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Hi all,

Im contemplating buying a zapper for eliminating parasites/candida. Does

anyone have an views on this and do you think that I could do the same

thing with EFT by tapping that I want a certain frequency charge going

through my body.... I mean doesn't there come a time that you really have

to rely on something outside of yourself? LOL


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  • 3 months later...
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----- Original Message -----


> > http://www.island.net/~zapper/Index.html

> Are these similar to the rife machines? What about for Lyme?

Similar to Rife-type plasma devices in which a plasma wave delivers the


Rife-type devices that use pads or hand-holds are more akin to the Beck

Pulsar/Plant growth stimulator/CS maker...

Lyme? See " All Diseases " ....: )


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  • 3 months later...

You wouldn't happen to know if the plans for building such a

terminator zapper exist on-line anyplace, would you?





> We built on one of Hulda's zappers from her book many years ago too

and it worked very well for warding away flus and colds, but as you

say did not seem to work well for deep penetration. But now my dad

has Terminator zapper using Hulda's technology but has greatly

adapted it to work ever so much better by Don Croft. It has an orgone

generator, earth magnet, crystals, and a different frequency that as

such penetrates deeply. My husband works at a pig farm (parisite

city) and had candida. Croft said it would get rid of candida easily

because of the fungi just being another parisite, so I borrowed the

Terminator. He kept it on for one night, somewhere around 12 hours. A

couple days later we went to my naturopath and I asked her to test

him for candida and parisites, he tested negative for both!! Now, my

husband is fairly healthy (in spite of his diet...), and I don't know

if that is why it happened so fast but I was pretty amazed. It has

really been making my dad feel better too, and has balanced his ph

for the first time in years among other things. Caitlin Lorraine


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I have not been able to find anyplace for the Terminator plans, only his

cloudbuster plans...sorry...It would be quite difficult to gain access to all of

the ingredients it looks like?

You wouldn't happen to know if the plans for building such a

terminator zapper exist on-line anyplace, would you?


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>We built on one of Hulda's zappers from her book many years ago too

>and it worked very well for warding away flus and colds, but as you

>say did not seem to work well for deep penetration. But now my dad

>has Terminator zapper using Hulda's technology but has greatly

>adapted it to work ever so much better by Don Croft. It has an

>orgone generator, earth magnet, crystals, and a different frequency

>that as such penetrates deeply. My husband works at a pig farm

>(parisite city) and had candida. Croft said it would get rid of

>candida easily because of the fungi just being another parisite, so

>I borrowed the Terminator. He kept it on for one night, somewhere

>around 12 hours. A couple days later we went to my naturopath and I

>asked her to test him for candida and parisites, he tested negative

>for both!! Now, my husband is fairly healthy (in spite of his

>diet...), and I don't know if that is why it happened so fast but I

>was pretty amazed. It has really been making my dad feel better too,

>and has balanced his ph for the first time in years among other

>things. Caitlin Lorraine

Hi Caitlin Lorraine (what a pretty name!), where can I get one of

these devices? the Terminator zapper? I'm not inclined to build this

sort of thing myself. I would really like some extra assistance in

getting rid of candida in my system. Thanks,



> This is the basis behind the Rife Machine and other such devices. Dr. Hulda

> developed the zapper, but research on this type of thing goes back to

> earlier in the 1900's or earlier. I first read about the zapper in Hulda

> 's book " A Cure For All Diseases " . I built my own zapper from parts at

> radio shack.



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Hi everybody, I just did a quick Google search for the Terminator

zapper and it is sold at several places on line. Here are a few:

http://www.toolsforhealing.com/products/Zapper/Terminator.htm ($110

each, less if you buy more than one.)

