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Join us in forming groups to learn about Dr. 's methods. We are brain

storming and trying to get groups in different parts of the country to get

together and learn Dr. 's legacy to the world. What better way to honor

her, thanreally learning and applying to our daily life, what she invested her

life in studying and what she gave so freely.

If you always wished that you had an opportunity to learn with others, voice

your opinion...tell us what you want to learn and how far you can travel for

workshops. If you are already a learned person....volunteer what you know. We

need you!

Any and all ideas and requests will be considered.


From: <lindae321@...>


Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2009 11:52:50 AM

Subject: Re: Syncrometer testers - syncrometer lessons in The Cure for

All Diseases

Hi Marjorie:

I was wondering if you would be interested in participating in

a coach/teacher/ student/ anything you would want, in our newly formed " Learn

Dr. s methods, Workshops " ?

We are just getting started and are looking for volunteers in several capacities

as well as, students. '

We have people interested in Illinois, Colorado Springs and California!

Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought that you have gone to some training. I

so, would you tell us how the classes were conducted? How many people to a

workshop? How long does it get to really

get a handle on the Syncrometer? . This info will help us to make decisions

when we get enough


If you are interested, check out the posts under Workshops. If you respond,

would you mind labeling the subject under workshops so that we can keep tract

of it easier...

Any and all ideas and info. is truly appreciated!

____________ _________ _________ __

From: <lindae321 (DOT) com>

Dr@groups .com

Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 11:04:35 AM

Subject: Re: Syncrometer testers - syncrometer lessons in The Cure for

All Diseases

How old is this dvd, because I bought one a few years ago and

I did not think that I could learn enough from it.


____________ _________ _________ __

From: " lbs1214aol (DOT) com " <lbs1214aol (DOT) com>

Dr@groups .com

Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 7:24:40 AM

Subject: Re: Syncrometer testers - syncrometer lessons in The Cure for

All Diseases

For those of you who would like to see the DVD for syncrometer testing with Dr.

and Carmen Myers, it can be purchased for $20.00 on www.. com and

or www.store. com. It's very educational and you can hear the beeping or

resonance of the syncrometer very clearly. There are 5-6 students in that

demonstration. I loved it. It was like being there. Good luck and God Bless.


Re: Syncrometer testers - syncrometer lessons in The Cure for

All Diseases

For those who are interested, there are 29 syncrometer lessons in The Cure for

All Diseases, pages 457 to 511 in my edition.



Re: Syncrometer testers - need advice on which bottle-copies

to purchase

Dear M.S.

I've followed and studied protocol for about 13 years now. First, the

Synchronometer does NOT work on diseases. Its a test equipment device, it helps

you to locate and identify parasites so they can be kilked with a Function


The best recommendation I can provide is to read and study [in depth!] Dr.

Cklark's SYNCHRONOMETER LAB MANUAL which details much/most of the machine's


The book is circulated now for free so don't fall victim to the frauds out there

selling it. Dr released her copyright for the benefit of mankind. If you

are unable to find a site to inload it, write me and I will rmail you a copy.

It is NOT an easy read, but then what of value is? If you could find someone

close by that was electronically inclined it would fantastic! Please just hold

off on the bottle copies till you have a degree of mastery of the Synchronometer

because having the test bottles before you are sure you can grasp the

Synchronometer is putting the horse before the cart.

best wishes,


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