annie

> A poet is, after all, to see








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