Also, www.educate-yourself.org, www.worldwithoutparasites.org,

www.pintsize.com/awakenings/zappers/html and I'm sure there are




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Thank you, I really love my name. :) You can get a Terminator from

http://educate-yourself.org/dc/terminatorinfo12apr02.shtml or

http://www.toolsforhealing.com or Don Croft's personal site


The educateyourself site has the option of a Silver Terminator using silver

electrodes instead of copper pennies, almost eliminating skin irritations that

most people experience the first couple of weeks with the copper pennies. Since

I plan to zap my 17 month old little girl I think I will get this one, the

copper pennies irritated her skin. Once your ph balances and your skin

alkalinizes (sp?) my dad hasn't had anymore problems with the itching, but prior

to that he had to move it around a lot. A nice thing about the Terminator is

it's hand free ability to zap 24/7. Really a neat little thing, even with my dad

still having his 12 mercury fillings in his mouth I am amazed at how much it has

been helping him. He has been chronically ill for as many years as I can

remember. It is slowly giving him back more and more health little by little. A

friend saw him that hadn't in about two years, but has known him for about 10

years and said he's looking better than she has ever seen him. I think zapper's

can be very helpful in acheiving a base for health for which to help build upon.

Balancing ph and killing parisites gives the body an easier time of getting well

I think. Not so much to fight, then you can take it further with other healthful

practices. Or for those that you can't get to do anything else. :)

Just out of curiousity, but do you take a good probiotic? I found that

fundemental in getting rid of my candida--back before the Terminator discovery.

I found Nature's Biotics SBO's and Garden of Life's Primal Defense (taken after

the Fungal Defense) to be really good. But now I make my own with Kefir grains,

very inexpensive--just the cost of milk. I decided I would trade the money I was

spending on expensive probiotics and buy virgin coconut oil. :) Hope this helps

Jeanmarie, happy health...Caitlin Lorraine :)

Hi Caitlin Lorraine (what a pretty name!), where can I get one of

these devices? the Terminator zapper? I'm not inclined to build this

sort of thing myself. I would really like some extra assistance in

getting rid of candida in my system. Thanks,


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I put this In our links.



-- In Coconut Oil , Jeanmarie Todd <todd355@c...>


> Hi everybody, I just did a quick Google search for the Terminator

> zapper and it is sold at several places on line. Here are a few:

> http://www.toolsforhealing.com/products/Zapper/Terminator.htm ($110

> each, less if you buy more than one.)


> Also, www.educate-yourself.org, www.worldwithoutparasites.org,

> www.pintsize.com/awakenings/zappers/html and I'm sure there are

> others.


> Cheers,

> Jeanmarie

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>Thank you, I really love my name. :) You can get a Terminator from

>http://educate-yourself.org/dc/terminatorinfo12apr02.shtml or

>http://www.toolsforhealing.com or Don Croft's personal site



Hi Caitlin, Thanks, I found these same sources too. I will probably

buy one in the next few days. There are so many choices on the

toolsforhealing.com site that I gave up on deciding right away!

> Just out of curiousity, but do you take a good probiotic? I found

>that fundemental in getting rid of my candida--back before the

>Terminator discovery. I found Nature's Biotics SBO's and Garden of

>Life's Primal Defense (taken after the Fungal Defense) to be really

>good. But now I make my own with Kefir grains, very

>inexpensive--just the cost of milk. I decided I would trade the

>money I was spending on expensive probiotics and buy virgin coconut

>oil. :) Hope this helps Jeanmarie, happy health...Caitlin Lorraine :)

Yes, I take various probiotics, but my diet has not been 100% yeast-

and alcohol-free lately, and I'm somewhat inconsistent about taking

supplements. I just finished a bottled of Fungal Defense and am

taking Primal Defense. I want to experiment more with kefir and

sauerkraut and other natural sources of lactic acid and lactobacillus

etc. that will be less expensive.



>Hi Caitlin Lorraine (what a pretty name!), where can I get one of

>these devices? the Terminator zapper? I'm not inclined to build this

>sort of thing myself. I would really like some extra assistance in

>getting rid of candida in my system. Thanks,


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  • 2 months later...

