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Zapping and H1N1? Other protections too...

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Dear ,

The best defense against the H1N1 or any other flu virus is an intact,

functioning immune system. The zapper is the BEST and SIMPLEST tool I know of

to stimulate the immune system to aggressively do its job. The " frequency " of

the virus is not important, as the zapper works with our own amazing

self-healing body, which is able to identify and destroy viruses and pathogens

of all kinds, known or unknown. Of course you should feed your white blood

cells as well, as we show in the video here:

Other tools useful against viruses in general are:

1. Vitamin D, from the sun (best) or D3 as choleciferol, at least 4000 IU per

day if not getting 15 minutes of sun on bare skin each day.

2. Colloidal silver. The ONLY one I recommend is MesoSilver, from

www.PurestColloids.com It is so much more effective that it is by far the

cheapest to use.

3. MMS, a simple mineral supplement discovered by Jim Humble. Cheap and easy to

use. See more at www.JimHumble.biz

4. Thieves' oil, so named for its power to protect robbers from the Black Death

in the 1600's as they stripped the rotting bodies of the plague victims. I am

giving the recipe in our November ZapTimes newsletter (email zaptimes@...

to subscribe - it's free), but here is the essence:

" This blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils was tested at Weber State

University for its potent antimicrobial properties. Thieves oil was found to

have a 99.96% percent kill rate against airborne bacteria. The oils are highly

antiviral, antiseptic,antibacterial,anti-infectious and help to protect the body

against such illnesses as flu, colds, sinusitis,bronchitis,pneumonia, sore

throats, cuts etc.

Apply few drops to bottom of feet or stomach and rub into skin

Here is the receipt for the mixture place into a small brown bottle and add the

amounts of herbs listed below

Clove oil (syzgium aromaticum) 200 drops or 1/2 ounce.

Lemon oil (Citrus limon) 175 drops

Cinnamon Bark oil (Cinnamoomum verum) 100 drops

Eucalyptus oil ( Eucalyptus radiata) 75 drops

Rosemary oil (Rosimarinus officinalis ) 50 drops

You can also use in small spray bottle and mist the air in home and car, I also

place mixture in a pan of water and place on wood stove during the fall, winter

and spring. "

My source for oils is www.herbspicetea.com, but you can get ready-made Thieves'

oil from your local Young Living distributor if you wish.

Hope this helps. God bless you all - we surely need His blessing more than ever!

See 2 Chronicles 7:14.



Re: Syncrometer testers - need advice on which

bottle-copies to purchase

Dear M.S.

I've followed and studied protocol for about 13 years now. First, the

Synchronometer does NOT work on diseases. Its a test equipment device, it helps

you to locate and identify parasites so they can be kilked with a Function


The best recommendation I can provide is to read and study [in depth!] Dr.

Cklark's SYNCHRONOMETER LAB MANUAL which details much/most of the machine's


The book is circulated now for free so don't fall victim to the frauds out

there selling it. Dr released her copyright for the benefit of mankind. If

you are unable to find a site to inload it, write me and I will rmail you a


It is NOT an easy read, but then what of value is? If you could find someone

close by that was electronically inclined it would fantastic! Please just hold

off on the bottle copies till you have a degree of mastery of the Synchronometer

because having the test bottles before you are sure you can grasp the

Synchronometer is putting the horse before the cart.

best wishes,


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