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Thanks very much, Terry!

On 2/16/06, tlsmith_1 <tlsmith_1@...> wrote:

-- Lab grade Lugol's is just fine, as the water used is molecularly distilled. You can't do this at home with bottled water.

A source for smaller amts, altho more expensive is The Science Company in Colorado.....


Lugol's Iodine, 4oz.

5% w/v Iodine10% w/v Potassium IodideNo-return policy... See Below. Cat. No. - NC-2259Price - $12.95

Please clear up something so that I can order it!

Is lugols iodine okay or another of the purer sources? It's hard for me to test when it is not here.


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Hi Kris,

The price for Lugol's looked real good, but then I felt a need to

question it. So I wrote the seller on ebay last night.

" Your ebay page lists this item as 10% Lugol's Iodine. does this mean

it is 10% the strength of standard Lugol's Iodine? "

The seller wrote me back today saying that the Lugol's he sold

was diluted. So it is not the great deal it seems to be.

" Yes exactly. Too many people over dose with it so I keep it dilute.

-Ken " "



> Hey guys, I think I found a GREAT find!!! I just won an auction at

> Ebay for Lugols Iodine. It's costing me $15.60 plus about $8 shipping.


> Check it out:


> http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?from=R40 & satitle=lugols+iodine


> Yay!


> Now...can anyone tell me how to use this stuff????


> Thanks!!!


> Kris


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  • 1 year later...

You can get it here.



At 11:36 PM 1/11/2008, you wrote:

Were can I purchase 5%, the

original of lugols iodine? I am almost out,

This has been the only thing that has helped me with my thyroid, I have

taken it for over a year with great results, I take 4 drops a day and my

thyroid started working after 25 years of not working, now I stay warm in

the winter and have more energy!


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