The Hulda zappers were tested at Univ. of Washington and found to be

effective. They also have a frequency generator model so you can set it to

the frequency of whatever pathogen you are after. Jim Syfers, Sonoma, CA



It seems that many of you are using zappers. I looked around the internet

and it seems

there are many different variations. Anyone know which ones are most



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  • 1 month later...
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Are you saying that the zapper doesn't help eliminate heavy metals? When

researching the terminator Zapper, it states that as one of the things the

Zapper does. My inital thoughts were that the purpose of the zapper and

cleanses are to eliminate bacteria, fungus, etc., allowing you to be able to

absorb vitamins and minerals, thus allowing you to use chelating agents to

remove heavy metals. My son has mercury toxicity from vaccinations. I just

want to use the best zapper for him. Thanks for your response.


Re: Zappers


> I hear many of you praising about your terminator zapper. What is the

> difference or is is better than The Super Zapper Deluxe with 1000Hz

> from Dr. which is the one I own. I read somewhere that the

> terminator zapper helps to eliminate heavy metals? Is this true??


> Thanks,



Hi Amy,

It takes two molecules of your body's main antioxidant glutathione to

escort each mercury molecule out of your body, three for iron, and

three for aluminum etc...

Because the zapper does not create or provoke the increase of this

important detoxifier, you are well advised to use plenty of

glutathione precursors, most plentiful in cold-processed whey. Use

200-600 mcg selenium daily with that.

In thousands of peer-reviewed studies, low glutathione is always

associated with infection and disease, and high levels with wellness.

In fact, low glutathione stimulates infection, and fails give liver



Duncan Crow

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  • 10 months later...
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What exactly is a zapper supposed to do? I have read parts of Dr. 's book

about cancer being caused by parasites. It just doesn't make sense to me. If

it were caused by something as simple as parasites, would there be so many types

of cancer? I don't know but I am just trying to make sense of all the different

approaches to treating cancer.

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Don't believe everything you read. Misinformation abounds. If it doesn't

make sense, don't do it. If you do, you won't get the placebo effect.


RE: [ ] Zappers



> What exactly is a zapper supposed to do? I have read parts of Dr. 's

book about cancer being caused by parasites. It just doesn't make sense to

me. If it were caused by something as simple as parasites, would there be

so many types of cancer? I don't know but I am just trying to make sense of

all the different approaches to treating cancer.












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Just a bit of testimonial.....I recently woke up with

a very strange sore throat. It was not hard to

swallow, but just felt like a bruise on my esophagus.

I have a plate zapper and zapped using an esophagus

slide. While I was zapping, the pain moved slowly

down my throat and disappeared.

another instance was just today. I was either having

some detox symptoms (flu like.....achy, low grade

fever, and rough throat, with a nagging headache),

when I was going to bed last night. The headache

never went away, (did not take aspirin), so I got up

this morning and zapped my cerebrum and the headache

went away...... parasites are abound everywhere.

I am still a bit weak, but feel sure I will be fine

tomorrow , even if it was the flu.....

--- Gammill <vgammill@...> wrote:

> Over the past ten years there have been scores of

> thousands of style

> " zappers " of various designs that have been

> marketed. I don't know anyone

> who has benefited from the use of one as a

> stand-alone therapy although

> although I have known of several who believed that

> they have benefited from

> its use with the usual alternative approaches.


> Does anyone know if any of the zapper marketers keep

> track of their

> customers to know if their product is working?

> There is no single

> treatment that works on every type of cancer and I

> would not buy a device

> from a person who can't give you some sort of

> breakdown of patterns of

> effectiveness and failure. You can't really expect

> a small concern to have

> sophisticated tracking, but when thousands of units

> are sold the company

> owners know very well when/or if their device is

> working. Unfortunately

> most marketing people say something like, " I've

> never seen it fail when it

> is used as directed. "

> Loren Parks believes there is a placebo effect here.

> Has anyone tried a

> zapper on an animal cancer?







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Hi ,

I am no expert on zappers, but this is how I see it:

The underlying idea is that micro-organisms in your body are causing

the problem such as cancer.

The zapper emits a frequency (or a band of frequencies) which is

supposed to be (or contain) the resonant frequency of the

micro-organism(s) in your body.

If you in fact emit the resonant frequency of the micro-organism, it

will be shaken and killed.

However, as I understand it, different micro-organisms are of

different size and build, and they therefore have different resonant

frequencies. So you may not emit the exact resonant frequency of the

pathogen that you want to kill, meaning that you do not kill it.

I feel that the zapper can be of value in localized infections, but I

have my doubts that it is of any substantial value to routinely use

the zapper in cancer.

First, I see cancer as a systemic problem and not as a localized

problem at the tumor site. If that is so, where are you going to

radiate into the body?

Second, I believe that transmitting electro-magnetic energy

(frequencies) other than sunlight into your body is generally not

healthy. It is a negative energy which tends to disrupt the harmony of

solar photons and electrons in the cells and tissue. Doing it on a

routine basis is therefore questionable.

Third, I believe that micro-organisms do exist in cancer patients, but

that they are the product of an unhealthy environment which is likely

the reason why cancer took hold in the first place. In other words,

they are opportunistic creatures. Correct the environment (this is

where proper nutrition comes in) and the micro-organisms go away by

themselves. You don't need to resort to electrical gadgets.


> What exactly is a zapper supposed to do? I have read parts of Dr.

's book about cancer being caused by parasites. It just doesn't

make sense to me. If it were caused by something as simple as

parasites, would there be so many types of cancer? I don't know but I

am just trying to make sense of all the different approaches to

treating cancer.



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What is an esophagus slide? Do you prepare the plate(s) or the skin before

affixing them? Do you know the amount of current this device delivers? I

would think that if there is enough amperage to blast its way through your

cerebrum you'd have smoke coming out of your ears and we'd be talking about

you in the past tense.

I have seen breast tumors reduced by blasting high amperage electricity

through them. I don't do this but I do know it can be done. I have never

heard anything negative about Dick Lloyd and his devices and I have spoken

with a person who benefited from his EMEM-7. I would be curious about his

opinion of -type and Crane-type zappers and pad devices.

I wonder if some higher animals have something akin to a placebo

effect. Sensitive, high-strung horses have permitted me to treat wounds,

pull off scabs, clean their eyes, etc., but I don't know if they heal more

rapidly. I do know that horses and dogs can trust and can anticipate and

these are essential to the power of suggestion and to placebo effects.

At 03:00 PM 03/09/05, you wrote:

>Just a bit of testimonial.....I recently woke up with

>a very strange sore throat. It was not hard to

>swallow, but just felt like a bruise on my esophagus.

> I have a plate zapper and zapped using an esophagus

>slide. While I was zapping, the pain moved slowly

>down my throat and disappeared.


>another instance was just today. I was either having

>some detox symptoms (flu like.....achy, low grade

>fever, and rough throat, with a nagging headache),

>when I was going to bed last night. The headache

>never went away, (did not take aspirin), so I got up

>this morning and zapped my cerebrum and the headache

>went away...... parasites are abound everywhere.

>I am still a bit weak, but feel sure I will be fine

>tomorrow , even if it was the flu.....

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Kay wrote:


> What exactly is a zapper supposed to do? I have read parts of Dr.

> 's book about cancer being caused by parasites. It just doesn't

> make sense to me. If it were caused by something as simple as

> parasites, would there be so many types of cancer? I don't know but I

> am just trying to make sense of all the different approaches to

> treating cancer.


Dear ,

Can I put my two cents worth in please? I find this subject

fascinating.When trying to understand how to treat our sick bodies, i am

of the opinion that we need to study and learn from the world around us

- in which and on which we live.

Whether we like to admit it or not, we are from the earth .The eco

-systems are so interrelated and interdependent(web of life) and we

ignore this at our peril.

If we do not practice proper farming proceedures, we will have problems

with our crop.Organic farming precludes the use of chemicals , as these

weaken the plants own bio-chemistry. If we " treat the soil and not the

seed " then the plant will be 'strong' and the 'bug' will not be

attracted to it.

The 'pests' are there in nature to carry out a very important task- to

convert the dead and dying back to useful soil.

If you have a sick crop, you will have lots of 'pests' if your soil is

truly 'healthy' an balanced you will have very few 'Pests'.

Our bodies are the same ,surely, if we are 'run' down, deficient

,acidic, or whatever prevents homeostasis, then the 'clean up gang' will

arrive on the scene to do their thing.Surely, in a hygenic and properly

balanced environment , parasites are not going to get out of hand.To my

way of thinking, if the cells are putrifying due to lack of nutrients

including oxygen, then it's the perfect situation for parasites.Which

is best , use chemical neurotoxins to kill the flies in the kitchen- or

take out the garbage?

If we just kill off the parasites- who says they won't be back, what has

changed? Do parasites cause cancer or does cancer attract parasites-

chicken or egg?

Just some stuff i've been thinking about on this subject.

Kind regards kim

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Good analogy Kim......I agree and that is why in

addition to my zapping I have changed many, many

things in my life since I was diagnosed with melanoma

last August. Removed all toxins as possible in my

living space, only clean with vinegar and borax and

grain alcohol,,,,no makeup, only cook from scratch

knowing what goes into my food as best as possible,

buy and clean everything before eating it......I

believe by not allowing chronic use of anything bad

and if I blow it every once in a while (such as eating

at a restaurant where I dont have all the control), I

will be ok.

And, is that another placebo effect Vince :).....


--- kim walcott <kim_wally54@...> wrote:

> > Dear ,

> Can I put my two cents worth in please? I find this

> subject fascinating.When trying to understand how to treat

> our sick bodies, i am of the opinion that we need to study and learn from

> the world around us - in which and on which we live.

> Whether we like to admit it or not, we are from the

> earth .The eco -systems are so interrelated and interdependent(web

> of life) and we ignore this at our peril.

> If we do not practice proper farming proceedures, we

> will have problems with our crop.Organic farming precludes the use of

> chemicals , as these weaken the plants own bio-chemistry. If we " treat

> the soil and not the seed " then the plant will be 'strong' and the 'bug'

> will not be attracted to it.



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Hi Donna,

Thanks for sharing your zapping experience. I have had similar

zapping experiences over the past 5 years.

Organ drops, protective teas and feeding WBCs while zapping have

helped me tremendously with the detox. These are new therapies with

Dr. 's last 2 books, so are much appreciated by those of us that

have been at this for a while.


> Just a bit of testimonial.....I recently woke up with

> a very strange sore throat. It was not hard to

> swallow, but just felt like a bruise on my esophagus.

> I have a plate zapper and zapped using an esophagus

> slide. While I was zapping, the pain moved slowly

> down my throat and disappeared.


> another instance was just today. I was either having

> some detox symptoms (flu like.....achy, low grade

> fever, and rough throat, with a nagging headache),

> when I was going to bed last night. The headache

> never went away, (did not take aspirin), so I got up

> this morning and zapped my cerebrum and the headache

> went away...... parasites are abound everywhere.

> I am still a bit weak, but feel sure I will be fine

> tomorrow , even if it was the flu.....

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but after using the plate zapper with the

> cerebrum slide on it and zapping along side the

> vascular set (blood, wbc, lymph vessels and lymph

> fluids and veins and arterys), my headache went away

> within the hour of this process.


> I do what works.....D

As do I.

Please disregard my previous post, Donna. It's obvious that you know

exactly what you need to do.

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Sorry, but most headaches are very responsive to the placebo effect. When I

do therapy headaches are gone within a minute or two and the " cure " lasts

for quite a while. My therapy is totally placebo, mind reprogramming. I do

it by telephone or with a message on the internet.


[ ] Re: Zappers




> but after using the plate zapper with the

>> cerebrum slide on it and zapping along side the

>> vascular set (blood, wbc, lymph vessels and lymph

>> fluids and veins and arterys), my headache went away

>> within the hour of this process.


>> I do what works.....D


> As do I.


> Please disregard my previous post, Donna. It's obvious that you know

> exactly what you need to do.











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Thanks Loren,,,I guess we will never know will we.

As I said, I had also gotten up in the middle of the

night and rubbed the oil (with lavender, eucalyptus,

wintergreen, menthol, camphor, peppermint) into my

temples and forehead to rid myself of the headache,

but it was still there strong in the morning, so that

is when I decided to zap.

, I also do take wbc supplements and detox teas

(which I did all day yesterday),,,,By 8 pm, I was

still ill (no headache though) and so tired (from lack

of sleep) and went to bed. Slept like a baby and feel

100% this morning and making up for yesterday......


--- Loren <parksl@...> wrote:

> Sorry, but most headaches are very responsive to the

> placebo effect. When I

> do therapy headaches are gone within a minute or two

> and the " cure " lasts

> for quite a while. My therapy is totally placebo,

> mind reprogramming. I do

> it by telephone or with a message on the internet.


> Loren

> [ ] Re: Zappers



> >

> >

> >

> > but after using the plate zapper with the

> >> cerebrum slide on it and zapping along side the

> >> vascular set (blood, wbc, lymph vessels and lymph

> >> fluids and veins and arterys), my headache went

> away

> >> within the hour of this process.

> >>

> >> I do what works.....D

> >

> > As do I.

> >

> > Please disregard my previous post, Donna. It's

> obvious that you know

> > exactly what you need to do.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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A friend of mine suffered with headachs and tried everything but without much

success. Then, to please her husband, she tried the zapper and it worked even

though she didn't believe it would. She still uses it today.

I have had lots of success using the zapper as well.


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> What exactly is a zapper supposed to do? I have read parts of Dr.

's book about cancer being caused by parasites. It just doesn't

make sense to me. If it were caused by something as simple as

parasites, would there be so many types of cancer? >

Hi ,

I thought of your question when I ran across this piece (below)

written by Tim Bolen. He is Hulda 's publicist, so his summary

of her program is pretty accurate even though it refers to her

previous book, and this summary is much more consise than anything I

could write.

Her most recent cancer book goes into detail about each parasite and

its role in cancer, along with what factors determine the location of

a cancer. HTH.


http://www.curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=266 & i=1420

Cure vs. Treatment...

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

September 21st, 2003

Research Scientist Hulda Regehr 's Version of " Cure " ...

Hulda PhD, Naturopath, comes at the " Cure " idea from the

scientific, not the medical, standpoint. Her training is in cellular

biology, radio frequencies, and naturopathy. Naturopathy, we know,

predates allopathic medicine by several hundred, if not several

thousand years. In fact, we could say that Naturopathy's scientific

field studies started with the cave men.

is the most-attacked health advocate on the face of the earth,

because of her common sense ideas. Big pharma's sleazy " quackbuster "

operation targets her more than anyone else. the story is at (

www.save.net ).

's version of " removing the cause " is probably the most complex

of all of the modalities around - but even so - it's not all that

difficult to understand, if you can absorb a little cell biology


says that to correct the situation by normalizing the body: (1)

remove all toxins , but especially five specific toxins, (2) get rid

of certain parasites , (3) kill off certain oncoviruses and their

hosts, and (4) get rid of certain bacterias and yeasts. (5) and,

normalize the body's oxidation. It's how she recommends you

accomplish these five things that gets tricky.

says that Linus ing was the one who began

the " orthomolecular principle. " ing guided people into

normalizing the body with the right molecules. This action begins

normalization of the cells, and then you must remove the bad things

that have occurred as a result of the pollutant's presence in the


To (1) remove all toxins , but especially five specific toxins -

PCBs, Benzene, Asbestos, Azo Dyes, and Certain heavy metals,

recommends a separate program for each - but EVERY program requires

zapping along with the remedy. says that the zapping seems to

empower the white blood cells to do their work.

In 's program PCBs - are removed primarily by " zapping, " and

with the ingestion of ozonated olive oil. Benzene - is removed with

vitamin B2. Asbestos - is removed by using something called

levamisole, available over-the-counter in Mexico and in Veterinary

stores in the US . Azo Dyes - are removed by vitamin B2, and by using

a new system has invented called " homeography. " It is similar

to " homeopathy " except electronic copies are made. Certain heavy

metals - like mercury, thallium, tungsten, palladium, aluminum, etc.,

can be removed in quantity from the body by EDTA chelation, and in

small amounts in specific locations by " homeography. "

After this process, recommends adding back certain supplements.

To get rid of parasites - says that when a person has a serious

disease, like cancer, resistance to parasite growth lowers throughout

the body. These parasites eat nutrients the body needs to heal

itself. They've got to go. The body needs all the help it can get.

recommends using black walnut tincture with cloves and wormwood

for flukes, CoQ-10 for Tapeworms, levamisole for round worms, coupled

with a plan to remove the worm's favorite food sources - for example,

has found that by removing onions, and garlic from the human

diet during the de-worming process, makes the process work quicker.

also she recommends the use of digestive enzymes to remove stored un-

digested food deposits.

To get rid of oncoviruses and their hosts - recommends herbal

enemas. The ten viruses she's concerned about congregate in the

intestine. She's found that by killing these viruses in the

intestine, total body viral load comes back into numbers that the

body's weakened immune system can handle.

To get rid of certain bacteria - has found that the actions to

get rid parasites and oncoviruses deal with this issue at the same

time. No further action is needed.

To normalize the body's oxidation - believes that the body's

oxidation is dependent on other factors occurring within the body,

and has found that the action of getting rid of parasites,

oncoviruses and their hosts, changes the body's action back to

normal. She ads the use of vitamin C, and Iridium. But even more

important is the use of CLEAN water during the whole process.

recommends the boiling of all drinking water to remove chlorine,

etc., to " flush out " the body.

But the most important recommendation of is - that you DO NOT

re-introduce the original pollutants into the body during the healing

process. In other words, if you were getting PCBs, benzene, Azo Dyes,

Asbestos, heavy metals from some specific source - eliminate that

source from your life... Right now - and forever. It is obvious that

YOUR body can't handle those substances, so don't re-introduce them.

It doesn't matter that others can drink from that well with no

apparent ill effects - YOU can't.

See what I mean about " Cure " and Prevention? " ...

The two similar concepts point out the pollution in our air and

water, and the devastating effect it is having on our world. After

all, PCBs, benzene, Azo Dyes, etc., aren't in our environment

naturally. Big pharma can't let people like Hulda Regehr point

at pollution issues, and offer means to remove these problems. Big

pharma has to pretend the pollution does not exist, because their

sister industries are the ones MAKING those pollution items and

releasing them into earth's environment.

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  • 5 months later...

> no, a Hulda Zapper has only 1 (one) frequency, mostly 30.000 Hz.

So, has anyone here had any positive results from using a zapper,

especially regarding ES?

I tried a zapper made by Hulda 's son about 5 years ago, but

it didn't seem to do anything. But now I see that there are

a variety of " improved " zappers, including Don Croft's Terminator

zapper, which looks rather interesting...


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